For instance, the main difference between Abiy Ahmed and Jawar Mohammed is that for Abiy Ahmed, Amharigna/Amharanet is to be revered as primary identity of Ethiopia (i.e practically Amhapia) and Oromiffà/Oromummà can be secondary, whereas for Jawar Mohammed Oromiffà/Oromummà deserves the respect of legitimately being the primary element of federal Ethiopia (i.e de facto Oropia), This difference between the Prosperitan Oromos and Republican Oromos has always been irreconcillable. That is why naftagna Oromo H/Sillasie imprisoned Oromo nationailst Tadesse Biru and Mengistu H/Mariam killed Haile Fida as well as now Abiy Ahmed imprisoned Jawar Mohammed. By all the above mentioned three Oromo leaders, the three Oromo nationalist freedom fighters were accused as terrorists. But, fact on the ground is that the Oromo liberation struggle has defeated the first two Oromo naftagnas and surely will get rid of the third/current one (the Prosperitan). It is the matter of time, surely we will celebrate the inevitable victory of the dedicated Oromo Republican Jawar Mohammed over the already failed Oromo Prosperitan Abiy Ahmed.
Oromo national liberation struggle is unique. The Oromo nationals fought always against the Oromo naftagnas, who revere Amharinga and Amharanet instead of giving respect to Oromiffà and Oromummà. Most of the past naftagna rulers (Menelik, H/Silassie, Mengistu, Minasie/Abbaa-Duulaa and Meshrefet/Abiy) are Oromo. The Oromo tried to preserve our Oromiffà and Oromummà by fighting against such self-hating Oromo rulers. This tendency of self-loathing was a trend in Oromo ruling class since about 3000 years ago. These rulers started to revere, adore and worship Abesha identity because of giving much attention to alien literature and religion. Thus, almost half of the Oromo lost their identity (Oromummà) and language (Oromiffà). Instead, they identfy them selves with Amharanet and rever Amharinga, at the same time not giving due respect to Oromiffà. Therefore, the Oromo struggle has always been against Oromo naftagnas, i.e practically the Oromo against itself. The current struggle against the neo-naftagna led by Meshrefet (Abiy) seems to be the worst as well as most bitter and difficult, because of the Oromo mask they carry.
All the previous naftagnas were explicitly against the Oromo national liberation movement, thus, it was easy to mobilize all freedom loving Oromo against them. But Abiy and co claim to be pro-bilisummà/freedom and accordingly decieved certain part of Oromo nationalists and of course, also get support of all naftagna minded others. As far as I am concerned, only the support Abiy gets from the naftagna camp is enough to help me be against his regime. Naftagnas know very well what to do. They bless us, when we serve their interest of domination and curse us when they see in us genuine Oromo liberator. That is why, they now bless Abiy and curse Jawar. As Ob. Léncô Latà once said, any Oromo nationalist should take heed, when ever the naftagna camp support her/him. It is a very good indicator that such Oromo nationalist is against Oromo national interest, but serving the oppressive cause of Oromo naftagnas.
Otherwise, we know that there were a lot of colonized or dominated nations in the globe. All wanted to be liberated from the subjugation and demanded their right to self determination. There are five types of such nations and the Oromo were unique having our own situation not shared by any other nation in the world. The five groups are:
2. minority nations at the periphery dominated by the centeral power; e.g Eritrea, South Sudan, Kosovo, East Timor, Ogaden…etc. The required self-determination was defined as having referendum on: ‘an independence from the political center’ vs ‘a post freedom political union with the center’. Ob. Dawud Ibsa’s OLF is following this approach. But is Oromia at periphery not to affect the self-determination right of others by excercising ist own. North Ethiopia and South Ethiopia will be separated without their free will just if the Oromo decide for our independence.
3. minority nations at the center under domination of another nation; e.g the Gurage, Harari, Hadiya, Kambata…etc. For such nations, the good solution is internal self-determination within a union by getting rid of the system of domination and achieving self-rule within shared rule, without necessary referendum. The ODF of Ob. Leencoo Lataa wanted to apply such solution. But are the Oromo such minority at the center?
4. major nation with dominating culture being exploited and oppressed by its own internal dictators and tyrants. Such nations struggle to get rid of their own subjugators, thus concentrate more on freedom struggle in a sense of dismantling the system and replace it with possibly democratic and just rule for all peoples in the country without considering the right of nations to self-determination, be it external or internal. The Ezema of Ob. Andargachew Tsige (also an Oromo) being influenced by the Amhara elites with dominating culture and language in the country belongs here. But does this serve the interest of the Oromo nation with dominated culture and language?
5. major nation at the center or all over the country being dominated by smaller neighbouring Nation; the Oromo is in such condition. There is no such big nation, where the political center is its own center, but politically marginalized and colonized in the world; the Oromo must be the only one. Such unique situation requires unique solution. The above four approaches are not optimal. The optimal approach here should be to liberate the center (Caffé Aràrà of Finfinne) and overtake the state machinary in order to transform the empire into a union; if necessary changing flag of the federation, working language of the union and name of the country. Then the Oromo can allow others to have their self-determination in above three ways. The Oromo should act as future giver of those rights, not as reciever from the minor nations, be it from the Amhara of Bahirdar or Tegaru of Maqale. Now we are already in such position.
That means the Oromo only need to realize Oromia as defined here: Oromia = formerly Ethiopia as shown in the following article – … he-center/ – is a union in which the following five points (FADOB-score) will be implemented: F = Freedom from the system of domination; A = Afàn Oromo as a working language of federal government; D = Democracy as rule of game in the union; O = ‘Oromia’ instead of ‘Ethiopia’ as name of the union; and B = Black-Red-White as Cushitic flag of the union. This Upper Nile country called ‘Oromia’ by the native owners of the land is used to be named as ‘Abyssinia’ by the Portuguese; ‘Kush’ by the Jews; ‘Alhabesh’ by the Arabs; ‘Punt’ by the Egyptians; and ‘Ethiopia’ by the Greeks.
Oromo Naftagnas are literally against such FADOB principle of Oromo nation. They are against our freedom; they disrespect Afaan Oromo; they are dictators, they reject Oromia with pretext of loving Ethiopia and the don’t accept Oromo’ traditional tricolor of Kush. In short, Oromo naftagna and Oromo nation were/are anti-thesis to each other and the current bitter struggle is between Oromo naftagnas led by Abiy and Oromo nationals led by Jawar. May Wàqa help our genuine nationals get victory over our neo-naftagnas