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Halafi Mengedi
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Tigraionline commentator took off his glove: The talking points are, the name of Ethiopia, Banda and language

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 20 Dec 2020, 20:16

The three main points you highlighted are:

1. The name of Ethiopia and worshiping Ethiopia main cause for Tigrayans is woyane leadership from Meles all the way to the cadres. Meles himself buried in Shewa after he fought against Shewa just to appease and to pay his servant and loyalty for Amhara, most Tigrayans make decision based their heart than their brain. Who argue more than any Tigrayan against Gen Tsadkan, Abebe Teklehaimanot, Getachew Reda, Asmelash Dembar, Sebhat Nega, Abay Tsehaye, Ethiopia for them is life and death they cannot breathe without Ethiopia name and Ethiopia map. I never called Ethiopia except "qushasha bloody Menelik Gojo ethiopia"???

2. Banda, there was no banda in Tigray during the struggle after the defeat of EDU but spread after Debretsion leadership because he was perceived very weak, just talk but no walk and I warned him about it and brought example about EDU action by woyane during the struggle and Debretsion should have taken that kind of action against them. You also talked about Qushet or Awraja, it is good to bring it to the open but you witnessed what took place for the last 20 years after the split of woyane leadership, it was complete and openly Qushet in every level to the point they did not want to arm all Tigrayans today to be devastated. It is the main cancer, there is a reason people have to be represented in ever level. Let me give one good example in America the economic activities leaders in the US. They have north, South, Central and East governors who monitor economic activities and report them to the economic policy makers in Washington DC to make sure all regions are functioning as intended or planned. In Tigray it is represented by Sebhat Nega qushet and mafia network, that is the truth and reality yet all are dummy not bright people who has been making decision and brought Tigray to catastrophic.

3. Language, one of the driving force all Tigrayans joined woyane to fight and die for the next generation was to liberate Tigray from the influence of Amharic language in Tigray but what happened after liberation, it was the worst and no Tigrayan in the leadership had the curiosity to go back and see what was Waela Tigray and do something about it. Woyane leadership should have standardize Tigrigna language throughout Tigray elementary schools and all Tigrayans could have been speaking uniform one accent language than talking naturally without any guidance. EVen in America has one national language has uniform English book kids to learn at early age throughout 53 states including islands.

BTW, Woyane leadership approved Oromo ethnic to learn their own language up to fifth grade yet Tigray to learn Tigrigna up to third grade??? Think about that, is this woyane leadersh Tigrawinet or Ethiopia Amharanet, as usual Tigrayans are enemy of Tigray???

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Re: Tigraionline commentator took off his glove: The talking points are, the name of Ethiopia, Banda and language

Post by Abere » 20 Dec 2020, 20:32


You are overdone, well ስcrewed by Amhara Fano not to walk you head up for eternity. The odds of any Tigre woyane to defeat Amhara is less than the odd of someone gets hit by a meteorite. You are just daydreaming. You are looking up Sudan, Egypt etc. etc. They will lose the battle to Ethiopia if they try it. I a sure you that. First, November of the month of killing the Tigre Monster TPLF and the month of December is TPLF;s funeral ceremony of cremation- you have Sebhat Nega dead, Getcahews Reda & Assefea dead, Seyoum Mesfin dead, Debretsion wounded on his [deleted] by Fano Militia & captured, I can't even finish listing the number of neutralized TPLF thugs - there is no woyane left in Tigray now so to speak. Sudan it self is embroiled by internal power feud, conflict with Egypt over claim of territory. I assure Sudan will be a half day matter - we don't rush but when we face off any aggressor we crush and grained them. No one ever touch an inch of our territory. Hell will broke upon them and well condemn them to walk their heads down forever like we do for the Tiger woyane.

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Re: Tigraionline commentator took off his glove: The talking points are, the name of Ethiopia, Banda and language

Post by abiadi » 20 Dec 2020, 20:34

amhara police commissioner admitted spying inside tigray bevor the war and preparing, most probably in collaboration with bandas.

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
20 Dec 2020, 20:16
The three main points you highlighted are:

1. The name of Ethiopia and worshiping Ethiopia main cause for Tigrayans is woyane leadership from Meles all the way to the cadres. Meles himself buried in Shewa after he fought against Shewa just to appease and to pay his servant and loyalty for Amhara, most Tigrayans make decision based their heart than their brain. Who argue more than any Tigrayan against Gen Tsadkan, Abebe Teklehaimanot, Getachew Reda, Asmelash Dembar, Sebhat Nega, Abay Tsehaye, Ethiopia for them is life and death they cannot breathe without Ethiopia name and Ethiopia map. I never called Ethiopia except "qushasha bloody Menelik Gojo ethiopia"???

2. Banda, there was no banda in Tigray during the struggle after the defeat of EDU but spread after Debretsion leadership because he was perceived very weak, just talk but no walk and I warned him about it and brought example about EDU action by woyane during the struggle and Debretsion should have taken that kind of action against them. You also talked about Qushet or Awraja, it is good to bring it to the open but you witnessed what took place for the last 20 years after the split of woyane leadership, it was complete and openly Qushet in every level to the point they did not want to arm all Tigrayans today to be devastated. It is the main cancer, there is a reason people have to be represented in ever level. Let me give one good example in America the economic activities leaders in the US. They have north, South, Central and East governors who monitor economic activities and report them to the economic policy makers in Washington DC to make sure all regions are functioning as intended or planned. In Tigray it is represented by Sebhat Nega qushet and mafia network, that is the truth and reality yet all are dummy not bright people who has been making decision and brought Tigray to catastrophic.

3. Language, one of the driving force all Tigrayans joined woyane to fight and die for the next generation was to liberate Tigray from the influence of Amharic language in Tigray but what happened after liberation, it was the worst and no Tigrayan in the leadership had the curiosity to go back and see what was Waela Tigray and do something about it. Woyane leadership should have standardize Tigrigna language throughout Tigray elementary schools and all Tigrayans could have been speaking uniform one accent language than talking naturally without any guidance. EVen in America has one national language has uniform English book kids to learn at early age throughout 53 states including islands.

BTW, Woyane leadership approved Oromo ethnic to learn their own language up to fifth grade yet Tigray to learn Tigrigna up to third grade??? Think about that, is this woyane leadersh Tigrawinet or Ethiopia Amharanet, as usual Tigrayans are enemy of Tigray???

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