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Is Biltsigina Party of Dr. Abiy Ethio-dictator Like Derg or Ethno-dictator Similar to Woyane?

Post by OPFist » 13 Jan 2025, 01:46

Is Biltsigina Party of Dr. Abiy Ethio-dictator Like Derg or Ethno-dictator Similar to Woyane?

It is becoming clear that Biltsigina party of Dr. Abiy is neither for liberation of Gadaa Oromia as envisioned by the OLF nor for leadership of Great Oromia (democratic Ethiopia) as entertained by the OFC. It seems that the dictatorial Biltsigina is repeating either the goal of Derg’s WPE (ethiofascist Ethiopia with fake geo-federation) or plan of Woyane’s EPRDF(ethnofascist Ethiopia with fake ethno-federation). It is really pity to see Oromo elites sabotaging Oromo struggle for the third time. The revolution of 1974 happened by the Oromo nation was sabotaged by Oromo elites led by Mengistu (Oromo himself). The change in 1991 was sabotaged by Oromo elites in OPDO and the movement in 2018 is being sabotaged by Oromo elites led by Abiy Ahmed. These three revolutions came to effect with huge sacrifice of the Oromo, but lastly served the dominance of Amharanet/Amharigna at the cost of Oromiffa/Oromummaa. No question that Biltsigina is pro-Amharanet, not pro-Oromumma as actually expected. The only question is: which way Biltsigina? To be EPRDF-2 by keeping the fake ethnic federation or EWP-2 by creating fake geo-federation? Time will tell us!
Read more: ... e-new-odp/