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You are what you eat: የቆማጦቹ ሻእብያ ምግብ: ቁልቋል

Posted: 19 Dec 2024, 08:14
by Odie
ቁልቋል በልታ ቁልቋል የሆነችው የቁልቋል ልጅ abyssiniaአረጊት ምግብ!

ከእንስት የሚወጣው ምግብና ሌሎች ጥቅሞች ደቡብን ከልመና ነፃ ያወጣ ከተማ ውስጥ ምግቡ የቅንጦት አቅርቦት የሆነ ተክል ነው!

በስኳር የተነፋው idiot somaliman ጋራ በማታውቀው ነገር ስትገሎምት እየናት!

ለነገሩ ስው ከተስማማው ቁልቋልም ምግብነው መናቅ የለበትም!
All these are plant based diets probably healthy.

In asia people eat insects and dogs for protein source. Unless some one is idiot like somaliman or abyssinialady, what people eat to successfully live should not be a stigma!

Enjoy ቁልቋል diet ... ea+kulkual

Re: You are what you eat: የቆማጦቹ ምግብ: ቁልቋል

Posted: 19 Dec 2024, 08:21
by Odie

Re: You are what you eat: የቆማጦቹ ምግብ: ቁልቋል

Posted: 19 Dec 2024, 08:46
by Odie

Re: You are what you eat: የቆማጦቹ ምግብ: ቁልቋል

Posted: 19 Dec 2024, 08:46
by Odie

Re: You are what you eat: የቆማጦቹ ሻእብያ ምግብ: ቁልቋል

Posted: 19 Dec 2024, 18:00
by Odie
You eat cactus
Your brain grows cactus
Your stupidity glows

Re: You are what you eat: የቆማጦቹ ሻእብያ ምግብ: ቁልቋል

Posted: 19 Dec 2024, 19:02
by Odie

Re: You are what you eat: የቆማጦቹ ሻእብያ ምግብ: ቁልቋል

Posted: 19 Dec 2024, 19:33
by tekeba
There is no question Shaebia decimating and putting Woyane in wheelchair. Did you hear on of Fara Woyane military said when 10 Shaebia shows up we bring 300 troops to fight. you see how Eritrea is powerful, mother fuxcer.

Re: You are what you eat: የቆማጦቹ ሻእብያ ምግብ: ቁልቋል

Posted: 19 Dec 2024, 20:00
by Odie

Re: You are what you eat: የቆማጦቹ ሻእብያ ምግብ: ቁልቋል

Posted: 19 Dec 2024, 20:04
by tekeba
Do you have a job mother fuxcer. Do you see me all the time because I work. I am sure you are retired or on disability. how can someone 24 hrs a day on this forum.