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Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Ethoash » 24 Jul 2019, 10:58

Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ, I am Catholicism

በአክሊል ጋብቻ በ Catholicism
The Roman Catholic Church has, over the years, developed an absolute position on the subject of marriage and divorce. According to the Church, a marriage within the faith---that is, a marriage between Catholics and properly officiated---is eternal in the eyes of God. Thus, the marriage vows can never be broken for any reason, including divorce. The Catholic Church does not perform divorces, nor does it recognize them, even if they were legally obtained, and considers remarriage to be adulterous. However, marriages that are not religiously officiated, like unions between non-Catholics, are not considered true marriages by the Church, and can therefore be terminated without consequence.

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Ethoash » 24 Jul 2019, 11:31

All of u listed in here invited to help me out would u say i should get married with በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ

1. Abaymado
2. Abe Abraham
3. AbebeB
4. Alpha,
5. Axumawi
6. banebris2013
7. dawit
8. DDT,
9. Democrat
10. Ethiopians4cm
11. Ethwar,
12. fana-solo
13. Fasil 123456789,
14. fun
15. Hawdian
16. horor,
17. info
18. Mahlana
19. Masud
20. MatiT
21. maxi
22. Medo
23. Mereja.Tv
24. Misraq
25. Molover
27. Pastlast
28. present
29. pushkin
30. revelations
31. sesame
32. tarik,
33. TembienLiberation
34. Thomas H
35. yaballo
36. zmeles

answer this as if u r the one who is getting married ...

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Ethoash » 24 Jul 2019, 12:41

guys do i need article 39 or marriage is eternal in the eyes of God. Thus, the marriage vows can never be broken for any reason, including divorce.

i thought is very simple question .. do u support article 39 (divorce ) or not very simple now kindly answer my question so that i can go on with my marriage

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Selam/ » 24 Jul 2019, 13:38

Woyane rat - Get married at Meles’s tomb. That’s where a KIFU belongs to.
Ethoash wrote:
24 Jul 2019, 10:58
Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ, I am Catholicism

በአክሊል ጋብቻ በ Catholicism
The Roman Catholic Church has, over the years, developed an absolute position on the subject of marriage and divorce. According to the Church, a marriage within the faith---that is, a marriage between Catholics and properly officiated---is eternal in the eyes of God. Thus, the marriage vows can never be broken for any reason, including divorce. The Catholic Church does not perform divorces, nor does it recognize them, even if they were legally obtained, and considers remarriage to be adulterous. However, marriages that are not religiously officiated, like unions between non-Catholics, are not considered true marriages by the Church, and can therefore be terminated without consequence.

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Selam/ » 24 Jul 2019, 13:41

Woyane rat - Only a moron would talk about marriage with an eternal prostitute.
Ethoash wrote:
24 Jul 2019, 12:41
guys do i need article 39 or marriage is eternal in the eyes of God. Thus, the marriage vows can never be broken for any reason, including divorce.

i thought is very simple question .. do u support article 39 (divorce ) or not very simple now kindly answer my question so that i can go on with my marriage

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Ethoash » 24 Jul 2019, 14:06


ሞት ይርሳኝ። አንተ ብቻ ነው ያስታወስክኝ። ጥያቄዎን አላነበብከውም መስሌኝ። ለኔ ይምትመክረኝ ላንተ ያረግከው መሆን አለበት ውይም ልክ አንተ እንደምታገባ አረገህ ለራስ መልስ ነው የተባልከው።

ስለዚህ ጥሩ መልስ ነው የስጠህኝ። እኔ እንዳንተ አልስደብህም አንተ ብቻ ነው ስርጌ ላይ የመጣህው ሌሎቹ ተጠርተው ቀሩ። ስለዚህ የክብር ስላምታዬ ይደረስህ

Thomas H
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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Thomas H » 24 Jul 2019, 17:05

It all depends on the gender of the person you want to marry. Can you tell us whether you are marrying a man or a woman. And also I see Halafi is not invited.Why?

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Ethoash » 24 Jul 2019, 17:31

Thomas H wrote:
24 Jul 2019, 17:05
It all depends on the gender of the person you want to marry. Can you tell us whether you are marrying a man or a woman. And also I see Halafi is not invited.Why?
TOOMCOOK, i said what would u have done if u r in my place .. for sure u know what gender u going to marry or already marry so what kind of marriage did u use the one with article 39 or without.. I WANT skin in the game advice ..what would u do ? would u take አክሊል or ማዘጋጃ

HALAFI is welcome to answer አክሊል or ማዘጋጃ

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Ethoash » 25 Jul 2019, 06:28

1. Abaymado
2. Abe Abraham
3. AbebeB
4. Alpha,
5. Axumawi
6. banebris2013
7. dawit
8. DDT,
9. Democrat
10. Ethiopians4cm
11. Ethwar,
12. fana-solo
13. Fasil 123456789,
14. fun
15. Hawdian
16. horor,
17. info
18. Mahlana
19. Masud
20. MatiT
21. maxi
22. Medo
23. Mereja.Tv
24. Misraq
25. Molover
27. Pastlast
28. present
29. pushkin
30. revelations
31. sesame
32. tarik,
33. TembienLiberation
34. Thomas H
35. yaballo
36. zmeles

answer this as if u r the one who is getting married ...
98.7% of those list above i always make their thread lively by answering their idiotic question and make thir blog hot.. now look at them even after i invited to help out to answer just one question they r no show ...

anyhow i will put default answer for all of u that u will never get married በአክሊል በካቶሊክ ሐይማኖት መስረት በተሀምርም አትጋቡም ። ምናልባት ፍች ከመጣ ጣጣ ወስጥ እንዳትገቡ አትቆርቡም። ያወ እንደፈረደበት በማዘጋጃ ወይ በኦርቶዶክስ ሐይማኖት መስረት ትጋቡ እንደሆነ ነው እንጂ ። ታዳር እስከሞት ነው ብላቹሁ አትገቡበትም። እንተዋወቃለን።

ታድያ ጁሀር ኢትዬዽያን ቢያገባ ለምንድነው ቁረብ የምቱሉት ። ለምን በተክሊል አግባ የምትሉት እናንተ ላታደርጉት ነገር። እስቲ አዋጉኝ።

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Selam/ » 25 Jul 2019, 07:50

Woyane rat - I will never be in a prostitute position. So no advice from me. Your best bet would be to ask your Godfather Debreporn.
Ethoash wrote:
24 Jul 2019, 14:06

ሞት ይርሳኝ። አንተ ብቻ ነው ያስታወስክኝ። ጥያቄዎን አላነበብከውም መስሌኝ። ለኔ ይምትመክረኝ ላንተ ያረግከው መሆን አለበት ውይም ልክ አንተ እንደምታገባ አረገህ ለራስ መልስ ነው የተባልከው።

ስለዚህ ጥሩ መልስ ነው የስጠህኝ። እኔ እንዳንተ አልስደብህም አንተ ብቻ ነው ስርጌ ላይ የመጣህው ሌሎቹ ተጠርተው ቀሩ። ስለዚህ የክብር ስላምታዬ ይደረስህ

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Selam/ » 25 Jul 2019, 08:03

Hateful woyane rat - Let alone for Sacramental Marriage, you’re the worst candidate for a Natural Marriage. No sane couples should even invite you to a wedding. Again, worst analogy for a political prostitute. BTW - Are you born out of wedlock? KIFU!
Ethoash wrote:
25 Jul 2019, 06:28
1. Abaymado
2. Abe Abraham
3. AbebeB
4. Alpha,
5. Axumawi
6. banebris2013
7. dawit
8. DDT,
9. Democrat
10. Ethiopians4cm
11. Ethwar,
12. fana-solo
13. Fasil 123456789,
14. fun
15. Hawdian
16. horor,
17. info
18. Mahlana
19. Masud
20. MatiT
21. maxi
22. Medo
23. Mereja.Tv
24. Misraq
25. Molover
27. Pastlast
28. present
29. pushkin
30. revelations
31. sesame
32. tarik,
33. TembienLiberation
34. Thomas H
35. yaballo
36. zmeles

answer this as if u r the one who is getting married ...
98.7% of those list above i always make their thread lively by answering their idiotic question and make thir blog hot.. now look at them even after i invited to help out to answer just one question they r no show ...

anyhow i will put default answer for all of u that u will never get married በአክሊል በካቶሊክ ሐይማኖት መስረት በተሀምርም አትጋቡም ። ምናልባት ፍች ከመጣ ጣጣ ወስጥ እንዳትገቡ አትቆርቡም። ያወ እንደፈረደበት በማዘጋጃ ወይ በኦርቶዶክስ ሐይማኖት መስረት ትጋቡ እንደሆነ ነው እንጂ ። ታዳር እስከሞት ነው ብላቹሁ አትገቡበትም። እንተዋወቃለን።

ታድያ ጁሀር ኢትዬዽያን ቢያገባ ለምንድነው ቁረብ የምቱሉት ። ለምን በተክሊል አግባ የምትሉት እናንተ ላታደርጉት ነገር። እስቲ አዋጉኝ።

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 25 Jul 2019, 08:51

Ethoash, I am not one of those whom you sought advice from. Anyway I volunteer. Forget about marriage. Marriage came into being when society managed to had private property. It was designed to transfer the newly acquired private property , yes, predominantly , if not exclusively, to boys.
I am not saying you have no private property to pass on to the new Ethoashes.
But considering your age — I am reasonably guessing — I am not sure a childbearing woman accepts your I want to marry you proposal.
Yes, you could argue I will go back to Ethiopia to “bring” one. Yes, there were some who did that. I am not sure though the young girls are still with them.
Ethoash, whatever time you are left with on this planet spend it by reading books, watching movies, and giving your “economist” opinions on ER. Yes, having an occasional companion of the ladies might help.

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Ethoash » 25 Jul 2019, 16:58

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
25 Jul 2019, 08:51

Yes, you could argue I will go back to Ethiopia to “bring” one. Yes, there were some who did that. I am not sure though the young girls are still with them.
Sam Ebalalehu,

Thanks for your short answer your buddy bring his mail-order wife using ማዘጋጃ ጋብቻ ለዚህም ነው ሚስቱ ልትፈታው የቻለችው አሜሪካ ስትመጣ (even so it is wrong example .... my marriage is in good intention not evil intention in my case both party willing to get married but what they want is what type of marriage vows they take)

Sam Ebalaehu, i also ask if u put skin in the game .. u cant advice me to get marry with አክሊል while u r married with ማዘጋጃ
you have to tell us if there is any conflict of interest so r u willing to take ማዘጋጃ or አክሊል... very simple ...

sorry i even expected Dawit, pest and DDT. what happened to you guys..

no body married in here or what ..

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Selam/ » 25 Jul 2019, 17:10

Once married the selfless Woyane rat will then let HER use article 39 and hit on many boys. It’s all about freewill, right. No sacrament, no love, no strings attached. He will escort her to every bearded man that she’s attracted to and he will retreat to his own prostitution. It’s “freewill,” whisper of satan.
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
25 Jul 2019, 08:51
Ethoash, I am not one of those whom you sought advice from. Anyway I volunteer. Forget about marriage. Marriage came into being when society managed to had private property. It was designed to transfer the newly acquired private property , yes, predominantly , if not exclusively, to boys.
I am not saying you have no private property to pass on to the new Ethoashes.
But considering your age — I am reasonably guessing — I am not sure a childbearing woman accepts your I want to marry you proposal.
Yes, you could argue I will go back to Ethiopia to “bring” one. Yes, there were some who did that. I am not sure though the young girls are still with them.
Ethoash, whatever time you are left with on this planet spend it by reading books, watching movies, and giving your “economist” opinions on ER. Yes, having an occasional companion of the ladies might help.

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Joined: 20 Apr 2013, 20:24

Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Ethoash » 25 Jul 2019, 17:20


even in my weeding day u dont want to give me break why would go around the bush instead answer very simple question ..

would u get married with

A. ተክሊል
B. with ሰማኒያ (ማዘጋጃ)

now how hard it is to pick one that u think suit you best...

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Selam/ » 25 Jul 2019, 17:48

Woyane rat - I don’t share my personal life with a KIFU. And why would I care about a question that comes from Lucifer, who normally ruins weddings by urging the bride and groom to confess to each other that they’re not in love and thus they should declare article 39?
Ethoash wrote:
25 Jul 2019, 17:20

even in my weeding day u dont want to give me break why would go around the bush instead answer very simple question ..

would u get married with

A. ተክሊል
B. with ሰማኒያ (ማዘጋጃ)

now how hard it is to pick one that u think suit you best...
Last edited by Selam/ on 25 Jul 2019, 22:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Ethoash » 25 Jul 2019, 18:20


Thanks for answering my question, now can u step aside so that to give other a chance to answer my question ... u prove to me this is earth shaking question for sure everyone marred with divorce right but asking other to marry with sacrament....

no body heard of Catholic annulment ?

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 25 Jul 2019, 18:22

Ethoash, I have liked the back and forth between you and Selam, not Salem.
As for the difference between the marriage in teklel and municipality, I do not have an informed answer. My gut feeling tells me the municipal marriage is certified by authority so it might be easier any party to declare divorce so that property will be divided according to the law.

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Ethoash » 25 Jul 2019, 18:33

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
25 Jul 2019, 18:22
Ethoash, I have liked the back and forth between you and Selam, not Salem.
As for the difference between the marriage in teklel and municipality, I do not have an informed answer. My gut feeling tells me the municipal marriage is certified by authority so it might be easier any party to declare divorce so that property will be divided according to the law.
Selam, saying to me i should marry with TEKLEL , he philosophize, why should i even thinking about divorce even before i got married.. he think, i should never think about divorce .. marriage should be for life time... but he refused to answer if he was married with TEKLEL or not ....

I HAVE 36 name list out of them 98.7% of them will choice ማዘጋጃ over TEKLEL but they will not dare come out and say it.. BECAUSE UNLIKE u, they know, what i am talking about, it is coded massage ..ወርቅና ሳም የሚባል ነገር አለ። አማሮች ወስጠ ውይራ ናቸው የምለው ገብቷቸው ነው የማይመልሱልኝ።

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Re: Re;- በአክሊል ላግባ ወይስ በማዘጋጃ ላግባ መከሩኝ?

Post by Selam/ » 25 Jul 2019, 22:25

Woyane rat - No, please don’t get married either way. አንተን የምታገባ ወያኔ ሴት ወይንም የሚያገባ ወንድ they will have a miserable life because you’re inherently evil and don’t have any other value than posting hateful stuff 24/7. But who cares, አህያ ለአህያ. KIFU!
Ethoash wrote:
25 Jul 2019, 18:33
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
25 Jul 2019, 18:22
Ethoash, I have liked the back and forth between you and Selam, not Salem.
As for the difference between the marriage in teklel and municipality, I do not have an informed answer. My gut feeling tells me the municipal marriage is certified by authority so it might be easier any party to declare divorce so that property will be divided according to the law.
Selam, saying to me i should marry with TEKLEL , he philosophize, why should i even thinking about divorce even before i got married.. he think, i should never think about divorce .. marriage should be for life time... but he refused to answer if he was married with TEKLEL or not ....

I HAVE 36 name list out of them 98.7% of them will choice ማዘጋጃ over TEKLEL but they will not dare come out and say it.. BECAUSE UNLIKE u, they know, what i am talking about, it is coded massage ..ወርቅና ሳም የሚባል ነገር አለ። አማሮች ወስጠ ውይራ ናቸው የምለው ገብቷቸው ነው የማይመልሱልኝ።

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