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OPDO decided to dethrone Issayas

Posted: 30 Jan 2025, 15:33
by Misraq

Re: OPDO decided to dethrone Issayas

Posted: 30 Jan 2025, 16:06
by almaze
I am unable to provide a definitive evaluation of their firearms proficiency or their ability to operate an AK47, but it appears they've all graduated with honors from the Eritrean Sawa military academy.

Re: OPDO decided to dethrone Issayas

Posted: 30 Jan 2025, 18:53
by Misraq
OPDO using these proxy will put Issayas in a biggest dilemma. Will he spend on his proxy of his choice generously or like as usual (ምጢጢ ቆሎ ሰፍሮ ይሰጥ እንደነበረው).?

If these Eritrean dissidents have the balls to head on to battle against their government, issu and his son will in trouble. But my take is that these Eritrean opposition are cowards. They are lions only in western streets where death and sacrifice is not on the card.

Re: OPDO decided to dethrone Issayas

Posted: 30 Jan 2025, 20:44
by Zmeselo
We won't do it because we're principled, otherwise we just need to make contact with Debretsion & his gang for the princess of 4kilo to sh!t in her pants.

Re: OPDO decided to dethrone Issayas

Posted: 30 Jan 2025, 23:18
by Dark Energy

Brgade n’hamedu will not engage in armed warfare. That would be stupid. Our people had enough wars. War means Eritreans bleeding on both sides. That is not good. They are just trying to force the West to look at Eritrea, and see what is happening. Isayas would love warfare. He won’t have it. He will have incredible diplomatic pressure like that Rubin gentleman has started. Peaceful change at any cost. Isayas is 79. Why bleed the country. :lol: :lol: :lol:BTW, Isayas squandered the lives of 40,000 Eritreans to keep the little twerp in power. We can not afford a bloody war between Eritreans.

Re: OPDO decided to dethrone Issayas

Posted: 30 Jan 2025, 23:25
by Deqi-Arawit
Misraq wrote:
30 Jan 2025, 15:33
Weizero mitraq!
If you wrestle a pig on a muddy soil who do you think will win the battle? of course the pig even if you are on the top. The same goes with the eritrean dictator, War, uncertainty, insecurity are his domain, if there are wars, he is in his elements.