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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by Somaliman » 27 Feb 2025, 09:53

Two mo'therfuc'kers who shouldn't exist.

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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by wubebereha » 27 Feb 2025, 10:03

:lol: :lol: nothing burns with fear and jealousy the life-time Ethiopia hater askaris more than seeing an Ethiopian leader near the Red Sea..this is good :lol: :lol:

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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by tarik » 27 Feb 2025, 10:04

Somaliman wrote:
27 Feb 2025, 09:53
Two mo'therfuc'kers who shouldn't exist.
i agree. But check out how the brave Somali ppl humilited backstabber galla-abiy and his backstabber hassan in moqadisho beach. :lol:
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:lol: :mrgreen:

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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by Wordpad » 27 Feb 2025, 10:30

tarik Somalia and President Hassan have very good relations with Eritrea. We just don't want conflict with Ethiopia and we are pushing Ethiopia to respect Eritrea. So tarik don't jump to conclusions. President Hassan will visit Eritrea and we will also welcome President Isaasis inshallah

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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by Wordpad » 27 Feb 2025, 10:37

tarik wrote:
27 Feb 2025, 10:04
Somaliman wrote:
27 Feb 2025, 09:53
Two mo'therfuc'kers who shouldn't exist.
i agree. But check out how the brave Somali ppl humilited backstabber galla-abiy and his backstabber hassan in moqadisho beach. :lol:
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:lol: :mrgreen:
tarik that video is fake and edited.

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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by tarik » 27 Feb 2025, 10:50

Wordpad wrote:
27 Feb 2025, 10:30
tarik Somalia and President Hassan have very good relations with Eritrea. We just don't want conflict with Ethiopia and we are pushing Ethiopia to respect Eritrea. So tarik don't jump to conclusions. President Hassan will visit Eritrea and we will also welcome President Isaasis inshallah
We Eriteans know our Somali ppl love us and we love and respect them as well, But we also know that only the late Somali president Siaad Barre loved and fought and helped us eritreans in our struggle 4 independence against evil ethiopia and russia, but all Somali leaders after Siaad Barre were all puppets of usa,turkey and ethiopia and we don't trust them.We even knew farmajo and hassan didn't like us, but 4 the sake of Somalia we worked with them and you know the rest. Hassan is a turkey and usa puppet and so is galla-abiy and they r both backstabers as well.birds in this case rats of the same feather do flock together. :lol:
:lol: :mrgreen:

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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by Wordpad » 27 Feb 2025, 10:58

tarik wrote:
27 Feb 2025, 10:50
Wordpad wrote:
27 Feb 2025, 10:30
tarik Somalia and President Hassan have very good relations with Eritrea. We just don't want conflict with Ethiopia and we are pushing Ethiopia to respect Eritrea. So tarik don't jump to conclusions. President Hassan will visit Eritrea and we will also welcome President Isaasis inshallah
We Eriteans know our Somali ppl love us and we love and respect them as well, But we also know that only the late Somali president Siaad Barre loved and fought and helped us eritreans in our struggle 4 independence against evil ethiopia and russia, but all Somali leaders after Siaad Barre were all puppets of usa,turkey and ethiopia and we don't trust them.We even knew farmajo and hassan didn't like us, but 4 the sake of Somalia we worked with them and you know the rest. Hassan is a turkey and usa puppet and so is galla-abiy and they r both backstabers as well.birds in this case rats of the same feather do flock together. :lol:
:lol: :mrgreen:
My Eritrean brother you must understand we love Eritrea and Eritreans. We have to focus on the war on Al-Shabab and internal tribal conflicts. President Hassan likes and appreciates Eritrea. Eritrea has done much for us and we are truly grateful. Turkey is helping u s to get back on our feet. Please understand are sensitive situation.

God bless Eritrea

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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by tarik » 27 Feb 2025, 11:15

This man is the truly real friend of us Eritreans and we shall never forget what this great man did 4 us Eritreans, Long live the late president of Somalia mr. Siaad Barre. After Barre Somalia died with him and the leaders after him r all backstabbers and slaves of usa-turkey-israhell-ethiopia-uae.

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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by Somaliman » 27 Feb 2025, 11:21

tarik wrote:
27 Feb 2025, 10:50
Wordpad wrote:
27 Feb 2025, 10:30
tarik Somalia and President Hassan have very good relations with Eritrea. We just don't want conflict with Ethiopia and we are pushing Ethiopia to respect Eritrea. So tarik don't jump to conclusions. President Hassan will visit Eritrea and we will also welcome President Isaasis inshallah
We Eriteans know our Somali ppl love us and we love and respect them as well, But we also know that only the late Somali president Siaad Barre loved and fought and helped us eritreans in our struggle 4 independence against evil ethiopia and russia, but all Somali leaders after Siaad Barre were all puppets of usa,turkey and ethiopia and we don't trust them.We even knew farmajo and hassan didn't like us, but 4 the sake of Somalia we worked with them and you know the rest. Hassan is a turkey and usa puppet and so is galla-abiy and they r both backstabers as well.birds in this case rats of the same feather do flock together. :lol:
:lol: :mrgreen:

but all Somali leaders after Siad Barre were all puppets of usa,turkey and ethiopia and we don't trust them.
You're too nice calling these scumbags "leaders". Trust me, I wouldn't even use them to wipe my ar'se.

Somalia hasn't had any leader since Siad Barre.

They're not even puppets but ar'selickers, who wouldn't hesitate to lic'k ar'ses literally and do everything to stay in their nominal power, as none of them, including the current fuc'ker, Hassan Sheikh, has had the control of Mogadishu alone, leave alone the entire country.

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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by tarik » 27 Feb 2025, 12:02

They say alshabab shot at galla-abiy and he left Somalia in hurry. :lol:

NationalEr Interest

ብመሰረት ጸብጻብ ብሉምበርግ (Bloomberg)፡ ኣቢይ ኣሕመድ ናይ ኢትዮጲያ፡ እግሩ ኣብ መዓርፎ ነፈርቲ ሞቃዲሾ ኣብ ዘንበረሉ ህሞት፡ ብደብዳብ ሞርታር ኣል-ሸባብን፡ ብኣሽሓት ዝቁጸሩ ሶማላዉያን ብዘካየድዎ ናዕብን ናይ "ብደሓን ኣይትምጻእ" ወግዓዊ ስነ-ስርዓት ተኻይድሉ።
ብተግባራት ኣቢይ ኣሕመድ ዝተቖጥዑ ሶማላዉያን፡ ብዝፈጸምዎ ናዕቢ፡ ኣቢይ ኣሕመድ ኣብ ዉሽጢ 4-ሰዓታት ናብ ሃገሩ ሃዲሙ ተመሊሱ።
ፕረዚደንት ሓሰን ሸኽ ማሕሙድ፡ እዚ ዝገብር ዘሎ --- ነዚ ዘይብሱል መራሒ ኢትዮጲያ፡ ነቲ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ዓመት ወርሒ ጥሪ ምስ ሶማሊላንድ ዝኸተሞ ዉዕል፡ ክስርዞ ኣኽኢልዎ ብምህላዉ፡ ርክብ ክልቲኦም መራሕቲ ብዲፕሎማሲያዊ ቛንቋ ካልእ ጣቛ ሃሊዎ ኣይተረኽበን።
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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by Affable » 27 Feb 2025, 14:23

tarik, don’t be despaired. Still the photo of the president of Egypt sitting in the middle, the Eritrean and Somalian presidents sitting on his left and right in Asmara says a lot about the politics of the region than Abiy’s visit to Somalia. I am just kidding. The Somalia president is not against Ethiopia or Eritrea. His interest largely is to promote the interest of his country. If the Ethiopian prime minister and Eritrean president have problems, it is up to them to sort it out. That is the message the Somalian president wants to signal. There is nothing wrong with it. In fact it should be applauded.

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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by Abere » 27 Feb 2025, 14:47


__ There is one thing that made you unique from the rest of the Ascari Jeberti crowd, you persistently been against Abiy Ahmed.You might have seen in your vision, Shabia and OLF would end up fighting. All Ascari in this forum never thought of that - they were simply cheering like a noisy macaque.
__ However, your stupidity is also very obvious. You should have known that politicians ( especially rebel thugs) are more prostitute than prostitute. You got surprised how Hassen Sheik bent to Abiy Ahmed and Abiy Ahmed did the same for Hassen Sheik. These are as prostitute as Isaias Afework.Isias Afework has been spreading his skinny leg to Egyptian leaders all the time - he got Arabic STDs.

You should have known Isaias Afework is the MAMA prostitute. All the Sawa youth are the condoms :lol:

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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by tarik » 27 Feb 2025, 16:28

Abere wrote:
27 Feb 2025, 14:47

__ There is one thing that made you unique from the rest of the Ascari Jeberti crowd, you persistently been against Abiy Ahmed.You might have seen in your vision, Shabia and OLF would end up fighting. All Ascari in this forum never thought of that - they were simply cheering like a noisy macaque.
__ However, your stupidity is also very obvious. You should have known that politicians ( especially rebel thugs) are more prostitute than prostitute. You got surprised how Hassen Sheik bent to Abiy Ahmed and Abiy Ahmed did the same for Hassen Sheik. These are as prostitute as Isaias Afework.Isias Afework has been spreading his skinny leg to Egyptian leaders all the time - he got Arabic STDs.

You should have known Isaias Afework is the MAMA prostitute. All the Sawa youth are the condoms :lol:

Yes i knew from the start that galla-abiy was a liar and a backstabber coward, but everybody doubted me for years, but they finally got it. Galla-Abiy will betray his mother for money and power and a selfie photo. :lol: :mrgreen:

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Re: Photos Of:Backstabber Hassan Welcomed His Backstabber Cousin Galla-Abiy 2 Somalia.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by wubebereha » 27 Feb 2025, 16:39

Abere wrote:
27 Feb 2025, 14:47

.Isias Afework has been spreading his skinny leg to Egyptian leaders all the time - he got Arabic STDs.

Eritrea never kneels down except for Egypt :lol: :lol: but how long Eritrea is going to suffer just to make her Arab masters happy :lol:

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