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Splitting Ethiopia into three countries

Posted: 06 Jan 2025, 14:10
by Yakume
According to Oromo politicians and elites (OPDO/OLF and Muslims), there will no longer be a country called Ethiopia, but rather three countries under Oromo leadership: Abyssinia, Arusi and Jimma.

The hard questions are:

1. How long will it take for Ethiopia to completely split?
The plan was to call a parliament meeting and declare an independent Oromo state when the TPLF took control of Debre Berhan (November 2021). Now everything depends on the Amhara FANO achievement, if they move quickly, Abiy Ahmed and his tribe will call a parliament meeting and announce their plan. The Tigray TPLF also want this plan so they will declare their state "Greater Tigray including Eritrea".

2. What about Ogaden and Afar:
The Afar will join their brothers in Eritrea, while the Ogaden will join their brothers in Somalia.

3. Will Western countries (Britain, America, and France) accept this plan?
Yes, if the Amhara accept it, and if they do not accept it, the Western countries will propose a confederation that includes Eritrea. Never trust Tigray politicians who kiss children and women, whose eyebrows meet in the middle.

Re: Splitting Ethiopia into three countries

Posted: 06 Jan 2025, 15:56
by Dark Energy
Idiotic Yakume,

What about leaving Eritrea out of your mess ?

Re: Splitting Ethiopia into three countries

Posted: 06 Jan 2025, 16:22
by Odie
Filthy barbarian :lol:

Someone has to take care of you like a flock of sheep all the time, otherwise you get lost all the time :mrgreen:

Did you tell your wish to Santa? waqa?

Will see if your wishes are granted :mrgreen:


Re: Splitting Ethiopia into three countries

Posted: 07 Jan 2025, 00:53
by sesame
Although I find Yakume's specific scenarios bizarre, I agree with the premise that it is going to be almost impossible to prevent the disintegration of Ethiopia. The enimities between the key peoples of that nation are too deep to heal. Abiy, who had the golden opportunity to save Ethiopia, proved to be too incompetent for the task. He has in fact hastened the collapse by his reckless and senseless actions. There is only one thing that we can predict: Unless a miracle happens, the dissolution of the Ethiopian state is going to be brutal and savage. One hopes that the various actors recognize this and take care not to let things slide to a point of no return. A reconciliation process needs to be the uppermost demand of the elite of the land. Extreme positions are dangerous, and adversaries should be courageous to compromise rather than strive to vanquish their opponents!

Re: Splitting Ethiopia into three countries

Posted: 07 Jan 2025, 04:11
by Yakume
I appreciate this valuable contribution. According to Ethiopian Oromo officials and elites (OPDO/OLF and other groups), the only three things that might preserve Ethiopia's status as a state are the conquest of neighboring ethnic groups and countries (Sudan, Eritrea, and Somalia) and creating ethnic conflicts, and also using this to garner domestic support from the Oromo people abroad as well as aid from Western and Arab countries. If not, they are ready to take the matter to parliament and declare an independent Oromummaa State from Gojjam/Raya to Nairobi. By the way, there are about 8-15 different groups and factions with different ideologies and goals in the Oromo community, and it is often very difficult to unite them and have one unified idea about the future of Ethiopia and the Oromummaa State.

Re: Splitting Ethiopia into three countries

Posted: 07 Jan 2025, 04:39
by Odie
Yakume wrote:
07 Jan 2025, 04:11
I appreciate this valuable contribution. According to Ethiopian Oromo officials and elites (OPDO/OLF and other groups), the only three things that might preserve Ethiopia's status as a state are the conquest of neighboring ethnic groups and countries (Sudan, Eritrea, and Somalia) and creating ethnic conflicts, and also using this to garner domestic support from the Oromo people abroad as well as aid from Western and Arab countries. If not, they are ready to take the matter to parliament and declare an independent Oromummaa State from Gojjam/Raya to Nairobi. By the way, there are about 8-15 different groups and factions with different ideologies and goals in the Oromo community, and it is often very difficult to unite them and have one unified idea about the future of Ethiopia and the Oromummaa State.
H0mo neanderthal!
You have been saying that from 16th century!
Nothing changed.
You got opportunity. Except rampaging, killing and pillaging you did nothing intelligible and human.
You should never be given another chance risking the lives of innocent people. Worth for nothing!

Re: Splitting Ethiopia into three countries

Posted: 07 Jan 2025, 04:45
by Odie
sesame wrote:
07 Jan 2025, 00:53
Although I find Yakume's specific scenarios bizarre, I agree with the premise that it is going to be almost impossible to prevent the disintegration of Ethiopia. The enimities between the key peoples of that nation to be too deep to heal. Abiy, who had the golden opportunity to save Ethiopia, was too childish for the task. He has in fact hastened the collapse by his reckless and senseless actions. There is only thing that we can predict: Unless a miracle happens, the dissolution of the Ethiopian state is going to be brutal and savage. One hopes that the various actors recognize this and take care not to let things slide to a point of no return. A reconciliation process needs to be the upermist demand of the elite of the land. Extreme positions are dangerous and adversaries should be coragious to compromise rather than strive to vanquish their opponents!
ለማኝ የባንዳ ለማኝ ልጅ!
ቁልቋል ጭንቅላት ምቀኛ!
ያቺ የግመል ማደርያም ኤርትራ አገር ተብላ አልነበር?
Where are your civilized ascaris who aspired to build singa poooor?
In uganda
Southern africa
spread all over the globe untill the good lord arrives.
You don’t even know how to care for your people, you talk about the trouble in your neighbor!

Re: Splitting Ethiopia into three countries

Posted: 07 Jan 2025, 04:55
by union
የአባቴ አምላክ አናትህን ለ3 ይክፈለው :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Splitting Ethiopia into three countries

Posted: 07 Jan 2025, 12:00
by Yakume
Ethiopia is a failed state that is rapidly disintegrating, and the real question is not how Ethiopia will disintegrate, but when. Hence, ethnic groups (especially Somalis, Afars, Tigrayans (Tigraway), Amharas, Benishangul) need to prepare for change and make plans to survive after Ethiopia. ... sary-evil/

Re: Splitting Ethiopia into three countries

Posted: 07 Jan 2025, 13:05
by union
Fanno have already won the war :lol: :lol: :lol:

Its been your dream for 50 years to see Ethiopia disintegrated but it never happened. Ethiopia actually is stronger than ever with 5 million Ethiopian well experienced Amara FANNO soldiers :lol:

Who is going to defeat them to disintegrate Ethiopia for you. :lol:
Yakume wrote:
07 Jan 2025, 12:00
Ethiopia is a failed state that is rapidly disintegrating, and the real question is not how Ethiopia will disintegrate, but when. Hence, ethnic groups (especially Somalis, Afars, Tigrayans (Tigraway), Amharas, Benishangul) need to prepare for change and make plans to survive after Ethiopia. ... sary-evil/

Re: Splitting Ethiopia into three countries

Posted: 07 Jan 2025, 13:29
by union
Look at these soldiers ready to move before you vomit your evil wish. :lol:

Ethiopia the land of God himself. The land of Jesus where he but his first church on earth in Gondere.

Gondere Warriors!!

Re: Splitting Ethiopia into three countries

Posted: 07 Jan 2025, 14:31
by Odie
Yakume wrote:
07 Jan 2025, 12:00
Ethiopia is a failed state that is rapidly disintegrating, and the real question is not how Ethiopia will disintegrate, but when. Hence, ethnic groups (especially Somalis, Afars, Tigrayans (Tigraway), Amharas, Benishangul) need to prepare for change and make plans to survive after Ethiopia. ... sary-evil/
መልካም ነገር በህይወያታችሁ የሌላ የእፉኝት ልጆች!
What good happened to you in 30-50 solid years while talking the same garbage on and on?
Retard. kebesa
Retard barbarists