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Al-Shabab Fast Taking Over Somalia

Posted: 21 Mar 2024, 13:13
by Horus

Re: Al-Shabab Fast Taking Over Somalia

Posted: 21 Mar 2024, 15:58
by Sam Ebalalehu
Al-Shabab cannot be a force that could take over Somalia. Its appeal is limited to the fringe elements. It does not enjoy popular support -- remotely close to it-- even in Somalia. True, its ability of recruiting new recruits might have not dried up yet, but eventually it will. With a dogma that Al-Shabab espouses to imagine it be a force that would challenge even the inept Somalia government is a gross exaggeration. Its hit and run operation will never change. It has not the potential to change. It will remain a nuisance for sure, but not a force that be a threat even for a weak government.

Re: Al-Shabab Fast Taking Over Somalia

Posted: 21 Mar 2024, 16:28
by Somaliman
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
21 Mar 2024, 15:58
Al-Shabab cannot be a force that could take over Somalia. Its appeal is limited to the fringe elements. It does not enjoy popular support -- remotely close to it-- even in Somalia. True, its ability of recruiting new recruits might have not dried up yet, but eventually it will. With a dogma that Al-Shabab espouses to imagine it be a force that would challenge even the inept Somalia government is a gross exaggeration. Its hit and run operation will never change. It has not the potential to change. It will remain a nuisance for sure, but not a force that be a threat even for a weak government.

I'm sure you won't get a little thank you from this idiot for educating him at no cost.

The only thing that I would add to what you've said, which has perfectly covered the whole situation with regard to Al Shabab, is that its days are numbered and its current acts amount to the last kicks of a dying horse.

In the past, Al Shabab garnered a remarkable support among Somalis, including the Somali diaspora. But nowadays, its support among Somalis is probably less than 000.9%

Re: Al-Shabab Fast Taking Over Somalia

Posted: 21 Mar 2024, 16:30
by union
Alshebab is bad for Ethiopia. It will cary on any attack against Ethiopia as long as the arabs said so

Re: Al-Shabab Fast Taking Over Somalia

Posted: 21 Mar 2024, 17:46
by Abere

Taking over or took over? :mrgreen: To be honest, I do not even believe a country called Somalia existed since the last 3 decades. Somalia was born in 1960 died later in 1990. It had 30 years of life expectancy :lol:

By the way, I do not recognize a country called " Somalia" and "Eritrea" - these are fake That is why decades of war has been going on. Abnormally created fake states, cause too much abnormalities.

Re: Al-Shabab Fast Taking Over Somalia

Posted: 21 Mar 2024, 18:50
by Horus
We can all argue on the technical definition of take over into its minute. In an organized armed group can attack any location including the states military camp at will and if that is not the absence of a state then I don't know what is. Somalia is a mirage in the minds of elites while multiple and fractured clan ruled regions each entering into deals and treaties with foreign powers - if all that is the behavior of a single state, then of course we seem to have a different theory of the state there!