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Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Post by Zmeselo » 20 Jul 2019, 13:09

Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Simon Weldemichael ... he-nation-

July 2019

In Eritrea, national service is viewed as a rite of passage to adulthood and a training ground for building good citizens and national unity. National service, provides the practical and experiential education that can’t be found in formal classrooms. It yields anything good for the security, prosperity and tranquility of the country and its people. Eritrean national service reshapes the life of Eritrean society in fundamental ways and accomplishes much-needed national tasks such as defense, development and security. At its core, national service is said to have a successful experience of instilling the basic Eritrean values upon the young generation.

The national service of Eritrea is the biggest national institution and national practice that brings together hundreds of thousands of Eritrean youth in service to meet the country’s critical needs in social, economic, cultural and political sectors. Service to the country and community has a long tradition and strong foundation. ktet, wefera and maetot are part and parcel of Eritrean people and are a common socio-cultural practices. In addition to the well-known national service, there are also supportive programs and interventions like summer campaign of secondary school students. Every summer, students are participated in various activities of public safety and environmental protection. The summer campaign run by ministry of education has two broad goals: one is to provide direct beneficial service to the country and the other is to produce positive effects on the young students in areas that include civic engagement, volunteerism and life skills.

One year after the formal declaration of independence the government of Eritrea has launched a compulsory national service for all men and women of Eritrea. Pursuant to the proclamation of national service, adult men and women of Eritrean youth are continuously going to Sawa to undertake their duty. Sawa has become the center of gravity of Eritrea. It has become a center of training to make Eritreans everything- a gun carrying soldier, a machine operator worker, a skill hunter developer and a scholar of great learning. Post-independence of Eritrean youth are in service for a quarter century to continue the already started nation building, to make the future better and secure and to prepare for uncertainty among many. During the struggle for independence Nakfa was the symbol of perseverance and determination and a point of reference for the freedom fighters. After independence Sawa has become the symbol of readiness, training and defense and point of reference for the Warsay generation. Sawa produced militarily and academically competent young men and women responsible for development and protection of the country. Until then 32 rounds have reached to and trained in Sawa. Sawa proves to be the heart of Eritrea that supplied the national veins and arteries with instant and powerful blood of trained youth.

Sawa as an idea was developed as president Issayas Afewerki noted:
[not] because we anticipated wars or other hostilities. On the contrary, it came as a continuation of the political process on the basis of which Eritrea was built throughout the armed struggle
(ECSS, 2010).

Today, it has become an endemic to see nations and societies across the world to disintegrate and degenerate. In Eritrea the national glue has been so strong and Eritreans of all age and group are serving, working, learning and living together in unity and harmony. Sawa and national service, has cemented the national unity of Eritreans that was started in Sahil. It has become a tradition for adult men and women to go to Sawa and perform national service, in the military and civilian positions. Without exaggeration, I can say that Sawa and national service permitted the imaginary political community of Eritreans to know each other in person.

Sawa is misrepresented by outsiders as a military training camp, where everyone was punished and sexual abuse was systematically employed. Attempts have been made to associate Sawa, with harsh conditions and the possibility of sexual abuse. This was deliberately fabricated, to defame the institution and obstruct the national path of Eritrea. This dirty heap of falsehood is now demolished, by the current statistics of women in Sawa and the testimony of the confident and free Eritrean girls. Whoever denies this fact has the right to say, but on our part Eritreans will not let anyone walk through our mind with dirty ideas. No one can attach negative connotation, to the thing that we have already attached positive connotation. Sawa and compulsory national service, makes the military and civil service of the country the representative of Eritrean society. Military and community service is shared equally, across all segments of Eritrean society. This unity and equality in service besides averting external threats, it becomes an instrument to create a cohesive national identity and rebuilding the country.

Sawa is a place where we interact with our past, understand our present and foresee our future. Eritrean Youth, are inhaling the rich history of the revolutionary generation and smelling the cheerful future in Sawa. It teaches the art of patriotism and nationalism, innovation and modernization that are equally needed for the reconstruction of the country. In this sense, Sawa represents the perpetuation of the nation building process; that initiated during the hard years of liberation struggle. Sawa will continue to serve as Mecca and Jerusalem for the adherents of Eritreanism, where every faithful must visit at least once in his/her life. Sawa teaches Eritrean youth, to abandon thinking on a day to day and individual level. It teaches, to transcend to the ultimate meaning of life. It gives hope and help, to understand the present and to sense the future. In this sense, Sawa provides telescope to see distant and microscope to recognize the imperceptible.

Sawa and national service served as social glue, which is critical to Eritrean society in the hostile and dissoluble region. By getting citizens together and involved in national duties, they encouraged civic engagement and civic responsibility. In Eritrea, the rights enjoyed by citizens are accompanied by duties and responsibilities; typically exemplified by the completion of nation service. In the past the freedom fighters that fought for independence are called national heroes and nowadays, Warsay who participate in the development and defense of the country got a medal of heroism.

National service in Eritrea, is perhaps unique and noble experience of success in Africa. The objective of the service is based on an ideology of the reconstruction of the country, strengthening of the economy and development of a joint Eritrean identity across ethnic and religious lines. From 1994, military training has been introduced in the national service, and both women and men between 18 and 40 years are required to perform service. Initially, the service time as mentioned in the proclamation of national service was 18 months. For the last twenty years, as a result of the non-implementation of the EEBC decision and the “no war no peace” situation the service time was extended. On face of existential threat posed by the TPLF and the unjust international sanctions, Eritrea compelled to take the uncommon path. The common resounding explanation,
the indefinite nature of the national service
is incomplete without mentioning
the indefinite nature of hostility against Eritrea.
National service is a way of strengthening the civic ideals of public service and community sprit, through voluntary participation. The notion of youth providing some form of service, is becoming part of Eritrean youth. The need to give to others, the need to feel that I’ve done something for the country, has become the motivation for every Eritrean youth to participate in national service. Eritrea is now proceeding, to voluntary youth participation in national issues. Sawa and national service, become effective routes towards voluntary involvement and strengthened the bond between the youth and the community. Sawa and national service teaches the love and service for Eritrea, responsibility and duty and the priority of community and national interest above personal interest.

Sawa and national service, played a great role at forming a disciplined society with self-confidence and faithfulness towards the nation. Sawa has produced thousands of trained men and women, always prepared to face any trial and challenges that would face Eritrea. Now it has become clear to everyone that Sawa has played significant role in physical fitness, character building and nationalism of Eritrean youth. Sawa and national service, teaches skills and instilling values. The teaching of Sawa is an intentional and pro-social approach, that engages and integrates youth with Eritrea’s past and future. The dream and imagination, that young men and women turning eighteen to ask: ‘Where am I going to serve?’, has now become a reality. Eritrean youth are now willing to contribute, in a far greater level than ever made in the past.


ሓተታ፥ ዮሃና! ብሩራዊ እዮቤልዩ ሳዋ
ምስጋና፡ ንልዑል ክብርታት ኣብ ምኹስኳስ ንእትርከብ ማእከል ስልጠና መንእሰያት ሳዋ! ዮሃና ንመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ንኹሎም ፍረ ሳዋን!

ካብ ኣሃዛዊ ጸብጻብ ንላዕሊ፡ ረቂቕ ኣበርክቶ መደብ ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት ዝያዳ ሚዛን ዝወሃቦ እዩ። ሳዋ፡ ኣብ መንእሰያት ዘስረጸቶ፡ ንኹሉ ድሕረታት ዝሰገረ ሰፊሕን ምዕቡልን ሃገራዊ ኣተሓሳስባ፡ መጠኑ ብኣሃዝ ዝልካዕ ኣይኮነን::
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ብመሰረት ኣዋጅ ቁጽሪ 82/1995፡ ዕላማታት ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት፥ ... -editorial

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Re: Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Post by Zmeselo » 20 Jul 2019, 14:11

At the Tour de France, Some Just Try to Survive to Ride Another Day

Natnael Berhane of Eritrea is fighting to keep his spot in the 106th edition of the Tour de France.
Credit: Chris Graythen/Getty Images

By Michael Powell ... rance.html#

July 19, 2019

PAU, France — So on a lark, a chance encounter, I have ended up in the chase car for Natnael Berhane, an Eritrean cyclist, as he twists and turns and pedals like a banshee along a 16.9-mile time trial through the foothills of the Pyrenees.

Berhane is a member of the Cofidis team, and right now he is weaving and bobbing through the countryside as several thousand men, women and children cheer him on.

My driver, Jean-Luc Jonrond of Cofidis, is multitasking, to say the least. He has one hand on the wheel as we twist down a road that is a cross between country lanes and paved goat trails while somehow, in his lap, he balances a cellphone and sheets of paper showing the elevation and the coming 160-degree turns, all as he barks to Berhane with a microphone:
Allez! Allez! Allez!
Translation: Go! Go! Go!

Whoops. We have gone into a centrifugal (I looked up the word: moving or tending to move away from the center, that’s us) spin around one turn and another around the next one. Berhane, who rides about nine yards in front of us, has all but molded his body to his bike, his legs slicing up and down like knives.
I’m not going to lie,
Michel Bajorek, a Belgian with the Cofidis team, says from the back seat.
I feel sick sometimes.
Jonrond chuckles and pulls hard on the wheel and again shouts into the microphone:
Allez! Allez! Allez!
For some, the Tour de France is a chase for glory and the maillot jaune — the yellow jersey that the leader wears. For others, it is about survival.

To continue riding on the more than 2,162-mile Tour de France, Berhane has to finish no more than 25 percent slower than the fastest cyclist of the day. That means he needs to average about 29 miles per hour in 82-degree heat over a course that twists and turns into gullies and ascends steep medieval streets.
We try to keep him near the edge of maximum threshold,
the Belgian explains from the back seat.
If you still have something left in the last four kilometers, then you sort of have to kill yourself.
I murmur that this sounds reasonable.

We began this stage by moving into a slot a bit like that of a missile launch. There was a countdown, the rider came flying out of the blocks, and we flew right behind. He quickly curled around a corner and began to climb a sharp rise into Pau.

You know what’s coming:
Allez! Allez! Allez!
There is a tunnel of humanity more or less lining the entire route. Some step into the road dressed as scarecrows, some as Gallic knights. A man waving a beer mug shouts into the face of the riders. I note to the driver that it’s a surprise that more spectators don’t get simply smooshed, either by a cyclist or the following cars, which carry water and spare parts for the riders, if needed.

Jonrond smiles and nods.
Oui, c’est un miracle.
We swing into another G-force turn.

Berhane had a bad ride the day before, in Thursday’s 129.9-mile stage from Toulouse to Bagnères-de-Bigorre, and he is focused on increasing his pace. We are two-thirds of the way through, and as he passes into a tunnel of shade cast by plane trees — kissing cousins to American sycamores — he seems to be doing fine. Soon after, another sprinter passes him, but that’s O.K. because a rider can briefly ride the draft of that biker’s chase cars.
Sure, sure, that’s huge!
the Belgian says.

We’re a little more than a mile away now, and back into Pau, which greets the cyclists with an impossibly steep grade up a medieval street. Berhane’s pedal stroke has slowed and his shoulders are beginning to jiggle back and forth, a sure sign of exhaustion.
Allez! Allez! Allez!
This is the last climb — it’s brutal, a war, impossible,
the Belgian explains helpfully.

Berhane cruises through the finish line with a time of 39 minutes 45 seconds, more than good enough to continue racing the next day. Julian Alaphilippe of France, the Tour’s overall leader, won the individual time-trial stage, the 2019 Tour’s only one, in 35 minutes, holding off the race’s defending champion, Geraint Thomas of Britain, who was 14 seconds behind, and extending his overall lead to 86 seconds.

I talk to Berhane for a moment, his smile and voice soft. In the distance, framing the horizon south of Pau, are the hazy blue and jagged peaks of the Pyrenees, sun glinting off snow. The reward for Berhane’s work today is to climb an insanely sharp grade up the highest pass in those mountains on Saturday.

He sounded enthusiastic at that prospect.
I prefer mountains,
he says.
And heat, too. Today is too cool.
I nod and murmur, yes, that sounds reasonable.

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Re: Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Post by Zmeselo » 20 Jul 2019, 14:25

Ruby Sandhu (@RSCollaboration) Tweeted:

Two nations at peace - Eritrea and Ethiopia - The Hon Yemane Ghebreab and Ethiopian Ambassador, at the Eritrean festival in the UK!

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Re: Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Post by Zmeselo » 20 Jul 2019, 15:27


Isak: "I do not pay much attention, to those who compare me to Ibrahimovic"

I do not know if I could play with Willian José, it's a question for the coach, but the competition between him and me is good for the team

RAÚL MELERO ... 02-nt.html

(Software translation)

19 julio 2019

19 years old. 1.91cm, in height. He has lived in four different countries, and speaks five languages. It is not a gifted child, or a precocious college student who has the path to be a professor. It is Alexander Isak (Solna, Sweden, 1999), brand new signing of the Real Sociedad team for the season that will start on August 17th, in Valencia. Calm, shy and sparing in words, Isak prefers to express himself in the field, where he wants to "play well and help the team win games." He has seen a lot of Real and Liga games and believes that despite the fact that team is young "it is very talented".

- How are these first days of training?

-The first days are very good, both here in Zubieta and in the city, which is beautiful. So, I'm enjoying it a lot.

- How come to Zubieta?

-I come with Martin (Odegaard), in his car. We left the hotel together.

- Do you have a drivers license?

-Yes, yes I have the license but I am without a car (laughs). Soon, I hope to have one and learn my way here (the interview is done in the facilities of Zubieta).

-How have you felt, together with your new colleagues?

-Very well! I feel very comfortable, with everyone. I like the equipment and the technical staff, too. The players have a great quality, and there is nothing that I can complain about.

- Are the training sessions being very different, from what you were used to?

-Well, they are quite similar to those of Holland, with a lot of training with the ball and that we are in the pre-season. In Sweden and Germany, maybe the ball is played less and I like it more this way.

-Look, you are 19 years old, and have already lived in four different countries. You have previously gone through Sweden, Germany and Holland.

-I hadn't thought of it. (Smiles).

-It is something unusual for someone so young, you don't think?

- It can be. But, people shouldn't believe that it is something that has been hard for me. Quite the opposite! I have taken it, with ease and naturalness.

- When did you leave your house, for the first time?

- The first time was, when I was 17 years old. I played at AIK Solna in Sweden and went to Borussia Dortmund. Later, when 18, I went on loan to Willem II in Holland and now I am here. So I take it easy, as I said before.

-Do you leave many things behind, while on the road?

-It can be so, yes. You sacrifice a lot because that is what you must do, since I am a professional player. It's the lifestyle I've chosen, it's my job and there are also very satisfying things.

Two months ago the phone rang and someone said, 'Hey, Alex, Real Sociedad wants you.' What did he think?

-Yes, it was my agent who called me informing me that there was interest from the Real. It is true that I had some more offers or opportunities to play somewhere else, but then I realized that the interest of Real was very serious and that they really wanted to hire me. From there, things became more or less quickly and here I am.

-What did you know about Real, before the phone rang?

- Of course I knew, about the team. It is the Spanish league and football from here I followed, for years. I knew that LaReal is a team that had very good players, very young as well and they immediately told me that it is an ideal place for me and a perfect place to grow.

-So, was it easy to make the decision, to opt for Real?

- Yes, you can say that. La Real was the most serious and concrete club, that got in touch with me. Everything was important when making the decision: that it is a club with young players, that plays in the Spanish league, the strongest in Europe ...

- Did you know that you're the fourth Swedish player, in the history of the Real?

-I thought, I was the third ...

-It does not lack merit, but the certain thing is that there was many years ago a compatriot of yours, Simonsson ...

-Ah, all I knew is that Hakan Mild and Mathias Asper had been here.

-You are a forward. Do you consider that it is the most difficult position, or one that has the most importance in the field?

-I've been playing striker all my life, and I think it must be like that. I do not know how to play, either midfielder or defense.

- Do you think you have more pressure, than other positions?

-Yes, sure yes. There is a lot of pressure in the front positions, and it is normal. As soon as you step on the field, the pressure is in you.

-In Castilian there is a phrase that says 'The striker lives for the goal'.

-I'm learning Spanish here in Zubieta, and I have to say that it's an almost universal phrase. If brands give you confidence, you feel good, you have joy and normally points for your team.

- In this post too, is Willian José. How do you see it?

-Very good. He's a great player, of course. I think the competition that may exist between him and me, may be good for the team.

- Do you think you could play together, at the same time?

-I do not have the slightest idea. It's a question for the coach.

-What do you consider are your main characteristics, as a center forward?

-It's hard to talk about yourself but I think I'm technical, have good speed with a ball and a I have good finishing touch.

-The other day you scored three goals in training, in just a couple of minutes ...

-Okay, yes. I had some luck, in some of them. (Laughs) It was fine.

- Have you any wish of the number of goals you want to score, this year?

-No, I do not believe much in that. I prefer to focus on being focused on playing well and the chances will come to score goals.

-If there is a penalty, would you dare take it?

- Yes, without any problem. I've already taken them, in Willem II. Not in Sweden, because I was just 16 years old.

-If I say Zlatan Ibrahimovic, what do you tell me?

- Who is the best player that has ever existed in Sweden, and one of the best scorers in the history of football. A great player.

-If you search Alexander Isak on Google, it appears that you are the new Ibrahimovic. What do you think?

- I do not care much if they say that, and do not give it much importance. For me, the most important thing is to play for my team and do my best because it is a signal for the team, the Real in this case, that everything will go right. I've heard that comparison sometimes, but I really do not pay much attention to it.

- How do you see the level of the team, in these first two weeks?

-It is a very high level because we have very high expectations. I think we can play football, very well. Here we play differently to how it is done in Holland or Germany, but I am very excited about the expectations of the team.

-Odegaard, Januzaj, Zurutuza, Illarramendi, you, those who are still to join ... talent is plentiful in the team, right?

- Yes. I think we have great players and the team has great qualities, in all positions.

- Have you talked to someone to explain or to tell you what the level of LaLiga is?

-I did not. It is not necessary, because I have already seen it. I have followed many games on television, and I know it is top level.

- Do you have any sympathy or predilection, for Real Madrid or for Barcelona?

- I do not. Only, for Royal Sociedad.

- Do you want to play in a particular football field?

-Not especially.

-You played in the Westfalenstadion (current Signal Iduna Park) of Dortmund, one of the greatest football temples in Europe.

-Yes (his eyes widen). The atmosphere in Dortmund is incredible, with more than 80,000 people. So I do not think, I'm nervous to play at the Bernabéu, the Camp Nou or any other field. I will try to enjoy it, if I have to play there.

-Did you hear about the derbies?

-Yes, someone has told me something about that.

- Do you like those kinds of games?

- A lot, yes. The atmosphere that is lived is incredible and they are also games in which the fans, turn to us. I hope, that they turn out well.

-The derby of your previous team, the Willen II, against whom is it?

-NEC Breda. Very cool games.

-What does it tell us about the start of the calendar with trips to Valencia, Mallorca and Bilbao, and the first match in Anoeta against Atlético de Madrid?

-I think it's a somewhat special start, because we played the first three games away but it happened last year and we must be prepared and work to get it right.

-It will show the new field on day four ...

-Yes. I had the opportunity to be during the presentation that we did the other Sunday, and I like it a lot. I really want it to be finished because it looks like it is closed, compact and the atmosphere that is created promises to be spectacular.

-How do you see the team's options, of making a good championship for this season?

-I think we are a young team, but it is clear that we have quality and talent, although in LaLiga all the teams are very good. I do not know very well how the team was last year, but I am clear that we have a good squad and this season things can go well.

-For a club like Real, the yardstick is usually the classification for Europe. Do you see options?

-Of course there are options. We must go step by step, until we see where we are and if we can fight for that goal.

-What about Imanol and the rest of his collaborators?

- Very good, there is good harmony. There have not been any problems so far, so to stay the same.

The lowest temperature I've been to has been 30 below zero

- You were born in Sweden, but you're of Eritrean origin.

-So it is. My parents emigrated from Eritrea to Sweden.

-What did they tell you about that trip?

-It was a long time ago and surely it was hard because it is very different to live in Africa than to do it in northern Europe. The most important thing is that my parents found a good place to live.

-Have you been to Eritrea?

-A couple of times.

-How many languages ​​do you speak?

-Four: Swedish, English, Tigrinya (Eritrean) and German. Now I am studying Spanish.

-Odegaard told us that he received classes at Zubieta, do you also?

-Yes, but we take classes separately. He had already been to Spain, and has more knowledge than me.

- So the Basque language is going to dominate right away, right?

- (Laughter) Yes, I have already been told that it is spoken here in Basque. Let's see what I'm given ...

- Do you use social media a lot?

-The most Instagram.Twitter, I have quite abandoned. I read things, but I'm not very active.

- It has many Swedish followers with Balkan surnames. Sweden is no longer a country of tall and blond, is not it?

-There is nothing more to see me. Yes, now in Sweden there is a lot of mixed races. I sincerely believe that it is an advance and shows how the world is changing.

- What was life like in Sweden?

-It's fine, I'm not complaining. You can do everything and Stockholm is an incredible city. Then there is the winter, which may be the worst but you end up getting used to it.

-What has been the lowest temperature, you've experienced?

-30 below zero, but it's not the most usual. In winter more or less, the average is 10 below zero.

-Do you keep friends in Sweden?

-Yes, I still have them.

- Have they asked you if they can come?

-Yes, yes. I have got more requests to come here, than those I had in Dortmund or Tilburg (where the Willem II plays).

-As well?

-I think they have looked on the internet, and have realized that San Sebastian is much prettier. (Laughs)

-Listen to music?

- Especially hip-hop and rap. American music.

- Monte or beach?

-I like both.

- Series?

-I like 'Game of Thrones'. The last season

-Any other sports besides soccer that you like?

- I like basketball, both to play it and to see it.

- The NBA?

-Of course. I'm not a fan of any team. I'm for LeBron James, though.

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Re: Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Post by Zmeselo » 21 Jul 2019, 03:36

Yohanna Paulos (@YohannaPaulos) Tweeted:

Second speaker of the professionals seminar at the Eritrea|n festival UK in London - Yonatan, a young graduate who just returned from interning at the Foreign Ministry in Asmara.

ኤርትራውያን ነበርቲ እስራኤል፡ ኣበርክቶኦም ከምዘዕብዩ ዳግም የረጋግጹ
Last edited by Zmeselo on 21 Jul 2019, 03:44, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Post by Zmeselo » 21 Jul 2019, 03:40

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Re: Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Post by Zmeselo » 21 Jul 2019, 05:16

Yohanna Paulos (@YohannaPaulos) Tweeted:

Eritrea|n professionals seminar at the Eritrean festival UK in London - Yacob Ghebretinsae talks about his undertaking of the major project to digitalise the country’s medical data.

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Re: Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Post by Zmeselo » 21 Jul 2019, 05:19

MEHRETAB MEDHANIE (@EriPrism) Tweeted:

Eritrea finest sons! Current Eritrea president (left) joined the armed struggle at about 19 years of age; discontinuening his education. A lot of the Warsai Generation, had also done that! Sacrificed everything!

Eritrea the land of Sacrifices.

From Sahel to Sawa


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Joined: 19 May 2019, 18:02

Re: Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Post by pastlast » 21 Jul 2019, 05:24

Zmeselo wrote:
21 Jul 2019, 05:19
MEHRETAB MEDHANIE (@EriPrism) Tweeted:

Eritrea finest sons! Current Eritrea president (left) joined the armed struggle at about 19 years of age; discontinuening his education. A lot of the Warsai Generation, had also done that! Sacrificed everything!

Eritrea the land of Sacrifices.

From Sahel to Sawa


Hmmmmm, What Thoughts is Isayas Afwrki Morse coding into Zmeselo's head? hmmmm

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Re: Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Post by Zmeselo » 21 Jul 2019, 05:36

I know how you walk, in your hood: :lol:

pastlast wrote:
21 Jul 2019, 05:24
Zmeselo wrote:
21 Jul 2019, 05:19
MEHRETAB MEDHANIE (@EriPrism) Tweeted:

Eritrea finest sons! Current Eritrea president (left) joined the armed struggle at about 19 years of age; discontinuening his education. A lot of the Warsai Generation, had also done that! Sacrificed everything!

Eritrea the land of Sacrifices.

From Sahel to Sawa


Hmmmmm, What Thoughts is Isayas Afwrki Morse coding into Zmeselo's head? hmmmm

Posts: 2250
Joined: 19 May 2019, 18:02

Re: Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Post by pastlast » 21 Jul 2019, 05:41

Hmmmmm, What Thoughts is Isayas Afwrki Morse coding into Zmeselo's head? hmmmm

Zmeselo wrote:
21 Jul 2019, 05:36
I know how you walk, in your hood: :lol:

pastlast wrote:
21 Jul 2019, 05:24
Zmeselo wrote:
21 Jul 2019, 05:19
MEHRETAB MEDHANIE (@EriPrism) Tweeted:

Eritrea finest sons! Current Eritrea president (left) joined the armed struggle at about 19 years of age; discontinuening his education. A lot of the Warsai Generation, had also done that! Sacrificed everything!

Eritrea the land of Sacrifices.

From Sahel to Sawa


Hmmmmm, What Thoughts is Isayas Afwrki Morse coding into Zmeselo's head? hmmmm

Senior Member+
Posts: 34288
Joined: 30 Jul 2010, 20:43

Re: Sawa and National Service over the last 25 years

Post by Zmeselo » 21 Jul 2019, 12:16

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