ቻው ቻው ኦጋዴንያ (ሲዳማ ክልል ከመሆኑ በፊት ኦጋዴንያ ወደ እናት ሀገሩዋ ሶማሊያ ትቀላቀል ይሆን?)
ድምጽ አጥፍቶ የልብን መሥረራት የONLF መታወቂያ ምልክት? በግራ እጅ አማራን ታጫውታለህ፤ በሌላው እጅ አብይን፡፡ በሌሎች ግን ዋናውን ሥራ ማከናውን ይሉሃል ይኸ ነው፡፡ ቻው ቻው ኦጋዴንያ!
Re: ቻው ቻው ኦጋዴንያ (ሲዳማ ክልል ከመሆኑ በፊት ኦጋዴንያ ወደ እናት ሀገሩዋ ሶማሊያ ትቀላቀል ይሆን?)
AbebeB, what happened to .. i thought u r the smart one .. tell me what benefit would ኦጋዴንያ going to get by joining none existing Somalia naiton... beside the native Somalia will see ኦጋዴንያ as second citizen they will get the worst treatment then Ethiopia... in Ethiopia they have their own region they own show to run and to control what more do u want you already separated nation just like Kenya or Sudan no body have say in your region... u enjoy both world of independent nation and union under fed. only idiot want independent after seeing what happened to Eritrea ... how on earth Somalia going to make it if the Eritrea who have two sea port could not make it ኦጋዴንያ who have no port of yours now u going to depended on Somalia trust me they will use this again ኦጋዴንያ big time... in fact i wish sometime ኦጋዴንያ to break away and find out just like Eritrea when they become singpooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor they will beg us to come back
Re: ቻው ቻው ኦጋዴንያ (ሲዳማ ክልል ከመሆኑ በፊት ኦጋዴንያ ወደ እናት ሀገሩዋ ሶማሊያ ትቀላቀል ይሆን?)
Ethoash,Ethoash wrote: ↑30 Jul 2019, 16:30AbebeB, what happened to .. i thought u r the smart one .. tell me what benefit would ኦጋዴንያ going to get by joining none existing Somalia naiton... beside the native Somalia will see ኦጋዴንያ as second citizen they will get the worst treatment then Ethiopia... in Ethiopia they have their own region they own show to run and to control what more do u want you already separated nation just like Kenya or Sudan no body have say in your region... u enjoy both world of independent nation and union under fed. only idiot want independent after seeing what happened to Eritrea ... how on earth Somalia going to make it if the Eritrea who have two sea port could not make it ኦጋዴንያ who have no port of yours now u going to depended on Somalia trust me they will use this again ኦጋዴንያ big time... in fact i wish sometime ኦጋዴንያ to break away and find out just like Eritrea when they become singpooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor they will beg us to come back
I am not Somali. Ask Somali citizens (or members of ONLF) around you why they preferred to join their clans instead of living in a jail of nations aka Ethiopian empire.
Re: ቻው ቻው ኦጋዴንያ (ሲዳማ ክልል ከመሆኑ በፊት ኦጋዴንያ ወደ እናት ሀገሩዋ ሶማሊያ ትቀላቀል ይሆን?)
THEN I doubt blame u.... yes Ethiopia feel like jail until u kick out the Amhara out of union.. then we can live peacefully even Somalia homeland will join Ethiopia fed. state so to all surrounding nation .... this is the price we pay kick out the trouble maker instead of breaking the whole union ..
Re: ቻው ቻው ኦጋዴንያ (ሲዳማ ክልል ከመሆኑ በፊት ኦጋዴንያ ወደ እናት ሀገሩዋ ሶማሊያ ትቀላቀል ይሆን?)
First: no Amhara as nation. Amharic speakers (mixed) are not going to go anywhere but segregate into their chosen line (do you know back crossing? it is method of breeding to make pure line)
Second: For the Cush people, the priority is to first break the colonial setup and then regather. Ants are like that. They disperse if something stronger enemy encounter them but re-align to continue their way after enemy goes.
Got me?
Re: ቻው ቻው ኦጋዴንያ (ሲዳማ ክልል ከመሆኑ በፊት ኦጋዴንያ ወደ እናት ሀገሩዋ ሶማሊያ ትቀላቀል ይሆን?)
First: no Amhara as nation.
pls see the map if u dont know where Amhara nation , region or state what even you might call it..,

i dont know which Amhara u r talking ,,,,i am talking about this Amhara region in the map they have to out of Ethiopia if we need peace... thanks ... otherwise they live by fed. rule four point ..
Re: ቻው ቻው ኦጋዴንያ (ሲዳማ ክልል ከመሆኑ በፊት ኦጋዴንያ ወደ እናት ሀገሩዋ ሶማሊያ ትቀላቀል ይሆን?)
I don't know your level of perception. My thought was about Amhara as nation but you switched to region (traditionally named Amhara region). As you know, in that region are many nations and nationalities. Nor that region have nothing to do with genealogy of a nation Amhara, if any. To defend your opinion, I wanna see the geanology of Amhara as a nation.
To your information, many Amhara elites including the gudifecah lij Achamyeleh Tamiru, blamed me for raising this Q. In an internal communication, some of them, including their professors, tried to solicit me. In fact in some of the public debates, you know that Amhara elites like Prof. Getachew Haile submitted (published Amharic article) that there was no Ethiopia not only as a modern political map but also in the bible.
I don't know your level of perception. My thought was about Amhara as nation but you switched to region (traditionally named Amhara region). As you know, in that region are many nations and nationalities. Nor that region have nothing to do with genealogy of a nation Amhara, if any. To defend your opinion, I wanna see the geanology of Amhara as a nation.
To your information, many Amhara elites including the gudifecah lij Achamyeleh Tamiru, blamed me for raising this Q. In an internal communication, some of them, including their professors, tried to solicit me. In fact in some of the public debates, you know that Amhara elites like Prof. Getachew Haile submitted (published Amharic article) that there was no Ethiopia not only as a modern political map but also in the bible.
Re: ቻው ቻው ኦጋዴንያ (ሲዳማ ክልል ከመሆኑ በፊት ኦጋዴንያ ወደ እናት ሀገሩዋ ሶማሊያ ትቀላቀል ይሆን?)
i am zero interest to investigate who is who.. first they will be given to take the whole Amhara region with all nation and nationality ..if they refused to take this offer and start war then they only take what it belong to them as u said the nation and nationality will be free.. but it is not oromo or Tigray business to divide them ... we offer them an offer they cant refused to break away peacefully with all their nation and nationality ... if they took the offer it would be የእግር ሾህ ነው የሚሆኑባቸው አገውና ቅማንት ለምን ብለን ነው የምናለያያቸው ሲጨቃጨቁ ምንም ግዜ አይኖራቸውም ለማደግም ውይም በቀሩትም ኢትዬዽያ ላይ ጥቃት ለማደረስም።
there nation and nationality would be their homework that will never finish until independent....
dear AbabaB. if u want to say something u have to say it up front i am 4 grade drop out i could not understand coded message
i am zero interest to investigate who is who.. first they will be given to take the whole Amhara region with all nation and nationality ..if they refused to take this offer and start war then they only take what it belong to them as u said the nation and nationality will be free.. but it is not oromo or Tigray business to divide them ... we offer them an offer they cant refused to break away peacefully with all their nation and nationality ... if they took the offer it would be የእግር ሾህ ነው የሚሆኑባቸው አገውና ቅማንት ለምን ብለን ነው የምናለያያቸው ሲጨቃጨቁ ምንም ግዜ አይኖራቸውም ለማደግም ውይም በቀሩትም ኢትዬዽያ ላይ ጥቃት ለማደረስም።
there nation and nationality would be their homework that will never finish until independent....
dear AbabaB. if u want to say something u have to say it up front i am 4 grade drop out i could not understand coded message