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Halafi Mengedi
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The stakeholders of the union must think about the continuity of ethnics than Ethiopia???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 27 Jul 2019, 12:09

Ethiopia is DAS does not protect you from heavy rain and wind, a fake shelter and a pretender home.
Amhara activists intentionally spread false narrative people of the union to think about the name of Ethiopia than the ethnics. The most important leaders of ethnics must think and make decision base the interest of ethnics and their survivals than the name of Ethiopia nothing to do for the ethnics.

The name of Abyssinia was existed one time and gone but the ethnics still alive and kicking Amhara and the same is true the name of Ethiopia will be gone soon and ethnics will be there as usual and the continuity of ethnics survival is the main focus and factor making decisions than the false narrative spread by Amhara to fool the rest of ethnics in the union.

What is Ethiopia for the union people, nothing just a name given by the ethnics and the ethnics are the owner of the name of Ethiopia and they can replace it at any given time if they see better alternative for their ethnics survivals. Ethnics can live without the name of Ethiopia as we lived without the name of Abyssinia and why should we focus and make decision for the survival of Ethiopia???

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Re: The stakeholders of the union must think about the continuity of ethnics than Ethiopia???

Post by Degnet » 27 Jul 2019, 12:17

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 12:09
Ethiopia is DAS does not protect you from heavy rain and wind, a fake shelter and a pretender home.
Amhara activists intentionally spread false narrative people of the union to think about the name of Ethiopia than the ethnics. The most important leaders of ethnics must think and make decision base the interest of ethnics and their survivals than the name of Ethiopia nothing to do for the ethnics.

The name of Abyssinia was existed one time and gone but the ethnics still alive and kicking Amhara and the same is true the name of Ethiopia will be gone soon and ethnics will be there as usual and the continuity of ethnics survival is the main focus and factor making decisions than the false narrative spread by Amhara to fool the rest of ethnics in the union.

What is Ethiopia for the union people, nothing just a name given by the ethnics and the ethnics are the owner of the name of Ethiopia and they can replace it at any given time if they see better alternative for their ethnics survivals. Ethnics can live without the name of Ethiopia as we lived without the name of Abyssinia and why should we focus and make decision for the survival of Ethiopia???
Yetewenabedebeh neh,what was Hatse Yohannes doing? Egna yehen mashashal neber yeneberebn

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: The stakeholders of the union must think about the continuity of ethnics than Ethiopia???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 27 Jul 2019, 12:27

King of Tsion and King of kings Yohannes said I am proud of Tigray from Ras Kasar to Angareb river to Alowuha Melash river to Metema Yohannes.

Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 27 Jul 2019, 18:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The stakeholders of the union must think about the continuity of ethnics than Ethiopia???

Post by Degnet » 27 Jul 2019, 12:36

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 12:09
Ethiopia is DAS does not protect you from heavy rain and wind, a fake shelter and a pretender home.
Amhara activists intentionally spread false narrative people of the union to think about the name of Ethiopia than the ethnics. The most important leaders of ethnics must think and make decision base the interest of ethnics and their survivals than the name of Ethiopia nothing to do for the ethnics.

The name of Abyssinia was existed one time and gone but the ethnics still alive and kicking Amhara and the same is true the name of Ethiopia will be gone soon and ethnics will be there as usual and the continuity of ethnics survival is the main focus and factor making decisions than the false narrative spread by Amhara to fool the rest of ethnics in the union.

What is Ethiopia for the union people, nothing just a name given by the ethnics and the ethnics are the owner of the name of Ethiopia and they can replace it at any given time if they see better alternative for their ethnics survivals. Ethnics can live without the name of Ethiopia as we lived without the name of Abyssinia and why should we focus and make decision for the survival of Ethiopia???
Long live Ethiopia and its Green,Yelow and Red color flag.color of our nobility.It is eternal/peace/.Only stupid people associate Ethiopia only with Amara.Neger hasema.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: The stakeholders of the union must think about the continuity of ethnics than Ethiopia???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 27 Jul 2019, 12:51

Degnet wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 12:36
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
27 Jul 2019, 12:09
Ethiopia is DAS does not protect you from heavy rain and wind, a fake shelter and a pretender home.
Amhara activists intentionally spread false narrative people of the union to think about the name of Ethiopia than the ethnics. The most important leaders of ethnics must think and make decision base the interest of ethnics and their survivals than the name of Ethiopia nothing to do for the ethnics.

The name of Abyssinia was existed one time and gone but the ethnics still alive and kicking Amhara and the same is true the name of Ethiopia will be gone soon and ethnics will be there as usual and the continuity of ethnics survival is the main focus and factor making decisions than the false narrative spread by Amhara to fool the rest of ethnics in the union.

What is Ethiopia for the union people, nothing just a name given by the ethnics and the ethnics are the owner of the name of Ethiopia and they can replace it at any given time if they see better alternative for their ethnics survivals. Ethnics can live without the name of Ethiopia as we lived without the name of Abyssinia and why should we focus and make decision for the survival of Ethiopia???
Long live Ethiopia and its Green,Yelow and Red color flag.color of our nobility.It is eternal/peace/.Only stupid people associate Ethiopia only with Amara.Neger hasema.
Stay Enderta Piness and breast in Amhara museum covered by Green, yellow and red.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: The stakeholders of the union must think about the continuity of ethnics than Ethiopia???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 27 Jul 2019, 22:31

It is amazing Amhara surrendered to Abiy and Amhara is being governed by command post indirectly yet Amhara are shouting about Ethiopia while Ethiopia is being eaten by foreign entities scavengers as we speak.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: The stakeholders of the union must think about the continuity of ethnics than Ethiopia???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 28 Jul 2019, 00:45

Ethnics must be careful and understand what is going on by Amharu, all their medias around the world are focusing on one thing the survival of the name of Ethiopia than ethnics and they are shaping all the narratives and discussions about how we can save Ethiopia at any cost even destroying the constitution, ethnics and ethnic boundaries just Amhara one ethnic to see the name of Ethiopia saved than the stakeholder of 85 ethnics. This is where all ethnics to be bold to defend your God given language, identity, culture and your native land to make decision based the resources you control for the survival of next generation of your own ethnic and you must work likewise ethnics to form a formidable defense against scavengers.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: The stakeholders of the union must think about the continuity of ethnics than Ethiopia???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 28 Jul 2019, 09:27

Professor Bekele Gerba said it right about inferior ethnic does not want to talk about it or does not associate who they are.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: The stakeholders of the union must think about the continuity of ethnics than Ethiopia???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 30 Jul 2019, 22:37

Every human being in the union has a place to stand even if we go to civil war, Ethiopia does not give any plot of land to anyone since there is no Ethopia let alone Ethiopia is the owner of the map of the ethnics union. Amhara Lelela shewudew.

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Re: The stakeholders of the union must think about the continuity of ethnics than Ethiopia???

Post by Selam/ » 30 Jul 2019, 22:49

Ethiopia is DAS does not protect you from heavy rain and wind, a fake shelter and a pretender home.
Can someone kindly translate this encrypted bird sentence?

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Re: The stakeholders of the union must think about the continuity of ethnics than Ethiopia???

Post by Cigar » 30 Jul 2019, 23:37

Selam the nut case, in a nut shell is saying that Ethiopia is like homeless people's temporary shelter tent.
Needless to say, he is living in it.
He is crazy.

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