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Video Of:My Eritrean Airforce Is Quietly Protecting My Skies From Gallas-Agames Evil Eyes.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Posted: 03 Mar 2025, 12:08
by tarik
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MOI Eritrea
Graduation of Technical School Students
Students from technical schools across the country who traveled to Sawa as part of the 37th round to undergo political and military training have graduated on 2 March. The students, from Dekemhare, Nakfa, Asmara, Hagaz, Mai-Habar, and Halay, completed six months of political and military training at the Sawa National Service Training Center.
The graduation ceremony was attended by commanders of the Eritrean Defense Forces Training Center, along with teachers and students of the Sawa National Service Training Center, and invited guests.
During the event, Maj. Gen. Romodan Osman Aweliay emphasized the significant investment the Government is making in the youth, aiming to nurture competent individuals who will ensure the continuity of the country and its future generations. He also called on the graduates to be active and exemplary in their assigned roles.
Col. Debesai Ghide, Commander of the National Training Center, stated that the students have graduated after completing the required military and political training, as well as physical fitness and sports training, among other disciplines. He also expressed confidence that the graduates will meet the expectations of the people and the Government, which have provided them with this opportunity.
The event featured various cultural, artistic, and entertainment programs. Awards were presented to outstanding students in several categories, including military excellence and discipline.

Re: Video Of:My Eritrean Airforce Quietly Protecting My Skies From Evil Eyes.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Posted: 03 Mar 2025, 12:16
by tarik

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Nakfa Press

ብስራት ስፖርት
Atlet Dejen Tesfesalem the first coin Tewitu--
Eritrean new distance Goyayay Dejen Tesfeselem in Japan in Ziteyede race marathon Kagoshima first place Koinu Tawitu
ነዚ ዓወት ድግም ድግም ኢዩ ዘሎ!
Naqfa press
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Nakfa Press

🔴 🚨: 🇪🇬 ኣብ ጉዳይ ተፋሰስ ኒል፡ ዝርርብ ምስ ኢትዮጵያ ዝብሃል ነገር የለን" ምኒስተር ጉዳያት ወጻኢ ግብጺ
ግብጺ ምምላእ ናይቲ ሓጽቢ ብጥብቂ ከም ትካታተሎን፡ ዓለም ከኻዊ ሕጊ ተጠቒማ ኣድላዪ ስጉምቲ ክትወስደሉ ምዃና ትገልጽ ኣላ።
ግብጺ ኣብ ቀረባ ነቲ ናይ ኢትዮጵያ ፖሊሲ ኣብ ልዕሊ ዓብይ ግድብ ህዳሴ ብምቅዋም ናብ ባይቶ ጸትታ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ደብዳበ ምጽሓፋ ይዝከር።
ኣብቲ ብንውሓቱ ካብ ዓለም ካልኣይ ዝዀነ ፈለግ ኒል፡ ኣስታት ፍርቂ ቢልዮን ህዝቢ ህይወቶም ኣብኡ ይምርኰስ። ለውጢ ክሊማ፡ ሰብ-ሰርሖ ምትእትታውን ካልእ ምኽንያታትን ግን ሕጂ ነዚ ፈለግ ኣብ ሓደጋ የእትዉ ኣለዉ።ከም ዝፍለጥ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ዓመታት ኣብ ሞንጎ ሃገራት ተፋሰስ ኒል ዝካየደ ዝነበረ ዝርርብ ብዘይ ፍረ ከም ዝተበተነ ይዝከር።
Egypt 🇪🇬 FM: negotiations between Egypt and Ethiopia on the Dam is deadlocked ⛔️
Video credit- ON live

Re: Video Of:My Eritrean Airforce Quietly Protecting My Skies From Gallas-Agames Evil Eyes.(((HAHAHA))).!!! WEEY GUUD !!

Posted: 03 Mar 2025, 12:37
by tarik

Nakfa Press

🔴 🇪🇷 ኤርትራዊት ጓል ኣንስተይቲ ተማሂራ፣ ሰሪሓ፣ ሞጊታ ንሃገር ቀዳምነት ዝሰርዕት።
ኤርትራዊት ጓል ኣንስተይቲ ቀንዲ ኣካል ቃልሲ ኮይና ናይ ገዛእ ርእሳ ታሪኽ ሰሪሓ’ያ። ዝተሰከመቶን ጌና ሓዚላቶ ትጎዓዝ ዘላ ጾር ናይዛ ሃገር ቀሊል ኣይኮነን።

Nakfa Press
ኣበይ እሞ እንተትጅምርዋ እታ ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ 10 ክንመቃቅላ- ነገሩ ሕንጣይ በሻሻ ኣይተረድኦን እንበር ንምፍራሳ ይሕግዘና'ዩ ዘሎ--