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Conflict in Ethiopian Orthodox Church: Domination of Amaranet vs Liberation of Oromummà

Post by OPFist » 20 Feb 2025, 02:03

Conflict in Ethiopian Orthodox Church: Domination of Amaranet vs Liberation of Oromummà

I think the ongoing conflict in Ethiopian Orthodox church is the attempt of Oromummà striking back against the more than 750 years fomination of Amaranet. The domination startend as Yekuno Amlak declared Amarigna to be the language of his palace. Since then, Amarigna/Amaranet dominated and expanded slowoly in all lands of Agaw (part of Gojjam, Tigrai and Gondar) as well as in Oromia to the extent of occupying all regions up to Indian ocean during the rule of Amdetsion. In the 16th century Oromo movement, the Gadà people could reverse the process and marched back up to Tigrai. Unfortunately, again the Amharas could push back south wards about 150 years ago under the leadership of Atse Theodros and then Atse Menilik. After formation of the OLF, 50 years ago, the Oromo tried to get rid of this domination of Amaranet. We are successful to some extent. The current step taken by Oromo Orthodoxites to liberate Oromummà from the hitherto domination of Amaranet ist one of the best victories we had till now. The next step should be the expected promotion of Afaan Oromo to the primary working language of all federal institutions, replacing Amarigna. As gar as I am concerned, taking this step combined with consolidation of Oromo power in Finfinne palace ist the best guarantee for liberation of Oromummà from domination of Amaranet.
Read more: ... -oromumma/

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Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: Conflict in Ethiopian Orthodox Church: Domination of Amaranet vs Liberation of Oromummà

Post by OPFist » 20 Feb 2025, 07:46

Otherwise, it is becoming clear that the Horn of Africa is home for Cushitic nations of Oromo origin. All the Cushites like Beja, Agaw, Somali, Afar, Sidama etc are derivatives of the Oromo. Then began about 3000 years ago the Semitization of northern Oromo due to expantion of jewish religion as well as the spread of Christianity since 2000 years and about 1500 years back started the Somalization of eastern Oromo based on intrusion of Islam religion. These religions came also carrying cultures of peoples from where they originaled. The hybrid of languages (Geez as mixture of Hebrew with Cushitic and Somali as mixture of Arabic with Cushitic) followed these invasion of alien religions and cultures. Through such process, the languages of these religions (Geez, Amharic, Arabic and Somali) could be revered, while Cushitic languages like Agawigna and Oromiffa were despised. Almost all Agaws despised their language and adopted Tigrigna and Amharigna. That is why most of them in Gojjam, Tigrai and Gondar lost their identity. The same way, Oromos in the north, at the center and in the east despised Afaan Oromo and adopted Amharigna or Af Somaal. Especially, the ruling class from Yekuno Amlak of 1270 to Abiy Ahmed of 2018 are such Oromos, who rever Amharigna, insted of respecting Oromiffa. They are actually themselves Oromo, who defeated and despised the Oromo. No other alien nation conquered us, but we ourselves did it as the worst auto goal. The OLF tried to reverse this self defeating phenomen and it is successful to some extent. Time will come, when we start to rever Afaan Oromo and promote it to the legitimate primary language of the Federation as well as that of the Horn.

Thanks to Waaqa, the Oromo politics is shifting from colonial narrative to cushitic narrative. The first narrative was necessary as we were under Abyssinian domination in order to mobilize the Oromo for liberation struggle. Now, after achieving our freedom from this Habesha domination, it is good that we started to look for the more beneficial type of Oromian sovereognty, i.e an integrative Great Oromia (democratic Ethiopia) as an alternative to an independent Gadaa Oromia. Ethiopia (Cushland or Great Oromia) and its people were victims of the last three millennia anti-Cushitism. Ethiopian nationalists should struggle to stop this Ethio-phobic Ethiopiawinet. We all know that true Ethiopia = Cush = Oromia. Since thousands of years ago, systematic anti-Cushitism was going on. The Western elites and their Abyssinian friends did build Ethio-phobic Ethiopia (i.e. anti-Cushitic Ethiopia) with 3000 years pseudo “glorious history.” The main features of this Ethio-phobic Ethiopian movement, which were used for the De-Ethiopianization of Ethiopia (De-Cushitization of the Cush) are:

– replacing the monotheistic Cushitic Religion (Waaqefanna) by Judaism, Christianity and Islam; both by force and through manipulations.

– creating Semeticized languages (e.g Ge’ez and Amharinya) and promoting them to official languages of clergy and state; whereas at the same time discouraging and prohibiting the use of Cushitic languages like Afaan Oromo and Agawinya. That is why Afaan Oromo was oppressed not to be a working language of the federal government.

– undermining the Cushitic tricolor (Black-Red-White) and adoring other tricolors, which were actually associated with the De-Ethiopianization process.

– denying Cushitic civilization and/or giving it to the other non-Cushitic nations; e.g. both Egypt civilization and Axum civilization were attributed to the Semites.

– Cushitic leaders were given fake ancestry, so that they claimed to be from either Mohamad dynasty or Solomon dynasty; thus all Agaw kings, who ruled Axum empire were taken as non-Agaw Semites from Solomon origin; whereas Somali sultanites traced their origin from Mohamad family.

– Cushitic culture and languages were undermined in a Cushitic country like today’s Oromia (Ethiopia); so what has happened was a cultural and linguistic genocide on Agaw people.

– Cushitic religion, i.e believing in one Adera (Hige-libona) or Waaqa (Waaqefeanna) was systematically weakened.

– the main Cushitic languages, Afan Oromo and Agawinya, were yet purposely denied the status of federal working language, just to undermine the Cushitic cultural heritage of Oromia.

– Cushitic peoples were purposely classified into other categories; e.g. all the so called Omotic and Ethiosemetic are actually Cushites.

– the Habeshanized elites, being masked with Ethiopiawinet, are still fighting against liberation forces of the Cushites; their version of Ethiopiawinet is actually Ethio-phobic.

– true Ethiopiawinet (Kushawinet) loves, for example, the Oromo and Oromonet, but the Habeshanized elites preach Ethiopiawinet, which is in practice Agaw- and Oromo-phobic.

– fictions and legends were written in order to Solomonize (Semeticize) the Cushitic Heritage of Queen Makeda and her successors – as written in Kibre-Negest:

– etc

Because of this confusion regarding pseudo-Ethiopiawinet vs. true Ethiopiawinet, the Oromo nationals have already prefered calling the current Ethiopia as Oromia, just like their re-naming of Addis Ababa to Finfinne. Agaw nationals and other Ethiopians also don’t have to accept the de-Cushiticized pseudo-Ethiopia, but struggle for renaissance of the true Ethiopiawinet with all its Cushitic elements; of course, on grave of the now flourishing Habeshawinet as main component of their daily preached Ethio-phobic Ethiopiawinet. Two of the Cushitic elements to be revived are Agaw culture and Agaw language in whole Agaw-Midir, not only in small enclaves now speaking Agawinya. It is encouraging to observe that the current Oromian led Ethiopia is reviving the true Cushitic Ethiopia on the grave of Abyssinian dominated Solomonic pseudo-Ethiopia. Re-Ethiopianization (re-Cushitization) of Ethiopia is already started. The formation of Cush nations’ solidarity in Jijjiga was a right step in a right direction. Hopefully Abiy Ahmed will be the last Oromo ruler to defeat the Oromo as well as to despise Afaan Oromo. May Waaqa help this process of re-Ethiopianization of Ethiopia succeed

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