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by Horus » 19 Jul 2019, 10:01
አሳዝኝ አሳዛኝ አገር ። መልሱ ራሱ ክልልነትን ማፍረስ ነው ። መቼ ነው ክልል ይፍረስ የሚል መፈክር የሚያዘው !! ሲዳማ ክልል ከሆነ ደቡብ የሚባል ነገር ፍጹም ሊኖር አይችልም ። ሁሉም የራሱ ክልል ሊሆን ግድ ነው
ባሁን ሰአት በደቡብ ክልል የሚሆኑት
Last edited by
Horus on 19 Jul 2019, 10:36, edited 1 time in total.
Sam Ebalalehu
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by Sam Ebalalehu » 19 Jul 2019, 10:16
Yes, Horus, the generation of ethnic politics seemed to have played the major role in “killel” issue. But I argue the major driving force still has been the old politicians whose political survival depend on it. How come the killel issue has become a hot topic since Abiy came to power? One explanation could be there is more freedom now. People could demonstrate, raise an issue without being thrown to prison for doing so. That is part of the answer. The other — in fact the most important one — part of the answer is there are tribal politicians who push and control these movements with remote control. The focus should be on them, not on the kids.
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by Ethoash » 19 Jul 2019, 10:23
this show ክልል working perfectly.. first everyone want to be ክልል then they find out it is overrated and they want to be united once they r united their union will last for 200 years or even 3000 years. look EUROPE once they were fighting each other to keep their nation independent of the other .. now they united .. so soon the Whole Africa will be united .. ethnic fed. work like clock work.. anyhow who interpreted this process will resat process.. why do u care if 80 become ክልል as long as they dont ask for out right independent it is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood news...
think about it if ከፋ want to be ክልል how in hell u going to stop them use fed army where this going to stop everyone want to be ክልል... u should count your blessing under Amhara rule if ከፋ ask for ክልል፣ we would already started war and million people would have died .. today we will break away peacefully how beautiful it is
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by Horus » 19 Jul 2019, 10:29
እኔ ክልላሞችሁን ሁሉ ነው ያልሰከኑ የምላቸው ። መፈክር ና ሰልፍ መሆን የሚገባው ክልል ይፍረስ ነው
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by Maxi » 19 Jul 2019, 10:32
Halafi Mengedi
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by Halafi Mengedi » 19 Jul 2019, 10:41
What is wrong the above ethnics to be Kilil, who has the right to tell what they should be and why do not you mind your own kilil and let each kilil mind their own business???
What does show you the forced unity of Ethiopia painted by one day paint so long and the paint pilled off and the true identity revealed to the world???
No ethnic talks about the future of Gurage and Amhara but their own, even they do not know you still exist in this planet because they do not talk about you but you could not slip and have been talking endlessly about other ethnics what they should be like their sheriff of all ethnics. Mind your own business, can you understand that???
Last edited by
Halafi Mengedi on 19 Jul 2019, 12:28, edited 1 time in total.
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by Horus » 19 Jul 2019, 12:24
Halafi leflafi
ዎያነኤኮ አፈር በልቶ ፍርስርሱ ከወጣ አመት ተቆጠረ ። አሁን ያለው ጨዋታ ሌላ ነው። እንዲህ የምዘፍንለት ክልል ደሞ ገና ትግሬን ራሱ ይበትነዋል ። What goes around comes around KKKK
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by Medo » 19 Jul 2019, 13:22
They are asking kilil while you try to explain the necessities of not having kill. And you try to tell us by mentioning problems facing now as your evidence for that. Let me tell you the sane answer. Kill or no Ethiopia. Ok?
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by Tiago » 19 Jul 2019, 13:32
balkanization is the collapse of multiethnic states into places that are now ethnically similar dictatorships and have undergone many serious political and social issues such as ethnic cleansing and civil war. As a result, balkanization, especially with regard to states and regions, is typically not positive as there is often much political, social and cultural strife that takes place when balkanization occurs.
ክልል is a destructive idea promoted by fascists such as TPLF and should be outlawed.
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by Ethoash » 19 Jul 2019, 13:56
Tiago wrote: ↑19 Jul 2019, 13:32
ክልል is a destructive idea promoted by fascists such as TPLF and should be outlawed.
Thanks Tiago, u loooooooooooooooooooooooook like u r honest and wise guy.. me to i hate ክልል. MY Question is how would u outlawed it .. u cant outlaw the constitution .. to outlaw ክልል u need vote from Sidama, Oromo and Golden pluse Somalia how u going to get it.. i think TPLF FK US GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
so Tiago, if Sidama, Oromo, golden and Somalia say no to your new rule outlawing ክልል what would u do to enforce the rule would u send fed. army... and occupied the place and change the leadership by those who accept no ክልል policy .. in short how would u enforce this new no ክልል policy ...
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by Tiago » 19 Jul 2019, 14:22
Thanks Tiago, u loooooooooooooooooooooooook like u r honest and wise guy.. me to i hate ክልል. MY Question is how would u outlawed it .. u cant outlaw the constitution .. to outlaw ክልል u need vote from Sidama, Oromo and Golden pluse Somalia how u going to get it.. i think TPLF FK US GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
so Tiago, if Sidama, Oromo, golden and Somalia say no to your new rule outlawing ክልል what would u do to enforce the rule would u send fed. army... and occupied the place and change the leadership by those who accept no ክልል policy .. in short how would u enforce this new no ክልል policy ...
The use of force should be preserved for extreme cases of criminality. The parliament must review the constitution and do away with some of the toxic,impractical and archaic ones.
At the moment every village idiot is coming out with its ill-informed and largely uneducated መንጋ demanding its own homeland.
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by Ethoash » 19 Jul 2019, 17:48
Tiago wrote: ↑19 Jul 2019, 14:22
The use of force should be preserved for extreme cases of criminality. The parliament must review the constitution and do away with some of the toxic,impractical and archaic ones.
At the moment every village idiot is coming out with its ill-informed and largely uneducated መንጋ demanding its own homeland.
this is not the answer u r dodging the question .. then if u r not using force they just tell u fk of and they will become Region what then r u going to do? if u start with Sidama where r u going to finished..
trust me i dont support every small zone to become their own region but it is their choice let them see it when they fail they will go back to unity and they become strong unity advocate dont interpret them from experiencing themselves ,,,, just loook Eritrea trust me if they have vote again they would vote to stay with Ethiopia 98% of they will choice to join mama Ethiopia why because they learn their lesson... so dont be afraid if someone ask to break away as long as they dont ask for total independent be happy..
i register your answer kill all of them if they ask to become regional state.. this is recorded for history as if u answer it.. because of ur refuse to answer the direct question
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by Abere » 19 Jul 2019, 18:10
ትክክለኛው መፍትሄ ይኼው ነው። የጎሣ ክልል የተባለን እንደ ኮሶ ትል መግደል።
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by Horus » 19 Jul 2019, 23:29
የሚያሳዝነውኮ በዘር አረቄ የሰከሩት ብቻ አይደሉም ። ምሁር ነኝ ባይና የኢትዮጵያ አጀንዳ አራማጅ ነኝ ባይ ሁሉ ከቄሮና አጀቶ ጋር እየተሳከረ ነው። ለነዚህ ሁሉ መፍትሄው ቀላል ነው። ነጋዴ፣ ምሁር፣ ባለሃብት ነቅሎ መሄድና ምን እንደ ሚያረጉ ማየት ነው።
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by Selam/ » 20 Jul 2019, 07:26
Woyane rat - who the fvck are you to tell others not to talk about the deadly consequences of woyane’s poisonous brainchild “killil?”
Obviously, cursed TPLF thugs want us to sit back and watch the country fall apart. You little rats don’t want people to challenge the system because there will always be a question as to why it came to exist in the first place. And the answer will take you back to the culprits in Dedebit.
Remember always that TPLF dogs don’t have a shred of moral vein to talk about any issue concerning Ethiopia. You’re better of using your remaining skinny muscle to hang on your KIFU cocoon.
Ethoash wrote: ↑19 Jul 2019, 17:48
Tiago wrote: ↑19 Jul 2019, 14:22
The use of force should be preserved for extreme cases of criminality. The parliament must review the constitution and do away with some of the toxic,impractical and archaic ones.
At the moment every village idiot is coming out with its ill-informed and largely uneducated መንጋ demanding its own homeland.
this is not the answer u r dodging the question .. then if u r not using force they just tell u fk of and they will become Region what then r u going to do? if u start with Sidama where r u going to finished..
trust me i dont support every small zone to become their own region but it is their choice let them see it when they fail they will go back to unity and they become strong unity advocate dont interpret them from experiencing themselves ,,,, just loook Eritrea trust me if they have vote again they would vote to stay with Ethiopia 98% of they will choice to join mama Ethiopia why because they learn their lesson... so dont be afraid if someone ask to break away as long as they dont ask for total independent be happy..
i register your answer kill all of them if they ask to become regional state.. this is recorded for history as if u answer it.. because of ur refuse to answer the direct question
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by Horus » 20 Jul 2019, 08:08
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by Ethoash » 20 Jul 2019, 10:15
Horus wrote: ↑20 Jul 2019, 08:08
why this guy is laughting
Hororo. instigator, it doesnt work...yes, some hooligan want to take the advantage of uncertainty... had Dr. Abiy said yes, Sidama can become state. and send army to conduct vote or what every should be done with sense of urgency ... instead the fed. and regional government making a joke telling them to wait another five years ... just because the constitution said you have to wait one years u dont have to wait you could have finished the job in one day .. you boiling people emotion and this is what u got.. now compere this if Dr. Abiy said no Statehoooooooooooooooooooooood what would have happened total blown out civil war then u still claim it is because Ethnic fed. system .. had the fed. government move on the issue with sense of urgency all this could not happened ....
now about fed. army........... they would be welcome if they go their to protect their Statehoooooooooooood but if they go there to take away their statehoood right then problem start.. so had the fed army went in case if trouble happened most people would have welcomed them.. instead our beloved Dr. love left the country so that Sidama go on flames
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by Horus » 20 Jul 2019, 13:19
እኔ ምንም የምቆሰቁሰው የምቀርሰው ነገር የለም ። ቀረሰ ማለት በእኔ ቋንቋ ጸነሰ፣ ጀመረ፣ ቀረጸ፣ ወጠነ ማለት ነው። እያንዳንዱ ቂጣ ጠፍጣፊ የራሱን ቂጣ ይበላል። በግድ ! ሲዳማ አልቆለታል። ከዛሬ ጀምሮ ሰው ሲዳማን አምኖ እዚያ ለመኖር፣ ለመስራት ከሄደ እሱ በድን መሃይም ነው። አስታውስ ያልኩህን ስልጣኔ በሰርአትና ሰላም አፈር ላይ ነው የምትበቅል። እንደ ቂሮ እንደ ኢጀቶ ይሉት ይህን መሰል እውቀት ባጠገባቸው አያልፍም ። ብርሌ ከነቃ አይሆንም እቃ እንዲሉ አበቃሁ !!
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by Ethoash » 20 Jul 2019, 13:28
Horus wrote: ↑20 Jul 2019, 13:19
እኔ ምንም የምቆሰቁሰው የምቀርሰው ነገር የለም ። ቀረሰ ማለት በእኔ ቋንቋ ጸነሰ፣ ጀመረ፣ ቀረጸ፣ ወጠነ ማለት ነው። እያንዳንዱ ቂጣ ጠፍጣፊ የራሱን ቂጣ ይበላል። በግድ ! ሲዳማ አልቆለታል። ከዛሬ ጀምሮ ሰው ሲዳማን አምኖ እዚያ ለመኖር፣ ለመስራት ከሄደ እሱ በድን መሃይም ነው። አስታውስ ያልኩህን ስልጣኔ በሰርአትና ሰላም አፈር ላይ ነው የምትበቅል። እንደ ቂሮ እንደ ኢጀቶ ይሉት ይህን መሰል እውቀት ባጠገባቸው አያልፍም ። ብርሌ ከነቃ አይሆንም እቃ እንዲሉ አበቃሁ !!
ኤርትራኖችም እንዲህ ይሉ ነበር ። እኛ ከወጣን አየር መንገዱ ይከስራል። ስማይ ተቀዶ መሬትን ይወጣል። እኔ እካ የሲዳማን ክልል መኖን አልደግፍም ዋና ከተማነታቸውን አጡ። ይምልህ እኮ ሲዳማ መብታቸው ነው ክልል መሆን አወቀው ነው የሚገቡበት። ወይ ይነሳሉ ውይ ይከስማሉ ከከስሙ ደግሞ በሚቀጥለው ግዜ ሌላ ፓርቲ መርጠው እስደሙምሀል
ኤርትራኖችን ከመገንጠል ምንም አያቆማቸውም ነበር የዛሬ ፴ ዓመት ዛሬ ደግሞ ኤርትራኖች ብትጠይቃቸው ኢትዬዽያ ጋራ ለመዋሐድ ፱፱።፱% ኙ ለኢትዬዽያ ይመርጣሉ። ቁምነገሩ ያለው ። እንዲገነጠሉ በመፍቀዳችን ነው ለዚህ የደርስነው በስላም ጎሬበታሞች መሆናቸ።
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by Horus » 20 Jul 2019, 13:46
Ethoash wrote: ↑20 Jul 2019, 13:28
Horus wrote: ↑20 Jul 2019, 13:19
እኔ ምንም የምቆሰቁሰው የምቀርሰው ነገር የለም ። ቀረሰ ማለት በእኔ ቋንቋ ጸነሰ፣ ጀመረ፣ ቀረጸ፣ ወጠነ ማለት ነው። እያንዳንዱ ቂጣ ጠፍጣፊ የራሱን ቂጣ ይበላል። በግድ ! ሲዳማ አልቆለታል። ከዛሬ ጀምሮ ሰው ሲዳማን አምኖ እዚያ ለመኖር፣ ለመስራት ከሄደ እሱ በድን መሃይም ነው። አስታውስ ያልኩህን ስልጣኔ በሰርአትና ሰላም አፈር ላይ ነው የምትበቅል። እንደ ቂሮ እንደ ኢጀቶ ይሉት ይህን መሰል እውቀት ባጠገባቸው አያልፍም ። ብርሌ ከነቃ አይሆንም እቃ እንዲሉ አበቃሁ !!
ኤርትራኖችም እንዲህ ይሉ ነበር ። እኛ ከወጣን አየር መንገዱ ይከስራል። ስማይ ተቀዶ መሬትን ይወጣል። እኔ እካ የሲዳማን ክልል መኖን አልደግፍም ዋና ከተማነታቸውን አጡ። ይምልህ እኮ ሲዳማ መብታቸው ነው ክልል መሆን አወቀው ነው የሚገቡበት። ወይ ይነሳሉ ውይ ይከስማሉ ከከስሙ ደግሞ በሚቀጥለው ግዜ ሌላ ፓርቲ መርጠው እስደሙምሀል
ኤርትራኖችን ከመገንጠል ምንም አያቆማቸውም ነበር የዛሬ ፴ ዓመት ዛሬ ደግሞ ኤርትራኖች ብትጠይቃቸው ኢትዬዽያ ጋራ ለመዋሐድ ፱፱።፱% ኙ ለኢትዬዽያ ይመርጣሉ። ቁምነገሩ ያለው ። እንዲገነጠሉ በመፍቀዳችን ነው ለዚህ የደርስነው በስላም ጎሬበታሞች መሆናቸ።
አንድ መሃይም ዘሎ ገደል በመግባት ራሱን የመግደል መብት አለው እንበል ግ ን ሲዳማኮ የኢትዮጵያ ምድር ነው ። የሲዳማ ደደብ በሰራው መላው አገር ይታወካል። ያንተ ሎጂክ የህጻን ሎጂክ እንጂ አንድ ላገሩ ለህዝቡ ሃላፊነት የሚሰማው አመለካከት አይደለም
መባል ያለበት መፈክር ክልል ይፍርእስ ንእው