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Abiy Ahmed's Salary Per Year Only $3000 USD But His Children School Fees A Whopping $102,000 USD

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 00:49
by Bashuu
Abiy ahmed sends his three children to the most expensive school in Ethiopia, ICS ( International community school) around Bisrate Gebriel church in Addis Ababa. The school is almost as expensive as Sidwell, the most exclusive and expensive private school in Washington DC area.

How in the world an individual who only earns $3600 USD per year can manage to pay over $102,000 USD in school fees for his children.

The International Community School of Addis Ababa (ICS) tuition and fees for the 2023–2024 school year are as follows:

Early Years 3–4: $11,330 for half day and $18,420 for full day
Kindergarten (EY5)–grade 5: $28,430
Grades 6–8: $32,240
Grades 9–10: $33,820
Grades 11–12: $35,170
Application fee: $300 for all students
Capital levy: $10,000 for new students and $1,500 for returning students

Other fees include:
Specialized student support services, such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and STEP Level 1 and 2
Application and registration fees, which are non-refundable and only valid for one year

Tuition and fees must be paid in US dollars or other hard currency ... nt=gws-wiz

Re: Abiy Ahmed's Salary Per Year Only $3000 USD But His Children School Fees A Whopping $102,000 USD

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 04:29
by Tiago
Nobel peace prize comes with a Gold medal and over $1 million US .above all,he is in control of the bank and the tank.

Re: Abiy Ahmed's Salary Per Year Only $3000 USD But His Children School Fees A Whopping $102,000 USD

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 04:58
by Digital Weyane
<<ለአሜሪካ እዋጋለሁ እሞታለሁ>> እያለ የሚፎክረው ባንዳው አቢይ አህመድ ከቱርኪ የገዛቸው ድሮኖች በሶስት የአዜርባጃን መርከቦችን ጭኖ በድብቅ ዎደ ኢትዮጵያ ሊያስገባ ሲሞክር መርከቦቹና ድሮኖቹ በሻዕቢያ ባህር ሃይል ቁጥጥር ሥር ዋሉ። :roll: :roll:

Re: Abiy Ahmed's Salary Per Year Only $3000 USD But His Children School Fees A Whopping $102,000 USD

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 06:42
by DefendTheTruth
Tiago wrote:
12 Jan 2025, 04:29
above all,he is in control of the bank and the tank.
Finally, you accepted the reality.

You can still go further a step and accept the general truth: he controls the bank and the tank, but his party controls him. This is a hard fact. Denying facts will bring you to nowhere!

Re: Abiy Ahmed's Salary Per Year Only $3000 USD But His Children School Fees A Whopping $102,000 USD

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 07:30
by Fed_Up
DefendTheTruth wrote:
12 Jan 2025, 06:42
Tiago wrote:
12 Jan 2025, 04:29
above all,he is in control of the bank and the tank.
Finally, you accepted the reality.

You can still go further a step and accept the general truth: he controls the bank and the tank, but his party controls him. This is a hard fact. Denying facts will bring you to nowhere!
ጋላው ሃሬ
ቤተ መንግስቱ እሚያሰራበት ገንዘብ ከየት እንደመጣ ካቢኔው እና ፓርላማው ያውቃሉ?

Re: Abiy Ahmed's Salary Per Year Only $3000 USD But His Children School Fees A Whopping $102,000 USD

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 09:35
by DefendTheTruth
Fed_Up wrote:
12 Jan 2025, 07:30
DefendTheTruth wrote:
12 Jan 2025, 06:42
Tiago wrote:
12 Jan 2025, 04:29
above all,he is in control of the bank and the tank.
Finally, you accepted the reality.

You can still go further a step and accept the general truth: he controls the bank and the tank, but his party controls him. This is a hard fact. Denying facts will bring you to nowhere!
ጋላው ሃሬ
ቤተ መንግስቱ እሚያሰራበት ገንዘብ ከየት እንደመጣ ካቢኔው እና ፓርላማው ያውቃሉ?
I dislike to lecture stupid creatures but if that is the case, then the fault lies with those who failed to execute their duties, not with the PM.


Re: Abiy Ahmed's Salary Per Year Only $3000 USD But His Children School Fees A Whopping $102,000 USD

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 10:04
by Bashuu
Abiy's children were already enrolled at the school for close to two years before the fake PhD degree holder won the nobel prize. And he was on record saying he donated most of the prize money to charity.

Re: Abiy Ahmed's Salary Per Year Only $3000 USD But His Children School Fees A Whopping $102,000 USD

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 12:58
by Dama
The ICS or formerly the American School has not produced the best of Ethiopians in any field, in the sciences, engineering or medicines or the arts or the social sciences. There is no one to mention in Ethiopian public records of distinction that the school helped to excel.
They may, on average, speak and write a better English than the public school students. That's the only benefit there is. Better anglicizing and americanizing of their kids with the end goal that a better command of English would help them fit into American or English residency.
Meles Zeradwa sent all his puppies to schools in Britain. At best average or mediocre living a completely obscure life to recover from the pains of Ethiopian public disapprovals inflicted upon their father.

An Ethiopian PM sending his broods to a foreign private school undermines the integrity of the public schools he runs. He clearly tells the public that the public schools he runs are inferior to foreign and private schools.

Re: Abiy Ahmed's Salary Per Year Only $3000 USD But His Children School Fees A Whopping $102,000 USD

Posted: 13 Jan 2025, 03:18
by Tiago
Abiy ahmed sends his three children to the most expensive school in Ethiopia, ICS ( International community school) around Bisrate Gebriel church in Addis Ababa. The school is almost as expensive as Sidwell, the most exclusive and expensive private school in Washington DC area.

How in the world an individual who only earns $3600 USD per year can manage to pay over $102,000 USD in school fees for his children.

DDT, what's your answer to the OP?????

Regarding the financial sources for his "palace" construction ,the PM answered arrogantly "አያገባችሁም"