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አፍሪካዊያን ሳይሆን፣ ዘረ-አፍሪካዊያን የምለዉ አገላለፅ ወደ መሓል እየመጣ ነዉ፣

Posted: 15 Feb 2025, 07:41
by DefendTheTruth
አፍሪካዊያን ሳይሆን፣ ዘረ-አፍሪካዊያን የምለዉ አገላለፅ ወደ መሓል እየመጣ ነዉ፣

አደዋም በአፍሪካ ሕብረት ጉባኤ ላይ ይበልጥ ይዘከር ጀመር፣ አደዋ የፓን-አፍሪካን ንቅናቄ ና በመጨረሻም፣ ወደ የአፍሪካ ሕዝቦች ነፃነት ያመራ ፈር-ቀዳጅ መሆኑ በግልፅ እየተገለፀ ነዉ።

The lyrics was based on a speech delivered by His Majesty, Emperor Haileselasie to the UN-GA, history can never be erased by those who couldn't write their own history!
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Re: አፍሪካዊያን ሳይሆን፣ ዘረ-አፍሪካዊያን የምለዉ አገላለፅ ወደ መሓል እየመጣ ነዉ፣

Posted: 15 Feb 2025, 11:49
by Abere
This woman's speech and mention of the name of King of Kings (Emiye Menelik II) and the Adowa, boils the blood of "Dama" and dozen of OLFites, because their hate for him (simply for preserving their languages and identity from predator colonizers) is through the roof.

May God Rest King of Kings Emperor Menelik II Soul in Peace in Heaven along the Soul of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.