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Why Gaza and Tariff but no Ukrain?

Post by Selam/ » 10 Feb 2025, 00:27

Could all this sideshow of blustering and threatening be a smoke & mirror to quietly exit Ukraine?

Last edited by Selam/ on 10 Feb 2025, 08:09, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why Gaza and Tariff but no Ukrain?

Post by Odie » 10 Feb 2025, 05:03

I have not listened the video but Repubs are in power. Ukraine war was dems gig to revenge putin for the infamous “election interference”. Good on the repubs stopping the war. It was bad for everybody involved and the world.
Pro-israel repubs expected to deal terrorist breeding Gaza the way that favors Israel. Four years ago they moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. During Clinton era the two state solution looked within reach but the Hamaz terrorists wanted Jerusalem(not even a muslim name) where their mosque is, for the whole muslim world. Jerusalem as everybody understands is built on or partly at site of the temple mount where the jews want to build a new temple. For this reason the two state solution has become fruitless. Gaza is no more a livable place. If musis think gazans are their bros, they should repatriate them with stretched out hand.

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Re: Why Gaza and Tariff but no Ukrain?

Post by ethiopianunity » 10 Feb 2025, 10:27

The true origin people at the time of Hebrews, Canaan were probably part of Palestinians of today or who became Muslim under the Ottoman control. So the true origins of owners are not found by white, blue eyed Europeans who have no claim to the land. You can convert to religion, such as Judaism but you can’t claim a land from original peoples. If l become Muslim today, can l claim Saudi as my country?

In a nutshell, this is neocolonization of the Middle East. Just like South Africa is colonization. Right now, the West is continuing its neocolonization throughout the world as before. White South Africa is inching to reclaim from South Africa towards North.

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Re: Why Gaza and Tariff but no Ukrain?

Post by ethiopianunity » 10 Feb 2025, 10:38

The fool Middle Easterns have been tricked by fake Islam faith, was designed by crypto, Rome and Ottoman to counter ever spreading Christianity at the time they could not control the spreading of Christianity and created Islam. Prior to Islam , Middle East was the place where math and science was invented. Today under Islam, millions are dummed down controlled by Islam creators descendants. Ottoman Turkey which is not Islam itself but part of llluminati Freemason working with its members, the West.

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