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Ethiopia compare and contrast.

Posted: 28 Dec 2024, 15:04
by Cigar
If the 130 million rats 🐀 and termites can eat the superficial crap these nut cases in this site do brag about.
Ethiopia is the cancerous world country and the shame of Africa. ... tid=cr9u03

Re: Ethiopia compare and contrast.

Posted: 28 Dec 2024, 15:10
by Odie
Cry on you fate :lol:
You are doomed and bound with Ethiopia :lol:
Ethiopia smells like humans!
What does the barren, dusty ill-fated self-proclaimed dreamland sing-a-poor smell? Camel :lol:
Camel because all left the land, abandoned it except oldies and their soldiers :lol:

Look your people in Uganda, how free to worship whereas you have stashed pastors and priests in container in Eritria :mrgreen:

Re: Ethiopia compare and contrast.

Posted: 28 Dec 2024, 15:51
by Tog Wajale E.R.
☆ Odie A.K.A. Shettattam Qomal Aggames ☆!!
☆ Focus In Your Stin°cky Smelly Killill Chigray ☆!!