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ኣብርሃ ባህታ መን ኔሮም? እንታይ ኢዩ ታሪኾም?

Post by Meleket » 31 Oct 2024, 08:16


This is the biography of small episode that reflects Ato Abraha, our father’s history life.

Ato Abraha was born in Eritrea, Zone Debub,Akeleguzai Sub District Mereta Sebene namely Sesewe in 1891. After he grew older fitting enough himself to the age of school, like many sons of other families, he was enrolled to attend in one of the Italian school known as Scuola italiana. In the town of Segheneiti. And attained an adequate knowledge, that enable him to a good career.

Since, his childhood he was endowed with high talent and high consciousness and a matchless to his courage.

He fled his country home to Ethiopia:
He was so bitterly stab born, to be subdued by the Italian racial segregation in his own country. Therefore he sought asylum in Ethiopia. From his native land Eritrea than being constrained, by the Italian rule of law.

When the Italian Government invaded Ethiopia in 1935 he made his journey trip to different Arab countries, Dijubouti, Berbera, Somalia, Eden, Yemen. Entered in to business world and set up himself to remain in it. Without relaxation he traded restlessly by going from country to country, he endeavored hard to enrich himself and accumulate wealth. Although, he had achieved his wealth, by his own endeavor he was not so reluctant to charity and very generous with his money, to the people where he lived his life working as well as for his own town people and relatives.
Every one can witness, that his benevolence made it possible for many children to learn by building school, and an infra-structured constructed a road to his people of his home town, and where they can worship. The above mentioned things spooks for themselves, alone.

His existence in life emerged out.
Our father, Abraha Bahta emerged from where he was clandestine, for about 40 years of separation from family and relatives, news of his existence flickered out that he is alive, living in Ethiopia, confirmed himself in his letter, that he is living in Eastern Ethiopia, Harar province. For the first time in years passed, met with his immediate brother Habtizghi Bahta. He explained that his main office was centered in Diredawa, Ethiopia

The above facts in a preamble :

The above explanation being an evidence of a parochial outlook, here by is given further description in detail about Ato Abraha’s Life and work. Returning back home and reunion of family.

As it had been indicated earlier, after that long separations of many years, he met with family and relatives and his country men. He was cordially welcomed, however, his sad story and great challenging adventure moved up his family to tears. Then after, he began discussing things about especial issue, with his brother Girazmach Habtizghi Bahta. To solve preliminary action common and individuals without discrimination. At large he made a contribution of money and material needs. That was essential.

In addition to that, the people of his district were scattered here and there. They requested that if a church is built where they can pray and worship, it could be ideal to bring them all into one and united village. Enthusiastically, he accepted their request without much trouble. He played the corner stone of the churches construction. That started in 1948 that was completed 1950. He did the work with out difficulty, from his personal money.

And finally the people were conglomerated under the church, this was a step forward bringing people together.


He was driven by the deepest emotion of necessity, that when He was informed and requested by his people he heard his district was backward in darkness due to the lack of communication.

Spontaneously, due to lack of communication. Tahtai Mereta, he built three learning classes, well accommodate for teachers residential houses, with their kitchens, and toilets. The building commenced in 1951 and finished in 1953. Besides this he had contributed money for an expenses of two schools that were stagnated for a long time unfinished, after they were built somehow half way. They remained standing with their walls. But due to his concern and generosity, he covered all expenses for their completion.

The schools mentioned, namely, were, one Lailai Mereta that is found Hadida and the second was in a place called Halibo.


The schools that were established by his good will, has produced great scholars of famous professors, Doctors, Masters Degree and B.A. holders, Many of them abroad teaching in U.S.A. California University, wherever, they have gained high reputation in the field they serve both to the host country and their home country. Namely, so far as I came to know across are, Professor Tesfamichael Geebrehiwet, Professor Kidane Menghisteab, Dr. Tesfai Haile and others too.


Certain important points after his escape.

1. Since the incident of the coincident that he was encountered with, He made his mind, without fret and excitement, to cross the border and reach Ethiopia and save his life from being captured by the Italian government. At a price of physical exhaustion and fatigue he arrived his destination Ethiopia, with courage and determination.

2. Through , he earned money and attained the position where a good business man can afford, that is fame and wealth. He handled his job and money with care and disciplined manner in expenditure.

3. People say, ready money is ready medicine, money saved in this principle is ideal when time comes to light of its necessitates, it is a remedy. When his districts people detailed their wishes, what they needed, their dream of education for their children had come true.
When the proposal was forwarded, to Ato Abraha, he agreed without the slightest hesitation, his benevolence. He was delighted to spread his money to such sacred thing. When the parents were enthusiastic to think education for their children’s knowledge and progress, He was heartily fired and touched by their genuine demand.

The parents craving for their children’s education. The generosity of Ato Abraha, together, synchronized, to pave the way for education of that districts children attend school, and drink the fountain of education, since, the establishment up to the present, the schools had produced many scholars. His benevolence and initiatives of his country men made it possible for many poor children to attend from basic education to higher level of college.

During the Struggle days:

The school served dual purposes, as a stream of educational center as well as a fortification for the patriotic forces fighting for independence. This area and its vicinity was formidable natural defense to the enemies. The Ethiopian forces had never tried to penetrate through deep for people. It was not with out reason. But because, the real Sahle was the strong hold of the Eritrean fighters. Many of the patriotic who stayed here or others had attended 33 school, where Ato Abraha Bahta education to heighten the level of their education.

The fruits of knowledge, had flourished, at present many of those who had achieved their learning are now serving their country Eritrea.


I tried to explain earlier a parochial view of his escape from his birth country. However, there are many who ask and would like to know, the background main cause of his fled from home. They ask and put forward a puzzle. Unless, there isn’t a secret behind it, no person can remain shut of in an exile from parents and relatives, clandestine been buried and expose it.

Ato Abraha Bahta, had been constantly quarreling with the Italian Masters, On trivial and big issues. In all aspect of their manners were rude and aggressive, using even physical harm upon others and him. They were totalitarian, fierce and cruel in their act. Not less than the South African White minority rulers. Similarly, they were racists. In every aspect they had violated human dignity and rights. The law was in their hand. They can kill, put people in custody, without due process of law or vindication. The Eritrean people were treated harshly, in their home country. Such accumulated grievances and harbored hostility, a time bomb to explode one day. However, as he was always having frictions his temper grew bitter. Eventually, his wrath reached its climax, and was out of control. And was blooded, to take a bold decision, without fear, he killed two Italian Citizens, who nagged and frustrated him repeatedly. He did it in hot blooded murder, and strolled away to his exile. This was the basic cause of his historic elopement.


1. He hated life and bragging.
2. He was aloof from public hilarity and joviality.
3. Whenever he did some important thing he never publicize it.
4. He was felt confident enough of his performance.
5. He looked the poor and rich without distinction.
6. Unless he was incited by resentment he was docile and humble. However, when he was provoked, he was fierce and rough.
7. He never feared to discredit some men of authority, who pride themselves and undermine other’s moral and underestimate.

The following hint sound fit to the above facts.

During the reign of Emperor Hailesilasie, the Prime Minister Aklilu Habtewold, He was always threatening and intimidating our Father Abraha. However, he resisted strongly, Aklilu with embarrass greatly, with an offensive language. And exclaimed, “I m not a parasite who stick like a leech. I’m a man who live my own life! Through hard work and endeavor. I don’t crave for higher post nor for power, or need special benefit from you.

Knowing more about the magnitude of his life.

In 1957 Eth. Cal. And 1965 Eur.Cal… Was the dead end of his life, of this world. The main cause of his immediate death, was Diabetic disease. One of the front part of his foot, toe and left leg had been sore infected. He was hospitalized, he was in for made, he won’t go well unless he follow the doctor’s advice, and he was finally, amputated. Beneath his left leg’s knee cap.

The amputation though it might had been appeared a lasting solution it was a tremendous grave for him. The pain and agony was beyond human endurance. However it was natural, as human being to encounter with the pathos of life.

When the pain was subsided, he was discharged from the hospital, and soon was flown for further treatment to Frankfort Germany. There, he was attended by some highly distinguished specialists.

The desired medial treatments was carried smoothly and effectively. In a short period of time, he was recovered and momentum after momentum he regained his health.


The specialists who attended him as their patient, told him briefly, It was not necessary as such his case grave, to be recommended or referred in haste to be amputated. Although, the worst part of diabetic is usually if worst sore wound is resulted, the first procedure is just treating than amputation. It was a mistake they concluded. However, had he been flown to Germany at that moment he would have been healed and saved from amputation.” They said.

Although it was tragic and remorse the news, there was nothing in hand to do. The case is viewed as “Don’t cry for the spitted milk.” However, for him such horrible news a great desperation and depression. He become so crazy, since he heard the bad news. He restlessly was reality skeptical of some Ethiopian authoritarians to have done it. He knew well and perfectly, some of them had frictions and quarrel with him. From that stand point, they were always vicious and full of vile on him. And his illness was an opportune time, to find a loop hole, to overcome their revengeful evil act. He depicted them, in his thought and spirit, to have arranged a plot against him. He believed that the performance was an act of sabotage against his life.

His career of mediation between two quarreling Arabs

Eventually all the necessary medical treatment was successfully completed. And the physicians decided that he has leave that is a time to discharge him from hospital as cured and advised him that him that he shouldn’t be worried, and fearful in the discharge.

He arranged a plan before he was flown home, to stay for a while and rest, in Germany, at Sharaton Hotel, for about one month and two weeks. During his stay, coincidentally, he was being acquainted with two Arab milliners. They had come there for an excursion at their leisure time. Having lodged in the same hotel, they had frequently been together at breakfast, and dining hall. They had to sit for hours watching the TV. And they talk about every thing under the sun.

However the two Arabs, had absolutely a chronic quarrel, ever some matters of their business affairs, they were disputing and insulting each other bitterly. Each one of then approached when our father Abraha was lone individually and privately, shared him in a whisper one accusing the other. Gossiping in the absence of the other.

Nevertheless, our father took their friction seriously, and spontaneously, made up his mind, to resort to end up in reconciliation. He did of course had requested their permission , allow him to settle their quarrel peace fully.

It was permissible without much trouble. After a long and tiresome criticisms and argument able discussions. He didn’t fail in his mediation and succeeded.

All offer of mediation was attested by his impartial, equal, and not contradictory, he achieved, his wish with a rapid solution to the long and old hostility. It ended , with a restoration of love and peace.

They expressed their profuse gratitude , and went together down town for promenade, and chat each other, in a pleasant way.

The two Arabs thought something, And they decided to offer a money grant as reward, To Ato Abraha, for his wonderful efforts, and reconciliatory skill.

Ato Abraha was in his room, at rest, since, the Arabs went out. Then he was awaken, and stroll to the recreational room, form distance he saw them talking, and moving about the hotel, on the lower floor, going here, going there, stopping, starting a chat again, going forward, then backward, then forward again. He began to think, about this seemingly purposeless, endless walking chatting “ there is something of which they are frustrated and excited” , he said to himself.

Ato Abraha lifted himself from his chair. Something told him sensually he should go so slowly and find out what was happening , if there is something that creates a rift, between them, that he should step-by his presence , by his personality, by his good will * anything from happening. But something held him back just go back and subside on his sofa. The two Arabs went to their bed room to sleep some how.

One of them saw from distance, Ato Abraha, and strolled dawn, to where our father was sited. He said “ good evening father!” our father replied , “good evening son.” Then he asked, “ what’s wrong down there? I saw you just chatting and walking to and fro. I guess, you haven’t slept and took a nap, why don’t you go to bed I slept so many hours, the night is long , therefore I came down here to watch TV. Don’t you feel exhausted?” He required, fatherly.

After a moment the other Arab man came and joined them they said, to be delighted , because of the lasting peace you gained , look! Joy and hope never let people sleep, sometimes. “ laughter. You are dead sure! That is the point of an extreme happiness. Said one of them. The other one repeated, Ato Abraha , you are great man , had put us to be excited, and fret to approach you.

I couldn’t understand well, what you are really saying, please clarify it? Asked him.

In short, Ato Abraha , we ask you earnestly, in respect of loving care, to consider it immensely genuine. In reality, we feel deep solicitude for your, high performance and efficient method of the historic mediation. Provided that you don’t consider it trivial of its kind, and good for nothing. Actually, it is irrelevant to your efforts and energy expended. Including, your golden time, and resting time. We robbed off all from you. God bless you, and wish you quick recovery, and health. Soon whispers began between them to go round. Only the shattering voice did he hear or understand, and nothing else then they glanced at him and said “ We humbly, would like to offer a grant of some money, each one of us, issued or rather contributed a hundred thousand US dollars. Which is a total of two hundred thousands. This is nothing, but an emblem of peace and love.” They concluded our father as set back, hearing their words attentively. His nerves were stretched almost the breaking point. He was sullen and stunned for a moment. Then he opened his lips immediately reiterating with a thunder bolt of wrath.

“what ridiculous people you are? How on earth could you exchange my dignity with money. Well I don’t know. What to say to tell you the truth ……….it is quite embarrassing ! The Godly mission of peace to be corrupted by money. It was not my power it was God’s ordeals and power that made to being solved such a bit quarrel of two brothers. Man proposes and God disposes is the point honestly speaking, I’m evidently not accustomed by nature or custom to this kind of conventional corruption. He retorted his bright face and usual smile turned cloudy, and looked so dejected by a such moral and ethical demeaning purpose or evil trail.

He then forwarded the following questions, as his blood boiled high.
1) “Have you framed in your imaginations or have you heard a story about that the Abyssinians are greed for money?
2) Have you thought that I wouldn’t afford to pay out my Hotel’s bill?
3) Have you considered me a mediator and consultant working to earn money?

I have detailed my tragic life history, and why I came to Germany. I don’t know really what your motive is , and why you did this, family thing. He was desperately depressed; and deeply affected.

The Arabs were coiled to humiliation with shame, And were regretful for what they did. “We didn’t do it being aware dealing with a matter to tempt annoy or offend you. It was not from bad evil intent, but from all essential points to express our pleasure. Please, view it from good faith. If you possibly inclined not to give this matter fair trail, in your opinion.

We really ask on apology. We reiterate , begging your pardon and clear out our faults from your heart. “ expressed there remorse. His face lighting up with a slight smile, he said to err is human and to for give is divine. You are forgiven, God bless you for your politeness and respect . The last word I would like to impart in advice is, honestly, I would have been much appreciated a souvenir of a simple fountain pen, that fountains love and memory of good friendship. I really consider it worth than a million dollars. Than hard currency. Thank you for listening me silently. Then they started their usual chit chat things was over. Man’s Last destiny:- The above written fact, is all through which our father had passed in his experiences, and to show just, the formative years from natal adulthood of our father’s life span on earth.

It is natural to live and die, as it is the law of nature, for human. On September 1959. 1976 He passed away, from this world. Through the Ethiopian authority, had illegally looted and robbed all his money, and properly. The remained wealth however,designated according to what he confessed, the will of his earlier endorsement, was not violated his charity was being established.

1) Abraha Bahta’s, Blind school, Asmara Eritrea.
2) Abraha Bahta’s Harar, Ethiopia, An organization for the disabled and retired support of living quarters.

He did this charity to the place where he lived long his life. All Abraha’s Bahta’s organizations, are proceeding their fountain life water, of knowledge, producing, many scholars and intellectuals. Since his death up to the present time, the organizations are rendering their regular service to the needy without problems after his death on the same day, his corpse from his residential house in Dire Dawa was flown to Asmara, Eritrea. In the order or traditional order to be buried in his native land was indicated in an obituary that is well announced, his death and place of a burial place.

The Funeral Ceremony
Right after his death as explained above, his corps arrived Asmara, being escorted by relatives and friends, and close acquaintances. From Asmara he was accompanied by many people to his home village where a big gathering came to participate the funeral procession all through the funeral ceremony . To the final performance of the burial. That took place, on 12/1959 Gr. Cal Ato Abraha Bahta is dead the torch of his good deed remains Behind every remembered to be quite honest about his life history, there will be more detailed and written in the future.
Meleket wrote:
30 Oct 2024, 11:02

ኣብርሃ ባህታ መን ኔሮም? እንታይ ኢዩ ታሪኾም? “መቓቐልቲ”ን ኣናሸውቲ ኣቦታትን ዘረባ ኣንጀባረርቲን ተበለጽቲን፡ “ሓባ ኣጽሙ”፣ “ሓባ ጭሕሙ” እናበሉ እናከሻከሹ ግን ድማ መቓቓላይ ዛንታ ኣዘንተውቲ፡ ንታሪኽ ትማል ብናይ ሎሚ ሚዛን ኪመዝኑ ዝፍትኑ “ናይ ዘረባ ልሒቃንና” ከይላገጹልና፡ እንሆ ዘኹርዕ ታሪኾም! ንጥልያን ኣይግዛእን ዝበሉ ጅግና ኣቦ፣ ሓናጺ ኣብያተ ክርስትያን ሓናጺ ቤት ትምህርትታት ብጻዕሮም ግብረሰናዮምን ዚልለዩ ኣቦ! ኣቦ ኣሽሓት ኣብርሃ ባህታ ኤርትራዊ ኣቦ በኣል ሰሰወ!

Meleket wrote:
10 Aug 2024, 05:04
ለዋህ ኤርትራዊ ዘረባይ ስምዓኒ
ዓፍራ ከይትረግጽ መሲሉካ እምኒ።
ስነጥበበኛ ሓርበኛ ስዉእ የማነ ገብረሚካኤል ባርያ

Digital Weyane
Posts: 9539
Joined: 19 Jun 2019, 21:45

Re: ኣብርሃ ባህታ መን ኔሮም? እንታይ ኢዩ ታሪኾም?

Post by Digital Weyane » 01 Nov 2024, 01:09

ታሪኽ ኤርትራውያን ብወየንቲ ደቂ ዓድዋ ክፅወን ክፃሓፍን እንከሎ ነቱ እኩይ ወያነያዊ አጀንዳኦም ስለዘንፀባርቕ ልዓቐብ እዩ ዘብለካ። ዓሻስያ ጭላሎቱ ክሕዝ ክጎዪ ይውዕልዩ ቱ ነገሩ ዎዲ ሓዎቦይ። :roll: :roll:

Posts: 4003
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: ኣብርሃ ባህታ መን ኔሮም? እንታይ ኢዩ ታሪኾም?

Post by Meleket » 01 Nov 2024, 03:20

ኤርትራውያን ‘ሄሄሄ እቲ ወዲ መሬት’ከ፧’ ኪብሉ ለሰማዕካይ ዲኻ፧ ታሪኾም ልዝድውን ለበለ ወጣም መጣቖሲ ሰተት ኣየብልዎይ ዮም! ካማይ ልበሉ ግዛዓት መስለካ ዲጅትዋለይ!

ብሰላም እንተዀነይ ካብ ሽረና ኮነ ካብ ኣምበራመጠቓና ካብ ዓድዋና ኮነ ካብ ስንቓጣና ካይዱ ዕቑባ ልዝሓተቶም፡ ሕግይ ስርዓትይ ዓዶም ምሒሮም፡ ግዛእ ለይጎደሎ መሰል እላሃቡ ኢዮም፡ ላብ ስራሕ ለእትውዎ። ሕሉፍ ሓሊፎም ካባ “ኤርትራዊነት” ልብልዎ ግዛእ የልብስዎ ዮም። እንተ ንጀጋኑኦም ለቆናጽብ ሽርሒ፡ ብማዕዶ ዮም ልፈልጥዎ።

ብዓንተቦ ልብድዔ ጥልያን ኣይግዛዕይ ቢሉ፡ ሕሳቦም ልሃበ ተባዕ ጅግንኦም ኬቆናጽቡ ልፍትኑ ደቂ 80 ወላ ደቂ 40 እንተጋጢሞም ድማይ ደቂ ኣባ ጥመርይ ደቂ ጐሚዳይ ለዀኑይ፡ ልኽዑ ነጊሮም ጉልባቡ ቐሊዖም መጫወቲ ደቂ ዓዶም ኢዮም ልገብርዎ።

ሓደይ ተራኪይ ኣዘንታዋይ ኢየ ልብል “ኣርቲስቲ ዙ 23” ኢየ እላበለ መናፍሕ ብሮባጋንዳ “ነፍሒይ ጨደደደድይ” ለካይድ ወዲ ሓወቦና፡ ቅድሚ ትማል “ሓባይ ዓጽሙይ ሓባይ ጭሕሙይ” እላበለ ልገሊኦም ሰብ ሎሚ እላከሻኸሸ፡ ልሰብ ትማል ግን ልጀመሮ፡ ምቁንጻብይ ምድዋን ታሪኽይ ኣይሰማዕካይ ዲኻ? ሕሉፍ ሓሊፉ ብብድዔ ሎሚይ ድማ ሽም ንመግዛእቲ ጥልያን ብዓንተቦ ልተቃወመን ልበደሔን ጅግና ደምሲሱ ሽም መዘምር ኪትካእ እማመ ለቕረበ፡ ብዘይሕንከት ሃገራዊ መዝሙሮም ከም ብሓዲሽ ግጥሚ ኪግበረሉ ዝኣመመ፡ ካብ ዚዛዘም ዓመታት ለቑጸረ ምጉርፋጥ ዳግማይ እላልዓለ ልሓደ ሞጊሱ ልሓደ እላዀነነ፡ ልሱዳናውያን ዕሱባት እንግሊዝለ፡ ሰራዊት’ዶ ወተሃደራት’ዶ እላበለ፡ ልደቂ ኤርትራ “ዕሱባት” ልብል ብመደብ ለኾነይ? ደይ መደይ ቢሉ “ቕርሕንቲ” ኣብ ቱሽቱሽ ኤርትራዉያን ልምዝራእ ለኾነይ? ጐኑ ጐኑ ድማይ እኒ ደቂ ሓወቦና Fed_Up ምስ Tog Wajale E.R. Deqi-Arawit ምስ Cigar ወዲ ጦብያ ምስ ኣርቲስቲ ዙ “32” ከምዡይ ኢዮም ልብሉ ለለዉ፡ ልኤርትራዉያን ብመደብ ልምንቋት!

Fed_Up wrote:
29 Oct 2024, 12:44
1300 k.m. long Paradise Eritrea: Brother Toj Wojiale come and enjoy viewtopic.php?f=2&t=352966
Tog Wajale E.R. wrote:
25 Oct 2024, 21:42
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=352742&sid=b6930530 ... d874fed48e
* ሓሶት፥ክም'ውርሻ፥ዝተረብኩሞ፥ካብ፥ችግራይ/ዓጋመ*!!
* ሕጂው'ን፥ኣብ'ውላድኩም፥ቐጻሊ፥ይቕጽል፥ኣሎ*!!
* እካለ'ጉዘቶት፥ሓሶት፥ዝ'ስንቕኹም፥ኩፉኣት፥ዘር'ኢ*!!
Tog Wajale E.R. wrote:
30 Oct 2024, 18:05
☆ Don't Mess Up With Mighty Hamassien ☆!!
☆ Paradise Shaebia Leadership In Eritrea ☆!!
Tog Wajale E.R. wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 13:36
* መጻ'እኩም፥ድማ፥መርዛማት፥ኣካለ'ጉዘቶት/ዓጋመ*!!
.. .. ..
Deqi-Arawit wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 15:40
.. .. ..

Though akeleguzians are just too dumb and low IQ,.. .. ..
Tog Wajale E.R. wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 16:28
* ጉማማ፥ሙሽሙሽ"ኣካለ'ጉዘቶት"ጎደሎ፥ሓንጎል*!!
Cigar wrote:
21 Aug 2022, 18:52
. . . The Akeleguzay or Segeneiti Eritreans were indirect victims of the midget, ugly cobwebbed sellassie. . . .
almaze wrote:
04 Sep 2024, 23:21
Wedi Taba's remarks have reached a level of offensiveness that surpasses anyone else's. It's only fair that he faces the consequences, takes responsibility, and ends up behind bars :lol: :lol: :lol:

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ጐራሓት ደቂ ንእሽቶ ትግራይ ምስ ደቂ ዓባይ ጦብያ ለዀናይ! ብመደብማ ልኤርትራውያን ክንገማምዖም ኢና፡ ብትልሚ ድማ ተር ከም ዓተር ታሪኽ ላይ ቀደም ጀጋኑኦም ክነቆናጽብ ኢና፡ መታን ብታሪኾም ከይንዬቱ፡ መታን ንናይ ትማል ናይ ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ጀጋኑኦም ታሪኽ ከይጽሕፉን ከየዘንትዉን። ረርእሶም ክንዘብጦም ኢና ብመደብን ብትልምን። ላይ እማነይ ለኾነይ ወዲ ሓዎቦይ ዲጅትዋለይ!

ብልኾነ ኤርትራዉያን ብጀጋኑኦም፡ ዋዛ የሎን። ብፍላይ ድማ እቶም ቀዳሞት ጀጋኑኦም መሰረት ጅግንነት ሎሚ ቢሎም ስለዝሓስቡ፡ ጀጋኑኦም ለቆናጸበ፡ ብዘይዕጥይጥ ጅፍዕጅፍዕ ኢዮም ለብልዎ። እንተ ብመደብ ልግበር ናይ ምምቕቓል ሸርሒ ከም እኒ Fed_Up ኮነ Tog Wajale E.R. ካምኡዉን “ኣርቲስቲ ዙ-“32” “ ድማ ቀደም ልሰገርዎ ሸርሒ ብልኾነ፡ ሸለል ዮም ልብልዎ ቢልካ ኣይትሕሰብ። ኪመቃቕሎም ልዝፍትን ወዲ 80 ኮነ ወዲ 40፡ ጉልባቡ ኢዮም ልቐልዕዎ። ብሱሩ ብሱሩ ዋጽዕ ኤርትራዊ ብዓንተቦኡ ጥሙር መትከል እምበይ መቓቓሊ ግዛእ የብሉይ። ካማይ ልበሉ ፍጥረት መሲሎምካ ግዛዕ እኒሄዎም!

Digital Weyane wrote:
01 Nov 2024, 01:09
ታሪኽ ኤርትራውያን ብወየንቲ ደቂ ዓድዋ ክፅወን ክፃሓፍን እንከሎ ነቱ እኩይ ወያነያዊ አጀንዳኦም ስለዘንፀባርቕ ልዓቐብ እዩ ዘብለካ። ዓሻስያ ጭላሎቱ ክሕዝ ክጎዪ ይውዕልዩ ቱ ነገሩ ዎዲ ሓዎቦይ። :roll: :roll:
ወዲ ሓወቦና Digital Weyane ድማኒ ትግርኛካ ሕዪ ትፀሪ እኔሓ፡ ካም ደቂ ኤርትርያ ገቢርካያ ትመስል! ላይ እማን ክንነግረካ ላይ ቀደም ላሕጃካ ሻነ ኔሩ!

ብመደብን ብውጥንን ንዚግበር ደይ መደይ ኢልካ ምንሻዉ ታሪኽ ቀዳሞት ኣቦታትና ንታሪኽ ትማል ብናይ ሎሚ ሚዛን እናመዘንካ ህዝቢ ንምግጋይ ዚግበር ናይ በለጸኛታት “ምስ ኣብዓኸ ዝተሓወሰ ስሚ” እናዠቆቕና ክንክሽሖ ኢና፡ ንመሰረት ትማል ምቁንጻብ ሸለል ቢልና ክንሓልፎ ማለት ዘበት ኢዩ ቢልና ኣሎና ፡ ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን፡ ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነት ሓበንን ፍናንን።

ሕዪ’ዶ ሓይሽ ዉይዉይ ሕዪ’ዶ ሓይሽ!
ሕዪ’ዶ ሓይሽ ዉይዉይ ሕዪ’ዶ ሓይሽ! በለ ጅግና ሳሕል ወዲ ሻዉል

Posts: 4003
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: ኣብርሃ ባህታ መን ኔሮም? እንታይ ኢዩ ታሪኾም?

Post by Meleket » 02 Nov 2024, 03:09

Meleket wrote:
31 Oct 2024, 04:32
እቲ ኣብ ቀረባ መዓልታት ዝሰማዕናዮ መደረ ‘ወዲ ሓወቦና’ “ተመራማሪ ታሪኽን ኣዘንታዊ ቁንጹብ ታሪኽን ኣርቲስት ዙ-23” ገለ ታሪኽ ቢሉ ፈዪ ዘበለን ዛንታታት ዘይተመልዔ ቁንጹብ ታሪኽ ሰሚዕናሉሞ ነባቢ ከስተብህለለን እነሆ ቢልና ኣሎና ንሕና ኤርትራዉያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነት ሓበንን ፍናንን። ሓዙ “ደቂ ሓወቦታትናን ደቂ ኣዀታትናን ደቂ ኣሞታትናን ደቂ ሓትነታትናን!”፦

ወዲ ሓወቦና ናይ እንዳ ቀሺ ገብረመድኅን ናይእዝጊን ረዳእእዝጊን ታሪኾም አስሚዑና፡ ረዳእ እዝጊ ያኢ ንራእሲ መንገሻ ስዩም ካብ መቐለ ብመገዲ ራማ ኣማድር ኣእትዩ ምስ ተጋደልቲ ጀብሃ ኣራኺቡ ናብ ሱዳን ከምዚወጽኡ ከምዝገበረ ንዚንገር ዛንታ ሓቢሩና። እቲ “ሓባ ኣጽሙ” እናበለ ዚኸሻኽሽ “ተመራማሪ ታሪኽን ኣዘንታዊ ቁንጹብ ታሪኽን አርቲስት ዙ 23” ወዲ ሓወቦና ግን ንህዝብና ዝያዳ ዘገድስ ምዕራፍ ታሪኽ ኣይገለጸን። እዚ ብደም ተጋደልቲ ኤርትራን ብሕቖን ርሓጽን ኤርትራውያን ተጋደልቲ ሱዳን ኪበጽሕ ዝተገብረ ትግራዋይ መስፍን፡ ናጽነት ኤርትራ ዘይወሓጠሉ ሰብ ከምዝዀነ ኣይነገረናን።እዚ ኣቦና ረዳእእዝጊ ገብረመድኅን ብመገዲ ጀብሃ ዘውጽእዎ መስፍን ትግራይ፡ ምስለኔ ሃይለስላሴ፡ አብ ግዜ ኹናት ባድመ ኩናት ዶብ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ነፍስኄር ወጻኢ ጉዳያት ሚኒስቴር ጸይቂ ዕሉል ወያናይ ስዩም መስፍን ምኽሪ ምስሓተቶ ያኢ ከምዡይ ቢሉ ነቢሩ:-

1) ሸሸቢት ሽላሎ ኦምሓጀር መሬት ትግራይ ኢዩ። ክሳብ ጋሽ መሬት ትግራይ ኢዩ። ምኒልክ ንጥልያን ኣፍራሶም ሳዕሪ ከብልዑሉ ቢሎም ኢዮም ሂቦሞም፡ ስለዚ ናብ ኢትዮጵያ ክምለስ ኣለዎ (የትውልድ አደራ ብመንገሻ ስዩም ገጽ 227-229)

2) ኣብ ዋሽንግተን፡ ምስ ኮሚሽን ዶብ ዝላዘቡ ምስዝነበሩ ጠበቓታት ኢትዮጵያ ንኺራከብ፡ ብወገን ኢምባሲኦም ኣብ ኣሜሪካ ዕድመ ምስተገብረሉ ያኢ እዚ ብዝባን ጀብሃ ካብ ደርጊ ናብ ሱዳን ዘምለጠ ሰብኣይ ከይሓፈረ ከምዚ ዝበለ ኢዮ። (የትውልድ አደራ ብመንገሻ ስዩም ገጽ 229 - በኢትዮጵያ ኣካዳሚ ፕረስ)

ለመሆኑ ስለ ዓሰብ ጉዳይ ምን እያደረጋችሁ ናችሁ” ትርጉም “ንምዃኑ’ከ ብዛዕባ ወደብ ዓሰብ እንታይ ትገብሩ ኣሎኹም እንታይከ ትሓስቡ ኣለኹም?” ብምባል “እኩይ ምኽሩ” ብዘይሕፍረትን ሕንኸትን ከምዘካፈለ ዝገለጸ ትግራዋይ ሰብኣይ ከምዝዀነ “ተመራማሪ ታሪኽን ኣዘንታዊ ቁንጹብ ታሪኽን ኣርቲስት ዙ 23” ንሕዝብና ኣይሓበረን። እንታይ ደኣ ስም ጅግና ኣብርሃ ባህታ ያኢ ብስም ስዩም ወልደማርያም ኪትካእ ኢዩ እማመ ኣሚሙ። ብእንዳ ኣይተ ወልደኣብ ወልደማርያም ዝፍቶ መስሊዎ፡ ዝያዳ ተጣባቂ ታሪኽ ኤርትራዉያን ንምምሳል። ሄሄሄ እቶም ደቂ መሬት’ከ . . . . እቱይ ንዓሰብ ዘቋምት ኢትዮጵያዊ ወለዶ ዝተፈጥረ ሎሚ ዛይዀነስ በዞም ብጥበብን ትብዓትን ኤርትራውያንን ብመንኩብ ተጋደልቲ ኤርትራ ህይወት ዝሰኹዑ ብከም እኒ መንገሻ ስዩም ዝበሉ ወይጦታት ከምዚዀነ ህዝብና ኪህበር ነቢርዎ ወዲ ሓወቦና! viewtopic.php?f=2&t=304008&start=40

እቱይ ዚገርም እዙይ እንዳ ኣቶ(ኣይተ) ረዳእእዝጊ ካብ ሞት ዘድሓንዎ መስፍን ትግራይ ኣብታ ታሪኽ ሕይወቱ ዝሰነደላ “የትውልድ አደራ በመንገሻ ስዩም" እትብል መጽሓፉ፡ ንእንዳ ኣቶ(ኣይተ) ረዳእእዝጊን ብጾቶምን ኣብ ራማ ሕርሻ ንኪገበሩ ካብ ኣለማያ ዕድመ ከምዝገበረሎም እሞ ኣቶ(ኣይተ) ረዳእእዝጊ እወንታዊ መልሲ ከምዝሃብዎ ገለጸ እምበር፡ እቲ ካብ መቐለ ብወገን ዓዲግራት ራማ ኣማድርን ሱዳንን ምስ ኣበ ነፍሱን ኣባላት ስድራኡን ዝተገብረሉ እንግዶትን ነፍሲ ናይ ምድሓን ገድሊን ብጩቕ ቢሉ’ኳ ኣይተዛረበሉን። ሄ ሄ ሄ እቶም ደቂ መሬት’ከ ናይ ዋዛ’ዶ? እነሆ ብኣል “ተመራማሪ ታሪኽን ኣዘንታዊ ቁንጹብ ታሪኽን ኣርቲስት ዙ-23” ኪነግሩና ዘይደለዩ ታሪኽ ከሓዲ ምስሊ መሳፍንቲ ትግራይ ዝያዳ ንምግላጽ ኣብ ቕርዓት ንድሕድሕ ኣሎና፡ ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነት ሓበንን ፍናንን።

ንኺድ በሉ ንኣንፍና ንወዲ ሓወቦና ሓንቲ ዚዘንግዓ ዛንታዉን ክንነግሮ:-

ብዛዕባ ቁርቁስ ስልጣን መሳፍንቲ ትግራይ፡ ብፍላይ ብዛዕባ ቅልስ ራእሲ ኣሉላ እንግዳ ወዲ ቁቢን ራእሲ ሓጐስ ተፈሪን ገሊጩልና። ብሰንኪ እቲ ኣብ ሽረ ዘካየድዎ ሕድሕድ ኩናትን ሳዕቤኑን ራእሲ ሓጐስ ተማሪኹ ከምዝተቐትለ፡ ራእሲ ኣሉላውን ብሰንኪ ኣብታ ኩናት ዘጋጠሞ መቁሰልቲ ድሕሩ ከምዓረፈ ኣይገለጸልናን። ደቂ ራእሲ ሓጐስ በዓል ኣምበራ መጠቓ ድማ ደምነት ምስ እንዳ ራእሲ ኣሉላ ኣሰኪፍዎም፥ ዕቁባ ጥልያን ንኪሓቱ ናብ ሃገረ ኤርትራ ከምዝሳገሙ። ኣብ ከባቢ ድርፎን ዓርበሮብዕን ከምዝሰፈሩ ድሒሮምውን ጥልያን ኣብ ገሊኡ ዓድታት ናይ ሓማሴን ከምዝወዝኦም፡ እዚ “ሓባ ዓጽሙ” እናበለ ዚኸሻኽሽ “ተመራማሪ ታሪኽን ኣዘንታዊ ቁንጽብ ታሪኽን ኣርቲስት ዙ-23” ኣይገለጸልናን። ሕዝብና ነዙይ ታሪኽ ውዒሉ ሓዲሩ ከምዝፈልጦ ጥርጥር የልቦን።

"በጎ ሰው ሽልማት" ዚብሃል ብልጫ ያኢ፡ ብኣማካሪ ዶ/ር ኣብዪ ኣሕመድ ብዲያቆን ዳንኤል ክብረት ዚዝወር ፖለቲካዊ ዕላማዉን ዚውንን ትካል ዘካይዶ መደብ ምዃኑ ኪፍለጥ ኣለዎ። ሰንኮፍ ኤርትራዊ እንተተረኽበ ድማ ግዳይ መቓቓሊን ጎዛዛዪ ዕላማ “ባዕዳዉያን” ይኸውን።

ጥንቅቅ ደኣ ንበል ደቂ ሓወቦይ “ምስ ኣብዓኸ ኮነ ምስ ስዋ ስሚ ከይህቡና እዞም ጸማቖ ወረ!”። ቅድሚ ሕጂ ንሱዳናውያን ዕሱባት እንግሊዝ “ወተሃደራት” ኢሎም፡ ካብ ኤርትራውያን ኣቦታት ንሓደ ብሕዝቢ ሳሆ ፍትው ዝዀነ ጽንዓደግለታይ ብፍላይ “ዕሱብ” ኪብሉ ሰሚዕናዮም ነቢርና ንታሪኽ ትማል ብናይ ሎሚ ሚዛኖም እናመዘኑ። ሎሚ ድማ ንስም ነቱይ ንብድዔ ጥልያን ዝመከተ ጅግናን ብጻዕሩ ንዝወነኖ ሃብቲ ንግብረሰናይ ዘውዓለ ኣቦና ታሪኹ ብምድዋን ንምድምሳስ ስም ካልእ ሙዚቀኛን ዘማሪን ወዲ ሃገር ኪርቛሕ ይጽዕሩ ኣለው። ቅድሚ ትማል ሃገራዊ መዝሙር ሃገረ ኤርትራ “ባሕሪ” ዚብል ቃል የብሉን እሞ “ኣነ’ዶ ባሕሪ ዚብል ቃል ዚተሰኹዖ ግጥሚን ዜማን ከዳልወልኩም” ዝቕኒቱ ዘረባ ኣስሚዖምና ኢዮም። እቲ ኣብ ሃገራዊ መዝሙርና ደጋጊምና “ኤርትራ” እናበልና እነድምጾ ቃል “ባሕሪ” ከምዚውኽል ዘይተረድኦም ከም ብኣል “ደቂ ሓወቦና” ዝበሉ ተመራመርቲ ታሪኽን ኣዘንተውቲ ቁንጹብ ታሪኽን ዝዀኑ ዜጋታትና!

እዚ ኩሉ እንታይ ንምባል ኢዩ፡ ታሪኽ ክንምርምር ከሎና’ሲ ኣጸቢቕና ደኣ ንበርብሮ እምበር ቁንጹብ ታሪኽ ፈሊጥና ሕዝቢ ኣይነጋጊ ንምባል ኢዩ። ግዳይ ተኸታታሊ ስልታዊ መጥቓዕቲ ዝዀኑ ዘለዉ ኣቦታት ሃገርና ድማ ንሕና ዘይተጣበቕናሎም መን ደኣ ክጣበቐሎም? እስከ ኣብ ቐጻሊ’ከ ኣየናይ ኤርትራዊ ኣቦና ኢዩ ግዳይ “ሚዛን ሎሚ” ኺኸውን በዞም ዘረባ ኣንጀብረርቲ ዘገም እናበልና ክንርእዮ ኢና።

ናይ ሎሚ ጽሑፍና ንኽብሪ እምቢ ንመግዛእቲን ብድዔ ጥልያንን ኣብ ሃገረይ ዝበለ፡ ብዓል ጸጋን ሓናጺ ኣብያተክርትያንን ቤት ትምህርትታትን ዝዀነ ኤርትራዊ ጅግና ኣቦና ኣብርሃ ባህታ በዓል ሰሰወ፡ ከማኡውን ንኽብሪ ኤርትራዊ ሙዚቀኛን ዘማሪን ኣብ ቤተክርስቲያን ኬንሻ ኣቦና ስዩም ወልደማርያም በዓል ዓዛርና ወፊናዮ ኣሎና።

Meleket wrote:
04 Jun 2024, 03:39
ነገር ኣንጀብረርቲ

መሲሎም ኪረኣዩ ሊቀ ሊቃዉንቲ
ቅዋም ኣየድልዪን ቢሎም ተሟገትቲ
ክንደይ ጋዜጠኛ ኪበሊ ኣብ ማእሰርቲ
ኩሉ ተራሕዩሎም ከምልቦም መደርቲ
ቀደም ተዛዘመ፡ ኪመልሱ ቕርሕንቲ
ኣፎም ከምዝሃቦም ነቦታት ዘለፍቲ
ንግብረ ሽበራውያን ዚብሉ “ተቃለስቲ”
ሳንሱር ዘይምልከቶም ዘረባ ኣንጀብረርቲ

ኣቦ ናቅፋ ኣዳል ዚብሉ “ተዋዘይቲ’
ታሪኽ መኸተና ዘንጊዖም መስዋእቲ
ኣብ ብርኮም ዘተንፍሱ ክሳብ እታ መዓልቲ
ኣብ መንጎ 9 ኪዘርኡ ቕርሕንቲ
ናይ ኣቦ ከይተርፍ ፈንዮም መጥቃዕቲ
ምስ ኣብዓኸ ስሚ ሂቦምና ክንሰቲ
ቍሩብ ኣይሓንኩን ነገር ኣንጀብረርቲ

ናይ ምምህዳር እንግሊዝ “ሱዳናውያን ወተሃደራት”
ቢሎም ኪሰምዩዎም ነቶም ሽሕ ዕሱባት
ኣካ ገረመና ኪገብሩሎም ሕድገት፡
ንምዝላፍ ግና ንናይ ሃገር ኣቦታት
እታ ሴፎም በልሔት እታ ኣፎም ሸልሔት
ከምቲ ናይ ቀደማ ነገር ኣንበድበደት
ከምቲ ናይ ኣመላ ቂምታ ኣንጀብረረት
ሓባ ኣጽሙ እናለት እናኸሻኸሸት
ጓል ዞም መለኮናት
ለኣኽታ ኣሚና ናይ ልባ ዳሕደሔት።

‘ፈላጥ’ እንተበልዎ እቲ ወዲ መድረሳ
ንወዲ ሃገር ወቀሳ፡
ንሱዳናዉያን ዕሱባት እንግሊዝ ወደሳ
ቄናን ሚዛን ረኣና ዘይብሉ መለሳ
“ዓገብ” ንብሎ ኣሎና ደቂ ሃገር ፎርሳ!

“ኣይተስተዋሕድዎ!” ቢልና ኣሎና ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነት ሓበንን ፍናንን! :mrgreen:

ነገረ ኣ ን ጀ ብ ር ቲ!
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Tog Wajale E.R.
Senior Member
Posts: 12543
Joined: 31 Oct 2019, 15:07

Re: ኣብርሃ ባህታ መን ኔሮም? እንታይ ኢዩ ታሪኾም?

Post by Tog Wajale E.R. » 02 Nov 2024, 04:34

☆ ሓሶት፥ናይ፥ኣካለ'ጉዘቶት፥ገደብ፥ዘይብሉ፥ሓሶት☆!!
☆ስደተኛ፥ችጋራም/ችግራይ/ዓጋመ፥እዩ፥መበቖሉ ☆!!
* ዕስትኽ፥ኣካለ'ጉዘቶት/ዓጋመ፥እንትርፊ፥ሓሶት*!!
* ስርቒን፥ሽርሙጥና፥ቕጥፈትን፥በዚ፥እዮም፥ዝፍለጡ፥ኔሮም*!!
* ጉማማ/ሙሽሙሻት፥"ኣካለ'ጉዘቶት፥ዘርኢ'ዓጋም፥ኢኹም*!!
* እዚ'ወድሓንካ፥ቖማል/ዓጋመ/መለኸት*!!

Posts: 7034
Joined: 15 Dec 2013, 03:38

Re: ኣብርሃ ባህታ መን ኔሮም? እንታይ ኢዩ ታሪኾም?

Post by almaze » 02 Nov 2024, 22:35

Their animosity towards the people of Akele-Guzai is reaching its peak. This is unacceptable and must be condemned. ኣወል ስዒድ ought to let the historians handle history.

Last edited by almaze on 02 Nov 2024, 22:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ኣብርሃ ባህታ መን ኔሮም? እንታይ ኢዩ ታሪኾም?

Post by Fiyameta » 02 Nov 2024, 22:38

መን'ዮም ብሰይጣናዊ ቅንኢ ቀዳሞት አብ ዓለም? :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

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