እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
የዘመናችን ብቁ ምሁራን በየመስኩ ተነስተው እዝቅ ኤል አይነቱን ተማርኩ ባይ መሃይሞችን እርቃን ማድረግ አለባቸው። አንዳርጋቸው የሚለው ትክክል ነው ። አማርኛ ቋንቋ ከስሙ ሌላ በይዘቱ በቃላቱም ሆነ በሰዋስዉ ቅምር ቋንቋ ነው። ለምሳሌ ያማርኛ ሰዋስው ከአገው የመጣ ነው። በቃላቶቹ መስክ አማርኛ ከግ ዕ ዝ አንስቶ፣ የግሪክ። ላቲን። እብራይስት፣ ቀምጥ ወይም ኮፕቲክ፣ አረሜክ፣ አረብ፣ ሳንስክሪት፣ ሌሎችም እንዱም ከብዙ የኢትዮጵያ ጎሳ ቃላቶች ተቀምሮ ያደገ የኢትዮጵያ ቋንቋ ነው። በሌላ አባባል አማርኛ ኢትዮፒክ መባል ያለበት ቋንቋ ነው።
Last edited by Horus on 04 Aug 2019, 20:38, edited 1 time in total.
Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
ዉሸታም፤ ከሁለተኛው ጦርነት ወዲህ ካማራ ጋር የገዙ ኦሮሞች ናቸው። አዲሱ የኢትዮጵያ ትውልድ በነቂስ ተነስቶ የኒህን ደንቆሮ ዝብርቅርቅ መሻር አለበት ።
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Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
Lost ethnic Gurage, because you lost your Gurage and became Amhara we do not have to join you to become Amhara too. We are not lost tribe, we preserved our identity and fought the Amhara or Amharic Ethiopia and we won and set a constitution to hold all the signatory. Outside the contract everyone signed in 1991 there will not be Ethiopia.
Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ ራሱ ደንቆሮ ነው!! ደንቆሮው ደንቆሮ ሰው ደንቆሮ ማለቱ የሚገርም ነገር ነው፡፡
Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
"ኢትዮፒክ" What an appropriate name!Horus wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 19:43የዘመንችን ብቁ ምሁራን በየመስኩ ተነስተው እዝቅ ኤል አይነቱን ተማርኩ ባይ መሃይሞችን እርቃን ማድረግ አለባቸው። አንዳርጋቸው የሚለው ትክክል ነው ። አማርኛ ቋንቋ ከስሙ ሌላ በይዘቱ በቃላቱም ሆነ በሰዋስዉ ቅምር ቋንቋ ነው። ለምሳሌ ያማርኛ ሰዋስው ከአገው የመጣ ነው። በቃላቶቹ መስክ አማርኛ ከግ ዕ ዝ አንስቶ፣ የግሪክ። ላቲን። እብራይስት፣ ቀምጥ ወይም ኮፕቲክ፣ አረሜክ፣ አረብ፣ ሳንስክሪት፣ ሌሎችም እንዱም ከብዙ የኢትዮጵያ ጎሳ ቃላቶች ተቀምሮ ያደገ የኢትዮጵያ ቋንቋ ነው። በሌላ አባባል አማርኛ ኢትዮፒክ መባል ያለበት ቋንቋ ነው።
I was thinking of Andy when I first saw the interview with Prof. Ezkael by Walta for some reason. Even though his critics was brief, it didn't disappoint me.
Normally, Andy don't come out and discuss issues raised by "ethnic" demagogues; I am glad he did this time; he had too because Prof. Ezkael seems to be getting too comfortable spewing his narrow views.
I was also disappointed with the interviewer Semeneh as well; he is usually better than this. He allowed the Prof. look good; I felt as if it was a set up. There is going to be a second part coming; hopefully Semeheh recovers but, I doubt it, the damage is done.
Their should be more discussion on this topic because what the Prof. and others like Halafi, Ethoash of this forum advocate don't hold any water. They all attach Amharic with Amara for some reason; they are all wrong.
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Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
Brother Dedeb Dingai Ras Galla* Horus * Listen To Your Master.
Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ ጋላ መሆኑን ያውቃሉ? ካላወቁስ መረጃው ይኸውልዎ!!!
ጋላ አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ ከጋላ ወላጆቹ
ከወ/ሮ አልታዬ ተሰማ ሮቢ እና
ከአቶ ፅጌ ሀብተማርያም ጨሜሳ
የካቲት 1 ቀን 1947 ዓ.ም አዲስ አበባ በሚገኘው ቀዳማዊ ኃይለ ስላሴ ሆስፒታል ተወለደ!!
ምንጭ የጋላ አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ እህት ጋላ ወ/ሮ ብዙአየሁ ፅጌ
ጋላ አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ ከጋላ ወላጆቹ
ከወ/ሮ አልታዬ ተሰማ ሮቢ እና
ከአቶ ፅጌ ሀብተማርያም ጨሜሳ
የካቲት 1 ቀን 1947 ዓ.ም አዲስ አበባ በሚገኘው ቀዳማዊ ኃይለ ስላሴ ሆስፒታል ተወለደ!!
ምንጭ የጋላ አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ እህት ጋላ ወ/ሮ ብዙአየሁ ፅጌ
Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
Ezkael is a puffed up buffoon who equate making ridiculous statement as the height of intellectual achievement . the statements such as the time is for the Oromos to govern Ethiopia because Amharas and Tigrians have had their turn to govern. There is no Ethiopian nationality . There is no a citizenship politics,etc. shows that he and his groups are being embolden by no response response they are getting when they cross all the red lines. Andy has has made a brief response to Eskale's brain air leak , but Most Ethiopian politicians need to stop their meek silence when the so called Oromo activist denied and insult the nation on national TV. what kind of democracy they are taking about when their very national existence is discarded as none existence . Ezkael there is no Ethiopian statement is not an intellectual exerciser but a political attack on the very existence of Ethiopia for which million Ethiopians shed their blood,and for which there are millions who are ready to do the same. Ezkael must have thought that Ethiopian people 'tolerance as a sign that there is no Ethiopian to defend their country. No outside enemy denied our existence, though they come to challenge us, This imbecile however using our national TV to tell us we don't exist is the insult of all insults , And for Ethiopian politicians not to respond in the strongest terms when their very national existence is being insulted is very disgusting and coward act. Grow up some spine people, even the good man Abey started to smell a cowards and his statements have become less unguarded.
Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
Zreal wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 23:42አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ ጋላ መሆኑን ያውቃሉ? ካላወቁስ መረጃው ይኸውልዎ!!!
ጋላ አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ ከጋላ ወላጆቹ
ከወ/ሮ አልታዬ ተሰማ ሮቢ እና
ከአቶ ፅጌ ሀብተማርያም ጨሜሳ
የካቲት 1 ቀን 1947 ዓ.ም አዲስ አበባ በሚገኘው ቀዳማዊ ኃይለ ስላሴ ሆስፒታል ተወለደ!!
ምንጭ የጋላ አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ እህት ጋላ ወ/ሮ ብዙአየሁ ፅጌ

Why do you think the ቄሮ were dancing at his house when he was released from prison?

Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
What you're trying to get at?
Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
This old baboon is professor of hatred and emotions. መቀሌ ሄዶ recharged ሆኖ ስለመጣ አትፍረዱበት፣፣
አእምሮ ያለው ሰው መቀሌ እይሄድም በዚህ ሰአት to meet with tplf reminants to conspire on Abiy and Ethiopia.
አእምሮ ያለው ሰው መቀሌ እይሄድም በዚህ ሰአት to meet with tplf reminants to conspire on Abiy and Ethiopia.
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Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
TGAATGAA wrote: ↑05 Aug 2019, 00:56Ezkael is a puffed up buffoon who equate making ridiculous statement as the height of intellectual achievement . the statements such as the time is for the Oromos to govern Ethiopia because Amharas and Tigrians have had their turn to govern. There is no Ethiopian nationality . There is no a citizenship politics,etc. shows that he and his groups are being embolden by no response response they are getting when they cross all the red lines. Andy has has made a brief response to Eskale's brain air leak , but Most Ethiopian politicians need to stop their meek silence when the so called Oromo activist denied and insult the nation on national TV. what kind of democracy they are taking about when their very national existence is discarded as none existence . Ezkael there is no Ethiopian statement is not an intellectual exerciser but a political attack on the very existence of Ethiopia for which million Ethiopians shed their blood,and for which there are millions who are ready to do the same. Ezkael must have thought that Ethiopian people 'tolerance as a sign that there is no Ethiopian to defend their country. No outside enemy denied our existence, though they come to challenge us, This imbecile however using our national TV to tell us we don't exist is the insult of all insults , And for Ethiopian politicians not to respond in the strongest terms when their very national existence is being insulted is very disgusting and coward act. Grow up some spine people, even the good man Abey started to smell a cowards and his statements have become less unguarded.
Can you please explain what Ethiopian nationality is and how you can get it? Is being Ethiopian citizen same as being Ethiopian national? Prof Ezkael did not get his PHD from church nor he bought it. So hold up your emotion and try to understand what he is saying. As long as you are filled with hate and partisan thinking, you never come up with anything positive no matter what and how he says.
Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
And Yabello is so mad at me for calling a spade, spade - ቁላ ቆራች ፕሪሚቲቨ አረመኔ የመንጋ ማይክሮፎን ሁላ !!!
Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
dear hororo
i will tell u one truth story.. once upone a time one Amhara tax collector went to oromia asking them to pay tax.. what they dont know is the oromo developed very sophisticated culture to deterred the Amhara tax collectors.. every oromo must take part how u ensure that by make sure u must present the evidence before he got married ..
so one day የተከበሩ የዓለም ሎሬት ሜትር አርቲስት አፈወርቅ ተክሌ father who r tax collector bringing along their child አፈወርቅ ተክሌ to their job collecting tax. so those oromo worrier saw them and they run after them to cut their man hood the father አፈወርቅ ተክሌ run away but the child አፈወርቅ ተክሌ could not run fast so they captured young አፈወርቅ ተክሌ and they cut his manhoooooooooooooooooooooooood .. የተከበሩ የዓለም ሎሬት ሜትር አርቲስት አፈወርቅ ተክሌ never forget what his father did to him and he denounce his own father .. and his father at old age become beggar on street Addis Ababa
so cutting manhood help the oromo and the Somalia to protect their land and culture .. did u see Somalian christian u dont the reason is እቃ መስለብ ትልቅ እርዳታ አርጎላቸዋል ታክስ እንዳይከፍሉና በክርስትና እንዳይጠመቁ። እደሜ ለመንጌ ይህንን በባህል እስቆመው። ግን ከዚያ ወድያ ብዙ ቤት ክርስቲያን በሱማሌ ውስጥ ተስሩ። ግን ልክ እንደ ኦሮሞዎች ሱማሌዎችን አይማኖታቸውን ማስቀየር አልቻሉም። በጣም የሚገርመ እነዚህ ቡዳ አማሮች በኦሮሞዎች ያላግጣሉ ስንት ጎጂ በህል አማራው እንዳለው እየታወቀ።።።።። አሁንም ይህ መስለት ማንስራራት አለበት እንቢ ብሎ ኦሮሞን ለመድፈር የመጣ ተደፍሮ ሴት ሆኖ መላክ አለብት በፍፁም ይህ ባህል መጥፋት የለበትም። ኦሮሞን ክበር የነካ እንደገና ወደ ባርነት ለመመለስ የሞከር ። የገደለ ሁሉ መስለብ ቅጣት በህግ መረቀቅ አለብት ።። if u ask me .. all i am saying it is their culture they should keep it .. i am not going to say it if wrong or right .. it is out of my hand i am not going to look for trouble where there is none.. i mind my own business in this case the amhara mind their own business.. then when the oromo react they cry racism
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Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
While you are all at it, let's not forget about one important fact that we all can't deny or try to hide from.
I think we have four categories of major players on the political field right now in our country.
1. The extremists from the Oromo side,
2. The extremists from the Amhara side,
3. The so called middle ground folks (also called the silent majority) in between, in between the two with a nascent power of influnce at the end of the day.
4. Those so called or wana be super intelligent, all capable and able players, who can make the major part of the noise without the action on the ground, you can call them the activists, analysists, opportunists, wanna be politicians, or whatever. Granted is that they make the majority of the noises.One important quality that they lack is integerity, which is literally abscent with them.
Let's see the role of this fourth category players in the making of the happenings on the ground. When one side of the extrimist make a minor noise from the Oromo side, then they are super fast and make a fast relay of the small noise tomake big and nasty outcrys on the ground. When the other side of the extremists make perhaps similar or even more noisy disturbances on the scene, the same super intellectuals mute and even disappear from the surface of the earth, looking away as if they didn't see it was happening. This act of the super -intellectuals give a reason to those in the middle ground (the 3rd category) and arouse them to question their motives and feel themselves to have been get pushed to the exremists, which didn't attract their attention at the beginning.
This move is the actual power that will move the true balance of the players on the ground and finally make the decisive impact on the ground, mark my words and ask yourself where did it start.
Of course I am not question the intellectual integrity of Ato Andergachew Tsige and his concern for his county and its people, whom I myself quoted somewhere recently on this forum.
I think we have four categories of major players on the political field right now in our country.
1. The extremists from the Oromo side,
2. The extremists from the Amhara side,
3. The so called middle ground folks (also called the silent majority) in between, in between the two with a nascent power of influnce at the end of the day.
4. Those so called or wana be super intelligent, all capable and able players, who can make the major part of the noise without the action on the ground, you can call them the activists, analysists, opportunists, wanna be politicians, or whatever. Granted is that they make the majority of the noises.One important quality that they lack is integerity, which is literally abscent with them.
Let's see the role of this fourth category players in the making of the happenings on the ground. When one side of the extrimist make a minor noise from the Oromo side, then they are super fast and make a fast relay of the small noise tomake big and nasty outcrys on the ground. When the other side of the extremists make perhaps similar or even more noisy disturbances on the scene, the same super intellectuals mute and even disappear from the surface of the earth, looking away as if they didn't see it was happening. This act of the super -intellectuals give a reason to those in the middle ground (the 3rd category) and arouse them to question their motives and feel themselves to have been get pushed to the exremists, which didn't attract their attention at the beginning.
This move is the actual power that will move the true balance of the players on the ground and finally make the decisive impact on the ground, mark my words and ask yourself where did it start.
Of course I am not question the intellectual integrity of Ato Andergachew Tsige and his concern for his county and its people, whom I myself quoted somewhere recently on this forum.
Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
Be ferhat afen lezega neberbanebris2013 wrote: ↑05 Aug 2019, 09:10TGAATGAA wrote: ↑05 Aug 2019, 00:56Ezkael is a puffed up buffoon who equate making ridiculous statement as the height of intellectual achievement . the statements such as the time is for the Oromos to govern Ethiopia because Amharas and Tigrians have had their turn to govern. There is no Ethiopian nationality . There is no a citizenship politics,etc. shows that he and his groups are being embolden by no response response they are getting when they cross all the red lines. Andy has has made a brief response to Eskale's brain air leak , but Most Ethiopian politicians need to stop their meek silence when the so called Oromo activist denied and insult the nation on national TV. what kind of democracy they are taking about when their very national existence is discarded as none existence . Ezkael there is no Ethiopian statement is not an intellectual exerciser but a political attack on the very existence of Ethiopia for which million Ethiopians shed their blood,and for which there are millions who are ready to do the same. Ezkael must have thought that Ethiopian people 'tolerance as a sign that there is no Ethiopian to defend their country. No outside enemy denied our existence, though they come to challenge us, This imbecile however using our national TV to tell us we don't exist is the insult of all insults , And for Ethiopian politicians not to respond in the strongest terms when their very national existence is being insulted is very disgusting and coward act. Grow up some spine people, even the good man Abey started to smell a cowards and his statements have become less unguarded.
Can you please explain what Ethiopian nationality is and how you can get it? Is being Ethiopian citizen same as being Ethiopian national? Prof Ezkael did not get his PHD from church nor he bought it. So hold up your emotion and try to understand what he is saying. As long as you are filled with hate and partisan thinking, you never come up with anything positive no matter what and how he says.
Re: እዝቅኤል ገቢሳ የዘመናችን የተማሩ ደንቆሮች ተምሳሌት፤ የPh.Dዎች ሁሉ ማፈሪያ
I am going to assume that you have understood well enough what he was saying in this interview and ask you what you understood based on his expressed views in this interview. I have met him once at OSA conference years ago; I had heard about him and went to meet him at the meeting hall in good faith. He started to act, without my call, as if I was there to challenge his intellect. I found it a bit odd. I was unable to discover an apt intellect in his expressed views.banebris2013 wrote: ↑05 Aug 2019, 09:10TGAATGAA wrote: ↑05 Aug 2019, 00:56Ezkael is a puffed up buffoon who equate making ridiculous statement as the height of intellectual achievement . the statements such as the time is for the Oromos to govern Ethiopia because Amharas and Tigrians have had their turn to govern. There is no Ethiopian nationality . There is no a citizenship politics,etc. shows that he and his groups are being embolden by no response response they are getting when they cross all the red lines. Andy has has made a brief response to Eskale's brain air leak , but Most Ethiopian politicians need to stop their meek silence when the so called Oromo activist denied and insult the nation on national TV. what kind of democracy they are taking about when their very national existence is discarded as none existence . Ezkael there is no Ethiopian statement is not an intellectual exerciser but a political attack on the very existence of Ethiopia for which million Ethiopians shed their blood,and for which there are millions who are ready to do the same. Ezkael must have thought that Ethiopian people 'tolerance as a sign that there is no Ethiopian to defend their country. No outside enemy denied our existence, though they come to challenge us, This imbecile however using our national TV to tell us we don't exist is the insult of all insults , And for Ethiopian politicians not to respond in the strongest terms when their very national existence is being insulted is very disgusting and coward act. Grow up some spine people, even the good man Abey started to smell a cowards and his statements have become less unguarded.
Can you please explain what Ethiopian nationality is and how you can get it? Is being Ethiopian citizen same as being Ethiopian national? Prof Ezkael did not get his PHD from church nor he bought it. So hold up your emotion and try to understand what he is saying. As long as you are filled with hate and partisan thinking, you never come up with anything positive no matter what and how he says.
I started to listen to this interview without bias, including putting down that first impression. I have failed again to discover that apt intellect. I wish I didn't have to criticize our few academics; I wish I had the pleasure of reading more of their academic works in high standard peer reviewed journals. Not challenging the fallacies in their expressed views would be doing disservice to their profession. Brutal peer review doesn't allow that.
So, assuming that you have tried "to understand what he was saying," what did you understand from his parroting of the phrase አሃዳዊ ስርኣት? How does it conceptually compare with the expression "one nation ... with liberty and justice for all?" Did you understand from his expressed view whether what he means by his parroted phrase is conceptually the same or different from this expression?
What did you understand from his parroting of the word and phrase ብሄር and ህብረ ብሄር. Perhaps, your own expressed view here can help answer this question though I am unsure whether he was parroting it. Is there any such a thing as national without a nation?
Did his እኔ ያቦካሁት የበሰለ ነው፣ ሌላዉ ያቦካዉ ጥሬ ነበር kind of argument convince you? Just recently, I came across another interview of another Ethiopian intellect.
In this interview, I heard a simple idea about making federalism work for an average Ethiopian mother by taking the country's bureaucracy closest to her as much as possible, or something to that effect. Such an original idea out of which many many papers on economy can be generated. Which intellect's view did you find more sound? I am hoping you wouldn't let your village affinity overpower a faculty's infinity in reacting to both intellectuals.
What is more, what kind of a professor argues against a potentially valid thesis that he is in a position to quickly find out the validity of the thesis thrown at him? Do you think it is difficult to find out by him or by you, if you wish, if his assertion in this interview to the effect ቃለ ጉባኤ ላይ ኣንድ ሰዉ የተናገረዉን እንደ እዉነት ተቀብለህ is absolutely invalid. It appears to me the potential invalidity of his assertion is in plain sight. He can take a walk to the concerned constituency in the city or country to validate or invalidate the report. My point here is without having the burden of proof in his hands from such a quick and convenient exercise, how can he, as a Professor, make that kind of argument?
Getting a PhD credential opens an opportunity for one to bring a scientific thought to a successful peer reviewed publication of that scientific thought. If you agree with this view and supposing you have clearly understood the Professor's expressed views in this interview, supposing his views here were organized for a publication in a high standard scientific journal, supposing you were an anonymous reviewer of the paper, would you recommend to the publisher to reject it or accept it? A simple reject or accept answer would suffice.
Last edited by Naga Tuma on 06 Aug 2019, 14:09, edited 2 times in total.