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Jawar's grand plan to bring Abiy Ahmed to compromise

Post by Dama » 14 Jan 2025, 00:54

1. Organize huge protests in US, Canada, Australia and Europe against Abiy by a solidarity movement comprising of Ethiopians, especially Oromo, Amara and Tigrey diasporas. After organizing the protests in diaspora, he would organize protests in Ethiopia with the added advantage of the echo-effect of the diaspora protests.

2. Find ways where the Fano and OLF guns are silenced against civilians. He will definitely avoid to have a direct contact with armed groups for caution against implications of terrorism

3. Campaign for the brorherhood of Eritreans and Tigrians with the hope of the two sides talking to eacher, preferably Debretsion with Isayas.

4. Mount diplomatic pressures through what he calls the 'godfathers' of Abiy Ahmed to compromise and bring peaceful transfer of power in Ethiopia

5. He may start his own media and will make himself available to all media who request him for interview.

6. He is not working to topple the gov of Abiy suddenly in the style of Bashar El Asad or Mengistu Hailemariam.
Last edited by Dama on 14 Jan 2025, 01:06, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Jawar's grand plan to bring Abiy Ahmed to compromise

Post by Mesob » 14 Jan 2025, 01:01

Without the Islamic politics in hand and him playing the next Ayatollah card, he is doomed in Ethiopian politics.
He needs to play Sharia right and promise every man four wives and every women her own little hut and one nights visit by her man a week. Then, every Oromo, Hadia, Welayta, poor Somali, Guragie will join him.

Posts: 3438
Joined: 22 Jun 2024, 21:05

Re: Jawar's grand plan to bring Abiy Ahmed to compromise

Post by Dama » 14 Jan 2025, 01:30

Write to him. He would appreciate your advice if he thinks you are truthful.

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