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Re: The best of Ethiopian Christians are Gurages

Post by Odie » 08 Jan 2025, 05:01

Dama wrote:
07 Jan 2025, 23:58
Odie wrote:
07 Jan 2025, 21:46
Here is my take.
I personally concluded that Dama is Gurage. He knows too much about gurage not to be gurage. He knows many places and gurage clans I know from his own place chaha to Geto/gomare etc. I also know the traditional gurage cultural worships he knows. Actually he knows much much better than any other gurage born outside gurage region such Birhanu nega etc. He seems to know details as if he grew up in rural area.
He also seems to know gurage history. I give him a credit for being courageous and advocate for gurage unity, language and future political direction and the risk that ethnic faces. I share with him the concern that North east gurage are not aligning with 7-bet for oneness. Specially the sodo (kistane) to prefer to show themselves as a prototype gurage with more contribution to Ethiopia (than other gurage) and infilexible to negotiate with other gurage region for common language and other things because they feel they are at the leading edge want to go their own way. Meskan being near addis they get a bit of trickle from government projects and they want to align with any ruling body in Addis than be flexible for gurage interest. OpDO/PP/OLF uses that fissure to divide and subdue gurage. I had a lot of respect for you based on your “love” for Ethiopia and good knowledge about gurage, particularly your old posts. In the past year or so, that has completely changed. You post gurage related things but mostly sodo gurage (kistane related ) things as all gurage culture. More concerning to me is all the posts about Corridor development are not critically analyzed posts vis a vis the socioeconomic turbulence the country is subjected into. There is no all representing gov in a rat killo. If abiy was Ethiopian and not ethnofascist, he would not have any reason to drone Amhara region, specially civilians, the region historically known to be most loyal to central gov and Ethiopian ideology. We have thousands of fallacies to quote to show he is not really ethiopian leader. He is ethnic extremist, dictator who thinks he is a god send wanting to b a king. He is a guy who hopes to destroy ethiopia to make his own conceptual ethiopia like a small kid. You signed to all these and keep on posting videos perhaps I would not expect from you. So, since I have quite a different view, I have moved on but abandoned confronting you.
Dama also has issues. Although he may have positive points I raised above, he keeps on having problem with christianity and respected Amhara people who contributed in their life immensely for country we have to day. Discussing history, advocating for gurage right in ethiopia is something but making an enemy for gurage or making gurage be hated is a different thing.
Having said that, all these are, I guess, our openions and don’t represent any organized political group. I guess you agree to that and our openion are ours and take responsibility to respond at such.
My last post on the issue!
1. My birthplace is Gubrye, it used to be a small farm town with a junior high school up to 8th Grade, when I grew up.

2. You should not equate hating feudalism/monarchy or conquest of Gurage by Menelick to hating Amara. They are not equal. Hating a political system established by elites from a group does equal to the race or ethnic group or the religion of those elites.
Our ancestors were not wrong resisting Menelick's violent conquest of Gurage. Arsi were not wrong resisting Menelick's violent conquest. Welaita was not. Sidamo was not. Hadiya was not. Kembata was not. Harar was not. Ogaden was not. All these were independent kingdoms more established, richer and with longer histories than Shewa was. Kingdoms lived independent of each other. What they did not have and Shewa had was the Italian and French weapons and intelligence. There were no contacts to speak of between Shewa and the other victim kingdoms. Gurage did not speak a word of Amharic.

Our ancestors fought a war declared against them for refusing annexation to Shewa kingdom for 15 years between 1878-1890. If you believe our ancestors right to resist to mantain their historic independence against violent conquest by another group was right, you shouldn't rewrite history. Or at least oppose anyone who corrupts it. Expanding territory by violence to make a larger polity or kingdom, by whites afainst Africans, by Israelis against Palestinians, by one king in Ethiopia against other kings is evil as it entails genocides, dispossitions, impoverishments, loss of human dignity, despair and hopelessness. There will be no reason to object to the Oromo annexations of Chebo and Sodo jida Gurages if you believe territory expansion by another when it can is well and good.

Opposing violent conquest, opposing all evils that accompanied it such as sale of Gurage innocents, male jenital amputaions such as the case of Balch Aba Nefso, not an isolated incident, dispossession of Gurages of their lands for neftenya settlers, in short hating a political system of a murderous political group does not equal to hating Amara.

Ethiopians hated TPLF but not the people of Tigrey. Ethiopians hate OPDO/PP but not the ordinary people of Oromo.

100,000s of Ethiopians opposed Menelick. More Amaras than anyone opposed Haile Sellasie. Gojjam peasants were bombed because tglhey objected increased agri tax. Amara activists were in the forefront. No less were Oromo, Tigrey, Somali, Gurage, Welaita and Dorze (the Mengistu Neway brothers) political change seekers opposed fedualism and the monarcky. None were accused of hating Amaras but the political systems of monarchy and feudalism. I was no diffetent. And I am no different. It's history. But histories will be remembered. When remembered, it's how it was hated and discredited. No one had the power to preserve the Ethiopian feudalism and monarcky. It will remain condemned. This does equate to condemning Amara other than Haile Sellasie and Menelick, their political sysyem and the crimes they committed against Ethiopians to maintain their oppressive systems.

There is no need on your part to pit me against the Amara people. You won't find me committing such an error. But you should not placate oppressive Amara rulers by invoking the Amara people as a shield.
Or if you belive the end justies the means, you should support Clown Abiy droning Amara because he wants to establish unchecked strong central or unitary govment in Arat Kilo.
I am not a history person or linguist social scientist. My field is different. Clans/tribes rose and fell. The most powerful ones rose and even destroyed the weak. Empires rose and fell. Rome, axum, persia …none were built in peace. Germani was unified by force. The greatest nations under the sun today or in history or now were built in violence; not in peace. That is human history. Good things do come out through our loss at times. This is human history. There may have been some errors here and there. When all the clan/ethnic primitive rulers submitted to more powerful system or ruler in the context of nation building not only war but negotiations have played great role. The hararee, the Oromo, Gurage, the wolytas…all shared the Ethiopian empire vision whether after defeat or in submission before defeat partly in negotiations.
I am not trying to justify the feudal system in ethiopia. It was just a system like any other feudal system anywhere in the world. It had its own bars and goods. Example: great britain which was formed in series of war. It was a feudal system. It was formed from by merging entirely different groups. I really don’t live in the past. HISTORY ShOULD BE WRITTEN and analyzed constructively and positively. Not negatively all the time. You are lost talking all negative things in emotionally charged way about the big figures that built a nation when Africa was on a chopping block by European colonizers. Your ideas are no less toxic than Zenawi, TPLF, Abyiot Ahmad, Jara, Obo Dawd Ibsa or jawar. Get a hell out of your grievance. Menelik was a nation builder. Hielleselasie was a states man and a venerated diplomat a world class leader of his time. They were not our kitchen chefs. You like it or not all Ethiopian highness or peaks were associated with these people. They were organizers of above European level at their time. Yohannes, Theodros were HEROS of their time. There is no saint. Saints lead religions. Heros make and lead a country. These leaders of Ethiopian history are towers in global stage we are known because of them. ዝም ብሎ ማንም ተነስቶ የሚያጥላላቸው አይደደሉም:: ሌላ የውሽት አኖሌ ሃውልት አናቁም:: Lets not justify the atrocities of current ethnofascists. We need tone down. We are idiots and we could not raise towering people like these leaders, not in a century, after their death but we go back in time pull the negativities and destroy ourselves instead of building on the scaffolding we received from them. You should cut the negativity on our past history and work with other Ethiopians to find a way to get out of the ethnic marsh or mud we are trapped and Make Ethiopia Great Again (MEGA) instead of rolling in Ethnic squalor. Really speaking any visionary would not see any greater good coming out of the clan kings of past who would have been swallowed by Europian colonizers any way.
Even the evil system of Derg and TPLF have left some good things out of their atrocity by way of sensitizing us to respect the rights of Ethnics and minorities to let them have a more right and be respectful in law abiding way. Despite all the abuses in the form of secretarial or ethnic federalism. I prefer to see the bigger picture of my nation than dirty myself in Ethnic hicupps. The country invested in us not destroy the nation but work together to make the country a livable place. We need to aspire to build a democratic law abiding peaceful society. Not a country where one ethnic endlesslely fight the others for superiority every other decade. You may want to raise the concern of your ethnic at national dialog forum, organize your community for better political stand and livelihood and to achieve respect at a national level but a nation and ethnicity are two different things. I prefer to stand for my nation while uplifting the positive role of the community/ethnics with in the nation.

Posts: 3137
Joined: 22 Jun 2024, 21:05

Re: The best of Ethiopian Christians are Gurages

Post by Dama » 08 Jan 2025, 10:52

It looks to me, from knowing you, you keep shifting your form like an amoeba. When I explain a wrong view of yours about my posted view, without admitting your mistake and learning from it, you add another wrong. Egoistically, to remain undefeated. For utterly selfish reasons. To feel a winner of debate in such a small forum.

First, you accused me of hating the Amara people. I explained that I was merely repeating the history that condemned conquest, feudalism and absolute monarchy established by your kings Menelick and Haile Sellasie. Systems majority of Ethiopians including Amaras individuals and groups fought, died for and finally destroyed it.

Now you accused me condemning the founders of Ethiopia against whom you demeaned Gurage, Oromo, Welaita, Hadiya, Kembata, Harari, Ogaden, as "primitives". You would say they were conquered, killed and their lands dispossessed to be civilized. Have a very high respect, most high respect for Amara people because of their previous leaders such as Menelick and Haile Sellasie but please do not insult the rest of Ethiopians.

My previous post about feudalism and monarchy in Ethiopia that truly shook your base was not even about feudalism and and monarchy. I was jut a mention of history prior to socialism. My point was because the US wanted to destroy socialism in Ethiopia, through their gants they installed ethnic conflicts.
There is a habit of you that once you conjure up a hole to place someone out of malice, you maintain it despite the fact explanations provided to correct you.

I remember you labelling me a taliban wanting to establish a Gurage islamic caliphate only because I posted Christian crimes meted out by Orthodox extremists on Muslim girls in Gunchirye, burned mosques in Mwahir and burned machines of forestry agriculture owned by a Muslim businessman. Your aim was that crimes against Gurage muslims shall not be told and retold. Only posting the news, to you, I was planning to establish a Gurage Islamic caliphate. Of course, you condoned such religious crimes and you encourage it. In fact you encourage 'reciprocal actions' to be taken against Ethiopian Muslims if Christians in Egypt are attacked by Muslim Egyptians. You wrote once that the Ethiopian Orthodox shall encourage its members to reciprocal actions against Ethio Muslims if a Christian anywhere in the world is attacked by a Muslim or Muslims.
You and have no common business.

Posts: 3137
Joined: 22 Jun 2024, 21:05

Re: The best of Ethiopian Christians are Gurages

Post by Dama » 08 Jan 2025, 11:14

Horus wrote:
07 Jan 2025, 22:34
የሚከተለውን ብዬ አበቃለሁ፤
(1) የጉራጌ መሰረት ከአይመለል ካልጀረ የት ጀመረ ለሚለው ለወደፊት የታሪክ፣ አርኪዮሎጂና አንትሮፖሎጂ መርማሪዎች እንተወው ። የክስታኔ ትርክት እውነት ወይም ዉሸት መሆኑ የሚረጋገጠው ያኔ ነው።
(2) ክስታኔዎች ከሳህለስላሴ ዘመን ጀምሮ ከማዕከላዊ መንግስት ስለነበሩ በተለይ ምኒልክና ኃይለስላሴ አዲስ አበባ ሲቆረቆር ጀምሮ ማለት ነው ታሪካቸውን ተናገሩ እንጂ ሌሎች የጉራጌ ጎሳዎች ለኢትዮጵያ ግምባታ አስተዋጽኦ አላደረጉም የሚል ቃል ካፋቸው ወጥቶ አያውቅም ። በኃይለስላሴ ዘመን ሰባት ቤት ከክስታኔ እኩል በንጉሱ ዙሪያ ባለስልጣን ነበሩ፣ በጣም ብዙ ሰባት ቤቶች!
(3) ትግሬዎች ኢትዮጵያን ድፍን ለ27 አመት ሲገዙ የነብሩት የመንግስት ባለስልጣኖት በሙሉ ሰባት ቤቶች ነበሩ ። እንዲያውም ክስታኔ ወያኔን ተቃውሞ ስለነበር በመላ ሶዶ መንገድ አይደለም የዉሃ ጉድጓድ አልቆፈሩም፣ የሰባት ቤት ጉራጌ መሪዎች ። ለድፍን 27 አመት ሙሉ በሙሉ ከጉራጌ ተወግዶ የተረሳ ማህበረሰብ ክስታኔ ነበር።
(4) ይህም በመሆኑ ፣ በሰባት ቤት የወያኔ ዘመን ፖለቲከኞች ስህተት ክስታኔና መስቃን የሰባት ቤት ፖለቲከኞችን ክልልነት ጥያቄ ተቃወሙና የክክልነት ትያቄ ከሸፈ ። እኔን በተመለክተ ሂድና ጽሁፎቼን አንብብ 100% የጉራጌ ክልል እንዲሆን ደግፌያለህ ፣ ዛሬም እደፍግፋለሁ ፣ ግን አትርሳ ፣ የሶዶ ተፈታኞች ወልቂጤ ሲሄዱ የወልቂጤ ጎረምሶች ደበደቧቸው። ማለትም የዘርማ ፖለቲካ መስመር የለቀቀ ከጉራጌ ሳይኮሎጂና ብልህነት የወጣ ሆነና ሁልም ነገር ተበላሸ ።
(5) ከዚያ ባለፈ እኔ በጎሳ ፖለቲካ ላይ በፍጹም እምነት የሌለኝ ሰው ነኝ። ይህም ማለት የሆኑ ጎረምሶች የጉራጌን ብሄረተኝነት ቀስቅሰው በዘቢደርና ጎጌቲ ጫካ ውስጥ ጦር በመውጋት እና በጉራጌ መንገድና ንግድ በመዝጋት ሊያመጡ የሚችሉት ማሀበራዊ፣ ፖለቲካዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ አዲስ ስርዓት የለም ብዬ የማምን ሰው ነኝ። ይችላሉ ካልክ የጉራጌ አጀንዳ ምን እንደ ሆነ አስተምረኝ።
(6) ስለዚህ ጉራጌ አዚም እዛም ከሚተራመሱት የጎሳ ቀውሶች በትልቀት በመማር የራሱን አጀንዳና እስትራተጂ መከተል አለበት የሚል አቋም ያለኝ ሰው ነኝ። ይህ ማለት አቢይን ወይም መለስን መደገፍ ማለት አይደለም።
(7) ዛሬም ቢሆን ክስታኔን ወቀስ እንጂ የአቢይ መንግስት ውስጥ ያምበሳውን ድርሻ የያዙት የሰባት ቤት ብልጽኛዎች ናቸው ! እስቲ አንድ የክስታኔ ከፍተኛ ባለስልጣን ብልጽኛ ጥራ!

Hate historical Gurage that is 7bet as you like. It's the tradition of Kistane. Not once but twice in history Kistane demonstrated its hatred of Gurage.
With no facts, you heaped up hate against Gurage discriminating Kistane in denying development funds while &bet ruled all Gurage. You could not be more wrong. very few 7bet Gurage ruled Gurage Zone.

Presidents of SNNP
a)Kasu Ilala was from Sodo, your clan, you should hold him to account for not giving money to Kistane. Why are afraid? He lives in Mekele
b)Erstu Yirdaw from 7bet but an Amara; he identifies as an Amara in Gurage. If an Amara doesn't develop Kistane who would?

Gurage Zone Administrators
a)Balcha Garuma, a PP member just like you, an Oromo in Gurage...not a 7bet Gurage
b)Jemal Mohammed, ruled Gurage for over 10 years, a Kebena nationalist...not a 7bet Gurage
c)Shakur, from Mesqan ruled Gurage for equally many years....not from 7bet

Stop your hate against 7bet. They have done nothing wrong to disloyal Kistane. You have done enough damages to Gurage unit, you achieved your mercenary deeds. Stop the hate.

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