Re: Richard Gere “…a bully & a thug who is President of the United States…“
The lefties are whining and crying like little girls. God is Great!!
Re: Richard Gere “…a bully & a thug who is President of the United States…“
በእናንተ በሻቦ ሰሜን-ኮርያዎችና በአሜሪካን ግራ አክራሪዎች መካከል ያለው ልዩነት እየጠበበ በመምጣቱ እንኳን ደስ አለህ።
በእናንተ በሻቦ ሰሜን-ኮርያዎችና በአሜሪካን ግራ አክራሪዎች መካከል ያለው ልዩነት እየጠበበ በመምጣቱ እንኳን ደስ አለህ።

Re: Richard Gere “…a bully & a thug who is President of the United States…“
Richard Girl 
Richard Tiffany Gere. This is his full name. Check it out.

Richard Tiffany Gere. This is his full name. Check it out.