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የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by Masud » 11 Aug 2019, 12:04

የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን !!!!!

ለዘመናት በኦርቶዶክስ ሃይማኖት ስም ሽፋን የኦሮሞን ባህል ፣ ማንነት፣ ቋንቋ ፣ መጠሪያዎች እና መገለጫዋችን ጭምር በማንቋሽና እና የኦሮሞን ህዝብ መሬት መዝረፍ ሚቆምበት ግዜ እየመጣ ነው።ይህም ጉዳይ መቆሙ የሚያበሳጫው እና የሚያንገበግባቸው ሚኒሊካዊያን ፥ ቀን ከለሊት ኦሮሞ የሆኑ ግለሰቦችን በማደራጀት እና በማሰባሰብ ለሃይማኖቱ አስበው ሳይሆን ጥቅማቸውን ለማስጠበቅ ተቋውሞ መጀመራቸውን እየሰማንም እየተከታተልንም ነው።የሆኖ ሆኖ የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ሲኖዲዮስ ተቋም እና ከቤተ ክርስታያኒቱ በነበረው ግፍና ጥላቻ ምክንያት የሸሹ በሚሊዮኖች የሚቆጠሩ ኦሮሞች ወደ ቤታቸው እንደሚመለሱ ምንም አያጠራጥርም።ደግሞም ይሆናል።

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by Masud » 11 Aug 2019, 14:46

የኦሮሚያ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ-ክርሰቲያን ሊመሰረት ዝግጅት መጠናቀቁን ቄስ በላይ አስታወቁ።

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by DefendTheTruth » 11 Aug 2019, 15:02

If it is true that Oromo Orthodox Church is to be founded, then it came a little bit too late, but better later than never, they say. The Ethiopia Orthodox Church has been around for generations and didn't try to wipe out our identity and cultural practices all along, instead tried to coexist with it in tolerance and mutual respect.

The new comer Evangelical church on the other hand, which many parts of our country were exposed to as a mass evangelization campaign over the last couple of decades has literally obliterated the Oromo cultural assets and identity from all the places it got its foot-hold on.

The Oromo people should stand up and defend itself against the cultural genocide that the evangelical church of the lutheran religion has instigated on it.

If you lose your identity, then you are lost for ever, if you lose yourself, then your next generation (son and daughter) will sustain you and you are not lost totaly.

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by mitmitaye » 11 Aug 2019, 17:28

For a true Orthodox Christian, ቤተ ክርስትያን is called Yetselot Bet, Yegziabher bet. We do not see our ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን as yamara, yeoromo, yetigre or yangolele.. bet! The main thing is that the church helps those hooligans yedem timegna yeoromo duriye learns about love and compassion and respect towards other humanbeings.. instill in them feriha-Egziabeher.. that's what's most important--Qalu😉 Yetim FiCHew DuQetun AmCHiw..

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by sun » 11 Aug 2019, 18:32

DefendTheTruth wrote:
11 Aug 2019, 15:02
If it is true that Oromo Orthodox Church is to be founded, then it came a little bit too late, but better later than never, they say. The Ethiopia Orthodox Church has been around for generations and didn't try to wipe out our identity and cultural practices all along, instead tried to coexist with it in tolerance and mutual respect.

The new comer Evangelical church on the other hand, which many parts of our country were exposed to as a mass evangelization campaign over the last couple of decades has literally obliterated the Oromo cultural assets and identity from all the places it got its foot-hold on.

The Oromo people should stand up and defend itself against the cultural genocide that the evangelical church of the lutheran religion has instigated on it.

If you lose your identity, then you are lost for ever, if you lose yourself, then your next generation (son and daughter) will sustain you and you are not lost totaly.
Hmm.... 8)

You may be able to enrich your identities and values or lose them for good reagardless of being An Orthodox, Lutheran and or Waqqefatta the beautiful. I am saying this without being any fanatic believer whether in the area of religion, region and or politics.
Amazingly you are a one eyed blind propagandist because most of the Oromo evangelical church leaders are and were 101% nationalists who were/are bent on fighting Oromo oppression and Oromo enslavement. The same with Oromo Orthodox church leaders as well as Waqqefanna followers, each of course with its own distinctive variations and diversities. That it why it is totally foolish and counterproductive to come here and play divisive blame games and through that weaken the emerging bright opportunities and solid capacity building.

The shameful blabbering you are making over here has already been said by the old conservative Orthodox priests already back in 1906s when a brilliant Oromo scholar by the name Onesimos Nesib tried to preach in Afaan Oromo the beautiful and then as result faced instant wrath from the Amharic speaking and preaching Amhara priests of those days just similar to your current inherited blind wrath and Judas hate. Did you know that those clueless feudal Orthodox preachers of those day were preaching purely in Geez language to the uneducated Oromo peasants, all these based on the administrative and higher authority of the Arab Egyptian Orthodox church to which the Ethiopian Orthodox church was by then loyal subordinate. I wish that clueless monkeys and parrots like you should have been among those uneducated Oromom peasants of those days silently sitting and listing Amhara priests preaching to you in Geez language so that you may come out of the Church completely confused and utterly mad.

"It was not until 1904 that Onesimos at last returned to Welega at a place called Nedjo, where he was greeted with great honor by its governor, Dejazmach Gebre Egziabher. Unlike his predecessor, Onesimos preached to his flock in the Oromo language, which the local Ethiopian Orthodox priests could not understand, and incurred their hostility. This, combined with the esteem the local Oromo had for him, led to the priests alleging that he was blaspheming the Virgin Mary. He was brought before Abuna Mattheos in May 1906, who ordered that he be exiled upon the accusations of the local clergy. However Emperor Menelik reversed the Abuna's decision, and ruled that Onesimos could return to Nekemte"
You see now, that even King Menelik of those days have more potent brain than you who is living during this new century but thinking less than the medieval duds who lived deep in the thick woods.

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by mitmitaye » 11 Aug 2019, 18:46

sun wrote:
11 Aug 2019, 18:32
DefendTheTruth wrote:
11 Aug 2019, 15:02
If it is true that Oromo Orthodox Church is to be founded, then it came a little bit too late, but better later than never, they say. The Ethiopia Orthodox Church has been around for generations and didn't try to wipe out our identity and cultural practices all along, instead tried to coexist with it in tolerance and mutual respect.

The new comer Evangelical church on the other hand, which many parts of our country were exposed to as a mass evangelization campaign over the last couple of decades has literally obliterated the Oromo cultural assets and identity from all the places it got its foot-hold on.

The Oromo people should stand up and defend itself against the cultural genocide that the evangelical church of the lutheran religion has instigated on it.

If you lose your identity, then you are lost for ever, if you lose yourself, then your next generation (son and daughter) will sustain you and you are not lost totaly.
Hmm.... 8)

You may be able to enrich your identities and values or lose them for good reagardless of being An Orthodox, Lutheran and or Waqqefatta the beautiful. I am saying this without being any fanatic believer whether in the area of religion, region and or politics.
Amazingly you are a one eyed blind propagandist because most of the Oromo evangelical church leaders are and were 101% nationalists who were/are bent on fighting Oromo oppression and Oromo enslavement. The same with Oromo Orthodox church leaders as well as Waqqefanna followers, each of course with its own distinctive variations and diversities. That it why it is totally foolish and counterproductive to come here and play divisive blame games and through that weaken the emerging bright opportunities and solid capacity building.

The shameful blabbering you are making over here has already been said by the old conservative Orthodox priests already back in 1906s when a brilliant Oromo scholar by the name Onesimos Nesib tried to preach in Afaan Oromo the beautiful and then as result faced instant wrath from the Amharic speaking and preaching Amhara priests of those days just similar to your current inherited blind wrath and Judas hate. Did you know that those clueless feudal Orthodox preachers of those day were preaching In purely Geez language to the uneducated Oromo peasants. I wish that clueless monkeys like you should have been among those uneducated Oromom peasants of those days silently sitting and listing Amhara priests preaching to you in Geez language so that you may come out of the Church completely confused and utterly mad.

"It was not until 1904 that Onesimos at last returned to Welega at a place called Nedjo, where he was greeted with great honor by its governor, Dejazmach Gebre Egziabher. Unlike his predecessor, Onesimos preached to his flock in the Oromo language, which the local Ethiopian Orthodox priests could not understand, and incurred their hostility. This, combined with the esteem the local Oromo had for him, led to the priests alleging that he was blaspheming the Virgin Mary. He was brought before Abuna Mattheos in May 1906, who ordered that he be exiled upon the accusations of the local clergy. However Emperor Menelik reversed the Abuna's decision, and ruled that Onesimos could return to Nekemte" :lol:
'Amara' or Orthodox Church didn't enslave oromos. On the contrary, oromo was selling and fighting another oromo. Oromo was opressing other oromos and Ethiopians...

The reason that the so called liberators are Protestants, is because they were recruited by Nazi leftovers who were hiding in wollega :mrgreen:

Another reason is that by embracing Western Christianity and rejecting Ethiopian Orthodox, they thought they rebelled against 'amara'.. that's foolish :mrgreen:

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by sun » 11 Aug 2019, 19:20

mitmitaye wrote:
11 Aug 2019, 18:46
sun wrote:
11 Aug 2019, 18:32
DefendTheTruth wrote:
11 Aug 2019, 15:02
If it is true that Oromo Orthodox Church is to be founded, then it came a little bit too late, but better later than never, they say. The Ethiopia Orthodox Church has been around for generations and didn't try to wipe out our identity and cultural practices all along, instead tried to coexist with it in tolerance and mutual respect.

The new comer Evangelical church on the other hand, which many parts of our country were exposed to as a mass evangelization campaign over the last couple of decades has literally obliterated the Oromo cultural assets and identity from all the places it got its foot-hold on.

The Oromo people should stand up and defend itself against the cultural genocide that the evangelical church of the lutheran religion has instigated on it.

If you lose your identity, then you are lost for ever, if you lose yourself, then your next generation (son and daughter) will sustain you and you are not lost totaly.
Hmm.... 8)

You may be able to enrich your identities and values or lose them for good reagardless of being An Orthodox, Lutheran and or Waqqefatta the beautiful. I am saying this without being any fanatic believer whether in the area of religion, region and or politics.
Amazingly you are a one eyed blind propagandist because most of the Oromo evangelical church leaders are and were 101% nationalists who were/are bent on fighting Oromo oppression and Oromo enslavement. The same with Oromo Orthodox church leaders as well as Waqqefanna followers, each of course with its own distinctive variations and diversities. That it why it is totally foolish and counterproductive to come here and play divisive blame games and through that weaken the emerging bright opportunities and solid capacity building.

The shameful blabbering you are making over here has already been said by the old conservative Orthodox priests already back in 1906s when a brilliant Oromo scholar by the name Onesimos Nesib tried to preach in Afaan Oromo the beautiful and then as result faced instant wrath from the Amharic speaking and preaching Amhara priests of those days just similar to your current inherited blind wrath and Judas hate. Did you know that those clueless feudal Orthodox preachers of those day were preaching In purely Geez language to the uneducated Oromo peasants. I wish that clueless monkeys like you should have been among those uneducated Oromom peasants of those days silently sitting and listing Amhara priests preaching to you in Geez language so that you may come out of the Church completely confused and utterly mad.

"It was not until 1904 that Onesimos at last returned to Welega at a place called Nedjo, where he was greeted with great honor by its governor, Dejazmach Gebre Egziabher. Unlike his predecessor, Onesimos preached to his flock in the Oromo language, which the local Ethiopian Orthodox priests could not understand, and incurred their hostility. This, combined with the esteem the local Oromo had for him, led to the priests alleging that he was blaspheming the Virgin Mary. He was brought before Abuna Mattheos in May 1906, who ordered that he be exiled upon the accusations of the local clergy. However Emperor Menelik reversed the Abuna's decision, and ruled that Onesimos could return to Nekemte" :lol:
'Amara' or Orthodox Church didn't enslave oromos. On the contrary, oromo was selling and fighting another oromo. Oromo was opressing other oromos and Ethiopians...

The reason that the so called liberators are Protestants, is because they were recruited by Nazi leftovers who were hiding in wollega :mrgreen:

Another reason is that by embracing Western Christianity and rejecting Ethiopian Orthodox, they thought they rebelled against 'amara'.. that's foolish :mrgreen:
Hmm... :P

I didn't say that Orthodox church enslaved Oromos but rather oppressed them in the long past in multiple ways. But then why should we talk about the long past when we have to move forwards very fast based on equality and justice for all?

Otherwise how can it enslave Oromos when it has been long softly enslaved itself by the Orthodox Arab church of Egypt, typically again to be liberated by a prominent Oromo authority known as King Teferei Mekonnen Guddisa Nagawo. By the way, is that Nazi Swastika still hanging at the Lalibela Church and if so I demand an explanation from your red ar$$$ baboon king. I am always rolling all over the floor over and over and laughing loud again and again celebrating the fact that the great and egalitarian Oromos get together at every critical turn of events and saved/save Mamma Ethiopia again and again from going extinct and succumb to the endless comma.

You are always clueless and brainless blabbering parrot. Otherwise Amara regions of those days resisted any form of contact with foreigners and foreign civilization and educations while Oromo rulers and Oromo country in line with the egalitarian democratic values respected knowledge and education even if they are coming from abroad and in that way received foreign missionaries who not only preached religion but also thought about healthcare, cleanliness, irrigation, food production, human rights, etc.

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by mitmitaye » 11 Aug 2019, 20:35

Blah blah blah blah..... 🤫🤫

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by EPRDF » 11 Aug 2019, 20:45

The new comer Evangelical church on the other hand, which many parts of our country were exposed to as a mass evangelization campaign over the last couple of decades has literally obliterated the Oromo cultural assets and identity from all the places it got its foot-hold on.

The Oromo people should stand up and defend itself against the cultural genocide that the evangelical church of the lutheran religion has instigated on it.

If you lose your identity, then you are lost for ever, if you lose yourself, then your next generation (son and daughter) will sustain you and you are not lost totaly.
The reason that the so called liberators are Protestants, is because they were recruited by Nazi leftovers who were hiding in wollega :mrgreen:

Another reason is that by embracing Western Christianity and rejecting Ethiopian Orthodox, they thought they rebelled against 'amara'.. that's foolish :mrgreen:
Actually the Protestant/Evangelical/Pente or whatever you call it the western religious doctrine and its proliferation among Ethiopian society is not commenced in the last two decade or so. Mainly and primarily it was introduced during the the emperor's forty four year reign.

The imperial regime of the Christian Island of Ethiopia was kept itself blindfolded to western missionaries to help converted its poor southern, eastern and western citizens from Islam and traditional religions into sisterly religion of Christianity regardless of whichever sect it is.

As long as those traditional and Islam believers are converted and replaced by any form of Christianity and are diminished in their number, the rest was not concern of the monarch regime.

Sad, generations passed by and here we are the foreign religion that was imported and planted by the leaders of Orthodox Tewahdo believers to harm others fired back and start biting them.
በሰፈሩት ቁና መሰፈር ይሉታል ይህ ነው።

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by DefendTheTruth » 12 Aug 2019, 13:52

sun wrote:
11 Aug 2019, 18:32
DefendTheTruth wrote:
11 Aug 2019, 15:02
If it is true that Oromo Orthodox Church is to be founded, then it came a little bit too late, but better later than never, they say. The Ethiopia Orthodox Church has been around for generations and didn't try to wipe out our identity and cultural practices all along, instead tried to coexist with it in tolerance and mutual respect.

The new comer Evangelical church on the other hand, which many parts of our country were exposed to as a mass evangelization campaign over the last couple of decades has literally obliterated the Oromo cultural assets and identity from all the places it got its foot-hold on.

The Oromo people should stand up and defend itself against the cultural genocide that the evangelical church of the lutheran religion has instigated on it.

If you lose your identity, then you are lost for ever, if you lose yourself, then your next generation (son and daughter) will sustain you and you are not lost totaly.
Hmm.... 8)

That it why it is totally foolish and counterproductive to come here and play divisive blame games and through that weaken the emerging bright opportunities and solid capacity building.

You are going to build capacity, yeah? On what, may I ask? After destroying me?

Are denying that Oromo indigenous culture and identity assests are being erroded at a much fast pace in our country?

Are you going to create your "opportunities" and "capacity building" for your masters of the lutheran evangelical church on my grave yard? NO, that shouldn't happen, get it!

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by TGAA » 12 Aug 2019, 15:33

Do the priests are required to wear their junk on their forehead? Just wondering?

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by Dawi » 12 Aug 2019, 16:16

TGAA wrote:
12 Aug 2019, 15:33
Do the priests are required to wear their junk on their forehead? Just wondering?
You MFker! :lol: :lol:

My thing is Ethiopian Orthodox has been made to be more or less indigenous. Oromos can put improvements to it if they want to.

አቡነ ጴጥሮስን :!:

Amara is still walking barefoot while Oromo is not. "ቦቴም" ቢሆን ማለት ነው ::

አማራው ምን ያርጋችሁ ፣ በምን አቅሙ?

ፊደሉንም ተጠቀሙ አሻሽላችሁ ፣ የናንተው አሻራ አለበት፣በትልቁ! ፀጋዬ-ገ ይሙት!

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by TGAA » 12 Aug 2019, 16:35

I am just teasing: I apologize if it came across as offensive.
I love those great man of ours , without them I am nothing.
Thank you

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by Masud » 15 Aug 2019, 00:58

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy's Adviser and member of ABN Deacon Daniel Kibret criminalizing singing in Afaan Oromo at Orthox Church. Christian Oromos need their own church where they can serve the members in their own language and the same is true for other religions.
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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by Marc » 15 Aug 2019, 07:25

Masud wrote:
15 Aug 2019, 00:58
Prime Minister Dr. Abiy's Adviser and member of ABN Deacon Daniel Kibret criminalizing singing in Afaan Oromo at Orthox Church. Christian Oromos need their own church where they can serve the members in their own language and the same is true for other religions.
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OLF already embezzled over 18 Ethiopian Banks. No more robbery of Ethiopian religious institution is allowed. I know, if by any cost the OLF become successful in doing that, then within days, the Tabots will be offered for sale in European market and the churches building for sale to satisfy Jawars pocket. But, before that millions shall be willing to scarify themselves and defend the Church to overthrow the existing government once and for all.

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by Ethoash » 15 Aug 2019, 07:38


i have one question the oromo want to give service in afan oromo and u dont want that . u can keep your amhairc service church with all your Tabots but no oromo will go there.. that is what musood saying

now u come up with "scarify themselves " this means the sacrificing doesn't involved your life.. but u r willing to sacrifice other that is why u said themselves who r those people that willing to die.. in USA when the Amhara had their own church did the white try to stop u..

if the oromo did this in Amhara region u might even have a point now they try to do this in land of oromia how u going to stop this...

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Re: የኦሮሞ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስትያን (Oromo Orthodox Church)

Post by Marc » 15 Aug 2019, 08:17

Ethoash wrote:
15 Aug 2019, 07:38

i have one question the oromo want to give service in afan oromo and u dont want that . u can keep your amhairc service church with all your Tabots but no oromo will go there.. that is what musood saying

now u come up with "scarify themselves " this means the sacrificing doesn't involved your life.. but u r willing to sacrifice other that is why u said themselves who r those people that willing to die.. in USA when the Amhara had their own church did the white try to stop u..

if the oromo did this in Amhara region u might even have a point now they try to do this in land of oromia how u going to stop this...
Majority of people in Oromia are born speaking languages other than Oromiffa, and their rights must be defended, not by negotiating but by united force of the vast people. Most Oromos live in rural areas do not practice Orthodox Christianity but either Islam, Pente or their traditional faith. If you push to impose your language in their religion, then believe me you will end-up in living in Mombassa as Debretsion said. Don't ever try that!

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