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Eritrea: An African gulag so ghastly that inmates risk death to escape

Posted: 13 Jan 2025, 00:46
by Mesob
An African gulag so ghastly that inmates risk death to escape

Forty-two former prisoners in Eritrea’s sprawling detention system described horrific conditions and frequent torture.
January 6, 2024 The Washington Post

By Katharine Houreld

NAIROBI — The tiny African nation of Eritrea is a sliver of fear wedged between Ethiopia and the Red Sea, a land that has known only a single strongman leader and the shadow of repression since independence three decades ago. Nothing exemplifies the reach and cruelty of the state today as much as its prison system. ... s-torture/


Re: Eritrea: An African gulag so ghastly that inmates risk death to escape

Posted: 14 Jan 2025, 01:25
by Mesob
This is Issaias Afeworki's legacy. This is how history will remember him. He fought for decades to create hell in Eritrea

Re: Eritrea: An African gulag so ghastly that inmates risk death to escape

Posted: 14 Jan 2025, 01:50
by sesame
|Agame Dumbito, What do you say about these wiign :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Eritrea: An African gulag so ghastly that inmates risk death to escape

Posted: 14 Jan 2025, 16:07
by Mesob
This is how history will remember Eritrea's Issaias Afeworki. His legacy

Re: Eritrea: An African gulag so ghastly that inmates risk death to escape

Posted: 14 Jan 2025, 16:19
by sesame
Mesob Agame,

Tens of thousands of Agames are trekking to Yemen with the hope of eventually entering Saudi Arabia. Eritreans in Saudi Arabia should contact their local Imams and inform them about what Agames are doing to Muslim girls. No Agame should enjoy the right to live in a Muslim country. The same should happen in the Sudan!
:lol: :lol: :lol: ... 676735586/
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