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People of the Province of Tigray MUST Forget None-Existent Pretoria Deal. ሰማይን ማረስ ይቀላል።

Posted: 15 Feb 2025, 12:27
by Abere
People of the Province of Tigray MUST Forget None-Existent Pretoria Deal. ሰማይን ማረስ ይቀላል።

Stop being weapon of mercenary woyane and anti-Ethiopian expansionist Orommuma and Shabia. Stand for sovereing Ethiopia with access to her aged old sea, stand for the bulldoze of tribal federation. When you stand with Ethiopia, you have much more, you have unlimitted choice in Ethiopia. Stop, self-imprisonment imposed upon you by woyane dream of Abay Tigray - that is 1000% hallucination. Stay away the differnt version of Woyane such as Woyane-3, woyane4, etc cr@p

Re: People of the Province of Tigray MUST Forget None-Existent Pretoria Deal. ሰማይን ማረስ ይቀላል።

Posted: 16 Feb 2025, 01:35
by Axumezana
የትግራይ ጥላቻ እያንገበገበው
ልክፍት አይሉት በሽታ እያስለፈለፈው
በገነ አረረ ልጓም የሌለው ሰው
ጠበል ብትወስዱት አምላክ እንዲ ፈታው