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Political Party Law, Ethiopia

Post by Dama » 25 Feb 2025, 09:06

Article 2. country-wide political party qualifies for registration if:

a) it has at least 1,500 founding members;

b) the number of founding members who are residents of one region does not exceed forty per cent (40%;)

c) the rest of the founding members are residents of at least four of the regions within Ethiopia;

d) the number of members registered as founders in each region as laid down in sub-article 2 (c) of this Article constitutes at least fifteen per cent (15%) of the total founding members.

Article 3. A political party shall have regional personality where:

a) it has at least 750 founding members;

b) more than forty per cent (40%) of the founding members are residents of one region;

4. The legal status of political groups which do not qualify for registration as country-wide or regional parties as provided for under sub-article 2 and 3 of Article 4 shall be determined by law to be issued in future.

5. Political Parties Barred from Registration In consideration of the need to protect the rights of others as provided for under Article 1 (b) of the Charter, political groups which pursue any of the following objectives shall not be registered:

1. groups whose objective is to foment conflict and war by preaching hatred and animosity among nations, nationalities and peoples on the basis of differences in race, religion and the like, in contravention of international agreements to which Ethiopia is a party by accession or signature;
2. groups organized to advance their political objectives by force of arms;
3. groups whose objective is to take over political power by overthrowing the Government of Ethiopia by armed force;
4. any political group of which foreign nationals are members;
5. any political group which is formed for the purpose of pursuing unlawful activities.
6. Organizations which May Not be Registered as Political Parties The following may not be registered as political parties under this Proclamation:
6.1. associations or organizations formed for the purpose of carrying on commercial and industrial activities under the Commercial Code, the Civil Code or other relevant laws;
6.2. associations formed for non-profit making or for welfare purposes;
6.3. trade unions and professional associations; 6.4. mutual help organizations;
6.5. religious organizations;
6.6. Social formations such as idir, equb, and the like.

to read more click here ... ty_reg.pdf