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The Three Enemies of Oromummà are Dying in Turn!

Post by OPFist » Today, 03:18

The Three Enemies of Oromummà are Dying in Turn!

No question that the three enemies of Oromummà are assimilative Amara elites, hegemonist Tegaru elites and assimilated Oromo elites. As the Oromo were fighting against the hegemonist Woyane, we planned to go forward systematically. We wanted to kill first the powerful Woyane by cooperating with all anti-TPLF forces, even including the potentially dangerous backward looking Naftegnas. Now, Woyane is gone never to come back, Thanks to the foolish approach of Abiy Ahmed, the Naftagna could organise and militarise themselves being his allies. That is why we have to currently deal with this nostalgic forces, who salivate to come back to Finfinne palace. Surely, the Naftagnas will be history in the near future. After that, being completely free from both Naftagnas and Woyanes, we can turn to the presently ruling Hybrids, who are determined to keep the hitherto domination of Amaranet/Amarigna, instead of promoting Oromiffà/Oromummà to its legitimate leading position in Ethiopia. Oromummà as a leading and main Element of Ethiopiawinet (at least 40%) is growing slowly, but surely. Oromo Republicans in the OFC and OLF are the main promoters of this Oromo identity and nationalism. The three current foes trying to hinder this promotion of Oromummà in order to maintain the ongoing domination of Amaranet are the highly weakened assimilative Amara elites, the recently defeated Tegaru Hegemonists and the currently ruling Hybrid elites with servitude mentality, who are the enslaved part of our society.
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Re: The Three Enemies of Oromummà are Dying in Turn!

Post by OPFist » Today, 07:03

Asimilative Amara elites did all they can in the last 150 years to destroy Oromummà and feed us Amaranet/Amarigna. Tegaru Hegemonists had good chance to get rid of Amharanet domination and allow Oromummà to get its legitimate leading position, but they chose otherwise. An enslaved Oromo elitess led by Dr. Abiy are also revering Amaranet instead of respecting Oromummà, thus keeping the hitherto domination of Amaranet instead of promoting Oromummà to its legitimate primary position. Typical of elites with slave mentality. They are proud by further promoting Amarigna/Amaranet at the cost of Oromummà. That is why Dr. Abiy’s Ethiopia is the same to Menelik’s Ethiopia, i.e Amapia (Amaranet dominated country). Surely, Oromo Republicans will take over power in Finfinne palace and promote Oromummà to its legitimate leading and primary position, so that the future Ethiopia will be equivalent to Oropia (Oromummà led state).

Being influenced by high cry of the Neo-naftagnas, Abiy Ahmed made a big mistake and imrisoned Oromo freedom fighters. With this Action, he lost at least 90% of Oromo support. Now, he survises only by help of the Neo-naftagnas and that of about 10% Oromo elites, who chose revering Amaranet, instead of respecting Oromummà. The struggle is again between Abiy’s Prosperitan bloc and Jawar’s Republican camp. It is clear that Jawar is becoming de facto integrative leader of Oromo opposition groups (OFC & OLF). The support of all Oromo leaders and Oromo people for Jawar shows that he is in a position to take the leadership. Ob. Daud and Dr. Marara should come together, merge their organizations in to one ORP (Oromian Republican Party) and give up the leadership to the new generation led by Jawar. This young leader on the other hand has to bring the rest of OLA (Oromo Liberation Army) back home and strengthen the opposition against the anti- Oromummà Prosperitans – in the coming election. I decided to write this letter, which is directed to you, our genuine nationalist leaders, after following the hitherto effort of different Oromo nationalists to help you come together and forge unity of purpose and after exhausting my own attempts in trying to help Oromo forces come together to build stronger united force for liberation of Oromo people from the oppression by Abiy’s anti-Oromummà Prosperitans. I know you are also doing your best to fulfill this demand of Oromo people according to your ability and possibility. I just would like to say thank you for your efforts. But, our current situation is making almost all Oromo in every walk of life more restless. We, as a nation, seem to be in a challenging situation now. That is why I wanted to write this open letter. I hope you get this message and give few minutes from your precious time to read.

It is unnecessary to tell you about subjugation history of the Oromo and the sufferings we all went through in the last about 150 years. I also don’t dare to narrate the attempts our heroes and heroines in history, including you, have done up to now to bring a lasting solution for our national issue. Thanks to the martyrs, and to heroes and heroines, who are still alive – including you, our leaders, for the victories we have achieved till now. Trying to describe the status quo of the Oromo for you also should be considered as an insult to your intellect, so I do refrain from doing that. I want to concentrate only on one issue, which, most part of our conscious society, including me, were demanding for the last many years: unity of Oromoness for freedom and sovereignty.

It is not hidden from you that our national subjugation and enslavement under Abyssinian elites started because of the division our ancestors had had by abandoning their unity under Gadaa democracy and because of their taking up other forms of administration like monarchy, and for some of them being feudal lords rivaling with each other. After conquering Oromia successfully by using divide-and-conquer method, Abyssinian elites could maintain their domination, and rule over Oromo further again by using divide-and-rule mechanism. The Neo-naftagnas are also using the same method. They do it by using their Afan Oromo-speaking and Afan Oromo-writing cadres in cyber forums, face-book and PalTalks. Even practically, in real world of Oromo communities, they try to saw discord again by using their cadres, who are infiltrating the community being camouflaged as Oromo nationalists. They do apply all means of schisms like differences in region, clan (gosa), political parties, generations, leaders vs. followers in specific Oromo organizations, and differences in religion.

Specially important is how they are trying to exploit the “difference in ‘post-freedom objective’ among groups of our national liberation forces.” It is interesting to observe how they always repeatedly talk and write that Oromo nationalists “do have two irreconcilable goals: Ethiopian democratization vs. Oromian decolonization.” This manipulation by our known foes is not the main disturbing part. More worrisome is when we do hear and read some individuals from you, the leaders, talking the same way and trying to fight your fellow Oromo nationals in other factions/groups of our liberation forces, instead of concentrating on our current enemy – the Neo-naftagnas.

The Oromo people have demanded unity of purpose among Oromo liberation forces to achieve freedom of Oromo land and Oromo people efficiently in different forms: using essays, poems, articles, songs, dramas, direct persuasion and using practical helps given to the factions/groups. I have tried to contribute my part in my hitherto articles, essays and opinions, which are already published on different Oromo websites. The essence of my writings was to show that there is no irreconcilable difference of goal among Oromo liberation forces per se and that unity of the nationalists is very mandatory for our success in the struggle against slavery and tyranny. Regarding the importance of unity of our freedom fighters, I once wrote as follows:

“We are big nation with about 60 million size, but we are still subjugated. One of many factors, which hindered us from success is the fragmentation of our political organizations. We had several mini liberation fronts roaring like baby lions against one big Neo-naftagna. The well experienced Neo-naftagnas are laughing at our mini-lions for we are not dangerous. They even pretended to take one or two of the mini-lions seriously and try to negotiate with us. But our baby lions can not gain in negotiation since the Neo-naftagnas did not take us seriously. In order to gain in negotiation, our mini-lions, i.e. our fragmented liberation fronts, need to be strong enough in battlefield. That is why all our mini liberation fronts have to possibly come under one structure and build one strong liberation party. No one in life fears 100 baby lions, but everyone is scared of confronting the one strong adult lion.”

Thanks to Wàqa for the fact that some of our mini-lions came together. They are on a process to re-unify. We, the supporters of unity, are eagerly awaiting for this to happen and then pave a way for the possible further inclusive unification, so that we will have the desired strong adult lion. Such strong adult lion will be, not only feared by our enemies, but also it will be respected in diplomatic field by power players of the world, which tend to despise the weak and respect the powerful. The whole essence of world politics is power, so we, as a nation, need to have one powerful organization; of course, my preference is to build one powerful national republican party.

We know that our foes are still doing their best to hinder this creation of strong adult lion and, unfortunately, some dissenting, misguided and disgruntled Oromo and Oromo friends are supporting this move of our foes knowingly or unknowingly. The worst instrument, which our foes are still trying to use, is propagation of the apparent “difference of aims” among our mini national liberation organizations. I have tried to explain in my articles to the extent of “philosophizing and theoritizing” that there is no irreconcilable difference of objective among factions/groups in Oromo liberation movement. I think it is not necessary to repeat it here, but I would like to recommend you to read one of the articles I wrote in order to help in solving the conflict among our Oromo liberation groups, which was written under the title, “Oromo: to Unlock the Gridlock, Take Independence as Core-Kàyyô,”

The message of the article is that we, as a nation, do have only one Oromo objective with three possible outcomes, which can be achieved one after another based on desire and future decision of Oromo public per referendum. The two metaphors I used in the article were just to depict my attempt of clarification figuratively. I think, the common ground for all of factions/groups is to lead us from status of subjugation, to “the holy land” of freedom, be it by acting as “legal” opposition, i.e. per ballot or as “illegal” rebels, the way which is chosen by OLA trying to liberate us per bullet. I don’t see any reason why all “legal” opposition groups can’t unite and all rebels can’t come together as far as the aim of freedom is concerned. But, I and some other Oromo nationals are now almost coming to conclusion that the rhetoric made by some of you, our leaders, i.e. “we do have difference of objectives” is a cover up for other possible reasons behind your division, such as negative attitudes towards each other and different in the method of struggle. Also regarding this, I once wrote as follows:

“I just recommend all Oromo organizations to work together. It is encouraging that some opposition groups are coming together under one alliance. I hope the rest mini-lions also will foster one strong adult lion. You accuse each other as if you have different aims. But, when we look at your programs, you have no major difference in objectives. Your common goal is clear, i.e. an imperative freedom of the Oromo and an optional sovereignty of Oromia, even though some of you talk about self-determination per referendum which also can lead us to the same result. I think, where you do differ is only in attitude and method. We can understand the difference in attitude in double sense: one is because of emotional disagreement between some of you (antipathy to each other); the other is, of course, certain part of you is seeming to put self-interest higher than Oromo people’s interest. I hope in due time, such politicians will learn to control your attitude and work together for the sake of Oromo people’s objective. The difference regarding method is actually complementary rather than contradictory. You only need to accept and respect the method chosen by each of you. Just as an example, OLA’s “illegal” way of armed struggle and Qérrô’s “legal” means of nonviolent struggle are complementary, not contradictory.”

Then, can I conclude that there is no irreconcilable difference of objective among you, even though we hear and read that you are still fighting on ‘independence vs. union’? I just say it is pity that you people are fighting on this, which is now a “non-issue” from my perspective. The decision on these two actually can take place per public verdict after achieving our freedom (the common denominator for both pro-independence and pro-union forces). Please do us a favor and try to study all the articles written on this topic by different Oromo nationals. I just say none of you can convince the Oromo that your problem is based on difference of objectives. Come on! If we get rid of oppression by any means possible and get our freedom, why can’t we be the owner of our self-determination or our sovereign Oromia if we want? No one can hinder the liberated people from demanding and getting these known nations’ rights. Now, we already achieved our freedom from TPLF and we need to unite in order to get rid of Abiy’s Neo-naftagnas as well as to build democracy and to choose type of sovereignty after freedm.

So, don’t try to tell us that you have difference of aims, but I do guess that you have difference of emotional attitude and also you may have difference of method. I think, if you are not in a position to re-unify, as the Oromo mass do wish, because of your difference in the method you chose, you can at least accept and respect each other, and move on using your respective methods to consolidate effectively our freedom by cooperating and coordinating your struggle where it is necessary. The difference in the means of struggle can be an obstacle for re-unification and merger, but it can not hinder you from working together. What the grassroots need is that you clearly tell us that you do have this difference, so that we can support the faction/group of our choice.

If you do have no difference of objective and no difference in methods, but difference of attitude in both senses as I described it above, you just need sort of help to deal with such problem of attitude. Is it an emotional problem, for instance, lack of trusting each other? Then, it is really serious issue. You either need to work on trust-building or you just go your chosen different ways. Without trust, it is difficult to work together in one organization. Here also, the grassroots need to know where the mistrust is, so that we can understand you and help you on your different routes. Is it problem of giving self-interest a priority to national interest of the Oromo? I must say such person who pursues only his/her own personal interest, disregarding collective interest of our nation, is not fit for the leadership, and such leader must be exposed and dismissed from the position. But all the necessary caution must be taken before designating someone in the leadership position as such. We know that everyone is innocent till proven guilty. Evidences must be there to judge someone as such and before taking any measure of exposing him/her.

Dear leaders, I hope you now got where my concern is. Oromo people are at very critical situation now. We are desperately in need of an effective liberation organization and efficient leadership. Why are we such inactive amidst the worst circumstances we are currently facing? I personally don’t belong to those who blame, accuse and curse only leaders for our disunity and for the possible calamity we have experienced till now. I do consider that both our hitherto failures and successes are attributable to both of us (to you leaders and to us followers). I want to call up on you, the leaders, to be yet more active, and then activate us, the Oromo mass, for the necessary bitter struggle for keeping our freedom. The hitherto discussion you have had must now come to end, so that we start to act in unison. We did encourage you to have such discussion, we said: “coming together is beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success.” I am sure that you came together and kept together for the sake of promoting our struggle. Now, you as leaders, and we as followers and as supporting mass, should work together efficiently. Come out with possible good news of unity and tell us the way forward. We are waiting for you curiously.

I personally encourage you to forge the necessary merger of all factions to have only one Oromo opposition organization to compete with the EPP of Abiy, then you can build an essential coalition with liberation forces of other oppressed nations in Ethiopia, and even further, you can be in a position to foster beneficial alliance with democratic and freedom forces dominated by Habesha elites in order to be very competitive in the next election. I hope a sort of discord, schism and division, which can be similar to what we had till now will not happen again. You people are not chimpanzee politicians, who always are direct and say spade is spade, but you are sophisticated human thinkers who can differentiate three terms of Oromo’s objective, that means you can differentiate the tactical goal (Oromia’s autonomy in Ethiopian context) from the core-aim (Oromian independence in the form of Gadaa republic) and from the strategical objective (union of free peoples in the Horn). Correct timing based on the political situations around us is very important to know the appropriate measure to be taken and when it can be important to emphasize one of the three terms of the only one Oromo’s goal accordingly.

Last, but not least, I hope that you will come out victoriously by solving the “difference you had regarding objective, attitude and method,” by deciding to re-unify the factions. Your victory of re-unification will be a base for the actually needed unity of Oromoness for freedom and sovereignty. It will help us the grassroots also to overcome the hitherto discords and schisms sowed among us by our foes and misguided friends. Together, we will win, separated we will fall deeper. Come together and lead us in the opposition way, being smart enough to cooperate and coordinate the Oromo national move towards our freedom. You, as leaders, and we, as followers, are at historical crossroad either to be united and be victorious or to be further divided and repeat the same history, which has led us to subjugation. Our fate is on our hands. we need to be dynamic freedom fighters, not passive victims. Lead us and let us fight for our rights. Come out with one Oromo Republican Party (ORP) led by Jawar to challenge the EPP of Abiy and to sustain our sovereignty. Then, surely, Aby’s anti-Oromummà bloc can be tackled by Jawar’s Republican camp. Besides all your efforts, let Wàqa bless you and may He help the nation you are now trying to lead.

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Re: The Three Enemies of Oromummà are Dying in Turn!

Post by fasil1235 » Today, 07:29

You wanted neftegna to exist you got it :8

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Re: The Three Enemies of Oromummà are Dying in Turn!

Post by OPFist » Today, 08:29

Being influenced by high cry of the Neo-naftagnas, Abiy Ahmed made a big mistake and imrisoned Oromo freedom fighters. With this Action, he lost at least 90% of Oromo support. Now, he survises only by help of the Neo-naftagnas and that of about 10% Oromo elites, who chose revering Amaranet, instead of respecting Oromummà. The struggle is again between Abiy’s Prosperitan bloc and Jawar’s Republican camp. It is clear that Jawar is becoming de facto integrative leader of Oromo opposition groups (OFC & OLF). The support of all Oromo leaders and Oromo people for Jawar shows that he is in a position to take the leadership. Ob. Daud and Dr. Marara should come together, merge their organizations in to one ORP (Oromian Republican Party) and give up the leadership to the new generation led by Jawar. This young leader on the other hand has to bring the rest of OLA (Oromo Liberation Army) back home and strengthen the opposition against the anti- Oromummà Prosperitans – in the coming election. I decided to write this letter, which is directed to you, our genuine nationalist leaders, after following the hitherto effort of different Oromo nationalists to help you come together and forge unity of purpose and after exhausting my own attempts in trying to help Oromo forces come together to build stronger united force for liberation of Oromo people from the oppression by Abiy’s anti-Oromummà Prosperitans. I know you are also doing your best to fulfill this demand of Oromo people according to your ability and possibility. I just would like to say thank you for your efforts. But, our current situation is making almost all Oromo in every walk of life more restless. We, as a nation, seem to be in a challenging situation now. That is why I wanted to write this open letter. I hope you get this message and give few minutes from your precious time to read.

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Re: The Three Enemies of Oromummà are Dying in Turn!

Post by OPFist » Today, 11:03

The Oromo people have demanded unity of purpose among Oromo liberation forces to achieve freedom of Oromo land and Oromo people efficiently in different forms: using essays, poems, articles, songs, dramas, direct persuasion and using practical helps given to the factions/groups. I have tried to contribute my part in my hitherto articles, essays and opinions, which are already published on different Oromo websites. The essence of my writings was to show that there is no irreconcilable difference of goal among Oromo liberation forces per se and that unity of the nationalists is very mandatory for our success in the struggle against slavery and tyranny. Regarding the importance of unity of our freedom fighters, I once wrote as follows:

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Re: The Three Enemies of Oromummà are Dying in Turn!

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 23 minutes ago

:lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

Who killed the Mayor of Sululta? Who did abduct the security chief of the town? Why is the OPDO war machine failing at each engagement? The predisposition of the OPDO militia to a grandiose demise would be a text book example of how an emotionally charged political elite is a liability to its own supposed constituency. :mrgreen: We shall soon be seeing who is to be dying an embarrassing political death!!

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