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Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by ethioscience » 15 Jan 2022, 17:05

Last edited by ethioscience on 15 Jan 2022, 17:14, edited 1 time in total.

Noble Amhara
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Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano's Zemene Kase

Post by Noble Amhara » 15 Jan 2022, 17:07

Are you sure?

Adp is dead!

It is only Abiy/Shimeles who will try

Abiy trying to harm Ye Amara hizb Defender Patriot Zemene Kassie will further destabilize the most destabilized fractured nation on Earth
Last edited by Noble Amhara on 15 Jan 2022, 17:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by ethioscience » 15 Jan 2022, 17:28

Don't be so naive Nobel - it's not new for ADP --they were TPLF's puppet :-)

Noble Amhara
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Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by Noble Amhara » 15 Jan 2022, 17:33

ethioscience wrote:
15 Jan 2022, 17:28
Don't be so naive Nobel - it's not new for ADP --they were TPLF's puppet :-)
Adp was led by Tigrayan dude who had secretly infiltrated amhara regional police along with abiy to go against asaminew this has nothing to do with adp. Adp amiro yelom its a actor party something non existent and led by non Amharas (abiy meles) dr yekilkal is tied to abiy but he doesnt agree with abiy policies. Dr yelikal should get closer to fano and amhara police and never let abiy replace him he should grow some balls

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Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by Abere » 15 Jan 2022, 17:37

I like that ......ህዝባዊ እርምጃ የተወሰደበት ሆዳም አዴፓ :lol: :lol: :lol:
ለኦሮሙማ ያፈነደደ አዴፓ ካለ ከዘመነ ካሴ በፊት ቀድሞ ወደ ሰማይ ቤት ይሸኛል ማለት ነው።
Noble Amhara wrote:
15 Jan 2022, 17:33

Adp was led by Tigrayan dude who had secretly infiltrated amhara regional police along with abiy to go against asaminew this has nothing to do with adp. Adp amiro yelom

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Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by ethioscience » 15 Jan 2022, 17:42

የአማራው ህዝብ ኢትዮጵያን እያለ ራሱን ከመርሳት ተላቆ ራሱን በማስከበር ወዳለው ኢትዮጵያዊነት መግባት አለበት:: ለዚህም ደግሞ አብይና መሰሎቹ ጠላት ፈጥረውለት ለሚቀጥለው አመት ሊጫወቱበት ከሚወስዱት ጉዞ ማምለጥ የሚችለው በየትኛውም በኩል የሚደረጉ ውሳኔዎች ላይ የሚገባውን መጠየቅና ማስከበር ሲችል ነው:: ይሕ ካልሆነ ትግሬን በኦሮሞ መቀየር እንጂ አዲስ ነገር ለአማራውም ለኢትዮጵያ የሚመጣ ነገር የለም::ህዝባችን ሳይፈራ ይህንን የመናገር ባህል ማሳደግ አለበት

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Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by DefendTheTruth » 16 Jan 2022, 05:02

ethioscience wrote:
15 Jan 2022, 17:05
I didn't listen to the video, the channel has proved itself a new recruit of propaganda machine against the government and some personalities in it.

But when Daud Ibsa claimed about not wanting to disarm his armed forces, the uproar was so furious that the country looked like to stand on a verge of yet another war. The reason was that there shouldn't be two armed forces moving around in a country under one central government's authority, which I think made sense and makes sense still.

But when it comes to the other part of the country, there should be a special treatment, because they are "special".

For the country to continue its path of transformation there should be a single source of authority and monopoly of power and that is the government, anybody roaming around with its arms fully held is not only a risk to the public safety but can even risk the disintegration of the nation.

The sooner the entity disarms itself, the better for the country.

Stop your double standard!

Abe Abraham
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Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by Abe Abraham » 16 Jan 2022, 05:20

DefendTheTruth wrote:
16 Jan 2022, 05:02
ethioscience wrote:
15 Jan 2022, 17:05
I didn't listen to the video, the channel has proved itself a new recruit of propaganda machine against the government and some personalities in it.

But when Daud Ibsa claimed about not wanting to disarm his armed forces, the uproar was so furious that the country looked like to stand on a verge of yet another war. The reason was that there shouldn't be two armed forces moving around in a country under one central government's authority, which I think made sense and makes sense still.

But when it comes to the other part of the country, there should be a special treatment, because they are "special".

For the country to continue its path of transformation there should be a single source of authority and monopoly of power and that is the government, anybody roaming around with its arms fully held is not only a risk to the public safety but can even risk the disintegration of the nation.

The sooner the entity disarms itself, the better for the country.

Stop your double standard!
Let us first disarm the entity Junta and everything will be ok. The Junta should not be treated as something special which needs special protection by disarming the Fanos.

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Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by DefendTheTruth » 16 Jan 2022, 05:45

Abe Abraham wrote:
16 Jan 2022, 05:20
DefendTheTruth wrote:
16 Jan 2022, 05:02
ethioscience wrote:
15 Jan 2022, 17:05
I didn't listen to the video, the channel has proved itself a new recruit of propaganda machine against the government and some personalities in it.

But when Daud Ibsa claimed about not wanting to disarm his armed forces, the uproar was so furious that the country looked like to stand on a verge of yet another war. The reason was that there shouldn't be two armed forces moving around in a country under one central government's authority, which I think made sense and makes sense still.

But when it comes to the other part of the country, there should be a special treatment, because they are "special".

For the country to continue its path of transformation there should be a single source of authority and monopoly of power and that is the government, anybody roaming around with its arms fully held is not only a risk to the public safety but can even risk the disintegration of the nation.

The sooner the entity disarms itself, the better for the country.

Stop your double standard!
Let us first disarm the entity Junta and everything will be ok. The Junta should not be treated as something special which needs special protection by disarming the Fanos.
There is no need for a serialization, when we can do everything in parallel, unless there is something we don't want to reveal.

Whether TPLF, OLF, FANO/ABN, or any other armed entity should be disarmed ASAP or brought under the central command of the single source of authority in the country, which holds the monopoly of power of the nation.

Anythng else is just a joke, not a serious business.

We have to do a business, if we are serious.

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Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by Guest1 » 16 Jan 2022, 06:40

መንግስት የሚባለው የመከላከያ ሃይል የሚባለው የምድር፤ የባህር፤ የአየርና ለአገር ውስጥ ስላም አስከባሪ ፓሊስና ፈጥኖ ደራሽ። ከነዝህ ውጭ አንድ አገር ውስጥ ሌላ የታጠቀ ሃይል ሊኖር አይችልም።

በኢትዮ ከመከላከያና ፓሊስ የተለየ ያውም በብሄር የተደራጀ ልዩ ሃይልና ሚሊሺያም አለ። ልዩ ሃይል ማለት መንግስት የመፈንቀል አቅም ያለው ሃይል ማለት ነው። ይህንን ደግሞ በአሁኑ ጦርነት አይተናል። ይህንን እያየንም። መንግስትም እራሱ ያስታጠቀውና እራሱን ለፈነቅለው የሚችል ልዩ ሃይል እያለ ፋኖ ያውም የሚረባ ትጥቅ እንኳን በሌለው ላይ አጄንዳ ለምን ተከፈተ? ይህ ነው ጥያቄው።

ጦርነቱ ኣክትሟል ከተባለ ችግሩ ምንድነው? ድሮም ፋኖር ነበር። ለነገሩ ፋኖ ምንድነው? ወይ ጉድ! የታጠቀ ህዝብ ማለት አይደለም እንዴ? ጫካ ነው የሚኖረው? የታጠቀና መንግስትን የሚቀናቀን ነውም አይደለምም። ተጠቃን ባይና ሁሌም ዘብ የሚቆም ነው። ወይ ጉድ! ግና መንግስትስ ከጎኑ ሊሸጉጠው የሚችል ልዩ ሃይል አደራጅቶ ስለፋኖ ያሳስበዋል? አያሳስበውም።

አጄንዳ መስጠት ማለት እንዲህ ነው። ሌላው አስቸጋሪ የጊዜው ጥያቄዎች እንዳይነሱ ለማድረግ። ኡጋዴን 2 ሚልየን በረሃብ ላይ ነው። የወሎ ህዝብ የሚበላው የለውም። የትግራይ ህዝብ በረሃብም እየተሰቃየ ነው። አፋርስ? እንደዝሁ። የአማራ ፋኖ ከቀዪው ወጥቶ አያውቅም። አጄንዳ አታርጉት። ከኢኮኖሚ ቀውስ መውጣት ካልተቻለ የትግራይ ልዩ ሃይልና ጦር ቢያቅተው የአማራ ልዩ ሃይል ባይችልበት፤ መከላከያው ወታደሩ አራት ኪሎ ካልገባ ፈረንጆች ስላም አስከብረው ቢያስተዳድሩን አይሻልም? ወይ ጉድ!

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Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by DefendTheTruth » 16 Jan 2022, 07:10

Guest1 wrote:
16 Jan 2022, 06:40
መንግስት የሚባለው የመከላከያ ሃይል የሚባለው የምድር፤ የባህር፤ የአየርና ለአገር ውስጥ ስላም አስከባሪ ፓሊስና ፈጥኖ ደራሽ። ከነዝህ ውጭ አንድ አገር ውስጥ ሌላ የታጠቀ ሃይል ሊኖር አይችልም።

በኢትዮ ከመከላከያና ፓሊስ የተለየ ያውም በብሄር የተደራጀ ልዩ ሃይልና ሚሊሺያም አለ። ልዩ ሃይል ማለት መንግስት የመፈንቀል አቅም ያለው ሃይል ማለት ነው። ይህንን ደግሞ በአሁኑ ጦርነት አይተናል። ይህንን እያየንም። መንግስትም እራሱ ያስታጠቀውና እራሱን ለፈነቅለው የሚችል ልዩ ሃይል እያለ ፋኖ ያውም የሚረባ ትጥቅ እንኳን በሌለው ላይ አጄንዳ ለምን ተከፈተ? ይህ ነው ጥያቄው።

ጦርነቱ ኣክትሟል ከተባለ ችግሩ ምንድነው? ድሮም ፋኖር ነበር። ለነገሩ ፋኖ ምንድነው? ወይ ጉድ! የታጠቀ ህዝብ ማለት አይደለም እንዴ? ጫካ ነው የሚኖረው? የታጠቀና መንግስትን የሚቀናቀን ነውም አይደለምም። ተጠቃን ባይና ሁሌም ዘብ የሚቆም ነው። ወይ ጉድ! ግና መንግስትስ ከጎኑ ሊሸጉጠው የሚችል ልዩ ሃይል አደራጅቶ ስለፋኖ ያሳስበዋል? አያሳስበውም።

አጄንዳ መስጠት ማለት እንዲህ ነው። ሌላው አስቸጋሪ የጊዜው ጥያቄዎች እንዳይነሱ ለማድረግ። ኡጋዴን 2 ሚልየን በረሃብ ላይ ነው። የወሎ ህዝብ የሚበላው የለውም። የትግራይ ህዝብ በረሃብም እየተሰቃየ ነው። አፋርስ? እንደዝሁ። የአማራ ፋኖ ከቀዪው ወጥቶ አያውቅም። አጄንዳ አታርጉት። ከኢኮኖሚ ቀውስ መውጣት ካልተቻለ የትግራይ ልዩ ሃይልና ጦር ቢያቅተው የአማራ ልዩ ሃይል ባይችልበት፤ መከላከያው ወታደሩ አራት ኪሎ ካልገባ ፈረንጆች ስላም አስከብረው ቢያስተዳድሩን አይሻልም? ወይ ጉድ!
You are another one, who want to beat around the bush and try to divert the issue at hand, now you also came with the argument that the arm that the so called Fano is carrying around is not so powerful like the one others are carrying. Lame argument, I would call it.

It is not the level of sophistication or the volume that matters, it is the idea of one central monopoly of power which is the key.

Bring an argument against that.

Bring also an argument that can justify there should be a double standard in a country seemingly governed by a single source of rule of law.

The other things will not make it any further.

Disarm the entity ASAP, or, if possible, bring it under the central command of the single source of authority of the country, which could prove itself difficult, because ensuring its loyalty (unfettered loyality) to the central government could be impossible. It was created in pursuit of defiance of the central authority

You can't have it both ways, end of story.

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Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by Noble Amhara » 16 Jan 2022, 07:51

go to hell የወሎ ህዝብ ተደፍሮ በኢትዮጵያ መከላከያ ሰራዊት ብቻውን ቀረ እንጂ መሳሪያ አልነበረውም በዋይኔ ስር ወደቀ! አንተ ደደብ ጋላ ወይኔ እንደገና ወደ ሸዋ እንድትገባ ትፈልጋለህ DUMASS GALLA

DefendTheTruth wrote:
16 Jan 2022, 07:10
Guest1 wrote:
16 Jan 2022, 06:40
መንግስት የሚባለው የመከላከያ ሃይል የሚባለው የምድር፤ የባህር፤ የአየርና ለአገር ውስጥ ስላም አስከባሪ ፓሊስና ፈጥኖ ደራሽ። ከነዝህ ውጭ አንድ አገር ውስጥ ሌላ የታጠቀ ሃይል ሊኖር አይችልም።

በኢትዮ ከመከላከያና ፓሊስ የተለየ ያውም በብሄር የተደራጀ ልዩ ሃይልና ሚሊሺያም አለ። ልዩ ሃይል ማለት መንግስት የመፈንቀል አቅም ያለው ሃይል ማለት ነው። ይህንን ደግሞ በአሁኑ ጦርነት አይተናል። ይህንን እያየንም። መንግስትም እራሱ ያስታጠቀውና እራሱን ለፈነቅለው የሚችል ልዩ ሃይል እያለ ፋኖ ያውም የሚረባ ትጥቅ እንኳን በሌለው ላይ አጄንዳ ለምን ተከፈተ? ይህ ነው ጥያቄው።

ጦርነቱ ኣክትሟል ከተባለ ችግሩ ምንድነው? ድሮም ፋኖር ነበር። ለነገሩ ፋኖ ምንድነው? ወይ ጉድ! የታጠቀ ህዝብ ማለት አይደለም እንዴ? ጫካ ነው የሚኖረው? የታጠቀና መንግስትን የሚቀናቀን ነውም አይደለምም። ተጠቃን ባይና ሁሌም ዘብ የሚቆም ነው። ወይ ጉድ! ግና መንግስትስ ከጎኑ ሊሸጉጠው የሚችል ልዩ ሃይል አደራጅቶ ስለፋኖ ያሳስበዋል? አያሳስበውም።

አጄንዳ መስጠት ማለት እንዲህ ነው። ሌላው አስቸጋሪ የጊዜው ጥያቄዎች እንዳይነሱ ለማድረግ። ኡጋዴን 2 ሚልየን በረሃብ ላይ ነው። የወሎ ህዝብ የሚበላው የለውም። የትግራይ ህዝብ በረሃብም እየተሰቃየ ነው። አፋርስ? እንደዝሁ። የአማራ ፋኖ ከቀዪው ወጥቶ አያውቅም። አጄንዳ አታርጉት። ከኢኮኖሚ ቀውስ መውጣት ካልተቻለ የትግራይ ልዩ ሃይልና ጦር ቢያቅተው የአማራ ልዩ ሃይል ባይችልበት፤ መከላከያው ወታደሩ አራት ኪሎ ካልገባ ፈረንጆች ስላም አስከብረው ቢያስተዳድሩን አይሻልም? ወይ ጉድ!
You are another one, who want to beat around the bush and try to divert the issue at hand, now you also came with the argument that the arm that the so called Fano is carrying around is not so powerful like the one others are carrying. Lame argument, I would call it.

It is not the level of sophistication or the volume that matters, it is the idea of one central monopoly of power which is the key.

Bring an argument against that.

Bring also an argument that can justify there should be a double standard in a country seemingly governed by a single source of rule of law.

The other things will not make it any further.

Disarm the entity ASAP, or, if possible, bring it under the central command of the single source of authority of the country, which could prove itself difficult, because ensuring its loyalty (unfettered loyality) to the central government could be impossible. It was created in pursuit of defiance of the central authority

You can't have it both ways, end of story.

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Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by DefendTheTruth » 16 Jan 2022, 09:27

Noble Amhara wrote:
16 Jan 2022, 07:51
go to hell የወሎ ህዝብ ተደፍሮ በኢትዮጵያ መከላከያ ሰራዊት ብቻውን ቀረ እንጂ መሳሪያ አልነበረውም በዋይኔ ስር ወደቀ! አንተ ደደብ ጋላ ወይኔ እንደገና ወደ ሸዋ እንድትገባ ትፈልጋለህ DUMASS GALLA

That means my argument is winner, if you run out of argument, then the least you can do is turn into your usual vulgarity and take a cover under that, አሳዳጊ የበደለዉ፣ መንገድ ላይ ተወልዶ መንገድ ላይ ያደጋ ጋጠወጥ!

Posts: 1926
Joined: 28 Dec 2006, 01:02

Re: Abiy & ADP Next Divide and Conquer Strategy Againt Fano

Post by Guest1 » 16 Jan 2022, 10:50

You are another one, who want to beat around the bush and try to divert the issue at hand, now you also came with the argument that the arm that the so called Fano is carrying around is not so powerful like the one others are carrying. Lame argument, I would call it.
Defendeeeeee በህግ አምላክ አታስቀኝ! ክክክክክክክክ

ፋኖ ደሞዝ አለው? የለውም። ምክንያቱም በልዩ ሃይልም መንግስት ያዋቀረው ሚሊሺያም አይደለም። እኔ እስከገባኝ ድረስ ፋኖ የሚሊሺያ አይነት ባህሪይ ያለው ስብስብ ነው። በመከላከያ ፍቃድና ፍላጎት በትብብር አካባቢውን ነጻ ለማውጣት ተሰባስቦ በጦርነቱ ተካፍሏል። አሁን ምን ተፈጠረ? ሞኖፓሊ ሆነ? ክክክክክክክ አታስቀኝ!

ፋኖም ሆነ ሚሊሺያ በጦርነት ጊዜ የሚፈጠር አንድ ህዝብ ራሱን የሚጠብቅበት ወይም ጠላት የሚለውን የሚከላከልበት የህዝብ ድርጅት ነው። በአማራ፤ በአፋሪና በትግራይ ክልል በጦርነቱ ምክንያት ሚሊሺያም ተፈጠረ። ምናልባትም ልዩ ሃይሉ ብቻውን መመከት ስላልቻለም ልዩ ሃይሉ ተጠናከረ። የነበረው ፋኖም እንዲሳተፍ ተደረገ። አሁን ሁሉም ነገር እንዳለ ሆኖ ስለፋኖ ማውራት አጄንዳ ማስቀየር ነው። ሌላ ምን ሊሆን?

በዝህ እንስማማ። በአንድ አገር ውስጥ ከመንግስት ወጭ የሆነ ሃይል ሊኖር አይችልም። ዬትም አገር የለም። አለበለዚያ ሁለት መንግስት አለ እንላለን ወይም 11 መንግስት አለ። ወይ ጉድ! ክክክክክክ ይህ ሃይል የሚናቅ እንዳልሆነ አይተናል። በግልጽ ላስቀምጠው ልዩ ሃይል መንግስት መገልበጥ ይችላል አራት ነጥብ። ፋኖ እንኳን ታንክ ጥይት የሌለው ግን ፋኖ አይችልም። ግልጽ ነው።
It is not the level of sophistication or the volume that matters, it is the idea of one central monopoly of power which is the key.
ወይ ጉድ! ፋኖ ሴንትራል ፓወር መሆኑ ነው? ወይስ መንግስት ሃይልን ሞኖፓላይዝ ማድረግ የለበትም ነው? ሁለት ወይም ሶስት አገር ይኑረን? አንዱን ምረጥ ክክክክክክክ አታስቀኝ ብያለሁ! በጦርነቱ ጊዜ ፋኖ ሞኖፓላይዝ አደረገ ማለት ብቻውን እየተዋጋና እየተሰዋ ከሆነ ፋኖ መበተን ሳይሆን መሸለም አለበታ! እንዴ ክክክክክክክክክክክክክክ

መደምደሚያ ሁለት ወዶ አይሆንም።

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