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Brother Ethiopianunity is Correct! The West is Also Destroying USA and Europe to Enforce The New World Order!

Posted: 23 Oct 2024, 11:27
by union
Whoever supports Abiy is just the stupidest person on the planet who self inflicted him/her self, be it Ethiopian or non.

Re: Brother Ethiopianunity is Correct! The West is Also Destroying USA and Europe to Enforce The New World Order!

Posted: 23 Oct 2024, 11:31
by union
As you can see they have destroyed New York City, California, San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, etc. They are destroying the lives of many Americans preparing themselves for what's coming

The devil would do anything to accomplish its goal, it does not matter what your skin color is

It's all against humanity

Re: Brother Ethiopianunity is Correct! The West is Also Destroying USA and Europe to Enforce The New World Order!

Posted: 23 Oct 2024, 12:49
by Dark Energy

It is getting worse for you as well. :roll: You need to join your auntie, Ethiopian Unity at the assylum. It must run in your family. :lol: :( :lol: :lol:

Re: Brother Ethiopianunity is Correct! The West is Also Destroying USA and Europe to Enforce The New World Order!

Posted: 23 Oct 2024, 17:45
by union
አገው misraq aka ደረጀ :lol:

ምንድነው የምታወሪው :lol:
Dark Energy wrote:
23 Oct 2024, 12:49

It is getting worse for you as well. :roll: You need to join your auntie, Ethiopian Unity at the assylum. It must run in your family. :lol: :( :lol: :lol:

Re: Brother Ethiopianunity is Correct! The West is Also Destroying USA and Europe to Enforce The New World Order!

Posted: 23 Oct 2024, 17:55
by Meta Chore
As you can see they have destroyed New York City, California, San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, etc. They are destroying the lives of many Americans preparing themselves for what's coming
The West is destroying the West. The West is the nick name of “Agews”.

How stupid and stone head is this Union guy.

Re: Brother Ethiopianunity is Correct! The West is Also Destroying USA and Europe to Enforce The New World Order!

Posted: 23 Oct 2024, 19:15
by union
You see, we are here to teach ignorants like you. You don't follow the news. The US is on the brink of collapse. It's literally a third world now. The citizens are out of power. For example, you know what FEMA did in North Carolina. How different is that from what OLF is doing in Ethiopia

Educated fools :lol:

I am here to teach you stupid ascari people
Meta Chore wrote:
23 Oct 2024, 17:55
As you can see they have destroyed New York City, California, San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, etc. They are destroying the lives of many Americans preparing themselves for what's coming
The West is destroying the West. The West is the nick name of “Agews”.

How stupid and stone head is this Union guy.

Re: Brother Ethiopianunity is Correct! The West is Also Destroying USA and Europe to Enforce The New World Order!

Posted: 23 Oct 2024, 23:16
by Meta Chore
Union, a fool & stupid at the same time.
The West and Agew are your #1 enemies.
What did Agew did to you? Nothing. Taking on the innocent people of Agew is easier than taking it to PP. The Wolleye way.
What did the West did to you than feeding you?

Re: Brother Ethiopianunity is Correct! The West is Also Destroying USA and Europe to Enforce The New World Order!

Posted: 24 Oct 2024, 01:53
by union
አገው man, low IQ :lol: :lol:

I will never stop exposing you until you are finished. Mark my words :lol:
Meta Chore wrote:
23 Oct 2024, 23:16
Union, a fool & stupid at the same time.
The West and Agew are your #1 enemies.
What did Agew did to you? Nothing. Taking on the innocent people of Agew is easier than taking it to PP. The Wolleye way.
What did the West did to you than feeding you?

Re: Brother Ethiopianunity is Correct! The West is Also Destroying USA and Europe to Enforce The New World Order!

Posted: 24 Oct 2024, 09:15
by ethiopianunity
union wrote:
23 Oct 2024, 11:27
Whoever supports Abiy is just the stupidest person on the planet who self inflicted him/her self, be it Ethiopian or non.
There are many people who don't call spade is spade because of the power of globalists and you get attacked individually, even if you complain to the mass, the mass will think you are delusional like ER members here because of : majority know and terrified of making wave, they are paid by globalists, they are able to work, make business and live so they dont want to affect themselves, of course there are die hard supporters of globalists cadres willing to target anyone for this system to come. In fact the latter supporters are in billions they are programmed they think good innovations and things will come to make life easy (oximoronic and lazy thinking machines will take care of everything while they relax) , they attack anyone alarming the world is going the wrong direction. It is like the priest in Nazi Germany said, "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller"

We are living in that time era that is global now. Ethiopia's arm has been twisting since the end of our kingdom that was equal era when we could have improved peoples life through rebuilding, bringing in good systems because, that era was the time leadership listens, not on killing spree.

Opportunist Ethiopian cadres in past and present govt attack those in Ethiopia people who complain about bad situations. they say it is happening in other countries as well. As if you have to accept any bad things from other nations is oximironic. Why dont they copy nations that implement good sysyems for their population? In fact the current war in Ethiopia by liberation fronts is about, other African countries were colonized, Ethiopia too should have been colonized as well. This thinking is very real because that is why Eplf/Jebha whose ancestors are from Arab and Italy established anti-Ethiopian movement called Liberation Fronts, backed by foreigners/globalists. As globalists are finally coming out of their dark curtain and revealed themselves as anti humanity, Eplf/Jebha/Shabia and Egypt finally showed their true color of anti Ethiopia backed by globalists, in their recent tripartite

Re: Brother Ethiopianunity is Correct! The West is Also Destroying USA and Europe to Enforce The New World Order!

Posted: 24 Oct 2024, 09:33
by ethiopianunity
union wrote:
23 Oct 2024, 11:27
Whoever supports Abiy is just the stupidest person on the planet who self inflicted him/her self, be it Ethiopian or non.
No matter what, the Americans are pragmatists, non reactive like us and tough. They will prevail against this evil. Look what happened in Florida the patriots were hit by man made hurricane. The problem is us, we have to make our hands muddy and work hard to bring pro Orthodox, pro equal allowing giving everyone opportunity to improve in every way, empower what Ethiopia used to be as unique country but at the same time adapting good system without discrimnation, etc. This govt did inherit Derg-Tplf bad system, while criticizing arm twisting, must come to its senses by giving it bod ( benefit of the doubt) how long till it stops Tplf and other liberation fronts?