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Halafi Mengedi
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The Amhara and Tigray slave Wolaytta is fearing the fearless brave Sidama pending border war???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 29 Jul 2019, 19:37

The Sidama are unwavering for their own Kilil ultimately their independent but the Amhara and Tigray save Wolaytta wants to go back to the wold Amhara slave in order to be saved by Amhara from Sidama war. You can tell the Sidama are for the current constitution and Kilil but the Wolaytta showed their color today displaying the Oromo jacket but Amhara hunger Abiy Amhed Ali the old Amhara glag seeking shelter from Sidama attacks.

Mean time OLF/OLA must arm Sidama youths and other ethnics in the area to intensify the struggle all to be liberated.

Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 29 Jul 2019, 21:25, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 4311
Joined: 30 Aug 2016, 03:47

Re: The Amhara and Tigray slave Wolaytta is fearing the fearless brave Sidama pending war of borders???

Post by Dawi » 29 Jul 2019, 21:20

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 19:37
Wolaytta showed their color today displaying the Oromo jacket but Amhara hunger Abiy Amhed Ali the old Amhara glag (Ethiopian FLAG)seeking shelter from Sidama attacks (The Demon himself!)

Welayita respect their own "Pan-African" flag!

The "የአማራ ክልልን ባንዲራ" was based on the Pan-African colors that originated in the Ethiopian flag. Ethiopia being one of the few African countries that managed to avoid being dominated by colonial powers, it’s symbols were seen as symbols of Africa in general and were adopted in various incarnations by a large number of former african colonies as they gained their indepedence. From there, it’s influence was carried over to the carribean where the colors were adopted by many african-descedant ethnic groups (like the Rastafarians).

Tedros of this forum participant wrote the following on the "Demonic Pentagram" EPRDF Flag:
[#SendekAlema and share this article with @PM_AbiyAhmed and ask PM Ahmed to remove the pentagram from the Ethiopian flag.]

They Planted a Demonic Pentagram In the Heart of a Biblical Nation
BY LIJ TEODROSE FIKREMARIAM ON MAY 14, 2017 ... pian-flag/


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Re: The Amhara and Tigray slave Wolaytta is fearing the fearless brave Sidama pending war of borders???

Post by TGAA » 29 Jul 2019, 21:33

you don't know about Wolaytta people --they don't dance to tone of woyane or anyone else for that matter . Menilik army had tested not once but twice the wolaytta army beating , so its your ignorance about Wolayta that made you to foolishly utter the phase "seeking an Amhara shelter" Wolaytas are bold, fierce, and when any one threatens Ethiopia unity they are always front and center in the theater of war to defend it. Since you are a dog that bite the hand it feed it, let me add one more thing . When Issyas kicked you out of Badema , Welaytas were the first one to arrive to protect you form Issyass' wrath. Ungrateful you .

Posts: 680
Joined: 29 Mar 2018, 15:18

Re: The Amhara and Tigray slave Wolaytta is fearing the fearless brave Sidama pending war of borders???

Post by mitmitaye » 30 Jul 2019, 05:58

TGAA wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 21:33
you don't know about Wolaytta people --they don't dance to tone of woyane or anyone else for that matter . Menilik army had tested not once but twice the wolaytta army beating , so its your ignorance about Wolayta that made you to foolishly utter the phase "seeking an Amhara shelter" Wolaytas are bold, fierce, and when any one threatens Ethiopia unity they are always front and center in the theater of war to defend it. Since you are a dog that bite the hand it feed it, let me add one more thing . When Issyas kicked you out of Badema , Welaytas were the first one to arrive to protect you form Issyass' wrath. Ungrateful you .
Very true!!

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