Oromia and Oropia (Oromumma led Ethiopia) are Two Sides for the Same Freedom Coin!
Both smart foes and stu’pid friends tried to contradict these two types of post-freedom sovereignty so that Oromo nationalists could fight each other on such pseudo-conflict. In reality, both objectives are two good alternatives, out of which Oromo people will choose in due time or we can have both at a time, as OFC is now striving. Both camps need to cooperate on the struggle for common denominator, i.e for freedom. Anti-Oromo foes usually try to atagonize Oromo forces and tell us that the OFC and the OLF are enemies to each other; but where is the contradiction between the two? Both are operating on the same line: achieving OFC’s objective is part and parcel of OLF’s objective and vice versa! As far as I am concerned, there are two political lines now fighting against the currently ruling dictators: the OFC-OLF line leading to multi-national federation as a very good prelude to free Oromia within federal union (Ethiopia = Great Oromia = Oropia) and the AG7-CUD line wanting to foster multi-regional federation as a prelude to a integrative Oropia, as long as Afàn Oromô will be primary working language of the federation. The only thing this second Line has to do is promote Afaan Oromo also to its own primary working language. I think, at the moment, most of the politicians in both camps (OFC-OLF line and AG7-CUD line) are typical V-minded people, who do antagonize, moralize and emotionalize minor differences between the two lines of thought. I hope they will be transformed to Y-minded constructive personalities in due time.
Read more: https://orompia.wordpress.com/2023/04/1 ... edom-coin/
Re: Oromia and Oropia (Oromumma led Ethiopia) are Two Sides for the Same Freedom Coin!
To make both genuine national independence of Oromia and/or a regional integration of Oropia become a reality and to help the struggle for freedom be successful, certain questions must be answered. For instance: despite the fact that the two groups (OFC-OLF line and the AG7 -CUD line) in Oropia are under a very dire situation now, why did they fail not to foster an alliance of liberation forces (alliance of both lines)? One brilliant Oromo intellectual once raised nice question: “how can we overcome mentality of the 19th century?” The answer to this question can be: the only way for us to overcome this mentality is by embracing 21st century mentality of democracy. The 19th century mentality of brute force and mischieve, under which few of Oromo elites and most of Habesha elites are suffering, is backward mentality of dictators (V-minded politicians); whereas the 21st century mentality is that of democrats (Y-minded politicians), who do believe in human and national freedom to self-determination. For what do both letters V and Y stand here? Who are these V- or Y-minded politicians?
To understand V-minded politicians, let’s just imagine big letter V and try to visualize that at bottom junction of the letter are Biltsigina dictators keeping the status quo; at left top of the letter are dictatorial OFC-OLF line; and at the right top are dictatorial AG7-CUD line. If we look at the way how these three forces deal with each other, they just do want to achieve their respective goals unconditionally: The dictators want to keep their domination at any cost, dictatorial OFC-OLF line tries to achieve multi-national federation and/or independence at any cost as well as dictatorial AG7-CUD line also wants to achieve multi-regional federation and/or integration at any cost. Especially, unconditional positions of the two lines, i.e that of OFC-OLF line and AG7-CUD line, who are antagonizing each other and continiously barking at each other, is a trillion dollar lottery, which the ruling elites are enjoying now by further dividing and polarizing these two opposition camps, because of the fact that both of them as dictators (V-politicians) can not forge a challenging alliance against Biltsigina!
To see who Y-minded politicians (democrats in the two opposition camps) are, let’s just try to imagine a very big letter Y and try to distinguish four points on the letter (bottom tip, middle junction, left top, and right top). Then, let’s imagine that bottom tip is status-quo of Ethiopian politics, where both OFC-OLF line and AG7-CUD line are under domination of the dictators; middle junction is a point for freedom of Oropian nations from tyranny (common goal of both lines); left top is point of multi-national federation and/or independence; and right top is point for multi-regional federation and/or integration. Then let’s imagine that this letter Y is a route of liberation journy for both lines from dictatorship or from their present common situation, towards their short term goal (common goal of freedom) and their respective long term goals (diverging respective goals of multi-national federation leading to independent Oromia or multi-regional federation leading to integrative Oropia. Can we imagine that democrats of these two lines do have a possibility to move from bottom tip (point of tyranny) to middle junction (point of freedom) together? This is our common route for the journey towards this common converging short term goal of freedom. Then after will come two diverging routes towards two different and diverging long term goals of the two lines: left top = multi-national federtion as a prelude to independence (long term goal of OFC-OLF line) and right top = multi-regional federation as a prelude to integration (long term goal of AG7-CUD line).
Now, if we could imagine this letter Y very well, it is not hard to comprehend that we need alliance of the two lines to move from status-quo of tyranny to point of freedom, not to move together to right top or together to left top. After achieving our freedom together, it is upto the public to decide per referendum which direction to move further: to left top or to right top. If the majority will choose to move to right top, then our common long term goal will be similar to that of AG7-CUD line, i.e multi-regional federation as a prelude to an integrative Oropia. Otherwise, if the majority will choose to move to left top, no dictator can hinder the public from achieving multi-national federation, which is a very good prelude to Oromia’s independence.
The main thing which irritates some of pro-OLF nationalists and make them suspect the motive of OFCites is the name Ethiopia they use as trade package for their Oropia. Actually the name Ethiopia is more appropriate for Cush (Oromo) than for Habesh (who claim to be from Semetic origin). The name Ethiopia, despite its original meaning (land of burnt face), has got positive connotation due to its association with the biblical Cush and due to myths built around the name by Europeans. But, the name is contaminated and spoiled by Abyssinian elites, who stole the name and misused it: they made the name Ethiopia be equivalent to land of Habesh, not that of Cush; they told a fiction that the Oromo are newcomers to Cushland; they systematically marginalized all Cush nations from political center; they demonized Cushitic cultural heritage like Waaqeeffanna, Odaa, Cushitic tricolor (black-red-white) and replaced them with Habesh elements; they made the name Ethiopia be the same to their system of domination in form of monarchy and theocracy; they purposely oppressed Cushitic languages, specially Afaan Oromo and prevented them from being working languages of the whole country; in contrary, they imposed their Semetic languages on all Cushitic nations; today Ethiopiawinet in reallity means Habeshawinet, not Kushawinet as it had to be; …etc
When we look at the above maneuvers from the Habesh side, it is legitimate, when the Oromo in particular and all Cushitic nations in general reject this name Ethiopia and Ethiopiawinet. If Ethiopia should survive in the future, it has to regain its true Ethiopia nature (being Cush) and has to be devoid of Habesh elements (Pseudo-Ethiopia). That means, the future new Ethiopia should be: equivalent to land of Cush (the future True Ethiopia), not land of Habesh (the present Pseudo-Ethiopia); with Oromo as the political center and political majority; with all Cushitic nations be the main participants in the political center; with Cushitic cultural heritage (Wàqeffannà, brw-flag, …etc) be main elements of true Ethiopia; with no domination of Amarinya and Orthodoxy; with Afaan Oromo and other cushitic languages be primary working languges of the whole country; out citizenship identity will be equivalent to Kushawinet (True Ethiopiawinet), not to Habeshawinet (Pseudo-Ethiopiawinet). If these things may not happen so that the new and true Ethiopia will be de facto Oropia, the Oromo will give pseudo-Ethiopia a good-bye kiss and move for our own Oromia unconditionally! So, the future alternatives are Oromia of the OLF and/or Oropia of the OFC. Till this will be clear, Oromo people have got a very legitimate reason to reject Ethiopian citizen identity. Above all, Habesh regimes intentionally targeted Oromo nation and did the worst state terror in the name of Ethiopia on this noble people, so that the name Ethiopia is very negatively associated in hearts and minds of the Oromo.
This reality persuades us to put a priority in fighing our real and potential enemies. Right timing is very important especially for the pro-indepndence Oromo in trying to define our foe and friend regarding who can work when, with whom or against whom. I think especially the pro-independence forces need this logical differentiation and should know the right timing! The pro-independence forces need to look at the three stations in their journey:
– first station is the time-now, where the struggle is between Biltsigina force and the three groups of freedom fighters (pro-independence like Jaal Marro, pro-federalism like Ja war Mohamed and pro-integration like Andargachew Tsige)
– second station is the time after freedom from the hegemonist force, when there will be a conflict between Oropiansts (pro-integration) and Unionists (pro-federalism) and Oromianists (pro-independence). This conflict can be solved through consensus or democracy (referendum) or force.
– third station is the time after getting a victory over Oropianists through one of the above three methods, when we will decide on the conflict of objectives betweeen Unionists and Oromianists (solution will be hopefully through either concensus or referendum). The decision can be in favour of an independent Oromia.
If we just consider this right timing, it is absurd on the side of pro-independence fighters to call or label pro-federalism and pro-integration forces as enemy. The only viable enemy now is actually the ruling dictators. Pro-integration Oropianists like Andargachew can be enemy of pro-independence forces only at the second station, if they refuse consensus or referendum and opt for force to achieve their goal. Pro-federalism forces like Jawar can be enemy to pro-independence forces only at the third station, only if they also refuse consensus or referendum and use force to achieve their objective. So, let’s have right timing to differentiate foe and friend at the respective stations! It is true that we all are trying to get solution for the existing political conflict in Ethiopia. In summary, there are three possible ways:
– consensus of the polity: all stake holder political groups should try to come to consensus on one of the three existing political arrangments (independence or federalism or integration). This is almost impossible as we saw it in alliance building process up to now.
– democracy as rule of political game, so that decision for one of the three arrangements can be done per public verdict (referendum). This is a possible way, if we are mature enough and feel responsible for the future stability.
– force as an option, like what we did till now, which is an irresponsible way of solving conflict for it costs much and brings us back to square zero; unfortunately, it is the still existing way of solving conflicts in Africa in general and in Ethiopia in particular.
We know that there are now four political camps in Ethiopia: 1. dictators, who are ruling; 2. integrationists, who want to get rid of the present “ethnic” federation to foster a geography-based federal arrangement; 3. federalists, who try to make the existing federal arrangement be genuine and; 4. independencists, who strive to achieve an independent nation state like republic of Oromia. In parallel to the three stations mentioned above, the struggle to solve the conflict also has got three phases:
– in the first phase now, the three freedom camps (pro-independence, pro-federalism and pro-integration) are fighting against dictators. The method to be used is force, because of the fact that the ruling dictators are not open for either consensus or democracy. Surely the three freedom camps will win.
– in the second phase, the struggle will be: the two national sovereignity camps (pro-independence and pro-federalism) vs the integrationists. The methods to be applied are most probabaly either democracy or force, because of the fact that trying to have a consensus has repeatedly failed. Here, I think the victory will be for the two sovereignty camps.
– in the third phase, there will be a competition between independencists and federalists. The method to be used will surely be democracy (referendum). The result can be, for instance, in Oromo’s case: an independent Oromia and/or an integrative Oropia. Who will be the winner can be seen in due time.
So, now, let’s concentrate on fighting against the dictators in unison and solve the existing conflict among freedom fighters phase by phase or step by step. To that end, we have to use all possible methods to help the three camps of freedom fighters come together and cooperate against the common enemy – the ruling dictatorial regime. If we fail to help such alliance of purpose between the three camps of freedom fighters, we have to be ready to bear the consequence of being ruled by dictators for the next one century. For now, as I have repeatedly wrote, the best lottery, which the Biltsigina regime got to rule the country for the coming possible many years is the conflict between national sovereignty bloc (pro-independence and pro-federalism of OFC-OLF line) and pro-integration camp of AG7-CUD line. It is very easy to instigate and inflame any sort of conflict between these groups as seen till now. Biltsigina cadres (the foot soldiers) are very busy to saw discord and to produce conflict also among the different pro-integration organizations themselves and among several pro-independence and pro-federalism groups. They pretend as if they are supporters of one side and curse the other side, especially being camouflaged as pro-independence and/or pro-integration and vilify the opposite side. Unknowingly, some genuine anti-EPP individuals and organizations already fell into this trap, and indirectly did bidding of EPP cadres. May Waaqa help these genuine freedom fighters not to do the bidding voluntarily without being paid a penny.
To understand V-minded politicians, let’s just imagine big letter V and try to visualize that at bottom junction of the letter are Biltsigina dictators keeping the status quo; at left top of the letter are dictatorial OFC-OLF line; and at the right top are dictatorial AG7-CUD line. If we look at the way how these three forces deal with each other, they just do want to achieve their respective goals unconditionally: The dictators want to keep their domination at any cost, dictatorial OFC-OLF line tries to achieve multi-national federation and/or independence at any cost as well as dictatorial AG7-CUD line also wants to achieve multi-regional federation and/or integration at any cost. Especially, unconditional positions of the two lines, i.e that of OFC-OLF line and AG7-CUD line, who are antagonizing each other and continiously barking at each other, is a trillion dollar lottery, which the ruling elites are enjoying now by further dividing and polarizing these two opposition camps, because of the fact that both of them as dictators (V-politicians) can not forge a challenging alliance against Biltsigina!
To see who Y-minded politicians (democrats in the two opposition camps) are, let’s just try to imagine a very big letter Y and try to distinguish four points on the letter (bottom tip, middle junction, left top, and right top). Then, let’s imagine that bottom tip is status-quo of Ethiopian politics, where both OFC-OLF line and AG7-CUD line are under domination of the dictators; middle junction is a point for freedom of Oropian nations from tyranny (common goal of both lines); left top is point of multi-national federation and/or independence; and right top is point for multi-regional federation and/or integration. Then let’s imagine that this letter Y is a route of liberation journy for both lines from dictatorship or from their present common situation, towards their short term goal (common goal of freedom) and their respective long term goals (diverging respective goals of multi-national federation leading to independent Oromia or multi-regional federation leading to integrative Oropia. Can we imagine that democrats of these two lines do have a possibility to move from bottom tip (point of tyranny) to middle junction (point of freedom) together? This is our common route for the journey towards this common converging short term goal of freedom. Then after will come two diverging routes towards two different and diverging long term goals of the two lines: left top = multi-national federtion as a prelude to independence (long term goal of OFC-OLF line) and right top = multi-regional federation as a prelude to integration (long term goal of AG7-CUD line).
Now, if we could imagine this letter Y very well, it is not hard to comprehend that we need alliance of the two lines to move from status-quo of tyranny to point of freedom, not to move together to right top or together to left top. After achieving our freedom together, it is upto the public to decide per referendum which direction to move further: to left top or to right top. If the majority will choose to move to right top, then our common long term goal will be similar to that of AG7-CUD line, i.e multi-regional federation as a prelude to an integrative Oropia. Otherwise, if the majority will choose to move to left top, no dictator can hinder the public from achieving multi-national federation, which is a very good prelude to Oromia’s independence.
The main thing which irritates some of pro-OLF nationalists and make them suspect the motive of OFCites is the name Ethiopia they use as trade package for their Oropia. Actually the name Ethiopia is more appropriate for Cush (Oromo) than for Habesh (who claim to be from Semetic origin). The name Ethiopia, despite its original meaning (land of burnt face), has got positive connotation due to its association with the biblical Cush and due to myths built around the name by Europeans. But, the name is contaminated and spoiled by Abyssinian elites, who stole the name and misused it: they made the name Ethiopia be equivalent to land of Habesh, not that of Cush; they told a fiction that the Oromo are newcomers to Cushland; they systematically marginalized all Cush nations from political center; they demonized Cushitic cultural heritage like Waaqeeffanna, Odaa, Cushitic tricolor (black-red-white) and replaced them with Habesh elements; they made the name Ethiopia be the same to their system of domination in form of monarchy and theocracy; they purposely oppressed Cushitic languages, specially Afaan Oromo and prevented them from being working languages of the whole country; in contrary, they imposed their Semetic languages on all Cushitic nations; today Ethiopiawinet in reallity means Habeshawinet, not Kushawinet as it had to be; …etc
When we look at the above maneuvers from the Habesh side, it is legitimate, when the Oromo in particular and all Cushitic nations in general reject this name Ethiopia and Ethiopiawinet. If Ethiopia should survive in the future, it has to regain its true Ethiopia nature (being Cush) and has to be devoid of Habesh elements (Pseudo-Ethiopia). That means, the future new Ethiopia should be: equivalent to land of Cush (the future True Ethiopia), not land of Habesh (the present Pseudo-Ethiopia); with Oromo as the political center and political majority; with all Cushitic nations be the main participants in the political center; with Cushitic cultural heritage (Wàqeffannà, brw-flag, …etc) be main elements of true Ethiopia; with no domination of Amarinya and Orthodoxy; with Afaan Oromo and other cushitic languages be primary working languges of the whole country; out citizenship identity will be equivalent to Kushawinet (True Ethiopiawinet), not to Habeshawinet (Pseudo-Ethiopiawinet). If these things may not happen so that the new and true Ethiopia will be de facto Oropia, the Oromo will give pseudo-Ethiopia a good-bye kiss and move for our own Oromia unconditionally! So, the future alternatives are Oromia of the OLF and/or Oropia of the OFC. Till this will be clear, Oromo people have got a very legitimate reason to reject Ethiopian citizen identity. Above all, Habesh regimes intentionally targeted Oromo nation and did the worst state terror in the name of Ethiopia on this noble people, so that the name Ethiopia is very negatively associated in hearts and minds of the Oromo.
This reality persuades us to put a priority in fighing our real and potential enemies. Right timing is very important especially for the pro-indepndence Oromo in trying to define our foe and friend regarding who can work when, with whom or against whom. I think especially the pro-independence forces need this logical differentiation and should know the right timing! The pro-independence forces need to look at the three stations in their journey:
– first station is the time-now, where the struggle is between Biltsigina force and the three groups of freedom fighters (pro-independence like Jaal Marro, pro-federalism like Ja war Mohamed and pro-integration like Andargachew Tsige)
– second station is the time after freedom from the hegemonist force, when there will be a conflict between Oropiansts (pro-integration) and Unionists (pro-federalism) and Oromianists (pro-independence). This conflict can be solved through consensus or democracy (referendum) or force.
– third station is the time after getting a victory over Oropianists through one of the above three methods, when we will decide on the conflict of objectives betweeen Unionists and Oromianists (solution will be hopefully through either concensus or referendum). The decision can be in favour of an independent Oromia.
If we just consider this right timing, it is absurd on the side of pro-independence fighters to call or label pro-federalism and pro-integration forces as enemy. The only viable enemy now is actually the ruling dictators. Pro-integration Oropianists like Andargachew can be enemy of pro-independence forces only at the second station, if they refuse consensus or referendum and opt for force to achieve their goal. Pro-federalism forces like Jawar can be enemy to pro-independence forces only at the third station, only if they also refuse consensus or referendum and use force to achieve their objective. So, let’s have right timing to differentiate foe and friend at the respective stations! It is true that we all are trying to get solution for the existing political conflict in Ethiopia. In summary, there are three possible ways:
– consensus of the polity: all stake holder political groups should try to come to consensus on one of the three existing political arrangments (independence or federalism or integration). This is almost impossible as we saw it in alliance building process up to now.
– democracy as rule of political game, so that decision for one of the three arrangements can be done per public verdict (referendum). This is a possible way, if we are mature enough and feel responsible for the future stability.
– force as an option, like what we did till now, which is an irresponsible way of solving conflict for it costs much and brings us back to square zero; unfortunately, it is the still existing way of solving conflicts in Africa in general and in Ethiopia in particular.
We know that there are now four political camps in Ethiopia: 1. dictators, who are ruling; 2. integrationists, who want to get rid of the present “ethnic” federation to foster a geography-based federal arrangement; 3. federalists, who try to make the existing federal arrangement be genuine and; 4. independencists, who strive to achieve an independent nation state like republic of Oromia. In parallel to the three stations mentioned above, the struggle to solve the conflict also has got three phases:
– in the first phase now, the three freedom camps (pro-independence, pro-federalism and pro-integration) are fighting against dictators. The method to be used is force, because of the fact that the ruling dictators are not open for either consensus or democracy. Surely the three freedom camps will win.
– in the second phase, the struggle will be: the two national sovereignity camps (pro-independence and pro-federalism) vs the integrationists. The methods to be applied are most probabaly either democracy or force, because of the fact that trying to have a consensus has repeatedly failed. Here, I think the victory will be for the two sovereignty camps.
– in the third phase, there will be a competition between independencists and federalists. The method to be used will surely be democracy (referendum). The result can be, for instance, in Oromo’s case: an independent Oromia and/or an integrative Oropia. Who will be the winner can be seen in due time.
So, now, let’s concentrate on fighting against the dictators in unison and solve the existing conflict among freedom fighters phase by phase or step by step. To that end, we have to use all possible methods to help the three camps of freedom fighters come together and cooperate against the common enemy – the ruling dictatorial regime. If we fail to help such alliance of purpose between the three camps of freedom fighters, we have to be ready to bear the consequence of being ruled by dictators for the next one century. For now, as I have repeatedly wrote, the best lottery, which the Biltsigina regime got to rule the country for the coming possible many years is the conflict between national sovereignty bloc (pro-independence and pro-federalism of OFC-OLF line) and pro-integration camp of AG7-CUD line. It is very easy to instigate and inflame any sort of conflict between these groups as seen till now. Biltsigina cadres (the foot soldiers) are very busy to saw discord and to produce conflict also among the different pro-integration organizations themselves and among several pro-independence and pro-federalism groups. They pretend as if they are supporters of one side and curse the other side, especially being camouflaged as pro-independence and/or pro-integration and vilify the opposite side. Unknowingly, some genuine anti-EPP individuals and organizations already fell into this trap, and indirectly did bidding of EPP cadres. May Waaqa help these genuine freedom fighters not to do the bidding voluntarily without being paid a penny.