Does Abiy Ahmed Really Favour Pro-Oromummà Camp Rather than Pro-Amaranet Bloc?
The political spectrum in Ethiopia has got its own evolution. During the Feudal time, it was with spectrum of monarchy vs republic; in the era of Derg, we struggled within spectrum of capitalism vs socialism; under Woyane’s rule, we entertained ethio-federalism (geography based) vs ethno-federalism (language based); now, being ruled by Biltsigina, the spectrum is crystalizing to pro-Amaranet vs pro-Oromummaà. Amaranet/Amarigna is still dominating, as it did from the rule of Yekuno Amlak to the current regime of Abiy Ahmed. But, recently, Abiy seems to move towards favouring the pro-Oromummà camp and the Americans are following his step. The recent visit of America’s foreign minister, despite the opposition of the pro-Amaranet bloc, speaks a lot regarding this fact. The only thing not yet fulfilled by Dr. Abiy to be welcomed whole heartedly in pro-Oromummà camp is the legitimate promotion of Afàn Oromo to primary working language of the federation, replacing Amarigna.
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Re: Does Abiy Ahmed Really Favour Pro-Oromummà Camp Rather than Pro-Amaranet Bloc?
Dr. Abiy could chase away the TPLFites from dominating politics in Finfinné palace. No question that Amara elites were used by him because of their revenge mentality against the Tegaru, but they have no chance to take power in Finfinné palace. Now, it is slowly but surely becoming clear that the pro-Oromummà camp shall prevail in the future, Till then, the struggle will continue between pro-Amaranet dictators, who are ready to keep domination of Amarigna/Amaranet in Ethiopia and pro-Oromummà democrats, who are striving to promote Oromiffà/Orommummà to the legitimate primary position based on the majotity status of the Oromo. In the last more than 743 years, from Yekuno (1270) to Abiy (2023), pro-Amaranet dictators dominated politics of the country. I hope Abiy will be the last such dictator to rule Ethiopia and the future surely belongs to pro-Oromummà democrats, thanks to the OLF, who successfully changed the trajectory of politics in that country from that of Ethiopia dominated by Amaranet towards the future Ethiopia led by Oromummà.
If it is true that the TPLF has attacked ENDF in Tigrai, then it is really a suicide par excellence. TPLF must be delusional to think that it can be victorious like in 1991 war against Derg. It simply gave chance for almost all Amara elites and some Oromo elites to revenge against Tegaru elites. Any force in Africa having Western support has the necessary weapon to win the battle. So did Menelik at the end of 19th century and Meles at the end of 20th century. Now, it is turn of Dr. Abiy and his supporters. The pro-Amaranet dictators are effectively cornerred by pro-Oromummà democrats now dominating in Oromia’s politics. The step of Dr. Abiy against the TPLF persuaded certain pro-Amaranet dictators to support the war. It simply gave EPP of Abiy the best chance to survive being supported by almost all Amara elites and most Oromo elites as well as by their foreign handlers. Good job Dr. Abiy by saving his party, at least temporarly.
Otherwise, thanks to Qeerroo and Wàqa, our effort in promoting unity of Oromo liberation forces, which went for at least one Gadà (era) is now bearing fruit. The beginning of the unification process is already seen. Some of us were sceptical, whether our leaders of pro-Oromummà republican organizations (OFC and OLF) are serious in implementing what they declared: Coalition for Democratic Federation. Surely there is no principal ideological difference to hinder them from fostering such coalition; if at all, then only their ego could be an obstacle. In principle, they just need to follow the process, which the AFD member organizations did formulate.
Their main common denominator is the agenda of freedom (bilisummà) regarding both Oromo land and Oromo people. Surely they differed in the pre-freedom route (non-peaceful vs non-violent) to the goal and now they can differ in post-freedom type of sovereignty for Oromia (free Oromia within a union vs free Oromia without a union). The solution for the two conflict areas is simple: 1. the two routes were complemantry, not contradictory to each other, so just accepting and respecting each other’s route of choice was mandatory; 2. one of the two types of sovereignty can be selected per referendum after freedom, so there is no need of quarrel now. In a long run, even they can entertain the third route (through regime structure of the EPP) and the third type of sovereignty (geo-federation initially followed by Meison of Dr. Haile Fida). This option is not against Oromo cause as some of us do misunderstand. Even, Oromo republicans can move towards such merger, just like the Oromo democrats formed the EPP. In future process, the currently agreed 10 members of the AFD (OLF, ONLF, SPLF, ALF, QDP, ANC, BPLM, GPLM, KDP & MDP) can merge in to one strong Ethiopian party similar to the EPP. Oromo republicans need such inclusive organization, if they want to adminster the whole Ethiopia, not only realizing self rule of Oromia.
Just like OPP has envisioned, the republicans can intend to transform the hitherto empire state of Abyssinia into free, democratic communities of nations who coexist peacefully, in freely chosen systems of governance either in a single federal Ethiopia or as allied independent states in a Form of confederation.
Oromo republicans’ mission can be to change the political landscape in Ethiopia by dismantling the traditional colonial and tyrannical system of government where an ethnic clique of Tigreans used or usurped powers of the state and oppressed the rest of peoples in the name of the Ethiopian state. Oromo republicans can then create a transitional federal arrangement based on democracy, rights of selfdetermination and respects of human rights in a manner that addresses grievances of all nations in Ethiopia by instituting a genuinely representative political order. This new political order will conduct free and fair referendum at the end of transitional period for Oromo people in the formation of federal or confederal states of Ethiopia or creation of Oromian independent state.
If Oromo people choose to be part of a federal or confederal Ethiopia, the republicans will be part of instituting a federal or confederal system that is just, and democratic, where all human and democratic rights are fully respected; and full autonomy of Oromia will be implemented. In case Oromo people choose to set up our own state, Oromo republicans will help in establishing a positive, friendly relationship with other nations based on mutual respect, cooperation and common market. Taking this simple principle, which was followed by the AFD as an example, the Oromo republican organizations could foster common organization, even if they did not merge into one structural Oromo liberation force. That is why the current move of Oromo republicans to forge common org and foster larger AFD is smart. It seems that the main competition in future election will be between one Ethiopian party led by Oromo democrats, i.e EPP and one strong Ethiopian coalition led by Oromo republicans, namely AFD! Which one shall prevail? Oromo prosperitans led by Dr. Abiy or Oromo republicans to be represented by Jawar et al?
If it is true that the TPLF has attacked ENDF in Tigrai, then it is really a suicide par excellence. TPLF must be delusional to think that it can be victorious like in 1991 war against Derg. It simply gave chance for almost all Amara elites and some Oromo elites to revenge against Tegaru elites. Any force in Africa having Western support has the necessary weapon to win the battle. So did Menelik at the end of 19th century and Meles at the end of 20th century. Now, it is turn of Dr. Abiy and his supporters. The pro-Amaranet dictators are effectively cornerred by pro-Oromummà democrats now dominating in Oromia’s politics. The step of Dr. Abiy against the TPLF persuaded certain pro-Amaranet dictators to support the war. It simply gave EPP of Abiy the best chance to survive being supported by almost all Amara elites and most Oromo elites as well as by their foreign handlers. Good job Dr. Abiy by saving his party, at least temporarly.
Otherwise, thanks to Qeerroo and Wàqa, our effort in promoting unity of Oromo liberation forces, which went for at least one Gadà (era) is now bearing fruit. The beginning of the unification process is already seen. Some of us were sceptical, whether our leaders of pro-Oromummà republican organizations (OFC and OLF) are serious in implementing what they declared: Coalition for Democratic Federation. Surely there is no principal ideological difference to hinder them from fostering such coalition; if at all, then only their ego could be an obstacle. In principle, they just need to follow the process, which the AFD member organizations did formulate.
Their main common denominator is the agenda of freedom (bilisummà) regarding both Oromo land and Oromo people. Surely they differed in the pre-freedom route (non-peaceful vs non-violent) to the goal and now they can differ in post-freedom type of sovereignty for Oromia (free Oromia within a union vs free Oromia without a union). The solution for the two conflict areas is simple: 1. the two routes were complemantry, not contradictory to each other, so just accepting and respecting each other’s route of choice was mandatory; 2. one of the two types of sovereignty can be selected per referendum after freedom, so there is no need of quarrel now. In a long run, even they can entertain the third route (through regime structure of the EPP) and the third type of sovereignty (geo-federation initially followed by Meison of Dr. Haile Fida). This option is not against Oromo cause as some of us do misunderstand. Even, Oromo republicans can move towards such merger, just like the Oromo democrats formed the EPP. In future process, the currently agreed 10 members of the AFD (OLF, ONLF, SPLF, ALF, QDP, ANC, BPLM, GPLM, KDP & MDP) can merge in to one strong Ethiopian party similar to the EPP. Oromo republicans need such inclusive organization, if they want to adminster the whole Ethiopia, not only realizing self rule of Oromia.
Just like OPP has envisioned, the republicans can intend to transform the hitherto empire state of Abyssinia into free, democratic communities of nations who coexist peacefully, in freely chosen systems of governance either in a single federal Ethiopia or as allied independent states in a Form of confederation.
Oromo republicans’ mission can be to change the political landscape in Ethiopia by dismantling the traditional colonial and tyrannical system of government where an ethnic clique of Tigreans used or usurped powers of the state and oppressed the rest of peoples in the name of the Ethiopian state. Oromo republicans can then create a transitional federal arrangement based on democracy, rights of selfdetermination and respects of human rights in a manner that addresses grievances of all nations in Ethiopia by instituting a genuinely representative political order. This new political order will conduct free and fair referendum at the end of transitional period for Oromo people in the formation of federal or confederal states of Ethiopia or creation of Oromian independent state.
If Oromo people choose to be part of a federal or confederal Ethiopia, the republicans will be part of instituting a federal or confederal system that is just, and democratic, where all human and democratic rights are fully respected; and full autonomy of Oromia will be implemented. In case Oromo people choose to set up our own state, Oromo republicans will help in establishing a positive, friendly relationship with other nations based on mutual respect, cooperation and common market. Taking this simple principle, which was followed by the AFD as an example, the Oromo republican organizations could foster common organization, even if they did not merge into one structural Oromo liberation force. That is why the current move of Oromo republicans to forge common org and foster larger AFD is smart. It seems that the main competition in future election will be between one Ethiopian party led by Oromo democrats, i.e EPP and one strong Ethiopian coalition led by Oromo republicans, namely AFD! Which one shall prevail? Oromo prosperitans led by Dr. Abiy or Oromo republicans to be represented by Jawar et al?