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Historical Documents: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 09 Feb 2025, 10:19
by Revelations

Re: Historical document: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 09 Feb 2025, 11:11
by Odie
የተማረና የተከሽነ ዲፕሎማት በነበረን ዘመን የተፃፈ stately letter እየለጠፍክ እንባችን አታምጣው :cry: :cry:

Re: Historical document: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 09 Feb 2025, 12:05
by Dama
Harar province would be whiter and richer.

Many Orthodox Christians mostly from Amara and Tigrey would flock to Harar in search of better opportunities as they do migrate to Israel now. Also Oromo, Gurage, and other Orthodox would not be left out. This is an opportunity they don't have now but Amara and Tigrey Orthodox have.
All or most would convert to Judaism as a first requirement.

More European and US Jewish refugees would come adding to the already settled Jewish population growth will swell the demand for more Jewish land. Jewish Harar would annex more neighboring lands, perhaps by purchase if not by force.
It would be to similar to what exists now about boundary disputes between ethnic nationalist Oromo and Somalis. Just one example.

Re: Historical document: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 09 Feb 2025, 15:35
by Revelations
Just like how the Palestinians benefited??? What a dim thought.
Dama wrote:
09 Feb 2025, 12:05
Harar province would be whiter and richer.

Many Orthodox Christians mostly from Amara and Tigrey would flock to Harar in search of better opportunities as they do migrate to Israel now. Also Oromo, Gurage, and other Orthodox would not be left out. This is an opportunity they don't have now but Amara and Tigrey Orthodox have.
All or most would convert to Judaism as a first requirement.

More European and US Jewish refugees would come adding to the already settled Jewish population growth will swell the demand for more Jewish land. Jewish Harar would annex more neighboring lands, perhaps by purchase if not by force.
It would be to similar to what exists now about boundary disputes between ethnic nationalist Oromo and Somalis. Just one example.

Re: Historical document: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 09 Feb 2025, 16:14
by Fiyameta
Haile Selassie would have been the African Yasin Arafat :P

Re: Historical document: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 09 Feb 2025, 16:27
by Dama
Haile was a hypocrite. He claimed he was descendant of David. He claimed his power derived from the fact that his roots lead to David's DNA but he would not accept refugee Jews who also claim David as their father of fathers.
Curiously, for no reasons except the flimsy reason that Ethiopia was "pillaged" during the just ended Italo-Ethio war 2. But the Harar Council did not ask him to settle the jews at his expense. No, they only asked for land in the province of Harar.

Re: Historical document: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 09 Feb 2025, 16:59
by Revelations
That would have been a very likely outcome or even worse.
Fiyameta wrote:
09 Feb 2025, 16:14
Haile Selassie would have been the African Yasin Arafat :P

Re: Historical document: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 09 Feb 2025, 20:02
by Revelations

Re: Historical Documents: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 09 Feb 2025, 23:11
by Revelations

Re: Historical Documents: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 10 Feb 2025, 00:30
by Revelations

Re: Historical Documents: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 10 Feb 2025, 11:31
by Revelations

Re: Historical Documents: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 10 Feb 2025, 22:51
by Revelations

Re: Historical Documents: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 11 Feb 2025, 03:49
by Dark Energy
Hell no,

Haile would have settled with elder British with hair on her chest, till death do us part. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Historical Documents: What would have become of Harrar province if the request was approved?

Posted: 11 Feb 2025, 07:21
by Revelations