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ኬር ትሁን ኢትዮጵያ !! ፈለቀ ማሩ

Post by Horus » 22 Jul 2019, 01:41

ኬር በጉራጌ ኮስሞሎጂ ከእግዚአብሄር ቀጥሎ ያለ እጅግ ታላቅና ቅዱስ ጽንስ ነው ። እግዚአብሄርን ራሱ አዝኬር ነው የሚሉት ኬር ይሁን ማለት ቅዱስ ይሁን፣ ብሩክ ይሁን፣ ሙሉ ይሁን፣ ሰላም ይሁን፣ ጤና ይሁን ማለት ነው ። ደግ ነገር ሁሉ ኬር ይባላል።

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Re: ኬር ትሁን ኢትዮጵያ !! ፈለቀ ማሩ

Post by Democrat » 22 Jul 2019, 03:15

Dirty guraghes! They are the hyenas killing Ethiopians collaborating with Shaebya Eritrea and Egypt.
I understand know why amharas hated and looked down upon Guraghe. They are slaves who were deported to Arabia by Ethiopian nobility from Shoa and Tigray. They speak in a language showing that they were slaves. They still and cheat! We should get them out of our main stream culute because we cannot otherwise be advanced nation. Guraghes exploit the situation in Ethiopia by working with Ethiopia's enemies. We should confisicate the porperty of The Guraghe and re-educate them to stand for Ethiopia.

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Re: ኬር ትሁን ኢትዮጵያ !! ፈለቀ ማሩ

Post by Degnet » 22 Jul 2019, 03:18

Democrat wrote:
22 Jul 2019, 03:15
Dirty guraghes! They are the hyenas killing Ethiopians collaborating with Shaebya Eritrea and Egypt.
I understand know why amharas hated and looked down upon Guraghe. They are slaves who were deported to Arabia by Ethiopian nobility from Shoa and Tigray. They speak in a language showing that they were slaves. They still and cheat! We should get them out of our main stream culute because we cannot otherwise be advanced nation. Guraghes exploit the situation in Ethiopia by working with Ethiopia's enemies. We should confisicate the porperty of The Guraghe and re-educate them to stand for Ethiopia.
You need to be free mentally,only Eritreans themselves can bring democratic rules in Eritrea,no body is looking at Tigray for real solution but at Eritrea.Many Tigrians in the future will be influenced by Eritrean politics,remember we are basically Axumites.These three people need to change the situations of Ethiopia.This was the dream after the Eritrean independence.I can still live as a civilized man with out being influenced in such politics.To save one life is like saving the world.How many things could have been solved if everyone of us is being gentle.People need to change mentally,why are we looking Egypt as an enemy? hagerachinn enaselten,it starts from your own home.Ethiopia endezih aynet hezb yeyazech aymeslegnm neber/tselot.
Last edited by Degnet on 22 Jul 2019, 03:34, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: ኬር ትሁን ኢትዮጵያ !! ፈለቀ ማሩ

Post by Democrat » 22 Jul 2019, 03:47

Amharas and Tigrayans do not marry with Guraghes. This is a fact. Probably, there is now some change. The Guraghe have different culture, which is primitive. The Guraghe still use flase bana leaves as staple food. The way the Guraghes dance is slave dance like West African or Brazillian. This is entirely not allowed in Tigray and Amhara. You do not jump like a monkey in Tigray and Amhara regions. This is culturally bound and people are instructed not to dance like the Guraghes.

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Re: ኬር ትሁን ኢትዮጵያ !! ፈለቀ ማሩ

Post by Degnet » 22 Jul 2019, 05:11

Democrat wrote:
22 Jul 2019, 03:47
Amharas and Tigrayans do not marry with Guraghes. This is a fact. Probably, there is now some change. The Guraghe have different culture, which is primitive. The Guraghe still use flase bana leaves as staple food. The way the Guraghes dance is slave dance like West African or Brazillian. This is entirely not allowed in Tigray and Amhara. You do not jump like a monkey in Tigray and Amhara regions. This is culturally bound and people are instructed not to dance like the Guraghes.
You are trying to hurt him,my relative and class mate in early school age in Mekelle is married to some one who is Ghurage.Every one has his own culture,I love the people.

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