በወለይታ ምድር የአማራ ክልልን ባንዲራ አስጥቶ አብይን መቀበል ለአብይ ወይስ ለፈዴራል መንግስት ጥላቻ? ወይስ የዱሮ ጌቶቻቸውን ክብር ላለመቀነስ?
በወለይታ ምድር የአማራ ክልልን ባንዲራ አስጥቶ አብይን መቀበል ለአብይ ወይስ ለፈዴራል መንግስት ጥላቻ? ወይስ የዱሮ ጌቶቻቸውን ክብር ላለመቀነስ?
Re: በወለይታ ምድር የአማራ ክልልን ባንዲራ አስጥቶ አብይን መቀበል ለአብይ ወይስ ለፈዴራል መንግስት ጥላቻ? ወይስ የዱሮ ጌቶቻቸውን ክብር ላለመቀነስ?
Except in the heart and mind of a traitor and backstabbers weyanes , the Green , Yellow and Red flag of Ethiopia is stamped in every breathing Ethiopian heart. When slithering viper weyanes see the heroic Ethiopian flag( without the stupid ambasha ) they act like a snake thrown in a flame of fire. From way back all the bandas of Tigray was humiliated by it , just as yore years of bandas, the offspring of bandas will be decimated by it . Shake in your boots bands, the glorious flag of Ethiopia will fly eternally.
Re: በወለይታ ምድር የአማራ ክልልን ባንዲራ አስጥቶ አብይን መቀበል ለአብይ ወይስ ለፈዴራል መንግስት ጥላቻ? ወይስ የዱሮ ጌቶቻቸውን ክብር ላለመቀነስ?

Welayita respect their own "Pan-African" flag
The "የአማራ ክልልን ባንዲራ" was based on the Pan-African colors that originated in the Ethiopian flag. Ethiopia being one of the few African countries that managed to avoid being dominated by colonial powers, it’s symbols were seen as symbols of Africa in general and were adopted in various incarnations by a large number of former african colonies as they gained their indepedence. From there, it’s influence was carried over to the carribean where the colors were adopted by many african-descedant ethnic groups (like the Rastafarians).
Tedros of this forum participant wrote the following on the "Demonic Pentagram" EPRDF Flag:
[#SendekAlema and share this article with @PM_AbiyAhmed and ask PM Ahmed to remove the pentagram from the Ethiopian flag.]
They Planted a Demonic Pentagram In the Heart of a Biblical Nation
BY LIJ TEODROSE FIKREMARIAM ON MAY 14, 2017 ... pian-flag/