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The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF !!

Post by Horus » 17 May 2021, 20:10

The newly minted power drunk preppies with defective knowledge of Ethiopia are charting the proverbial ways of Fools and blindness- the type of logic that gave us the Vietnam syndrome. This is what happens when personal vengeance becomes the basis of the foreign policy of a country.

America is making historic mistake in trying to bully and destabilize Ethiopia!

More pressure breeds more resistance! Ethiopians are not the kind of people that bow to imperial bullying ! America pursues this uncalled for anti-Ethiopian adventure at its own diplomatic peril in the HoA and Africa

Last edited by Horus on 17 May 2021, 21:11, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The Horn of Africa on Fire

Post by Aba » 17 May 2021, 20:17

Horus wrote:
17 May 2021, 20:10
...America is making historic mistake in trying to bully and destabilize Ethiopia
Are you nuts? Why on earth would America "destabilize" Ethiopia? Who's gonna feed and house all those refugees fleeing a nation 115 million poppers?
Do you think the monster of North Korea is stabilizing Ethiopia?
Get real, dude. Don't just get easily brainwashed by some propagandist.

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The Horn of Africa on Fire

Post by Horus » 17 May 2021, 20:37


You are one dimensional mind old school. In your mind, instability instantly triggers the vision of millions in famine and food-seeking migration. That is the extent of your political and strategic sight. No, dude!

There is a destabilization that dislocates, displaces and moves people. Then, there is destabilization that would feed you with expired wheat, divide you, weaken you, disempower you and rule you! control you! enslave you! The American slave was not forced to migrate but fed and clothed to serve his master.

But, Ethiopia is a wrong place to try those tired colonial ways! TPLF is dead !! Does America know that?
Last edited by Horus on 17 May 2021, 21:34, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The Horn of Africa on Fire

Post by Horus » 17 May 2021, 20:52

መራራ ጉዲና በፍጹም በፍጹም የኢትዮጵያ መሪ መሆን አይችልም ። አሁን እሱ ማለት መንገድ አልባ አቅጣጫ የጠፋበት አንዳች ሚዛን የማያነሳ አድር ልፍስፍስ ነው።

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The Horn of Africa on Fire

Post by Aba » 17 May 2021, 21:10

You are blaming the US for the jam you and your monster friend dragged yourselves into. The US does not want to end up dealing with the humanitarian disaster you and your savage monster created. So far, the US have donated over $150 million just to help the disaster Mamo qillo and Issu created with billions of dollars worth of weapons and amunitions.
Why can't these poor countries use that to improve the lives of their people instead of war and destruction? Why not these poor countries use their own resources to take care of the humanitarian crisis they created ?
The answer to these questions are: these idiots could care less if millions starve to death, die in wars,
or flee to refugee camps all over

You should tell your tyrants to fix the problem, stop the stupid war, and stop blaming the US, EU, etc. etc. Where is China and Russia when millions are at risk of dying?
Horus wrote:
17 May 2021, 20:37

You are one dimensional mind old school. In your mind, instability instantly triggers the vision of millions in famine and food-seeking migration. That is the extent of your political and strategic sight. No, dude!

There is a destabilization that dislocates, displaces and moves people. Then, there is destabilization that would feed you with expired wheat, divide you, weaken you, disempower you and rule you! control you! enslave you! The American slave was not forced to migrate but fed and closed to serve his master.

But, Ethiopia is a wrong place to try those tired colonial ways! TPLF is dead !! Does America know that?

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF

Post by Horus » 17 May 2021, 21:25

American war elites are upset because their brain child Woyane fascism is dismantled. As for famine in Tigray, you should have known your state of affairs before you chose to bite the hands that fed you. That is your problem; you made the soup, you eat it. No power on earth can harm Ethiopia and hope to be around alive. Remember, our history and history repeats itself. TPLF should have known that when it attacked Ethiopia!! From here on TPLF has no right to exist in Ethiopia. Ditto.
Last edited by Horus on 17 May 2021, 21:28, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF

Post by Zmeselo » 17 May 2021, 21:26

Horus, you're being accused of having a short memory. Ain't it, hilarious?

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF

Post by Aba » 17 May 2021, 21:43

America wants stability because they don't want to end up dealing with the mess. So far, the destabizers are those who were planning and preparing for war for 2 years while pretending to work for peace i.e. Nobel Peace Prize.
You still don't get it? The instability of 110 million nation means 20 times more refugees that what North Korea of Africa can produce. Who's gonna feed and house all these refugees? China? Russia? India? No, it's the US and the E.U.
Btw, the instability in Ethio is not just Tigrai. How many millions in Amhara and other regions are being destabilized? You should look back and realize the upcoming instability created by Issu and Mamo qillo will be bigger than you can imagine. Don't expect these idiots will bring about peace and prosperity. They're bringing desater like you've never seen before. Forget about going back for vacation like you used to. Those days are gone for good
Horus wrote:
17 May 2021, 21:25
American war elites are upset because their brain child Woyane fascism is dismantled. As for famine in Tigray, you should have known your state of affairs before you chose to bite the hands that fed you. That is your problem; you made the soup, you eat it. No power on earth can harm Ethiopia and hope to be around alive. Remember, our history and history repeats itself. TPLF should have known that when it attacked Ethiopia!! From here on TPLF has no right to exist in Ethiopia. Ditto.

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF

Post by Horus » 17 May 2021, 21:54

America created TPLF, tribal federalism, tribal constitution so that Ethiopia becomes permanently unstable, war torn and conflicted. Now we are at the cusp of eradicating TPLF and OLF, America back again to disrupt Ethiopia. This time it will not happen because American financed terrorism in Horn will in return burn back its own creators - US/EU.

What US/EU must do is this: If they choose to help Ethiopia get out the tribal pit and mud which they created, we say fine. If they wish or dream of bullying or forcing Ethiopia to do their dirty tribal designs, that is when they will wake up to a rude awakening !!

TPLF is dead! Only idiots dream of a Woyane come back !!!
Last edited by Horus on 17 May 2021, 22:02, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF

Post by Zmeselo » 17 May 2021, 21:57

Ready, for what? A tickling game, I suppose. Have we misunderstood, chgray? :lol:

Last edited by Zmeselo on 18 May 2021, 08:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF

Post by Aba » 17 May 2021, 22:05

Stop believing your own propaganda like the stooges do. Learn from independent thinkers and different opinions.
In other words, snap out of the rut the Issu stooges spent years in blaming US, EU, etc. etc. You will have permanent disabilities.

May 16, 2021  
The war in Ethiopia’s Tigray Province is now more than six months old. Jeffrey Feltman, the Biden administration’s special envoy, has just completed his first trip to the region but, for Ethiopian unity, it may be too late. Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s prime minister and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has sent his country beyond the point of no return.

Abiy’s stated reason for his assault on Tigray was the rebuff of that province’s leaders to his efforts to delay elections. His supporters justify his move to repress Tigray and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in two ways. Some argue that the TPLF deserves the central government’s offensive and even the atrocities it suffers because of the TPLF’s past poor human rights abuses as well as its participation in the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, a coalition from which Abiy’s two immediate predecessors emerged. Others argue that Ethiopia’s ethno-federalism is unfair to provincial minorities and Abiy is right to repress it. Both arguments are problematic: TPLF’s past does not justify massacres, looting, and rape against civilians targeted solely because of ethnicity or political opposition. If Abiy had legal justification against any particular TPLF leader, the courts would have been the proper recourse.

Critics of Ethiopian federalism have valid arguments about problems inherent in the system but the remedy for this is revision of the constitution through the legislative process, not the whims of one man acting through brute force.

Abiy promised a quick victory, but his gambit failed. While Ethiopian troops control the cities, videos show Tigray Defense Forces openly defiant and operating with impunity in the countryside. The problem, however, is not just the embrace of military force; rather, it was his choice of targets.

Tigrayans, like much of the rest of Ethiopia, are overwhelmingly young. Most Tigrayans under thirty care little about Ethiopia as a whole and imagine a better life for themselves as their own independent state. It was the senior TPLF leaders who had fought for, served Ethiopia, maintained links across regions, and remained open to unity. This was the caste whom Abiy has sought to kill. In the most famous episode, the Ethiopian Army killed Seyoum Mesfin who had served two decades as Ethiopia’s foreign minister. In effect, in a fit of pique, the mercurial Abiy has disproportionately targeted the only figures with whom he could negotiate to preserve Ethiopian unity.

Nor has Abiy done himself any favors with fellow African leaders. There is a way presidents and prime ministers speak to the public, and there is a way in which they talk among themselves. Abiy fails at the latter. He lacks candor and appears untethered from the reality that he has created. Many of his counterparts describe him as a naïf with a messiah complex. While African leaders will not publicly abandon one of their own, the shedding of African Union offices from Ethiopia to other capitals reflects Abiy’s declining diplomatic capital. Simply put, beyond Eritrean dictator Isaias Afwerki, who sees himself as Abiy’s superior, and Mohamed Farmaajo, Somalia’s president whose term expired three months ago, Abiy has no friends.

Regional states fear Ethiopia’s dissolution—it would be a nightmare scenario of dislocation and instability—but many diplomats, including those traditionally friendly to Ethiopia, quietly question whether it is already too late. Abiy’s supporters may have justified his action in antipathy to federalism but by choosing unilateralism over negotiation, Abiy may have cemented his legacy not as a Nobel Peace Laureate, but rather as the man who ended a country whose history dates back millennia. It is time for the United States, United Nations, and Ethiopia’s neighbors to plan for its end as a unified entity.

Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, where he specializes in Iran, Turkey, and the broader Middle East. He also regularly teaches classes at sea about Middle East conflicts, culture, terrorism, and the Horn of Africa to deployed U.S. Navy and Marine units ... ion-185149

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF

Post by euroland » 17 May 2021, 22:18

Is your beloved TPLF heading North after neutralizing the Northern Command? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nay Agame empty bravado evaporated like morning mist.
Poor Asswash, your Chigar Kilil is now back at mercy of Uncle Bob Geldoff LOL

Aba wrote:
17 May 2021, 22:05
Stop believing your own propaganda like the stooges do. Learn from independent thinkers and different opinions.
In other words, snap out of the rut the Issu stooges spent years in blaming US, EU, etc. etc. You will have permanent disabilities.

May 16, 2021  
The war in Ethiopia’s Tigray Province is now more than six months old. Jeffrey Feltman, the Biden administration’s special envoy, has just completed his first trip to the region but, for Ethiopian unity, it may be too late. Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s prime minister and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has sent his country beyond the point of no return.

Abiy’s stated reason for his assault on Tigray was the rebuff of that province’s leaders to his efforts to delay elections. His supporters justify his move to repress Tigray and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in two ways. Some argue that the TPLF deserves the central government’s offensive and even the atrocities it suffers because of the TPLF’s past poor human rights abuses as well as its participation in the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, a coalition from which Abiy’s two immediate predecessors emerged. Others argue that Ethiopia’s ethno-federalism is unfair to provincial minorities and Abiy is right to repress it. Both arguments are problematic: TPLF’s past does not justify massacres, looting, and rape against civilians targeted solely because of ethnicity or political opposition. If Abiy had legal justification against any particular TPLF leader, the courts would have been the proper recourse.

Critics of Ethiopian federalism have valid arguments about problems inherent in the system but the remedy for this is revision of the constitution through the legislative process, not the whims of one man acting through brute force.

Abiy promised a quick victory, but his gambit failed. While Ethiopian troops control the cities, videos show Tigray Defense Forces openly defiant and operating with impunity in the countryside. The problem, however, is not just the embrace of military force; rather, it was his choice of targets.

Tigrayans, like much of the rest of Ethiopia, are overwhelmingly young. Most Tigrayans under thirty care little about Ethiopia as a whole and imagine a better life for themselves as their own independent state. It was the senior TPLF leaders who had fought for, served Ethiopia, maintained links across regions, and remained open to unity. This was the caste whom Abiy has sought to kill. In the most famous episode, the Ethiopian Army killed Seyoum Mesfin who had served two decades as Ethiopia’s foreign minister. In effect, in a fit of pique, the mercurial Abiy has disproportionately targeted the only figures with whom he could negotiate to preserve Ethiopian unity.

Nor has Abiy done himself any favors with fellow African leaders. There is a way presidents and prime ministers speak to the public, and there is a way in which they talk among themselves. Abiy fails at the latter. He lacks candor and appears untethered from the reality that he has created. Many of his counterparts describe him as a naïf with a messiah complex. While African leaders will not publicly abandon one of their own, the shedding of African Union offices from Ethiopia to other capitals reflects Abiy’s declining diplomatic capital. Simply put, beyond Eritrean dictator Isaias Afwerki, who sees himself as Abiy’s superior, and Mohamed Farmaajo, Somalia’s president whose term expired three months ago, Abiy has no friends.

Regional states fear Ethiopia’s dissolution—it would be a nightmare scenario of dislocation and instability—but many diplomats, including those traditionally friendly to Ethiopia, quietly question whether it is already too late. Abiy’s supporters may have justified his action in antipathy to federalism but by choosing unilateralism over negotiation, Abiy may have cemented his legacy not as a Nobel Peace Laureate, but rather as the man who ended a country whose history dates back millennia. It is time for the United States, United Nations, and Ethiopia’s neighbors to plan for its end as a unified entity.

Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, where he specializes in Iran, Turkey, and the broader Middle East. He also regularly teaches classes at sea about Middle East conflicts, culture, terrorism, and the Horn of Africa to deployed U.S. Navy and Marine units ... ion-185149

Posts: 4018
Joined: 15 Apr 2011, 17:52

Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF

Post by Aba » 17 May 2021, 22:26

I think you should focus on and celebrate the "independence atmosphere"

euroland wrote:
17 May 2021, 22:18
Is your beloved TPLF heading North after neutralizing the Northern Command? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nay Agame empty bravado evaporated like morning mist.
Poor Asswash, your Chigar Kilil is now back at mercy of Uncle Bob Geldoff LOL

Aba wrote:
17 May 2021, 22:05
Stop believing your own propaganda like the stooges do. Learn from independent thinkers and different opinions.
In other words, snap out of the rut the Issu stooges spent years in blaming US, EU, etc. etc. You will have permanent disabilities.

May 16, 2021  
The war in Ethiopia’s Tigray Province is now more than six months old. Jeffrey Feltman, the Biden administration’s special envoy, has just completed his first trip to the region but, for Ethiopian unity, it may be too late. Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s prime minister and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has sent his country beyond the point of no return.

Abiy’s stated reason for his assault on Tigray was the rebuff of that province’s leaders to his efforts to delay elections. His supporters justify his move to repress Tigray and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in two ways. Some argue that the TPLF deserves the central government’s offensive and even the atrocities it suffers because of the TPLF’s past poor human rights abuses as well as its participation in the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, a coalition from which Abiy’s two immediate predecessors emerged. Others argue that Ethiopia’s ethno-federalism is unfair to provincial minorities and Abiy is right to repress it. Both arguments are problematic: TPLF’s past does not justify massacres, looting, and rape against civilians targeted solely because of ethnicity or political opposition. If Abiy had legal justification against any particular TPLF leader, the courts would have been the proper recourse.

Critics of Ethiopian federalism have valid arguments about problems inherent in the system but the remedy for this is revision of the constitution through the legislative process, not the whims of one man acting through brute force.

Abiy promised a quick victory, but his gambit failed. While Ethiopian troops control the cities, videos show Tigray Defense Forces openly defiant and operating with impunity in the countryside. The problem, however, is not just the embrace of military force; rather, it was his choice of targets.

Tigrayans, like much of the rest of Ethiopia, are overwhelmingly young. Most Tigrayans under thirty care little about Ethiopia as a whole and imagine a better life for themselves as their own independent state. It was the senior TPLF leaders who had fought for, served Ethiopia, maintained links across regions, and remained open to unity. This was the caste whom Abiy has sought to kill. In the most famous episode, the Ethiopian Army killed Seyoum Mesfin who had served two decades as Ethiopia’s foreign minister. In effect, in a fit of pique, the mercurial Abiy has disproportionately targeted the only figures with whom he could negotiate to preserve Ethiopian unity.

Nor has Abiy done himself any favors with fellow African leaders. There is a way presidents and prime ministers speak to the public, and there is a way in which they talk among themselves. Abiy fails at the latter. He lacks candor and appears untethered from the reality that he has created. Many of his counterparts describe him as a naïf with a messiah complex. While African leaders will not publicly abandon one of their own, the shedding of African Union offices from Ethiopia to other capitals reflects Abiy’s declining diplomatic capital. Simply put, beyond Eritrean dictator Isaias Afwerki, who sees himself as Abiy’s superior, and Mohamed Farmaajo, Somalia’s president whose term expired three months ago, Abiy has no friends.

Regional states fear Ethiopia’s dissolution—it would be a nightmare scenario of dislocation and instability—but many diplomats, including those traditionally friendly to Ethiopia, quietly question whether it is already too late. Abiy’s supporters may have justified his action in antipathy to federalism but by choosing unilateralism over negotiation, Abiy may have cemented his legacy not as a Nobel Peace Laureate, but rather as the man who ended a country whose history dates back millennia. It is time for the United States, United Nations, and Ethiopia’s neighbors to plan for its end as a unified entity.

Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, where he specializes in Iran, Turkey, and the broader Middle East. He also regularly teaches classes at sea about Middle East conflicts, culture, terrorism, and the Horn of Africa to deployed U.S. Navy and Marine units ... ion-185149

Posts: 7957
Joined: 08 Jun 2018, 12:42

Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF

Post by euroland » 17 May 2021, 22:33

AbaQ coward junta

Yes, we will be celebrating our 30th Independence Day in high spirits this year, after completely decimated your junta :lol:
We drank your blood, cut your little, undressed your pants...what else we didn’t do to you?

Aba wrote:
17 May 2021, 22:26
I think you should focus on and celebrate the "independence atmosphere"

euroland wrote:
17 May 2021, 22:18
Is your beloved TPLF heading North after neutralizing the Northern Command? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nay Agame empty bravado evaporated like morning mist.
Poor Asswash, your Chigar Kilil is now back at mercy of Uncle Bob Geldoff LOL

Aba wrote:
17 May 2021, 22:05
Stop believing your own propaganda like the stooges do. Learn from independent thinkers and different opinions.
In other words, snap out of the rut the Issu stooges spent years in blaming US, EU, etc. etc. You will have permanent disabilities.

May 16, 2021  
The war in Ethiopia’s Tigray Province is now more than six months old. Jeffrey Feltman, the Biden administration’s special envoy, has just completed his first trip to the region but, for Ethiopian unity, it may be too late. Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s prime minister and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has sent his country beyond the point of no return.

Abiy’s stated reason for his assault on Tigray was the rebuff of that province’s leaders to his efforts to delay elections. His supporters justify his move to repress Tigray and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in two ways. Some argue that the TPLF deserves the central government’s offensive and even the atrocities it suffers because of the TPLF’s past poor human rights abuses as well as its participation in the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, a coalition from which Abiy’s two immediate predecessors emerged. Others argue that Ethiopia’s ethno-federalism is unfair to provincial minorities and Abiy is right to repress it. Both arguments are problematic: TPLF’s past does not justify massacres, looting, and rape against civilians targeted solely because of ethnicity or political opposition. If Abiy had legal justification against any particular TPLF leader, the courts would have been the proper recourse.

Critics of Ethiopian federalism have valid arguments about problems inherent in the system but the remedy for this is revision of the constitution through the legislative process, not the whims of one man acting through brute force.

Abiy promised a quick victory, but his gambit failed. While Ethiopian troops control the cities, videos show Tigray Defense Forces openly defiant and operating with impunity in the countryside. The problem, however, is not just the embrace of military force; rather, it was his choice of targets.

Tigrayans, like much of the rest of Ethiopia, are overwhelmingly young. Most Tigrayans under thirty care little about Ethiopia as a whole and imagine a better life for themselves as their own independent state. It was the senior TPLF leaders who had fought for, served Ethiopia, maintained links across regions, and remained open to unity. This was the caste whom Abiy has sought to kill. In the most famous episode, the Ethiopian Army killed Seyoum Mesfin who had served two decades as Ethiopia’s foreign minister. In effect, in a fit of pique, the mercurial Abiy has disproportionately targeted the only figures with whom he could negotiate to preserve Ethiopian unity.

Nor has Abiy done himself any favors with fellow African leaders. There is a way presidents and prime ministers speak to the public, and there is a way in which they talk among themselves. Abiy fails at the latter. He lacks candor and appears untethered from the reality that he has created. Many of his counterparts describe him as a naïf with a messiah complex. While African leaders will not publicly abandon one of their own, the shedding of African Union offices from Ethiopia to other capitals reflects Abiy’s declining diplomatic capital. Simply put, beyond Eritrean dictator Isaias Afwerki, who sees himself as Abiy’s superior, and Mohamed Farmaajo, Somalia’s president whose term expired three months ago, Abiy has no friends.

Regional states fear Ethiopia’s dissolution—it would be a nightmare scenario of dislocation and instability—but many diplomats, including those traditionally friendly to Ethiopia, quietly question whether it is already too late. Abiy’s supporters may have justified his action in antipathy to federalism but by choosing unilateralism over negotiation, Abiy may have cemented his legacy not as a Nobel Peace Laureate, but rather as the man who ended a country whose history dates back millennia. It is time for the United States, United Nations, and Ethiopia’s neighbors to plan for its end as a unified entity.

Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, where he specializes in Iran, Turkey, and the broader Middle East. He also regularly teaches classes at sea about Middle East conflicts, culture, terrorism, and the Horn of Africa to deployed U.S. Navy and Marine units ... ion-185149

Posts: 4018
Joined: 15 Apr 2011, 17:52

Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF

Post by Aba » 18 May 2021, 00:42

I don't drink the blood of my own people. Only the Tegaru deqi40 welfare queens like you do that.
euroland wrote:
17 May 2021, 22:33
AbaQ coward junta

Yes, we will be celebrating our 30th Independence Day in high spirits this year, after completely decimated your junta :lol:
We drank your blood, cut your little, undressed your pants...what else we didn’t do to you?

Aba wrote:
17 May 2021, 22:26
I think you should focus on and celebrate the "independence atmosphere"

euroland wrote:
17 May 2021, 22:18
Is your beloved TPLF heading North after neutralizing the Northern Command? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nay Agame empty bravado evaporated like morning mist.
Poor Asswash, your Chigar Kilil is now back at mercy of Uncle Bob Geldoff LOL

Aba wrote:
17 May 2021, 22:05
Stop believing your own propaganda like the stooges do. Learn from independent thinkers and different opinions.
In other words, snap out of the rut the Issu stooges spent years in blaming US, EU, etc. etc. You will have permanent disabilities.

May 16, 2021  
The war in Ethiopia’s Tigray Province is now more than six months old. Jeffrey Feltman, the Biden administration’s special envoy, has just completed his first trip to the region but, for Ethiopian unity, it may be too late. Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s prime minister and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has sent his country beyond the point of no return.

Abiy’s stated reason for his assault on Tigray was the rebuff of that province’s leaders to his efforts to delay elections. His supporters justify his move to repress Tigray and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in two ways. Some argue that the TPLF deserves the central government’s offensive and even the atrocities it suffers because of the TPLF’s past poor human rights abuses as well as its participation in the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, a coalition from which Abiy’s two immediate predecessors emerged. Others argue that Ethiopia’s ethno-federalism is unfair to provincial minorities and Abiy is right to repress it. Both arguments are problematic: TPLF’s past does not justify massacres, looting, and rape against civilians targeted solely because of ethnicity or political opposition. If Abiy had legal justification against any particular TPLF leader, the courts would have been the proper recourse.

Critics of Ethiopian federalism have valid arguments about problems inherent in the system but the remedy for this is revision of the constitution through the legislative process, not the whims of one man acting through brute force.

Abiy promised a quick victory, but his gambit failed. While Ethiopian troops control the cities, videos show Tigray Defense Forces openly defiant and operating with impunity in the countryside. The problem, however, is not just the embrace of military force; rather, it was his choice of targets.

Tigrayans, like much of the rest of Ethiopia, are overwhelmingly young. Most Tigrayans under thirty care little about Ethiopia as a whole and imagine a better life for themselves as their own independent state. It was the senior TPLF leaders who had fought for, served Ethiopia, maintained links across regions, and remained open to unity. This was the caste whom Abiy has sought to kill. In the most famous episode, the Ethiopian Army killed Seyoum Mesfin who had served two decades as Ethiopia’s foreign minister. In effect, in a fit of pique, the mercurial Abiy has disproportionately targeted the only figures with whom he could negotiate to preserve Ethiopian unity.

Nor has Abiy done himself any favors with fellow African leaders. There is a way presidents and prime ministers speak to the public, and there is a way in which they talk among themselves. Abiy fails at the latter. He lacks candor and appears untethered from the reality that he has created. Many of his counterparts describe him as a naïf with a messiah complex. While African leaders will not publicly abandon one of their own, the shedding of African Union offices from Ethiopia to other capitals reflects Abiy’s declining diplomatic capital. Simply put, beyond Eritrean dictator Isaias Afwerki, who sees himself as Abiy’s superior, and Mohamed Farmaajo, Somalia’s president whose term expired three months ago, Abiy has no friends.

Regional states fear Ethiopia’s dissolution—it would be a nightmare scenario of dislocation and instability—but many diplomats, including those traditionally friendly to Ethiopia, quietly question whether it is already too late. Abiy’s supporters may have justified his action in antipathy to federalism but by choosing unilateralism over negotiation, Abiy may have cemented his legacy not as a Nobel Peace Laureate, but rather as the man who ended a country whose history dates back millennia. It is time for the United States, United Nations, and Ethiopia’s neighbors to plan for its end as a unified entity.

Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, where he specializes in Iran, Turkey, and the broader Middle East. He also regularly teaches classes at sea about Middle East conflicts, culture, terrorism, and the Horn of Africa to deployed U.S. Navy and Marine units ... ion-185149

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF

Post by Horus » 18 May 2021, 01:50

The developing Ethiopian firm position is encouraging.

What should Ethiopian1 strategy be? We say 'No Appeasement'! 'No Blind Trusting' ! Why?

Up to this point, we don't definitely and clearly know the motives Americans are hiding!

Ethiopian diplomats need to penetrate the American motive and Strategy!

what is that America wants from Ethiopia?

First, America wants to resurrect TPLF under the guise of transitional government, reconciliation, etc. No, Ethiopians to a single person have decided to remove, to eradicate the Ethiopian social and political cancer - the TPLF.

America can only resurrect TPLFon the dead body Ethiopia.

Second, America may be implementing the Egyptian Agenda? May be they are planning to make Egypt an African super power? But why?

Three, America may be planning to weaken Ethiopia so that Kenya, a western water carrier colonial country be an African economic hup.

Four, America may simply disrupting Ethiopia in order to annoy and contend with Chinese (Russian) influence?

In any event, only foolish Ethiopian diplomats would trust America at the peril of Ethiopian National Interest.

Imperialist diplomacy uses maneuvers, deception, bribery, and/or subversion in order to confuse and divide the opposite party.

What are American tactics as we speak?

In one word, we reject any fake transitional talking, negotiations, bla bla .... There is election and those with Ethiopian interest at heart will participate the election and not become fifth columns of US/EU interference in the internal matters of the free, independent, sovereign Ethiopia nation.

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Re: The Arrogant Ivy League Preppies Around Biden Are Setting The HoA on Fire! Expect Entebbe Like Night Rescue of TPLF

Post by Horus » 18 May 2021, 02:05

IS America morally capable of telling others about human rights, etc...?

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