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Honest Advice to the population of Tigrayans

Post by ethiopianunity » 19 Jun 2024, 09:46

Instead of being controlled by enemies of Ethiopia and Tplf, Tigray must go to work providing first and foremost food! Any food aid you are getting from foreigners is detrimental to you, you don’t know how it is produced, what it has in it, esp coming from West. Your project should be food production by unearthing the entire Tigray land with the help of your brothers and sisters, Ethiopians. Any Ill will coming from you or even your neighbor Ethiopians is detrimental to both as your enemies will benefit, esp Tigray is being played. while still after controlling Ethiopia 30 years you are still in the same position means you are being played by you enemies esp those near you, Shabos. During the recent war with Aby govt and Shabia attacking you, guess what, no Eritrean blood Tplf such as Berhae G Kiristos, Berket Simon, Sebhat Nega, Debretsion, are all Eritrean and the main tormentors of Tigray working for Shabia are alive and well. They are regrouped to recreate under Shabia’s order Tplf#2 to bleed Tigray and other Ethiopians again. They can do it because they have signed pact with foreigners.The current Ethiopian govt is continuance of Shaba project, this time instead of Tplf, it is Olf installed that is why pp govt is working for foreigners and Shabia. pp/olf just like Tplf is mobilizing and tricking Oromos against Ethiopians, including you. The plan is depopulation scheme ordered from neo colonizers. You have been tricked into hating your brothers and sisters next neighbor Amara to put you with endless wars till no Tigray or Amara left, this means also destroying Orthodox faith. By the way, Meles is your #1 enemy as well. You have seen the end result. It is not Tigrayans or Oromos benefiting against Ethiopia, it is the leadership Tplf and Olf working with Shabia and foreigners. Of course, you might benefit by throwing you piece of their share but it is temporary and based on false. First of all such system of Shabia, Olf and Tplf if you say you are Orthodox,?should not have been participating in it as the plan IS by itself against Orthodox and Christianity. These leaders do not believe in god, their god is 666 Illuminati and free mason of the world, that is based on Satanism until Ethiopian population is no more. Tigray and, Oromos are being used so that Tplf, Olf and Shabia remain leaders and benefit while making the Oromos and Tigrayans as canon fodders by attacking Amara and other Ethiopians. How do you expect to survive while depopulating Ethiopians? Do you think you will survive one day agaist foreigners coming to attack you? That is what you are helping, destroy other Ethiopias so that foreign enemy, including Shabia can come and destroy you easily. You have to repent by allying with Shabia and Tplf against all sins you did against Ethiopias, esp against Amara by believing all lies coif from Shabia agents Tplf. I have a feeling, you woke to the mistake but you are fragmented now by different leadership that makes you at brink of destruction. Your mistake was allying with enemies Tplf and Shabia.
The foreign aid grain that makes brain dead grain is not making you think right. The current Olf installed right now and Shabia will not make you unite with other Ethiopians for your own safety, they are enemies of Tigray and Ethiopians, esp the pp Olf govt has been tested, as leader of the country, it did not illiminate Tplf for you as Tplf IS your enemy, not Amara, not Ethiopians. It is not true leadership of govt so far,?it is being watched, because it did not only create peace in Tigray, it created war in Aara and all over Ethiopia while beautifying Addis which is not priority. Olf had already converted Oromos to anti Ethiopian identity therefore, the Oromo interest is also against Ethiopia just you have been programmed to hate Ethiopia. My point is it is because of this that the olf and pp govt will not unite Ethiopia to protect all ethnics not just Tigray or Oromo. Your survival is if you are Ethiopian believe me, so is for Oromo. We are living in the era of Zemememesafint in 1800’s where every Ethiopian were fighting each other,was advantage for foreigners who would come in and defeat one area and take the captives to slavery. Many were sold to Arabs and other country. This was stopped by Ase Tedros, Yohannes, and finally Ethiopians united under Minilik and even defeated foreign enemies from colonization. Eritrea, saved from colonization today had gone rogue by Shabia and jebha and have been deceiving Eritreans, Tigrayans, Oromos and today trying to deceive Amaras against Oromos by the same Shabia and Jebha who itself installed Olf and pp. Wake up Tigray. Stop adopting different identity just like Shabia, changing its name so no one can track who these groups are. They are agents for foreigners to destroy Ethiopians and Eritreans. Look what happened to Eritreans, most of the Christians no longer live in Eritrea but in foreign land, the country will be declared Muslim within short years. Pp olf govt has this plan too in Ethiopia while creating wars to distract between Oromo, Amara and Tigray.

Posts: 9630
Joined: 30 Apr 2007, 17:38

Re: Honest Advice to the population of Tigrayans

Post by ethiopianunity » 19 Jun 2024, 10:15

Most Ethiopians who support the current govt, until l see some signs of peace, no war, no demolishing homes or removing people from their beloved community, or removing article 39 adopting democratic constitution, stopping ethnic federalism, stop corruption of politicians or the riches who become wealthy by stealing, putting mayor of Addis if true Addis Ababans, making punishment of ethnic racism, etc, l would not consider it eth govt whose priority is converting Addis Babylon city while people are stopped from work, starved, etc. people are great resources must be invested in them . Don’t forget govt means people and should act as such.

Posts: 61
Joined: 31 May 2024, 00:15

Re: Honest Advice to the population of Tigrayans

Post by Geodude » 19 Jun 2024, 15:20

Great analysis.

Our whole region must do better.
I support your efforts ethiopianunity.

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