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☆ I Don't Think Weizero Aberash/ Weizero Horssi Would Love To See This ☆!!

Posted: 25 Dec 2024, 06:03
by Tog Wajale E.R.

Re: ☆ I Don't Think Weizero Aberash/ Weizero Horssi Would Love To See This ☆!!

Posted: 25 Dec 2024, 08:11
by Cigar
I know that Eritrea 🇪🇷 doesn’t need any thing from tigray.
But let’s assume the funfunat aliet tegarus are illegally selling ‘their gold….quenti’ to Eritrea 🇪🇷 then whose fault is it. Isn’t gold for sale all over the world? So long a country doesn’t steal their precious metals…….unless they are willing to sell them for cheap, why does the buyer country responsible for the sellers stupidity?
These filthy agames are really idiots.
If that is to be true, then don’t freaking sell what ever you have to Eritrea 🇪🇷 or any other country.
This is bizarre. Again if it is true, why is their illegal crap the fault of Eritrea?🇪🇷
Stop accusing others for rape when your sheramut moms and sisters are opening their skinny legs and willingly get [ deleted ].