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Dictator Isayas is Replete with the Killing of Eritreans with Leadership Quality and his Hacking Excuses

Post by Sabur » 21 Jul 2019, 18:48

It has been witnessed and recorded many times by many that the dictator Isayas (ወዲ መድሕን በራድ) has been eradicating Genuine and Intellectual Eritreans with Leadership Caliber during the struggle for independence and obviously after independence which every living Eritrean witnesses. The dictator then hacks excuses, which some gullible Eritreans fall for, to cover up for his crimes .

Let's list a few crimes the dictator Agame Isayas ድቓላ ወዲ መድሕን በራድ committed against Genuine Eritreans (I am sure there are many).

** The Killings of Educated and Dedicated Eritreans known as Menkae that started in 1973 and which continued until 1980s. The Agame Wedi Medhin berad Isayas spread fabricated lies of regionalism against these Dedicated and Intellecutal Eritreans who were calling for leadership transparency. He spread lies by labeling the group as regionalists from Akele Guzay when the fact is the Menkae group was comprised of Genuine Eritreans from all regions. By the way the most influential and intellectually mature leader of the movement was Afeworki Teklu - Addis Ababa Universtiy graduate from Hamassien.

** The killing of Eritreans known as Yemin in the early of 1980s after wedi medhin berad was done with the killings of the Menkae Group.

** The Eradication of the progressive Eritreans known as Falul (splintered from ELF) known for their progressiveness and bravery that joined EPLF in 1976/77 by sending them to the 1977/78 unplanned war of Massawa as cannon fodders.

** Declaration of the Civil War in 1980/81 between ELF, which had been transforming itself from Islamist tribalistic leadership to a more democratic and very progressive Organization, and the EPLF by aligning himself with the fvcking TPLF (Agame Leader Isayas aligning with Agame Movement-Woyane TPLF). Thousands Sons and Daughters of Eritrea from both ELF and EPLF lost their lives since the dictator did not want to see the unification of ELF and EPLF, which likely would have costed his leadership and have brought him to justice. Most definitely Eritrea's Independence would have been 10 years earlier than 1991 and with less suffering and less sacrifices of the Eritreans.
As you all may know the Agame Wedi Medhin Berad Isayas does not care about Eritrea and Eritreans. He only cares about his power and his power only.

** After ELF was kicked out from Eritrea, the Evil dictator continued eliminating Genuine Eritreans inside the EPLF that in his nightmare think will challenge his power.

** Fast forward after Independence we have witnessed the eradication/arrest of Genuine and Leadership Caliber Eritreans such as B. General Bitewoded Abraha, the G15, Berhane Abrehe, General Sibhat Efrem, disabled Eritrean Veterans and many more.
Whenever the Agame Wedi Mehin berad Isayas commits crimes against Eritreans, he hacks an excuse to cover up his crimes.

Example: “they were traitors who tried to overthrow the government, they were CIA agents, bla bla” – Against G15 when they called for the National Assembly Meetings to assess the war with the Woyane – how and why it was started and how the war was conducted?.

He always hacks an excuse, such as CIA agents, collaborated with the Enemy without any evidence.
Even the 92 years old Orthodox Patriarch did not escape the dirty game of wedi medhin berad Isays as CIA agent.
Do you see the RUMOR MILL of LIES that the Dictator fabricates and get spread out by his SLAVE LAP DOGS – such Zombie (Zmeselo) ?
But the life of the Rumor Mill full of Lies, and dirty games against Eritreans is getting short and is falling apart. Eritreans are waking up.

Some gullible Eritreans have been listening to his bvll crap excuses but Now all Eritreans from all walks of life are tired of his excuses and are very aware of his tactics to stay in power. Eritreans know that the Agame Wedi Medhin berad Does not care about Eritrea. All he cares is about his POWER and his POWER ONLY.

Eritrea for Eritreans !!
Viva Eritrea !!

Last edited by Sabur on 22 Jul 2019, 02:33, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Dictator Isayas is Replete with the Killing of Eritreans with Leadership Quality and his Hacking Excuses

Post by Follower » 21 Jul 2019, 18:59

No white flags ,No digital agame, nor yakil work.
Save ur breath agames boy.
Wedi berad will screw ur hmsi forever.

Tog Wajale
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Joined: 23 Dec 2017, 07:23

Re: Dictator Isayas is Replete with the Killing of Eritreans with Leadership Quality and his Hacking Excuses

Post by Tog Wajale » 21 Jul 2019, 19:14

Brother Son Of Prostit*utes Dedebit Woorgach Agga*me 《 Sabur》:---- The Mighty Shaebia Hamassien Leadership Will Continue Next 1000 Years To Come. Please Don't Mess With Mighty Shaebia Hamassien Government.
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Re: Dictator Isayas is Replete with the Killing of Eritreans with Leadership Quality and his Hacking Excuses

Post by » 21 Jul 2019, 19:26

Sahsah kodar agame tarik aka toj wajale. Theres no such thing as hamasien government, theres only Eritrean government. Shitaraka dewer wedizas.hermuta sahsah tegwar agame. Everyone can read between the lines. It's crystal clear for everyone to see what youre trying to do. Quit trying to divide Eritreans you agame bas.tard.
Tog Wajale wrote:
21 Jul 2019, 19:14
Brother Son Of Prostit*utes Dedebit Woorgach Agga*me 《 Sabur》:---- The Mighty Shaebia Hamassien Leadership Will Continue Next 1000 Years To Come. Please Don't Mess With Mighty Shaebia Hamassien Government.
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Re: Dictator Isayas is Replete with the Killing of Eritreans with Leadership Quality and his Hacking Excuses

Post by » 21 Jul 2019, 19:29

Sahsah kodar agame mahlana :mrgreen: why pretend to be something youre not. Everyone knows youre an agame lemagne ye lemagne zer.
Sabur wrote:
21 Jul 2019, 18:48

It has been witnessed and recorded by many that the dictator Isayas (ወዲ መድሕን በራድ) has been the eradicating Genuine and Intellectual Eritreans with Leadership Caliber during the struggle for independence and obviously after independence which every living Eritrean witnesses. The dictator then hacks excuses, which some gullible Eritreans fall for, to cover up for his crimes .

Let's list a few crimes the dictator Agame Isayas ድቓላ ወዲ መድሕን በራድ committed against Genuine Eritreans (I am sure there are many).

** The Killings of Educated and Dedicated Eritreans known as Menkae that started in 1973 and which continued until 1980s. The Agame Wedi Medhin berad Isayas spread fabricated lies of regionalism against these Dedicated and Intellecutal Eritreans who were calling for leadership transparency. He spread lies by labeling the group as regionalists from Akele Guzay when the fact is the Menkae group was comprised of Genuine Eritreans from all regions. By the way the most influential and intellectually mature leader of the movement was Afeworki Teklu - Addis Ababa Universtiy graduate from Hamassien.

** The killing of Eritreans known as Yemin in the early of 1980s after wedi medhin berad was done with the killings of the Menkae Group.

** The Eradication of the progressive Eritreans known as Falul (splintered from ELF) known for their progressiveness and bravery that joined EPLF in 1976/77 by sending them to the 1977/78 unplanned war of Massawa as cannon fodders.

** Declaration of the Civil War in 1980/81 between ELF, which had been transforming itself from Islamist tribalistic leadership to a more democratic and very progressive Organization, and the EPLF by aligning himself with the fvcking TPLF (Agame Leader Isayas aligning with Agame Movement). Thousands of True Eritrean Sons and Daughters from both ELF and EPLF lost their lives since the dictator did not want to see the unification of ELF and EPLF, which likely would have costed his leadership and have brought him to justice. Most definitely Eritrea's Independence would have been 10 years earlier than 1991 with less suffering and sacrifices of the Eritreans.
As you all may know the Agame Wedi Medhin Berad Isayas does not care about Eritrea and Eritreans. He only cares about his power and his power only.

** After ELF was kicked out from Eritrea, the Evil dictator continued eliminating Genuine Eritreans inside the EPLF that in his night mare think will challenge his power

** Fast forward after Independence we have witnessed the eradication/arrest of Genuine and Leadership Caliber Eritreans such as B. General Bitewoded Abraha, the G15, Berhane Abrehe, General Sibhat Efrem, disabled Eritrean Veterans and many more.
Whenever the Agame Wedi Mehin berad Isayas commits crimes against Eritreans, he hacks an excuse to cover up his crimes.

Example: “they were traitors who tried to overthrow the government, they were CIA agents, bla bla” – Against G15 when they called for the National Assembly Meetings to assess the war with the Woyane – how and why it was started and how the war was conducted?.

He always hacks an excuse, such as CIA agents, collaborated with the Enemy without any evidence.
Even the 92 years old Orthodox Patriarch did not escape the dirty game of wedi medhin berad Isays as CIA agent.
Do you see the RUMOR MILL of LIES that the Dictator fabricates and spread out by his slave lap dogs – such Zombie (Zmeselo) ?
But the life of the Rumor Mill full of Lies, and dirty games against Eritreans is getting short and is falling apart. Eritreans are waking up.

Some gullible Eritreans have been listening to his bvll crap excuses but Now all Eritreans from all walks of life are tired of his excuses and are very aware of his tactics to stay in power. Eritreans know that the Agame Wedi Medhin berad Does not care about Eritrea. All he cares is about his ONLY POWER.

Eritrea for Eritreans !!
Viva Eritrea !!

Posts: 1364
Joined: 11 Aug 2018, 07:41

Re: Dictator Isayas is Replete with the Killing of Eritreans with Leadership Quality and his Hacking Excuses

Post by Sabur » 22 Jul 2019, 01:38

በሳብስ ደቓሉ : B!TCHES and Slaves of Wedi Medhin Berad.

Listen to the link below and it explains Wedi Medhin Berad's Isayas crimes against Genuine, Patriotic and Intellectual Eritreans.

challenge this - Cowards.

Why Major General Berhane Ghebrezgiabiher was jailed by Wedi Medhin Berad? This is exactly like as what was written. Just STFU and listen if you are a true Eritrean.

በሳብስ ደቓሉ : ደቂ ኮማሮ : ከም ወዲ መድሕን በራድ ::

Eritrea for Eritreans !!
Viva Eritrea !!

Digital Weyane
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Re: Dictator Isayas is Replete with the Killing of Eritreans with Leadership Quality and his Hacking Excuses

Post by Digital Weyane » 22 Jul 2019, 04:08

My Digital Weyane brother Sabur,

Thank you for exacting revenge on the Eritreans who overthrew our TPLF democratic government in Ethiopia. Please keep putting your anger in writing to inspire us all to stand our ground when fighting against our Eritrean enemies. It is great Digital Weyane like you who will turn our Greater Republic of Tigray dream into reality. You are one in a million! The pride of Greater Tigray! Good job!

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Re: Dictator Isayas is Replete with the Killing of Eritreans with Leadership Quality and his Hacking Excuses

Post by Abdelaziz » 22 Jul 2019, 04:46

Digital Booshti Hamasenay Ho'mo, you are the booshti son of deqiarabaa, deqiabat will kick you out very soon, ata booshti Hamasenay wedi Gonder, terewaee, get lot!

Tog Wajale
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Joined: 23 Dec 2017, 07:23

Re: Dictator Isayas is Replete with the Killing of Eritreans with Leadership Quality and his Hacking Excuses

Post by Tog Wajale » 22 Jul 2019, 08:33

What Is The Difference Between 《 Sabur & Woyane.Is.Dead 》:--- They're Both Tigriayan Dedebit Woorgach Agga*me T.P.L.F Woyane Double Agents Cadres. The Game Is Over, Now Is The Time To Aresst Or Exterminate The Former Leaders Criminals Hiding In Mekelle And Adwa Fancy Hotels. The Mighty Shaebia Hamassien Government / People & The Ethiopian Amara People Are Underway In Preparation To Evict The Woyane T.P.L.F Left Over Halusinating Militias At The Badme, Zallambessa,Irob & Bure Areas In Coming Soon. Enjoy It While It Lasts The Occupied Lands Of Eritrean People.

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