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The Oromo are Incrementally Victorious!

Post by OPFist » 31 Jan 2025, 22:50

The Oromo are Incrementally Victorious!

No question that the Oromo national liberation movement is incrementally victorious. We achieved 25% of our freedom during the first revolution of 1974, we increased the victory to 50% in 1991 defeat of Derg and of course we got 75% of our liberty due to the 2018 change. Simply put, Oromo liberation struggle already won the first phase: getting freedom from Abyssinian domination. Now, we are in the transition phase towards democracy in order to choose the type of sovereignty we want: an independent Oromia or an integrative Oropia (Oromumma Led Ethiopia). By getting rid of the existing dictatorial Biltsigina regime, we surely will be 100% free. The ruling politicians seem to act still as oppressors:
– they suppress Oromo’s right on Finfinne as part of Oromia
– they hinder Afån Oromo from being federal working language
– they persecute and imprison OLF members as if they are getting order from Meles Zenawi
– they are not free to tell both our foes and friends that the Oromo are free to make no compromise on our fundamental rights
– etc
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Re: The Oromo are Incrementally Victorious!

Post by Somaliman » 01 Feb 2025, 06:15

Victorious or not, the uncivilised savage animals should be sent back to where they came from.

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Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: The Oromo are Incrementally Victorious!

Post by OPFist » 01 Feb 2025, 08:02

At the time, when almost all Oromo nationalists were fighting for an independent Oromia, Léncô Latà came out with an idea of democratizing Ethiopia as federal union and integrating the Horn as common home. Then he was labelled as Gantü (betrayer) of Oromo struggle and had to endure all curses and insults under the sun. Now, all who opposed him are in Ethiopia doing the same politics he envisioned. The same way, Dr Abiy is moving further and came up with notion of Medemer (synergy) puting even the federal union in question and promoting an integrated Ethiopia (Oropia = Oromummà Led country) under Oromo leadership. Again, a lot of Oromo nationalists are against this development, not to dismantle ethnic federalism. May be the timing is wrong, but Dr. Abiy’s move is visionary if he means Ethiopia in a sense of Oropia, but not the hitherto Amapia (Amaranet dominated Ethiopia). An integrated Oropia (democratic Ethiopia) is Oromo politics of high confidence, federal union is that of intermediate confidence and of course an independent Oromia shows our low confidence. We may come to his idea in the future lagging behind in time. This was my hitherto positive thinking regarding these two leaders. But, now to my disappointment, they seem not to foster Ethiopia, in which Oromummà will lead according to our demography, but they seem to be comfortable in maintaining and further promoting the existing dominance of Amaranet through further expansion of Amarinya.

As we had low level of confidence during the past dark time of colonization, we had to struggle for an independent Oromia; now in the phase of transition to democracy, we actually can entertain federal union for we do have intermediate confidence; and in the near future phase of democratization, we surely will develop high confidence politics in order to fight for an integrated Oropia. Oropia is where Afaan Oromo will be the primary language of palace, judiciary, government and parlament, of course Amarinya being secondary. But both Abiy and Leencoo are fostering Ethiopia as Amapia for they are promoting the further dominance of Amaranet and Amarigna. That is why the Neo-naftagnas love and support them as the EPP is doing their bidding of cracking down on genuine Oromo nationalists.

Nowadays, there are significant number of Oromos, who try to entertain the idea that the Oromo can instrumentalize and use the name Ethiopia and Ethiopiawinet for the sake of promoting Oromo cause of achieving our freedom from the Habesha system of domination. Also there are some, who just blindly love Ethiopia and want to keep its territorial integrity, but do not have the Oromo cause of freedom at heart. Especially the vocal ones in the cyber world can be divided in to five:

those, who still have the dead assimilative Ethiopia of Amara elites in mind and want to resurrect it.
those, who want to bring back Tegaru elites’ apartheid Ethiopia.
those, who strive to foster true federal Ethiopia, also by fighting against the pro-independence Oromo.
those, who prefer this true federation, but cooperate with pro-independence Oromo to achieve their goal.
those, who think that the future accomodative Ethiopia is de facto Oropia, thus consider all forces struggling for democracy as friends.
Actually the name Ethiopia is more appropriate for Cush (Oromo) than for the Habesh (who claim to be from Semetic origin). The name Ethiopia, despite its original meaning (land of the burnt face), has got a positive connotation due to its association with the Biblical Cush, its relation to the famous Cushitic civilization and due to the myths built around the name by Europeans. But, the name is contaminated and spoiled by Abyssinian elites, who stole the name and misused it:

– they made the name Ethiopia be equivalent to the land of Habesh, not to that of Cush!

– they told a fiction that the Oromo are newcomer to this Ethiopia!

– they systematically marginalized all Cush nations from the political center!

– they demonized the Cushitic cultural heritage like Waaqeeffannaa, Odaa, Gadaa, the Cushitic tricolor (black-red-white) and replaced them with Habesh elements!

– they made the name Ethiopia be the same to their system of domination in form of monarchy and theocracy!

– they purposely oppressed Cushitic languages, specially Afaan Oromo and prevented them from being working languages of the whole country; in contrary, they imposed their Semetic languages on all Cushitic nations!

– thus, Ethiopiawinet in reallity was defined as Habeshawinet, not Kushawinet as it had to be!

– etc

When we look at the above maneuvers from the Habesh side, it was really legitimate that most of the Oromo in particular and some from the other Cushitic nations in general reject this name Ethiopia and the related citizen identity – Ethiopiawinet. If Ethiopia should survive in the future, it has to regain its TRUE Ethiopia nature (being Cush) and has to be devoid of the Habesh elements (Pseudo-Ethiopia). That means, the future NEW Ethiopia should be:

– equivalent to the land of Cush (the future True Ethiopia), not land of Habesh (the hitherto Pseudo-Ethiopia)!

– with Oromo as the political center and political majority!

– with all Cushitic nations be main participants in the political center!

– with Cushitic cultural heritage (Waaqeffannaa, black-red-white flag, …etc) be main elements of the True Ethiopia!

– with no domination of Amharinya and Orthodoxy!

– with Afaan Oromo and other cushitic languages be primary working languges of the whole country!

– equivalent to Kushawinet (True Ethiopiawinet), not Habeshawinet (Pseudo-Ethiopiawinet)!

– etc

If these things may not happen so that the New and True Ethiopia will be de facto Oropia, we, the Oromo, will give Pseudo-Ethiopia a good-bye kiss and move for our independent Oromia unconditionally. So, the future alternatives are either an independent Oromia or an integrative Oropia. Till this will be clear, the Oromo people have got a very legitimate reason to reject Ethiopian identity and instead name the country as Oromia, instead of Ethiopia. But now, it is a high time for Oromo politicians to instrumentalize the name Ethiopia to organize an all inclusive anti-EPP struggle. Of course, using the name Ethiopia is easier than promoting the name change to Oropia. Thus, the Oromo can start promoting Ethiopia as long as we are sure of being free from Abesha dominance and achieve power in Caffee Araaraa palace!

Above all, the hitherto Habesh regime intentionally targeted Oromo nation and it did the worst state terror in the name of Ethiopia on this noble people, so that the name Ethiopia was very negatively associated in hearts and minds of Oromo people, thus we can now start to use the name Oropia and Ethiopia interchangeably. But, I would like to suggest for the Oromo polity to use the name Ethiopia, because the fact that the past assimilative Ethiopia of Amhara elites and apartheid Ethiopia of Tegaru elites are already dead never to comeback and surely we will get rid of the Neo-naftagnas in EPP so that the potential accomodative Ethiopia of Oromo elites will be the future. The Oromo can change the content of Ethiopia from Habeshawinet (Amaranet) to Kushawinet (Oropiawinet) and use the name for our advantage. After all, the popularity of the name Ethiopia was caused by the world class Oromo heroes like Abdisa Aagaa and world class Oromo athlets like Abebe Biqilà. Ethiopia in the future will have Oromo (Cush) colour, but never Abesha (Solomonic) colour. That is why we can fight for an integrated such Ethiopia. Ethiopia as Oropia of Jawar Mohammed shall flourish on the grave of Ethiopia as Amapia of Abiy Ahimed. May Wàqa help the Oromo and Oromia!


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