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Black and White Politics (Domination of Amharanet vs Liberation of Oromummà) in Ethiopian Orthodox Church!

Post by OPFist » 20 Feb 2025, 20:24

Black and White Politics (Domination of Amharanet vs Liberation of Oromummà) in Ethiopian Orthodox Church!

How wonderful to see pro-Amaranet Orthodoxites wearing black and the pro-Oromummà ones in white clothes just because of the decision made to use Afàn Oromo as working language of the clergy in Oromia. There is no grey area regarding this issue. Amaranet used to flourish at the cost of Oromummà since 1270 rule of Yekuno Amlak. The step now taken to revers this process in Oromia is surely the beginning of the end for the hitherto domination of Amaranet. lastly, Oromummà is liberated in Ethiopian Orthodox church. Of course, this is a merdo (very bad news) for the Pro-Amaranet elites, who used to hide them selves behind the two masks of Ethiopiawinet and Orthodoxy. Pro-Oromummà elites could take away these masks and started to use them in Oromo terms. Very smart politics in deed. No wonder that pro-Amaranet elites started to cry foul and wear black, whereas pro-Oromummà elites celebrate the victory being in white clothes. All, who wore black will be in black list of Oromia, being considered as die hard enemies of Oromummà and surely they will pay dearly in the future. The consequent will be very costly for them as long as they live in Oromia. The next step should be promotion of Afàn Oromo to the primary working language of all federal institutions, replacing Amarigna. By doing this and consolidating Àngô Oromo (power) in Finfinne palace, the liberation of Oromummà from domination of Amaranet will be completely fulfilled.
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Re: Black and White Politics (Domination of Amharanet vs Liberation of Oromummà) in Ethiopian Orthodox Church!

Post by OPFist » 20 Feb 2025, 21:32

The political game in Ethiopia is now well crystalized. Two clubs (club of Amaranet and that of Oromummà) are the main rivals. Both clubs have got good players and many Tifozos (supporters). Amaranet club has got many non-Amara players and supporters, who are dedicated more than the Amharas do themselves. On the contrary, there are a lot of Oromos, who play for Amaranet and support Amaranet at the cost of Oromummà. This is typical of colonized nation; certain part acts as scar of colonization and develop slave mentality to serve the oppressors. Even, from those playing for Oromummà club, some are so confused thus scoring autogoals against Oromummà. For instance, imprisoning Oromo nationslists like Jawar and closing the historical media, OMN, are the worst autogoals from OPP of Dr. Abiy against Oromummà. Thus, the Amaranet club scored good and still dominating the game.

In Ethiopia, the two main competing nationalisms are Amaranet and Oromummà. From 1270 until now, Amaranet is ďominating and it is almost equivalent to Ethiopiawinet. That is why Amara elites are trading with this name Ethiopiawinet and they could decieve some non-Amara elites. Such decieved elites don’t comprehend that they are serving Amaranet, when struggling for Ethiopiawinet. Oromo elites in OPP led by Dr. Abiy belong to such decieved servants of Amaranet. They are very comfortable by keeping the ongoing domination of Amarigna in federal institutions and by reducing Oromiffà to second level. They betrayed Oromummà and the Oromo struggle, which was to promote Oromiffà to primary position in the federation. As long as most elites in Ethiopia are serving Amaranet and as far as Amarigna is the primary working language of the federation, the Oromo, which is the majority, is simply reduced to minority position. Then, surely the struggle will continue till we will achieve an independent Gadaa Oromia as planned by the OLF or an integrative Great Oromia (Ethiopia led by Oromummà replacing Ethiopia dominated by Amaranet) as envisioned by the OFC.

To hinder this Oromo move, the Oromo had from the very beginning three enemies: the assimilationist Amhara elites, the hegemonist Tegaru elites and the assimilated Oromo elites (who promote Amaranet at the cost of Oromummaa). We defeated the first in the year 1991, the second in 2018 and now, we are struggling against the third, who are in control of Finfinné palace at the moment. The present enemy is bad (relatively mild), the second was worse and the first is the worst. Both the assimilationist and the hegemonist are gone never to come back again. We now need to deal with the amaranized Oromo in control of Caffé Aràrà. These mild enemy is trying to keep Ethiopia dominated by Amaranet at the cost of Oromummà. Unfortunately, Oromo elites from Er. Menelik to Dr. Abiy were dedicated to promote the rule of Amaranet in Ethiopia and Oromo artists have contributed a lion share for development of Amaranet. We believe it or not, Amaranet was dominating and is still ruling with the help of Oromo leaders. But, surely, the last victory shall be to the genuine Oromo nationalists, who struggle for Oromo national interest, including promotion of Oromummà in Caffé Aràrà, in Finfinné city and in the whole Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is the country of conflict since almost 3000 years ago and yet without optimal panacea to it. The Oromo in particular and the whole Cushites in general tried their best to solve it. Still, we all are trying to get solution for the existing political conflict. There are three possible ways to that effect:

– consensus of the polity: all stake holder political groups should try to come to consensus on one of the three existing political arrangments (independence or federalism or integration). This solution is almost impossible as we saw it in the alliance building process up to now.

– democracy as rule of future political game, so that decision for one of the three arrangements can be done per public verdict (referendum). This is a possible way, if we are mature enough and feel responsible for the future stability.

– force as last option, as we did till now, which is an irresponsible way of solving the conflict for it costs much and brings us back to square zero; unfortunately it is the yet existing way of solving conflicts in Africa in general and in Ethiopia in particular.

We know that there are now four political camps in Ethiopia: 1. hegemonists, who were ruling till 2018; 2. integrationists, who want to get rid of the present “ethnic” federation to foster geography-based arrangement; 3. federalists, who try to make the existing federal arrangement be genuine and; 4. independencists, who strive to achieve an independent nation state like an independent republic of Oromia. The fifth camp can be the assimilationists, who lost power in 1991, never to come back again. The struggle to solve the conflict since 1991 has got three phases:

– in first phase, the three freedom groups (pro-independence, pro-federalism and pro-integration) were together fighting against the hegemonists. The method used was force, because of fact that the hegemonists were not open for either consensus or democracy. The three freedom groups already won.

– in second phase: two national sovereignity groups (pro-independence and pro-federation) vs the integrationists. The methods to be applied is either democracy or force, because of the fact that trying to have a consensus has repeatedly failed. Here, I think the victory is already for the two sovereignty groups. Integrationists are quickly losing ground. Only the EPP tries to represent this position.

– in the third phase, there will be a competition between independencists (now posing as Ethnofederalists) and federalists (now represented by EPP and being open for geo-federation. The method will surely be democracy (referendum). The result can be, for instance, in Oromia’s case: an independent Oromia as planned by the OLF or an integrative Ethiopia as envisioned by the OFC and Entertainer by the EPP. Who will be the winner can be seen in due time. I consider as pragmatic option: ‘Oromian state within Ethiopian union’.

So, let’s now concentrate on consolidating the second Phase by burying the hegemonist TPLF in unison, keep the loser assimilationists at bay from power in Finfinnee palace and solve the existing conflict in Ethiopia phase by phase or step by step. If the ruling Amharanized Oromo elites continue to keep the dominance of Amharanet at the cost of Oromummà, next revolution led by genuine Oromo nationalists is inevitable. May Wàqa help us!

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