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ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by eden » 23 Feb 2023, 08:20

According to Prof. Ezqiel, one of the very few analysts with solid grasp of politics in this part of the world, ኦሮማራ (OPDO - ANDM) is dead, if it ever was alive. Alliances have shifted and the Tigran rulers in Asmera are now allied with Amara forces, and the Tigran rulers in Mequelle are allied with Oromo forces.

Must watch for anyone looking for understanding:

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by Axumezana » 23 Feb 2023, 09:11

Tigray - Oromo alliance is strategic and the way forward to stabilize and propel Ethiopia to prosperty !

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by Abere » 23 Feb 2023, 11:39

Are you saying 1% Tigray is a bonus to Oromo :lol: You may keep it or give it , a 1% bonus makes no much difference. The buy-one get-one free TPLF politics is just laughable. aka prostitution.
Axumezana wrote:
23 Feb 2023, 09:11
Tigray - Oromo alliance is strategic and the way forward to stabilize and propel Ethiopia to prosperty !

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by TGAA » 23 Feb 2023, 11:48

eden wrote:
23 Feb 2023, 08:20
According to Prof. Ezqiel, one of the very few analysts with solid grasp of politics in this part of the world, ኦሮማራ (OPDO - ANDM) is dead, if it ever was alive. Alliances have shifted and the Tigran rulers in Asmera are now allied with Amara forces, and the Tigran rulers in Mequelle are allied with Oromo forces.

Must watch for anyone looking for understanding:
Amhara & Eritrea alliance vs Oromo & Tigray aren't even in the same league to compare. Ezkel is a daily staple for weyanne media and his grasp is not as unique as you try to make it here. Browse through the comments posted in ER
.one thing is for sure the two visions of Ethiopia are in collusion course one more time,and which will come at the top time will tell.
One thing to remember oromuma thug's are hated by all section of Ethiopians as weyannes were 2017 and 2018. with an alliance or without Abiy's ship will sink. A wound lic..king weyanee is not going to save him.
Last edited by TGAA on 23 Feb 2023, 20:46, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by Fiyameta » 23 Feb 2023, 11:54

:P :P :P :P

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by Right » 23 Feb 2023, 12:09

Abiye Ahmed if flirting with this idea of creating an alliance with the TPLF at a cost of 800k Tigrain souls. And with the TPLF? What is he going to do with the TPLF that the EPLF didn’t do. Where did he buy his PHD? I just want to know. I am 100% positive it wasn’t earned.

Another mind blowing mistake is in the works by the PP gang.

They just walked into this stupidity despite the enormous nation wide support given to Abiye by the down to earth and thrusting Ethiopians.
Believe me when I said this going to end badly for the dictator.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 23 Feb 2023, 12:09

Eden ይህ የ ፓለቲካ አመንዝራነት ቢቆም ተጠቃሚው የ ትግራይ እናቶች ናቸው። ለሌላ እልቂት ከበሮ እየመታችሁ መሰለኝ። የካብሽው የ ኦሮሞ "ፓለቲካዊ ምሁር" የ ፓለቲካ ድንቁርናውን በደጋጋሚ ያረጋገጠ ነው። I take anytime the political knowhow of the TDF " general" ሀላፊ than that of that guy.

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by Misraq » 23 Feb 2023, 12:29

The new alignment of forces and the predicament interims of the agony it creates for people

1 - Oromos will pay the heaviest price
2 - Tigray will pay price next to the Oromo
3 - Amhara will pay lesser price than both Tigray and Oromo combined
4 - Eritrea pays lesser price than the above three


Oromos - they are divided in what they really want. They don't have real and substantial cause. Their main cause is to humiliate Amhara which they have been doing for decades now. They have never been a country or polity or central adminstration where they can articulate vision, diplomacy and economic principle. They just lead matters with emotions and constantly changing alliances. These type of set up and leading business is futile and can be destroyed by a small and determined force. They are creating their own distroyer by days such distroyer can be Ethiopianist force, Orthodoxy or even Amhara or even a combination of all. Positive side for Oromos is they control the ENDF and have massive armaments.

Tigray - They have fatigued. the bulk of the money they rob the nation is used up in the last 2 year war. The international community won't see them as a darling anymore to the extent they were. They are emotionally fatigued. Man power is severly reduced in the last couple of years. They can only piggy back Oromuma. Tigray can easily be broken to peaces by Eritreans and we have seen that. Amhara region is preparing itself for any provocation from Tigray and Tigray will be unable to sustain unless massive food aid air dropped or Oromuma who will be busy defending itself

Amhara - Still disorganized but have the habit and culture to organize quick. learnt the pains through years and have massive indurance. Amhara has nothing to lose as it has lost much of it has for the last 30 years. Hence a little gain here and there will be a much needed fuel to gain more momentum. Amhara has the backing of the rest of Ethiopia for the just cause it displayed. Gurages, southerners , Afar and Somali will morally side with Amhara. Eritrea also sides with Amhara since it is betrayed by both Tigray and Oromuma.

Eritrea - has a strong army still intact. can easily go and out into Tigray unharmed but putting a sever blow to the limping Tigray. Eritrea can also create so many leverages on Oromuma by supporting many groups in Ethiopia.

all in all, Oromia will be in caos. and tigray will have newer strife. amhara will be business as usual

Assegid S.
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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by Assegid S. » 23 Feb 2023, 13:26

As Eden said, "Must watch for anyone looking for understanding"

በትግራዋይ ካራ ለልመና የተዳረገው ወጣት ደግሞ እንዳለው, "the scar is still visible" 8)
(14’ 55’’) The Tigrayans said they did not want to board the same boat. As people wearing T-shirts carrying our Prime Minister’s photo. They said anyone wanted to take the road shouldn’t wear Oromo clothes. A fight took place on the coast. The Tigrayans stabbed me in the thigh and the scar is still visible.

(20’55’’) They tortured me with melted plastic. They beat me with cables and sticks. In Ethiopia there is an old conflict between the Tigrayans and the Oromos. It is ethnic hatred. In these torture houses, often the Tigrayans are beating the Oromos.

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by Misraq » 23 Feb 2023, 18:10

Eden very long time ago yehin bilo neber
eden wrote:
08 Aug 2009, 13:09
As international pressure intensifies to further isolate the HGDF regime and being denied foot print in Kenyan territories, HGDF is resorting to the OLA (the armed wing of 40 years veteran OLF) to compensate for its lack of presence in the region.

As such, the international community is working behind the scenes on Kenya to bust and deport OLA affiliated Ethiopians working as HGDF messangers. It's to be recalled that Kenya busted and immediately deported HGDF spies, the notorious multi lingual Hannibal, among others.

Kenya has been reluctant to deal with the OLF but Clinton's recent visit has encouraged its authorities to take care of business. Recently, Kenya banned pro OLF propaganda on Kenyan media on the urging of Prime Minister Zena. Kenyan official said it runs against Kenya's national interest to promote HGDF project in Kenya implemented by the OLF/ OLA. ... 713#p77713

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by gearhead » 23 Feb 2023, 20:34

አለም የተቀበለው የትግራይ ሰላም ድርድር ከተፈረመ በኋላ የአማራ ልሂቃን በዘጠኙ ክልሎችና በህገመንግስቱ ላይ አምጸው: በጥምቀት የፋሽስት <<አማራ ይገዛል>> ማነቃቃት ከጀመሩ በኋላ አሁን ደግም ተገንጥለው የራሳቸውን ብቸኛ የውጭ ጉዳይ እያካሄዱ ነው!!

በአጭሩ።፤ በቃል ኢትዮጵያ ይበሉ እንጂ በተግባር ከዘጠኞቹ ክልሎች ተገንጥለው እኛ የድሮን ቦምብ ካላዘነብንባችሁ ሞተን እንገኛለን እያሉ ነው!!

የተመኙትን ሞት ወይም የመገንጠል አባዜ ላይ የመወሰን ችግር አለ!!

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by Hawzen » 23 Feb 2023, 21:04

eden wrote:
23 Feb 2023, 08:20
According to Prof. Ezqiel, one of the very few analysts with solid grasp of politics in this part of the world, ኦሮማራ (OPDO - ANDM) is dead, if it ever was alive. Alliances have shifted and the Tigran rulers in Asmera are now allied with Amara forces, and the Tigran rulers in Mequelle are allied with Oromo forces.

Must watch for anyone looking for understanding:
Agame Eden aka fake lowlanderu,

First and foremost, Eritrea is an independent sovereign country and its alliance is ONLY with governments, not with any particular ethnic or group. So Eritrea's alliance in this particular situation is with the one and only one the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. Abby Ahmed led Ethiopian government. One thing will never ever change though: as TPLF led agames are the worst enemy of Eritrea and the people of Eritrea, we will always stand on the opposite side of agames regardless of the situation.

By the way, the people of Oromo do not suffer from the intelligence deficiency unlike agames. They know how evil agames are from the 27 years of your hegemony when terrorizing Ethiopia and the people of Ethiopia. So, you can't fool them again.

When it comes to the brotherly people of Amhara and Oromo, they are closer to each other and that Eritrea and the people of Eritrea have no business to intervene between these two brotherly people if these two brotherly people happen to come to an argument or disagreement or conflict or whatever you call it . But we will make sure that they don't fall to the pit you agames have dug and you have been dreaming them to fall.... :oops: :mrgreen: :twisted:

Now, ask your people as to when the next sacks of expired wheat will arrive in you lily Tigray :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF terrorist group
Last edited by Hawzen on 24 Feb 2023, 00:08, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by gearhead » 23 Feb 2023, 21:53

የወልቃይት ጉዳይ ከጦርነት በፊት ወደነበረበት ከተመለሰ በኋላ በህገመንግስቱ መርሆ ይፈታል የሚለው ህገመንግስታዊ አካሄድና የኢንተርናሽናል ውል <<ሁሉን እገዛለሁ>>ለሚለው፣ግን ዘጠኝ ለአንድ የተሸነፈው አመጸኛና የተገነጠለ የፋሽስት አማራ ሬት ስለሆነበት ብዙ የኩኩሉ ትርምሶች እየፈጠረ ሳለ የቤት ጋሎቹ ከዘጠኙ ክልሎች ከመገናኘት ፋንታ፣ እጅ ማስታጠቢያ የዘው ወደ አማራ ክልል ሄደዋል!!

በነሱ አመጽና በቤት ጋሎቹ መለማመጥ ምክንያት የዘጠኙ ክልሎች ፓለቲካዊ መረጋጋት ጠፍቷል!! እንደ AGOA ያሉ መአቀቦችንም አስተናግዶ የእድገት መርሁን ሁሉ አስቀይረውት ኢኮኖሚው ተሽመድምዷል!!

የእብድ ፓለቲካቸው ሀይ ባይ ሳያገኝ ይቆማል ብላችሁ አትጃጃሉ!!

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by TGAA » 23 Feb 2023, 22:16

gearhead wrote:
23 Feb 2023, 21:53
የወልቃይት ጉዳይ ከጦርነት በፊት ወደነበረበት ከተመለሰ በኋላ በህገመንግስቱ መርሆ ይፈታል የሚለው ህገመንግስታዊ አካሄድና የኢንተርናሽናል ውል <<ሁሉን እገዛለሁ>>ለሚለው፣ግን ዘጠኝ ለአንድ የተሸነፈው አመጸኛና የተገነጠለ የፋሽስት አማራ ሬት ስለሆነበት ብዙ የኩኩሉ ትርምሶች እየፈጠረ ሳለ የቤት ጋሎቹ ከዘጠኙ ክልሎች ከመገናኘት ፋንታ፣ እጅ ማስታጠቢያ የዘው ወደ አማራ ክልል ሄደዋል!!

በነሱ አመጽና በቤት ጋሎቹ መለማመጥ ምክንያት የዘጠኙ ክልሎች ፓለቲካዊ መረጋጋት ጠፍቷል!! እንደ AGOA ያሉ መአቀቦችንም አስተናግዶ የእድገት መርሁን ሁሉ አስቀይረውት ኢኮኖሚው ተሽመድምዷል!!

የእብድ ፓለቲካቸው ሀይ ባይ ሳያገኝ ይቆማል ብላችሁ አትጃጃሉ!!
Do you think Oromos give a hoot about Weyanes crying about the land that doesn't belong to them? When they know no amount of kumbaya with weyaes doesn't change the determined Amharas to keep what is their own, they will drop weyanes like a hot potato. After all, there is no love lost between Oromos and Tigrians. Unless Oromos are utterly inane they don't start skirmishing with Amharas cause Amharas who live in Oromia are threefold the entire Tigrian population. Do they have to listen to your crocodile tears and start fighting -- they have to be as dumb as you were the last two years..

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by Fiyameta » 23 Feb 2023, 22:22

:P :P :P :P
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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by sun » 23 Feb 2023, 23:25

Misraq wrote:
23 Feb 2023, 12:29
The new alignment of forces and the predicament interims of the agony it creates for people

1 - Oromos will pay the heaviest price
2 - Tigray will pay price next to the Oromo
3 - Amhara will pay lesser price than both Tigray and Oromo combined
4 - Eritrea pays lesser price than the above three


Oromos - they are divided in what they really want. They don't have real and substantial cause. Their main cause is to humiliate Amhara which they have been doing for decades now. They have never been a country or polity or central adminstration where they can articulate vision, diplomacy and economic principle. They just lead matters with emotions and constantly changing alliances. These type of set up and leading business is futile and can be destroyed by a small and determined force. They are creating their own distroyer by days such distroyer can be Ethiopianist force, Orthodoxy or even Amhara or even a combination of all. Positive side for Oromos is they control the ENDF and have massive armaments.

Tigray - They have fatigued. the bulk of the money they rob the nation is used up in the last 2 year war. The international community won't see them as a darling anymore to the extent they were. They are emotionally fatigued. Man power is severly reduced in the last couple of years. They can only piggy back Oromuma. Tigray can easily be broken to peaces by Eritreans and we have seen that. Amhara region is preparing itself for any provocation from Tigray and Tigray will be unable to sustain unless massive food aid air dropped or Oromuma who will be busy defending itself

Amhara - Still disorganized but have the habit and culture to organize quick. learnt the pains through years and have massive indurance. Amhara has nothing to lose as it has lost much of it has for the last 30 years. Hence a little gain here and there will be a much needed fuel to gain more momentum. Amhara has the backing of the rest of Ethiopia for the just cause it displayed. Gurages, southerners , Afar and Somali will morally side with Amhara. Eritrea also sides with Amhara since it is betrayed by both Tigray and Oromuma.

Eritrea - has a strong army still intact. can easily go and out into Tigray unharmed but putting a sever blow to the limping Tigray. Eritrea can also create so many leverages on Oromuma by supporting many groups in Ethiopia.

all in all, Oromia will be in caos. and tigray will have newer strife. amhara will be business as usual
Please have a banana gift for the long and boring self serving comment. Too Funny! :lol:

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Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by gearhead » 24 Feb 2023, 00:39

ዘጠኝ ለአንድ የተዘረረው ደደብ ብልጣብልጥ ተሳዳቢ ባለጌም ቋንቋ በማሸርሞጥ የሌለውን ሀይል ሊያጠራቅም ይዳዳዋል!! የተሰበረው የኢትዮጵያ ህገመንግስት ነው!!የኢትዮጲያን ህገመንግስት የሚያስከብረው የኢትዮጵያ መንግስትና ድርድሩን ለማጽናት የኳተኑት ሀይሎች ናቸው!! መርህ እና precedence law notwithstanding!

ከበሽተኛ አማራ ጋር ከመነታረክ ዘጠኙ ክልሎች በአስቸኳይ ተሰብስበው መወሰን ይኖርባቸዋል እላለሁ!! ጎጃሜ እንኳን ግድ ለማይለው አካባቢ ለምንድነዎ የኢትዮጲያ ህዝብ በመአቅብ የሚማቅቀው??
TGAA wrote:
23 Feb 2023, 22:16
gearhead wrote:
23 Feb 2023, 21:53
የወልቃይት ጉዳይ ከጦርነት በፊት ወደነበረበት ከተመለሰ በኋላ በህገመንግስቱ መርሆ ይፈታል የሚለው ህገመንግስታዊ አካሄድና የኢንተርናሽናል ውል <<ሁሉን እገዛለሁ>>ለሚለው፣ግን ዘጠኝ ለአንድ የተሸነፈው አመጸኛና የተገነጠለ የፋሽስት አማራ ሬት ስለሆነበት ብዙ የኩኩሉ ትርምሶች እየፈጠረ ሳለ የቤት ጋሎቹ ከዘጠኙ ክልሎች ከመገናኘት ፋንታ፣ እጅ ማስታጠቢያ የዘው ወደ አማራ ክልል ሄደዋል!!

በነሱ አመጽና በቤት ጋሎቹ መለማመጥ ምክንያት የዘጠኙ ክልሎች ፓለቲካዊ መረጋጋት ጠፍቷል!! እንደ AGOA ያሉ መአቀቦችንም አስተናግዶ የእድገት መርሁን ሁሉ አስቀይረውት ኢኮኖሚው ተሽመድምዷል!!

የእብድ ፓለቲካቸው ሀይ ባይ ሳያገኝ ይቆማል ብላችሁ አትጃጃሉ!!
Do you think Oromos give a hoot about Weyanes crying about the land that doesn't belong to them? When they know no amount of kumbaya with weyaes doesn't change the determined Amharas to keep what is their own, they will drop weyanes like a hot potato. After all, there is no love lost between Oromos and Tigrians. Unless Oromos are utterly inane they don't start skirmishing with Amharas cause Amharas who live in Oromia are threefold the entire Tigrian population. Do they have to listen to your crocodile tears and start fighting -- they have to be as dumb as you were the last two years..

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Joined: 09 Oct 2011, 21:29

Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by ethiopian » 24 Feb 2023, 01:50

Hawzen wrote:
23 Feb 2023, 21:04
eden wrote:
23 Feb 2023, 08:20
According to Prof. Ezqiel, one of the very few analysts with solid grasp of politics in this part of the world, ኦሮማራ (OPDO - ANDM) is dead, if it ever was alive. Alliances have shifted and the Tigran rulers in Asmera are now allied with Amara forces, and the Tigran rulers in Mequelle are allied with Oromo forces.

Must watch for anyone looking for understanding:
Agame Eden aka fake lowlanderu,

First and foremost, Eritrea is an independent sovereign country and its alliance is ONLY with governments, not with any particular ethnic or group. So Eritrea's alliance in this particular situation is with the one and only one the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. Abby Ahmed led Ethiopian government. One thing will never ever change though: as TPLF led agames are the worst enemy of Eritrea and the people of Eritrea, we will always stand on the opposite side of agames regardless of the situation.

By the way, the people of Oromo do not suffer from the intelligence deficiency unlike agames. They know how evil agames are from the 27 years of your hegemony when terrorizing Ethiopia and the people of Ethiopia. So, you can't fool them again.

When it comes to the brotherly people of Amhara and Oromo, they are closer to each other and that Eritrea and the people of Eritrea have no business to intervene between these two brotherly people if these two brotherly people happen to come to an argument or disagreement or conflict or whatever you call it . But we will make sure that they don't fall to the pit you agames have dug and you have been dreaming them to fall.... :oops: :mrgreen: :twisted:

Now, ask your people as to when the next sacks of expired wheat will arrive in you lily Tigray :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF terrorist group
Hawzen > Eden

Posts: 5747
Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by TGAA » 24 Feb 2023, 02:13

gearhead wrote:
24 Feb 2023, 00:39
ዘጠኝ ለአንድ የተዘረረው ደደብ ብልጣብልጥ ተሳዳቢ ባለጌም ቋንቋ በማሸርሞጥ የሌለውን ሀይል ሊያጠራቅም ይዳዳዋል!! የተሰበረው የኢትዮጵያ ህገመንግስት ነው!!የኢትዮጲያን ህገመንግስት የሚያስከብረው የኢትዮጵያ መንግስትና ድርድሩን ለማጽናት የኳተኑት ሀይሎች ናቸው!! መርህ እና precedence law notwithstanding!

ከበሽተኛ አማራ ጋር ከመነታረክ ዘጠኙ ክልሎች በአስቸኳይ ተሰብስበው መወሰን ይኖርባቸዋል እላለሁ!! ጎጃሜ እንኳን ግድ ለማይለው አካባቢ ለምንድነዎ የኢትዮጲያ ህዝብ በመአቅብ የሚማቅቀው??
TGAA wrote:
23 Feb 2023, 22:16
gearhead wrote:
23 Feb 2023, 21:53
የወልቃይት ጉዳይ ከጦርነት በፊት ወደነበረበት ከተመለሰ በኋላ በህገመንግስቱ መርሆ ይፈታል የሚለው ህገመንግስታዊ አካሄድና የኢንተርናሽናል ውል <<ሁሉን እገዛለሁ>>ለሚለው፣ግን ዘጠኝ ለአንድ የተሸነፈው አመጸኛና የተገነጠለ የፋሽስት አማራ ሬት ስለሆነበት ብዙ የኩኩሉ ትርምሶች እየፈጠረ ሳለ የቤት ጋሎቹ ከዘጠኙ ክልሎች ከመገናኘት ፋንታ፣ እጅ ማስታጠቢያ የዘው ወደ አማራ ክልል ሄደዋል!!

በነሱ አመጽና በቤት ጋሎቹ መለማመጥ ምክንያት የዘጠኙ ክልሎች ፓለቲካዊ መረጋጋት ጠፍቷል!! እንደ AGOA ያሉ መአቀቦችንም አስተናግዶ የእድገት መርሁን ሁሉ አስቀይረውት ኢኮኖሚው ተሽመድምዷል!!

የእብድ ፓለቲካቸው ሀይ ባይ ሳያገኝ ይቆማል ብላችሁ አትጃጃሉ!!
Do you think Oromos give a hoot about Weyanes crying about the land that doesn't belong to them? When they know no amount of kumbaya with weyaes doesn't change the determined Amharas to keep what is their own, they will drop weyanes like a hot potato. After all, there is no love lost between Oromos and Tigrians. Unless Oromos are utterly inane they don't start skirmishing with Amharas cause Amharas who live in Oromia are threefold the entire Tigrian population. Do they have to listen to your crocodile tears and start fighting -- they have to be as dumb as you were the last two years..
You still think weyanne constitution is Ethiopia's constitution. When Ethiopians have their own constitution the clam it its their own. You don't need to tell them.

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Joined: 16 Feb 2013, 01:19

Re: ትማራ vs. ትሮሞ | Shift in alliances

Post by Follower » 24 Feb 2023, 04:12

ሲከፋጨው ኦሮሞዎች ወንደሞማችን ናቸው ይላሉ ሲደላቸው ደሞ እንስሳ ነው ይላሉ, ኣየ ልቢ ትግራይ ጥውይዋይ.

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