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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Maxi » 31 Jul 2020, 16:08

Libi Tigray; Hearts of Tigrians are always twisted!! :P :P :P

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Gash » 31 Jul 2020, 16:15

Aurorae wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 16:06

What is Abbiy saying about Eritrean struggle ? at 4"17 I believe .
Refer to this thread to understand what he is saying...


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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Cigar » 31 Jul 2020, 16:35

I don't care to remember who said what amongst you filthy agames.
Now, for the guy who said that PIA stayed in power for 29 years and showed nothing.
I say, how the [deleted] is one supposed to do any positive thing when an envious enemy supported by its masters who dumped him after using him was breathing in his neck for over two decades.
If you are Eritrean and had Eritrea has piece what woyane had for over 2 decades and we would have been the becon of Africa, then you are insulting the intelligence of the Eritrean people you are praising.
And ti the other agame who said about what PMAA said in the video which you deceitful agame twsisted so that we can hate PMAA, it is not going to work.
What he said you can perceive it to your dream and wish.
The fact is if you think he said what you think he said, what would you say to when he said that Eritrea is the most peaceful country in the region and it is well know around the world as we speak that it is working hard to spread the peace, tranquility and working together with its neighboring countries.
But how ever you want to translate his speech, yes to the known, understood, inevitable freedom of Eritrea, Eritrea lost a lot for a winning cause, right?
What did the Ethiopian intruders win?
So, they could have saved face had they just let the Eritrean people decide their fate, instead of losing 100 fold of what Eritrea lost during our struggle.
Remember, not only the 100ds of thousand ethiopians lives, but also the billions of dollars worth tanks, fighter jets, tanks, heavy trucks and millions of arms which killed Ethiopia's economy.
Go google the sellassie's and mengistu's armaments grave site in Asmara.
That money wasted could have been used to introduce pencils and note books to the 85 % of Ethiopians population who are living as cave man and women.
Come onan face it.
Addis is not the whole ethiopia.
Ethiopia is still the most backwards African country, is the most illiterate country and is the poorest.
That is just the fact.
But you have a visionary leader on PMAA who can change that all once woyane is buried in the next couple month or so.
You have people who walk b*utt naked and shamelessly you a'ss holes tell the world that it is their culture.
I call it humanitarian abuse.
So, we are working hand with hand with PMAA to turn the filthy agames lives to cave man and cave women life style aka beggars, thieves, shoe shiners and prostitutes just like your parents old job in Eritrea, but this time it will be in the Oromo and Amhara households and streets.

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Aurorae » 31 Jul 2020, 16:44


War is useful. All wars are not useless. That is how we got our independence. We paid huge prices with the blood of our brothers and sisters. Abbiy cheapened that. He cheapened our struggle. He is just giving the eye to his oppositions.

Watch 4:17 again. No execuses with the blood of our brothers and sisters.

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Gash » 31 Jul 2020, 17:06


He was speaking from the Ethiopians point of view, not from the point of view of Eritreans.

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by ሙሽሙሽ፣ ጨናዊ፣ ዓጋመ » 31 Jul 2020, 17:20

Deqi- za TEWABIT

Is this your last attempt to save your Dirty cousins Agame? Let me tell you this, there is no chance for the Dirty Agames whats so ever, including the Agame sympathizers. Come in Eritrea and show that sympathy for Agames, we will hung you upside down in a day light. It is not the same Eritrea what you envision like the 40s or 50s. People learn things in a hard way.

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Abere » 31 Jul 2020, 17:22

እነ ቆርጦ ቀጥል ዐብይ የተናገረውን መልዕክቱን እንመርምረው -ችግሩ ከምኑ ላይ ነው?

"ኤርትራ ስመላለስ ያየሁት ነገር ያ የ30 ዓመት ውጊያ ኪሳራ እንዴሆነ ነው የገባኝ። ምንም ትርፍ ላያ መጣ በየተራራው የፈሰሰው ደም ያሳዝነኛል" ዐብይ አህመድ::

የአባባሉን ጭራ በመያዝ ሀሳቡን ከማዕቀፍ ውጭ በማድረግ ሌላ ትርፍ የሌለው የኪሳራ ጥል እና ግጭት ማነሳሳት መሆኑ ግልፅ ነው። በመጀመሪያ ጦርነት አንድ ወገን ብቻ አይደለም። በሁለቱም ወንድማማች ህዝብ ዘንድ ኪሳራ ነበር። ኢትዮጵያ በ30 ዓመታት የወያኔ አገዛዝ የተለየ ያተረፈችው ነገር ኪሳራ ነበር። ስለ ኢትዮጵያ ኪሳራ ዐብይ ጠንቅቆ ያውቃል። የ30 ዓመታቱ የባድመ ግጭት እና ጦርነት ያስከተልውን ውድመት እና ለወታደር የሚመደበው በጀት ከኢትዮጵያ አንፃር ያውቃል - ሁላችን እናውቃለን። ጥል ያለሽ በዳቦ ባዶ ድንጋይ መሬት ሳብያ 120 ሺ በየተራራው የጠፋው ምስኪን ህይወት የኤርትራ ብቻ ነበር እንዴ። በእኔ ግምት 2/3ኛው የኢትዮጵያ ሳይሆን አይቀርም። በየ ባህርማዶው አገር ሲሰደድ፣ ውቅያኖስ ሲበላው የነበረው ህዝብ የኢትዮጵያም ጭምር ነው። በሊቢያ ለአይ ኤስ ኤስ ዕርድ ሰለባ የሆኑት እኮ ወንድሞቻችን ናቸው። በህዝብ ዘንድ ተሰብሮ የነበረው ስነ-ልቦና በድንገት በወያኔ መለስ ከአፈሩት ቤት ንብረታቸው እና አገራቸው ተባረው አሥመራ የሄዱት ወገኖቻችን ሰላም ሰፈነ ዘመድ ከዘመድ መገናኘት ይቻላል ሲባል በጣ ከፍተኛ የሚያስለቅስ ደስታ ነው። ይኸ የጦርነት ውጤት ነበር። መፍረድ በሚገባን ላይ እንፍረድ። ወያኔ እራሱ ቢሆን ምን ሊል ይችላል። ጦርነት ውጤት አለው ነው የሚለው። ጦርነት ዘመድ ከዘመድ፣ ቤተሰብ ከቤተሰብ እና ሰው የሚናፍቀውን ትውልድ ቦታውን የማየት ፀጋ ያጎናፅፍል እይለ ነው ወያኔ። ወያኔን እኔ ህይዋንን ያሳሳተውን ከይሲ እባብ ነው የምለው። ከይሲ እባብ ሄዋንን አታልሎ መርገት ጥሎ ከአፀደ ገነት ከአዳም ጋር እንዳስባረራት። እባቡ ወያኔ የትግራይን ህዝብ መቼም ተጫውቶበታል እዚያው ጨዋታውን ይጨርስ።

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Cigar » 31 Jul 2020, 17:30

You filthy agame, since you are one, you opt to chose what you want to hear. That is all.
Like I said PMAA saying Eritrea is the oasis of peace and Eritreans didn't have to fight for their freedom which you are telling us you heared do not freaking match.
What he said is, the Eritrean people are beautiful, fighters, peace loving and peace spreading, patriotic and thus his predessosers didn't have to waste lives and economy of Ethiopia to the eventual loss.
As he said, he saw the Eritrean people and they are winners.
Only a filthy, medanagheri agame will translate what is not meant to mean what they wish it was.
Again, enough about your bull crap and talk about how he defined Eritrea and Eritreans in his speech:
"them and their leaderships are peace loving and the world attested to that and they are working to spread the peace towards the region including Ethiopia"
Come on, I dare you to twist that speech to try to score your cheap agame point.
Stop hair splitting you coward agame tribe.
And if you insist to pass as an Eritrean, then your opening your big mouth is for what purpose?
We already know that you a'ss wipes do not like PIA. And be as you like to be till the cows come home.
Why are you fighting with Eritreans who see you as sell outs and traitors (if you are Eritrean)?
Why don't you go and try to oust your night mare PIA or at least die trying it? Don't you want to be martyr for the cause you believe in?
Coward, get out of your smelly wife's or mom's skirt, stop opening your big stinking mouth and act upon your agenda or shut the fu*ck up.
If by now you didn't understand where the pfdj supporters of this form stand, then you are a dumb a*ss, low IQ agame rat.

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by abel qael » 31 Jul 2020, 17:40

Misraq wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 12:15
Good analysis but you negated your opening statement that says "in politics, there is no permanent friendship but interest". History brought back these two leaders to one table. They seem to have one common and paramount interest to handle at this age of our time. i.e the removal of the malignant cancer in the horn that is causing havocs through the region.

That cancer is weyanne tplf. Agree or not, this is should be the numero uno (number one) task for these two leaders. That may mean to neutralize internal opponents that are supported by this cancer all the way to removing the cancer itself. put your sit-belt tight and see this unfolding. They will do it if they are smart or else they will go down themselves in an unceremonious fashion

Low Landeru Eden,

How is life as an opposition treating you :mrgreen:
says the adefam qomaxamharu mesraq betraq with her leaky fistulated anopoozal pouch smelling like dead monkey. .... she is still nursing the gallon of cu'm I loaded in her stomach over the years when I was deepthroating her with my anaconda, the manmeat she loved and flattered as Jimmi, she knows I'm her eternal conqwuistador. who can pacify her dream by cyber-fracking her ....A typical insatiable adefam amharubitch... sadly, she hides using many of her fa'ggish or trany'sh sounding nicks but comes out public as mesraq betraq to comment as nice woman when she talks about her weyane master.

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Hawzen » 31 Jul 2020, 19:14

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 10:11

As Eritreans more than any other group in the world should know and understand that in politics there are no permanent friendship but permanent interest. let's recap.

In 1989; The EPLF went through Sudanese territory and clashed against the SPLA forces ,which were allies with the regime of Mengistu hailemariam at that time and ultimately came to Assosa to assist the OLF fighters. Yet After the capture of Addis abeba in 1991 by the EPRDF, all Ethiopian opposition forces including the OLF were dropped like a hot potato in favor of the Woyane. As the result; Wedi Medhin Berad put all his eggs in one basket which proved to be later a fatal and colossal mistake and short-sighted to say the least.
You know that TPLF led Ethiopian government had to sign for Eritrea to conduct internationally recognized Referendum... even though the coward TPLF goons had not other options.. They were our slaves and they did what slaves are supposed to do :lol: :lol:
Subsequently; to enforce its ultimate hegegmony over Ethiopian politics, woyane neutralized all its internal armed opposition groups one after the other. Ensuring it has no formidable political group which can threaten its power inside Ethiopia, Woyane directed its military effort against Eritrea. For Eritrea; lack of having of adequate tools to enforce a fundamental change inside Ethiopia and lack of having international allies to advocate Eritrea cause, it left the country to moan and whine for more than 20 years that the world is unfair and and the current World order under the leadership of the United States is totally against Eritrea. This was the heavy price the country paid and blowback of cozying with only one political force in Ethiopia instead of diversifying its allies regionally and internationally which could certainly have brought the country better outcome than to what we have obtained so far.
You are absolutely correct that TPLF did everything and anything to destroy Eritrea and extinct Eritreans from the face of the earth....Unfortunately, the coward TPLF terrorist group had always shown signs of backstabbing us during its 17 years of struggle starting when they were our students in Sahel. I want to make very clear distinction between the coward frog Meles and the Honorable Prime Minister Dr. Abby because they are completely two difference leaders. The Adwan frog Meles was without a question twisted heart evil.. For example, Meles deported over hundred thousands of Eritreans and confiscated their hard earned wealth because he did not like the colour of our eyes...Whereas the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. Abby invited Eritreans with open arms... Not only that Meles spent millions of dollars of Ethiopian wealth to impose sanction after sanction on the people of Eritrea....whereas the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. Abby did not waste time to work to lift the unjust sanctions. Please let me know if you disagree with these historical facts.

Eventually, the time has come when we are able to witness a proverb which goes like "You reap what you sow" happening with out naked eyes...Now, the criminal TPLF terrorist group are facing up to the consequences of their evil actions. In order that to happen, the people and government of Eritrea have to play our part... The PIA aka Lion of Nakfa in collaboration the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. Abby are doing exactly that. I personally support the Eritrean government 110% on this matter. I understand it is going to hurt for the low IQ Dedebit cadres and their sympathizers.. but who cares :lol: :lol:

Dr Abiye just like the midget Meles is extinguishing all opposition groups in Ethiopia one after the other. Low IQ Wedi Medhin Berad supporters, echoing the clown leader are condoning the measure dr Abiye is taken to exterminate the opposition groups. The question which should be asked is, Is it in Eritreas national interest to witness all Ethiopias opposition groups neutralized?
The people and government of Eritrea should fully support Dr. Abby to extinguish TPLF aka the terrorist group aka Edir group :lol: . The reason is simple TPLF is the worst enemy of Eritrea and the people of Eritrea...I hope you agree with me on TPLF. I don't understand why you need to call names to the millions of Eritreans who support the Lion of Nakfa though. If supporting PIA on extinguishing TPLF makes us to be called low IQ Supporters, so be it, brother. After all, the so called useless opposition are only good at bi@tching like teenage girls.. no action...In other words, you can keep badmouthing but I promise you that the Lion of Nakfa with full support of the Eritrean people will keeping marching together to extinguish TPLF for good...When TPLF is controlling in the least important killil Tigray, there will not be peace!!
Smart people learn from their own mistakes and a smarter people learn from the mistakes of others but the alcoholic junk could even learn from his own mistakes.....lack of having National Assembly, national security council even the useless cabinet minstry who could provide feedback and suggestion to potential scenario which might arise in the future is enabling the clown to drive the country to yet another debacle.

This is your opinion and I don't have any problem for echoing your opposition or concern as Eritrean citizen. Unfortunately, it will not be more than badmouthing since you will not convince many Eritreans just by calling names to the President of Eritrea....

By the way, the snake eden gual Adwa loves your comments :lol: :mrgreen: :oops:

eden wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 11:48
Brilliant piece
Is it in Eritreas national interest to witness all Ethiopias opposition groups neutralized?

His eminence
God bless Eritrea and PIA
God bless Ethiopia and Dr. Abby

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Aurorae » 31 Jul 2020, 21:26

ለዛዪ ተስፉዬ aka ሽጋራ ሽልሖ ዓጋመ ካብ ኣፍካ ኣውጸአዮ ክርደኣካ አይከኣልኩን Shyyyt head. :lol: :lol:

Junky cigar wrote
unintelligble :lol:

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Fed_Up » 31 Jul 2020, 21:43

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 10:11
<my shallow and low iq analysts goes here>
Smirnoff aka ajejew,

Here you are at it and here we are beating you on your own thread that you spreading like good hoè እግሪ.

If he beat every single of his adversaries... lead the country against all odds, walking tall like alpha male.. and above all he made every chihuahua like you whining like a little cûnt day in and day out.. he must be genius and have all Eritreans behind him. :P :lol:

Therefore, you little cûnt is in no position whatsoever to even see his eyes let alone to make analysis how. Dude remember that you are the loser group and insignificant Sweden’s burden welfare queen. :P any truthful and confident person can give the man unbounded admiration. ቀናእ አረጊት

ሰዲ ወድሰበይቲ ድርባይ አረጊት ውጉር አረብ :oops:

Men with steel balls got the last laugh. oh ya!

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Aurorae » 31 Jul 2020, 21:51

ኣረጊት ሽልሖ ስብሓት ነጋ ኣብ ጎሮረኻ ሓንቑ ዓጋመ ዓጋመ ኢሉ ከም ዝብኢ ኣንቢሑካ
:twisted: :lol:

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by wegri » 01 Aug 2020, 05:11

Aurorae wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 21:51
ኣረጊት ሽልሖ ስብሓት ነጋ ኣብ ጎሮረኻ ሓንቑ ዓጋመ ዓጋመ ኢሉ ከም ዝብኢ ኣንቢሑካ
:twisted: :lol:
Aurorae AKA Campo, hardliner, Cinema Roma...etc, :P

ጋዕጋዕ ዓጋመ ስለ ዝኾንካ፡ ዓጋመ ይብለካ'ምበር እንታይ ክብለካ ድኣ ትጽበ? ወይ ሰብ ደቀይ ይብላ ኣደይ ሓረጉ! ኣብ ER Forum መጺእካ ኤርትራዊ እየ እንተበልካስ ካን ኤርትራዊ ዝኾንካ ኮይኑ ተሰሚዑካ? ወይ ናይ ዓጋመ ነገር ዘገርም እዩ :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 01 Aug 2020, 07:42

Misraq wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 12:15
Good analysis but you negated your opening statement that says "in politics, there is no permanent friendship but interest". History brought back these two leaders to one table. They seem to have one common and paramount interest to handle at this age of our time. i.e the removal of the malignant cancer in the horn that is causing havocs through the region.

That cancer is weyanne tplf. Agree or not, this is should be the numero uno (number one) task for these two leaders. That may mean to neutralize internal opponents that are supported by this cancer all the way to removing the cancer itself. put your sit-belt tight and see this unfolding. They will do it if they are smart or else they will go down themselves in an unceremonious fashion

Low Landeru Eden,

How is life as an opposition treating you :mrgreen:
People are giving woyane more credit than it really deserves. For instance if we accept the logic that all Ethiopian opposition groups are woyane proxies, does it also means that woyane was behind General Asaminew Tsige? :roll: I am confident that he was not and there are also many genuine Ethiopian opposition groups who are totally free from woyane grip and who want to pursue their "struggle" the way they se it fit. Plus; if there was a genuine will from Dr Abiye to cripple woyane further, he could have treated woyane the way law enforcement agencies treat a hostage situation. Shut down the supply of electricity, Shut down the water supply system and close all the roads which leads to the region, freeze federal fund and at the same time, try to win the heart and the mind of Tigrians to isolate the clique. Viola!

His eminence Deqi-Arawit

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Aurorae » 01 Aug 2020, 09:38

ወግሪ ፈራሕ ተወጋሪ

ንስኻ ከም የእዱግ ኢኻ ትጸዓን ብዘይ ሐንጎል ኢኻ ተፈጢርካ ዓጋመ ዓጋመ ክትብል መርየት ዓሪብካ ሽግሪ ዓጋመ ኮይኑ መጽረዪ ስንኻ መድከሚ ሐንጎልካ ድርባይ
BTW, I like Cinema Roma. I may change my nick to that. maybe Odeon. Tempting. I can't choose between the two. Cinema Roma is an icon . :lol:

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by tlel » 01 Aug 2020, 21:55

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 10:11

As Eritreans more than any other group in the world should know and understand that in politics there are no permanent friendship but permanent interest. let's recap.

In 1989; The EPLF went through Sudanese territory and clashed against the SPLA forces ,which were allies with the regime of Mengistu hailemariam at that time and ultimately came to Assosa to assist the OLF fighters. Yet After the capture of Addis abeba in 1991 by the EPRDF, all Ethiopian opposition forces including the OLF were dropped like a hot potato in favor of the Woyane. As the result; Wedi Medhin Berad put all his eggs in one basket which proved to be later a fatal and colossal mistake and short-sighted to say the least.

Subsequently; to enforce its ultimate hegegmony over Ethiopian politics, woyane neutralized all its internal armed opposition groups one after the other. Ensuring it has no formidable political group which can threaten its power inside Ethiopia, Woyane directed its military effort against Eritrea. For Eritrea; lack of having of adequate tools to enforce a fundamental change inside Ethiopia and lack of having international allies to advocate Eritrea cause, it left the country to moan and whine for more than 20 years that the world is unfair and and the current World order under the leadership of the United States is totally against Eritrea. This was the heavy price the country paid and blowback of cozying with only one political force in Ethiopia instead of diversifying its allies regionally and internationally which could certainly have brought the country better outcome than to what we have obtained so far.

Dr Abiye just like the midget Meles is extinguishing all opposition groups in Ethiopia one after the other. Low IQ Wedi Medhin Berad supporters, echoing the clown leader are condoning the measure dr Abiye is taken to exterminate the opposition groups. The question which should be asked is, Is it in Eritreas national interest to witness all Ethiopias opposition groups neutralized?

Smart people learn from their own mistakes and a smarter people learn from the mistakes of others but the alcoholic junk could even learn from his own mistakes.....lack of having National Assembly, national security council even the useless cabinet minstry who could provide feedback and suggestion to potential scenario which might arise in the future is enabling the clown to drive the country to yet another debacle.

His eminence
Deqi Arawit shabo,

Once again want to support another Ethiopian opposition groups in Eritrea just like olf and tplf in case dr Aby and pp party do not go the way Shabia wants then they will train these opposition groups. Amara people must be away from Eritrea as possible, it plays with different groups against Ethiopia and it is not to benefit Ethiopians but to threaten and black mail Ethiopia's government that if Eritrea aka Jebha does not get what it wants then will train Ethiopian opposition groups. The reason than 27 years of tplf control in Ethiopia, when ERitrea supported opposition groups, they were designed and controlled by Shabia and Jebha so they are not effective against Tplf. Instead these opposition groups will be used by Shabia/Jebha to threaten PP or Dr Aby in case the relationship doesn't go well. In the mean time, Ethiopian govt will or might turn badly as it is not sure what is coming up the next 10 years. If the government is not pro Ethiopian peoples or pro ethnic fanatics like olf and even tplf remenants, i guarnatee Eritrea will give them again welcoming them to fight against Ethiopian govt aka against Ethiopia. So the govt have to choose to work for its strongest base in order to avoid opposition groups fighting. If war breakes out in Tigray it is obvious Weyane and Tplf will take refuge in Eritrea or Egypt start war again against Ethiopian government and Ethiopia. So this ethiopian govt must be clever to arrest and monitor these anti ethiopian elements tplf, olf and the future opposition groups who could be against Ethiopians and pro ethnic. If government changes for the worst just like tplf then Eritrea will use Ethiopian opposition groups

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 02 Aug 2020, 05:48

Gash wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 16:05
I hate to involve myself in the smart-looking but shallow endless hullabaloo scribbles of the attention-wh*re who calls himself Deqi ARAYIT . However, I will make an exception this time...

Any self respecting and confident person doesn't base his own survival and success on the misery and weakness of others. Likewise, Eritrea does not need weak and divided Ethiopia in order to insure its survival. We believe we can survive and prosper regardless what happens in Ethiopia, and we mainly relay on ourselves - does self reliance ring a bell in your dummy ears?? Having said that though, a strong Ethiopia at peace with itself and its neighbors has a huge positive impact in the entire region, and the Eritrean leadership stance is solidly based on this principle. That is why we are paying the price now so that there will be a sustainable peace in all the region. So, you can shove your amateurish political analysis down your Agame arse.
Weizero Gashina. You are still intoxicated with some fine Wedi Medhin Berad kool-aid and you keep repeating the same boring and repetitive words which doesn't seem to have any substance any more....Let me expose your argument and shut it on your face. You claimed,
Gash wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 16:05

Eritrea does not need weak and divided Ethiopia in order to insure its survival. We believe we can survive and prosper regardless what happens in Ethiopia,and we mainly relay on ourselves - does self reliance ring a bell in your dummy ears?
Let me emphasize and underline on the word Regardless here. This is self defeating argument coming from Wedi Medhin Berad supporter because most Wedi Medhin Berad supporters legitimize the presidency of the dictator in Eritrea not because of his economical, social performance in Eritrea but because what is happening in Ethiopia. "Our roads are messy because of woyane, our education system is crappy because of woyane, our healthy system is shxxt because of woyane, We can't reform our internal policy because there is uncertainty in Ethiopia", the excuse is are endless. And all of a sudden here is some clueless wedi Medhi Berad supporter telling us that Eritrea can survive and prosper regardless what happens in Ethiopia :roll: . Personally I believe we can survive and prosper regardless what happens in Ethiopia if we have good diplomacy, strong army and of course powerful allies. Gash; or should I call you Einstein, What is the excuse we are the bottom of the bottom in every parameter? Is it because of the stupidity of the dictator or the circumstances which is taking place in Ethiopia. You can't have it both ways here.

You also invoked the word self reliance to make some point. Really! It seems you are in a place where time is frozen. Common goal,Purpose, the vision of bright future enabled many people to make self sacrifice for the good of the masses and in the process make the EPLF function like a well oiled organization in the field. Now, Do you really think you can just poke them to live and invoke those kind of sentiment after the dictator has killed the same spirit for the last 20 years?
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Advise. Think before you write.

His eminence Deqi-Arawit

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 02 Aug 2020, 06:19

Hawzen wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 19:14

You know that TPLF led Ethiopian government had to sign for Eritrea to conduct internationally recognized Referendum... even though the coward TPLF goons had not other options.. They were our slaves and they did what slaves are supposed to do :lol: :lol:
a slave doesn't hold a firearm in his hand, a slave only make some domestic job. work in the kitchen, cleans and dishes. I think the proper word you are are looking after is Junior partner.

Hawzen wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 19:14
You are absolutely correct that TPLF did everything and anything to destroy Eritrea and extinct Eritreans from the face of the earth....Unfortunately, the coward TPLF terrorist group had always shown signs of backstabbing us during its 17 years of struggle starting when they were our students in Sahel. I want to make very clear distinction between the coward frog Meles and the Honorable Prime Minister Dr. Abby because they are completely two difference leaders. The Adwan frog Meles was without a question twisted heart evil.. For example, Meles deported over hundred thousands of Eritreans and confiscated their hard earned wealth because he did not like the colour of our eyes...Whereas the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. Abby invited Eritreans with open arms... Not only that Meles spent millions of dollars of Ethiopian wealth to impose sanction after sanction on the people of Eritrea....whereas the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. Abby did not waste time to work to lift the unjust sanctions. Please let me know if you disagree with these historical facts.

Are you familiar with the Tigrigna proverb ዝብኢ ክሳብ ዝዳሎ ይሕንክስ. Before he consolidated his power in Ethiopia, the late Midget Meles zenawi also used to [deleted] up to Eritreans and he used to flatter the dictator by claiming, spending one hour with the Eritrean dictator is more rewarding and more giving than reading 10 books. Hence your argument is dead on arrival.

Hawzen wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 19:14
Eventually, the time has come when we are able to witness a proverb which goes like "You reap what you sow" happening with out naked eyes...Now, the criminal TPLF terrorist group are facing up to the consequences of their evil actions. In order that to happen, the people and government of Eritrea have to play our part... The PIA aka Lion of Nakfa in collaboration the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. Abby are doing exactly that. I personally support the Eritrean government 110% on this matter. I understand it is going to hurt for the low IQ Dedebit cadres and their sympathizers.. but who cares :lol: :lol:
This is another indication that TPLF is renting the head of regime supporters free of charge. While I wrote this piece having the overall view picture of all Ethiopian opposition groups in mind, you are looking at the problem from one and only angel and lens.

Hawzen wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 19:14
The people and government of Eritrea should fully support Dr. Abby to extinguish TPLF aka the terrorist group aka Edir group :lol: . The reason is simple TPLF is the worst enemy of Eritrea and the people of Eritrea...I hope you agree with me on TPLF. I don't understand why you need to call names to the millions of Eritreans who support the Lion of Nakfa though. If supporting PIA on extinguishing TPLF makes us to be called low IQ Supporters, so be it, brother. After all, the so called useless opposition are only good at bi@tching like teenage girls.. no action...In other words, you can keep badmouthing but I promise you that the Lion of Nakfa with full support of the Eritrean people will keeping marching together to extinguish TPLF for good...When TPLF is controlling in the least important killil Tigray, there will not be peace!!
Let me repeat to what I wrote above. you are looking at the problem from one and only angel and lens. Try to look it from different angel. Screaming TPLF TPLF like a [deleted] girl doesn't mean our problem will vanish with the liquidation of the clique. Try to look at the problem from post liquidation of woyane in mind.

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Re: It is all deja-vu again. Wedi Medhin Berad never learn. After the OLF who is next to bite the dust?

Post by Misraq » 04 Aug 2020, 15:12

eden wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 12:47

TPLF is for Tigray to let it continue or not. It’s not up to HGDEF or PP. This is the fundamental truth you seem to escape in your analysis. The most you can do is try to influence the minds of Tigrians which you fail to do so far.

Correct me if I’m wrong
Why work hard on influencing tigryan youth. The truth is there for them and they know it. The only way they will understand the situation better is as the tension builds up which will be. Just this week alone 85 tigrayan liyu hayle defected to Amhara region.

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