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Stupid Horus thinks Elsisi and gala abiy are enemies. ቅቅቅ። They are both hand picked & placed on power by the ferenjis.

Posted: 14 Feb 2025, 14:27
by union
Stupid Horus :lol:

Re: Stupid Horus thinks Elsisi and gala abiy are enemies. ቅቅቅ። They are both hand picked & placed on power by the ferenj

Posted: 14 Feb 2025, 14:38
by union
Elsisi himself is an Israeli who is hunting down Muslim brotherhoods in Egypt :lol:

Now you know he is an isreali take a while guess with what's going on in East Africa associated with Elsisi

I love stupid people like Horus :lol: :lol:

Re: Stupid Horus thinks Elsisi and gala abiy are enemies. ቅቅቅ። They are both hand picked & placed on power by the ferenj

Posted: 14 Feb 2025, 16:40
by Misraq
ጥሌ እንጥለው ከብልጽግና ጋር ድርድሩ እንዴት ነው፥፥ ቱለማው እንሽላሊት እጅ ከፍንጅ ከተያዘ በህዋላ ኢንተርቪው ያልቀረበበት ቦታ የለም፥፤ ደንገጡሮቹም በየሶሻል ሚድያው ሲራወጡ አይቼ ልቤ ቂቤ ጠጣ :lol: :lol:

Re: Stupid Horus thinks Elsisi and gala abiy are enemies. ቅቅቅ። They are both hand picked & placed on power by the ferenj

Posted: 14 Feb 2025, 16:46
by union

አንቺ አገው ሴትዬ ስለ አማራ አያገባሽም አልኩሽ እኮ :lol: አማራ ከፈለገ ይወያያል ከፈለገ ጠላቱን ይገድላል። ምን አገባሽ :lol:
Misraq wrote:
14 Feb 2025, 16:40
ጥሌ እንጥለው ከብልጽግና ጋር ድርድሩ እንዴት ነው፥፥ ቱለማው እንሽላሊት እጅ ከፍንጅ ከተያዘ በህዋላ ኢንተርቪው ያልቀረበበት ቦታ የለም፥፤ ደንገጡሮቹም በየሶሻል ሚድያው ሲራወጡ አይቼ ልቤ ቂቤ ጠጣ :lol: :lol: