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How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 11 Jan 2025, 16:59
by Noble Amhara
1) Unify Gojam and Gondar Fano Commands and Leaders

2) Investigate the Wolloye "Muhabaw Fantahun" make sure he is not working with Eskinder through research and investigation from local sources

3) Ban all Eskinder support first in Gojjam than in Gonder than in Wollo

4) Find Eskinders hideout in North Shewa somewhere in Merhabete Awraja

5) during the night Send soldiers dressed as Fanos to kidnap eskinder in North Shewa.

6) Send Eskinder to a prison in Gojjam or Wollo

7) force eskinder to step down from the Fano movement with a video release

8. Hand over Eskinder Nega to Oromunna PP Kaliti Prison (as according to what Eskinder did to our beloved General Asseged Mekonnen)

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 11 Jan 2025, 21:22
by Noble Amhara
9) Mulatu Abebe of Shewa Teklai Gezat seems more neutral I call for him to replace Meketaw Mamo. Become the leader of Shewa Teklai Gezat and unify with Shewa Ez. Once Dictator Eskinder is destroyed from the Amhara struggle

10) the dismantling of the "Shewa Teklai Gezat" made by Eskinder loyalist Meketaw Mamo. Only one " Shewa Ez" can be allowed in the Amhara struggle. There cannot be 2 Kiflehager " Ez" in this struggle

..... Eskinder Nega is corrupting the Amhara struggle by seeking to divide Gondar into 2, Gojjam into 2, Shewa into 2, and Wollo into 2 for his own agenda of seeking to become the leader of the Amhara Struggle!

... Eskinder Nega is a dictator he is much more dangerous than Abiy Ahmed. Fano has never seen such internal divisions until Eskinder Nega arrived from America :lol: the babooon Eskinder is the most primitive politician in current day in Ethiopia :lol:

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 11 Jan 2025, 22:14
by union
Nobel አገው :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :x

እኛ ጨረስን እኮ። አገው እንደሆናቹ ሁሉም አወቀ። አገው ዘመነ ወጥታ በፍርሀት አለቀሰች። አለቀ ደቀቀ።

አሁን መቼ ነው የአገው ጦራችሁን አዝምታቹ አማራን የምትወጉት :lol:

We are waiting for that sweet day :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 11 Jan 2025, 22:28
by union
Nobel አገው

Stop all the cheap talk and let us know when you think you will order your አገው militia and march to fight Amara?

When is the day? So I can buy the popcorn 🍿 and Coca-cola and sit on my beautiful luxurious couch and pop that champagne 🥂 🍾 at the end :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 11 Jan 2025, 23:06
by Noble Amhara
union wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 22:28
Nobel አገው

Stop all the cheap talk and let us know when you think you will order your አገው militia and march to fight Amara?

When is the day? So I can buy the popcorn 🍿 and Coca-cola and sit on my beautiful luxurious couch and pop that champagne 🥂 🍾 at the end :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 11 Jan 2025, 23:33
by union
Nobel አገው

እናንተ አገዎች መቼ ነው ጦራቹን ወደ አማራ የምታዘምቱት። እሱን ብቻ መልስልኝ። You coward :lol: :lol:

Noble Amhara wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 23:06
union wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 22:28
Nobel አገው

Stop all the cheap talk and let us know when you think you will order your አገው militia and march to fight Amara?

When is the day? So I can buy the popcorn 🍿 and Coca-cola and sit on my beautiful luxurious couch and pop that champagne 🥂 🍾 at the end :lol: :lol: :lol:
Esku got kicked out of Gojjam and Wollo

He was a refugee in Shewa

Used diaspora money to bribe north Shewa fano leaders like Meketaw Mamo and Asseged Mekonen

He used that money to ambush asseged and force him out of Amhara struggle

Based on that knowledge I believe we must bring karma and revenge to eskinder... The rat is hiding in Merhabete and either needs to be captured or assasinated

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 06:48
by Noble Amhara

union wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 23:33
Nobel አገው

እናንተ አገዎች መቼ ነው ጦራቹን ወደ አማራ የምታዘምቱት። እሱን ብቻ መልስልኝ። You coward :lol: :lol:

Noble Amhara wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 23:06
union wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 22:28
Nobel አገው

Stop all the cheap talk and let us know when you think you will order your አገው militia and march to fight Amara?

When is the day? So I can buy the popcorn 🍿 and Coca-cola and sit on my beautiful luxurious couch and pop that champagne 🥂 🍾 at the end :lol: :lol: :lol:
Esku got kicked out of Gojjam and Wollo

He was a refugee in Shewa

Used diaspora money to bribe north Shewa fano leaders like Meketaw Mamo and Asseged Mekonen

He used that money to ambush asseged and force him out of Amhara struggle

Based on that knowledge I believe we must bring karma and revenge to eskinder... The rat is hiding in Merhabete and either needs to be captured or assasinated

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 19:02
by union
Nobel አገው :lol:

You coward. Answer my question now :lol:

Let me ask you the question again: :lol:

When are your አገው militia march to Amara to fight? Can you tell us the day. Take a wild guess :lol:

Answer my question you coward

Noble Amhara wrote:
12 Jan 2025, 06:48
Coward Eska cannot even march to Debre Berhan nor any Amhara village south of Debre Berhan the Shewa Ez has banned him.... The image I post highlights opposition to Eskender in North Shewa the betrayal of Asseged by Esku will be written on stone in Shewa mark my words! ...

union wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 23:33
Nobel አገው

እናንተ አገዎች መቼ ነው ጦራቹን ወደ አማራ የምታዘምቱት። እሱን ብቻ መልስልኝ። You coward :lol: :lol:

Noble Amhara wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 23:06
union wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 22:28
Nobel አገው

Stop all the cheap talk and let us know when you think you will order your አገው militia and march to fight Amara?

When is the day? So I can buy the popcorn 🍿 and Coca-cola and sit on my beautiful luxurious couch and pop that champagne 🥂 🍾 at the end :lol: :lol: :lol:
Esku got kicked out of Gojjam and Wollo

He was a refugee in Shewa

Used diaspora money to bribe north Shewa fano leaders like Meketaw Mamo and Asseged Mekonen

He used that money to ambush asseged and force him out of Amhara struggle

Based on that knowledge I believe we must bring karma and revenge to eskinder... The rat is hiding in Merhabete and either needs to be captured or assasinated

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 19:29
by Abere
@Noble Orommuma,
:lol: It is loud and clear Fano Eskindir Nega successfully destroyed you. You are just living in chronic pain and l!cking your wound for effectively chase the ብአድን ገረድ first from Gojjam and next from the rest of Amhara provinces. Now, he is positioned close to Addis Ababa to take out your ከብት Orommuma. Cry in agony, your Oromuma is a pipe dream.

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 19:32
by Agazi General

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 21:16
by Noble Amhara
These are Eskenders soldiers who left Eskenders army and joined Meri Desalegn army! Amen

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 21:36
by Noble Amhara

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 13 Jan 2025, 17:48
by Noble Amhara
September 5 the first day when soldiers began abadonning Eskinders Milisha group. 2 brigades abadonned Eskender. More defections should occur in the future Especially in Menz and Tegelut

Re: How to destroy Eskinder Nega

Posted: 13 Jan 2025, 19:51
by union
Nobel አገው :lol:

You coward Agew,

No amount of fake video will save you from Amara now. We are coming for your አገው as's :lol: