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Gurage still refuses to form its own party

Post by Dama » 25 Feb 2025, 16:38

Failed to form a liberation front like all others, more or less of its size, to advance the Ethiopian politics and for the Gurage people's existential need to adapt to changing Ethiopiam politics.

Even now, post Mengistu, Post Meles, post Hailemariam, now in the era of Abiy Ahmed, Gurage stubbornly refuses to form a Gurage political, of any form, unity or democratic or democratic unity party.

It would only accept an extension of a party that is governing Ethiopia. In their blind acceptance of the authority of any Ethiopian government of any persuasion, the secret society of Gurage elites have conspired against Gurage's political and economic fortunes.
Last edited by Dama on 25 Feb 2025, 21:15, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: 24 Jun 2024, 23:07

Re: Gurage still refuses to form its own party

Post by Odie » 25 Feb 2025, 17:02

ጉራጌ ለጭፈራና ለመስቀል ብቻ ነው የሚስባስበው::
አንድ የጉራጌ አባባል አለ:: "አያ" የሚባል ጭረው የሚባል ተስባስበው የሚበሩ ክንፋቸው ላይ ነጭ ነጠብጣብ ያለበት ተለቅ ያለ የወፍ ዝርያ አለ:: ማታ ሲሰበስቡ ነገ ቤት ስርተን ጠላት አጥቅተን...እያሉ ሲመካከሩ ያድራሉ:: ጠዋት ፀሃይ ሲወጣ በየፊናቸው ዋዋዋዋዋ..እያሉ ይበራሉ:: ምክክር እንጂ እርምጃ የለም ነው:: እንግዲህ ጉራጌ ስልጣን ከያዘው ጋር ሁሉ ጋ ዋዋዋዋዋዋዋ...እያለ አንዴ ሆሳና አንዴ አዋሳ ሲተዳደር ይቆይና ወደተሻለው ኦሮምያ ልዩ ዞንነት አድጎ ይስለቀጥና ሁሉም ጋልኛ እየጨፈረ አርፎ ይቀመጣል :lol: Good luck!

Posts: 3435
Joined: 22 Jun 2024, 21:05

Re: Gurage still refuses to form its own party

Post by Dama » 25 Feb 2025, 21:23

I am surprised you denounce them. Majority of the Gurage elites who refuse Gurage nationalism and work to cripple it are Ethiopianists like yourslef. The difference may be you believe in linguistic and cultural pluralism but they see Gurage nationalism as a headache to a unitary government of Ethiopia and obstacle to assimilation into Amara. But ignorant enough to believe that only killing Gurage nationalism will nurse the wounds of the devolving unitary gov of Ethiopia.

I will list the registered political parties of Ethiopian Ethnic groups, some having multiple parties. National political parties or multi-ethnic political. list of rejected parties for failing to satisfy legal requirements. List of political parties who fulfilled some requirements but not all. You will be shocked when see no political party for Gurage listed.
I will post them under the thread I opened "Political Party law, Ethiopia".

A total news suppression about Gurage by Ethiopian gov media, private media except occasionally addis Standard and Brokena, and the silence of Gurage journalists about the happenings, the news worth events in Gurage, in Gurage, Amharic or English??? gives you the impression of their purposeful solidarity to and connection with the conspiring Gurage elite.

Posts: 2922
Joined: 24 Jun 2024, 23:07

Re: Gurage still refuses to form its own party

Post by Odie » 25 Feb 2025, 21:52

Dama wrote:
25 Feb 2025, 21:23
I am surprised you denounce them. Majority of the Gurage elites who refuse Gurage nationalism and work to cripple it are Ethiopianists like yourslef. The difference may be you believe in linguistic and cultural pluralism but they see Gurage nationalism as a headache to a unitary government of Ethiopia and obstacle to assimilation into Amara.

I will list the registered political parties of Ethiopian Ethnic groups, some having multiple parties. National political parties or multi-ethnic political. list of rejected parties for failing to satisfy legal requirements. List of political parties who fulfilled some requirements but not all. You will be shocked when see no political party for Gurage listed.
I will post them under the thread I opened "Political Party law, Ethiopia".

A total news suppression about Gurage by Ethiopian gov media, private media except occasionally addis Standard and Brokena, and the silence of Gurage journalists about the happenings, the news worth events in Gurage, in Gurage, Amharic or English??? gives you the impression of their purposeful solidarity to and connection with the conspiring Gurage elite.
You don’t have to hate Ethiopia, Amhara, orthodox like galla and agame to advance your ethnic right in your country in civilized form. That is the deficiency of all TPLF opened college and civil service college graduate ethnofascists!
Gurage gets adminstratively and politically dragged wherever it is ordered to be dragged. Gurage has to be political animal to defend its right and the country!

Posts: 3435
Joined: 22 Jun 2024, 21:05

Re: Gurage still refuses to form its own party

Post by Dama » 25 Feb 2025, 23:04

Odie wrote:
25 Feb 2025, 21:52
Dama wrote:
25 Feb 2025, 21:23
I am surprised you denounce them. Majority of the Gurage elites who refuse Gurage nationalism and work to cripple it are Ethiopianists like yourslef. The difference may be you believe in linguistic and cultural pluralism but they see Gurage nationalism as a headache to a unitary government of Ethiopia and obstacle to assimilation into Amara.

I will list the registered political parties of Ethiopian Ethnic groups, some having multiple parties. National political parties or multi-ethnic political. list of rejected parties for failing to satisfy legal requirements. List of political parties who fulfilled some requirements but not all. You will be shocked when see no political party for Gurage listed.
I will post them under the thread I opened "Political Party law, Ethiopia".

A total news suppression about Gurage by Ethiopian gov media, private media except occasionally addis Standard and Brokena, and the silence of Gurage journalists about the happenings, the news worth events in Gurage, in Gurage, Amharic or English??? gives you the impression of their purposeful solidarity to and connection with the conspiring Gurage elite.
You don’t have to hate Ethiopia, Amhara, orthodox like galla and agame to advance your ethnic right in your country in civilized form. That is the deficiency of all TPLF opened college and civil service college graduate ethnofascists!
Gurage gets adminstratively and politically dragged wherever it is ordered to be dragged. Gurage has to be political animal to defend its right and the country!
Two types of haters:
those who hate for power/plunder and those who hate because they were hated.

Fascists historically been nationalists. Re: Hitler. Mussolini

Read history. Teach yourself who pioneered ethno-fascism(=cruelty) in Ethiopia.

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