Tigray should follow similar war strategy of USA during world I & World II war!
The USA waited for the right time before it directly involved into the World I & World II wars.The USA officially played neutral while it was arming its partners and got involved in the war after the warring parties were weaken to each other. For the Horn Africa, regional war I is coming soon between Abiy & Isaias at the center in which Egypt, Sudan & Somalia will be involved. FANO & OLA will also be involved .Tigray should be in defence mode but should never be involved in the war until it's enemies are exhausted to each other. Once Isaias & Abiy army are weakened, Tigray has to finish Isaias and broker a deal with the Ethiopian army & government to restructure power order that will enable it to lead Ethiopia & the Horn Africa, this time not from Addis Ababa but from Mekele ( after 5 years Axum should be the power center).
Last edited by Axumezana on 15 Feb 2025, 18:11, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Tigray should follow similar war strategy of USA during world I & World II war!
Tigray the land of amputees and banda

Re: Tigray should follow similar war strategy of USA during world I & World II war!
…meaning a TikTok war?