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TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Axumezana » 15 Feb 2024, 06:25

With out discounting the positive contributions of TPLF specially in the economic , infrastructure , health, air transport, diplomacy and education sectors etc , the following were the major strategic mistakes it committed

- Aborted it's plan to democratize Ethiopia and exposed Ethiopia to the current crises. PM Meles incrementally became a dictator by purging his political rivals within TPLF and by eliminating/weakening the competitive parties

- TPLF leaders ( mainly PM Meles, Aboy Sibhat and Seyoum Mesfin) committed treason against Ethiopia by compromising the interest of Ethiopia and protecting the interest of Eritrea.

- The TPLF recognized the Eritrean case as colonial issue denying thousands of years history of Ethiopia

- PM Meles executed the secession of Eritrea from Ethiopia without securing the Assab port and reduced Ethiopia to be the most populated country on earth without sea port

- TPLF Failed to understand the threat from Isaias and failed to timely prepare which resulted in heavy sacrifice on Ethiopians to defend the aggression of Isaias from 1998 to 2000, in which Ethiopia made a decisive win on Eritrea but PM Meles decided against removing Isaias from which ultimately costed Tigray and Ethiopia by becoming the proxy of Egypt to disintegrate Ethiopia and also committed genocide on Tigray.

- Disgracefully ended the costly border war in the year 2000 with huge cost to Ethiopia but no gain (I feel very angry about those Ethiopian soldiers who died during the in harry and unorderly withdrawal from Eritrea after the defeat of Eritrea)

- Signed the most stupid post war agreement which did not bring peace( no peace no war for 20 years) and caused major economic, security damage to Ethiopia particularly to the people of Tigray
- The Algiers agreement with Eritrea was misguided and was a mistake (may be Ethiopia was cheated through the hidden hand of Egypt working through Algeria’s’ President who brokered the deal. Egypt and Algerians worked together to create the Eritrean Liberation Front.

It should be the 1st stupid post war peace agreement in the world because “a defeated aggressor was appeased as if it was the victor”. TPLF and EPRDF have repetitively failed Ethiopians with regard to Eritrea as illustrated below and history will make them accountable for generations to come.

- The TPLF/EPRDF ultimately became corrupt starting during PM Meles time and sharply deteriorated during PM Hailemariam time and entered into quagmire of corruption during PM Abiy time, who has become the champion of corruption.

As a summary : TPLF has , aborted democratization of Ethiopia, and sow the seed of corruption which has now fully grown and swallowed the country. The new TPLF has to apologize for the people of Tigray and Ethiopia, rebrand itself and reborn to effectively execute it's unfinished historic roles in the years to come.

Last edited by Axumezana on 15 Feb 2024, 15:03, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Right » 15 Feb 2024, 10:37

Tigray as a society will be remembered as the first people who fought and died for Eritreans independence and above all have written a letter to the UN to be landlocked. And rewarded with rape, unimaginable slaughter and ridicule.
It is in the history book.
How stupid that sound.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Fed_Up » 15 Feb 2024, 11:16

Right wrote:
15 Feb 2024, 10:37
Tigray as a society will be remembered as the first people who fought and died for Eritreans independence and above all have written a letter to the UN to be landlocked. And rewarded with rape, unimaginable slaughter and ridicule.
It is in the history book.
How stupid am i soun?.
Very stupid indeed, Starvin Marvin. Stop embarrassing yourself.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Abere » 15 Feb 2024, 11:27

Woyane-Tigres act like an arsonist who burnt his/her own house and yet making a distress call. Both houses utterly failed and collapsed - a lesson about failure history, because the driver was excessive hate and irrationality, not reason. Sad reality never heard of in the history of humanity.
Right wrote:
15 Feb 2024, 10:37
Tigray as a society will be remembered as the first people who fought and died for Eritreans independence and above all have written a letter to the UN to be landlocked. And rewarded with rape, unimaginable slaughter and ridicule.
It is in the history book.
How stupid that sound.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Right » 15 Feb 2024, 11:45

It is a fact that will haunt the current generation to death and traumatize the future generations.
And the humiliation is that they can’t survive without Ethiopia, a country of their own they try to destroy, and they can’t co-exist with a foreign country they tried to benefit.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Abere » 15 Feb 2024, 11:52

Doubtful even the "foreign country" they help created would have a happy ending given the tri-monsters - OLF. Woyane, Shabia breathing life. Right now the "HoA" is on an artificial breathing or a fresh cut flower in a vase filled with water. What has been natural and organic has been affected by the mobsters. Having watched all the video my take is this HoA illusion is utterly failed. There has to be an out of the box thinking.

Right wrote:
15 Feb 2024, 11:45
It is a fact that will haunt the current generation to death and traumatize the future generations.
And the humiliation is that they can’t survive without Ethiopia, a country of their own they try to destroy, and they can’t co-exist with a foreign country they tried to benefit.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Right » 15 Feb 2024, 12:38

Doubtful even the "foreign country" they help created would have a happy ending
Right from the beginning, they didn’t have the wisdom to be a viable nation. Circumstances of the Cold War, the stupidity of Mengistu h/m and an open nature of the Ethiopian people created the conditions for them to be a country. That got to their heads and behaved wild. In 2000 the Weyannies put them in their place in just 4 days.
They are now where they started 32 years ago trouble making and war mongering.
If Ethiopia seal the border for just one decade, that will do it.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Fiyameta » 15 Feb 2024, 14:22

Axumezana wrote:
06 Nov 2020, 13:40
Our TPLF forces preemptively disabled the Northern Command and confiscated all military hardware. I wonder where they're heading next.
ጉዞ ወዴት?..... ወደ አራት ኪሎ!
ጉዞ ወዴት? .... ወደ አማራ!
ጉዞ ወዴት? .... ወደ አስመራ!

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Axumezana » 15 Feb 2024, 14:50

Ascari Fiyameta,

These cartoons are out of dated.You better develop new cartoons!

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by DefendTheTruth » 15 Feb 2024, 15:21

Abere wrote:
15 Feb 2024, 11:52
Doubtful even the "foreign country" they help created would have a happy ending given the tri-monsters - OLF. Woyane, Shabia breathing life. Right now the "HoA" is on an artificial breathing or a fresh cut flower in a vase filled with water. What has been natural and organic has been affected by the mobsters. Having watched all the video my take is this HoA illusion is utterly failed. There has to be an out of the box thinking.

Right wrote:
15 Feb 2024, 11:45
It is a fact that will haunt the current generation to death and traumatize the future generations.
And the humiliation is that they can’t survive without Ethiopia, a country of their own they try to destroy, and they can’t co-exist with a foreign country they tried to benefit.
If it was a trio before now it has become a quartet, you shouldn't deduct by one just to hide your own dirt, if that is what you mean.

Now your own entity is also well in the mix, no doubt about that.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Gallo » 15 Feb 2024, 15:27

Right wrote:
15 Feb 2024, 10:37
Tigray as a society will be remembered as the first people who fought and died for Eritreans independence and above all have written a letter to the UN to be landlocked. And rewarded with rape, unimaginable slaughter and ridicule.
It is in the history book.
How stupid that sound.
Here is Meles Zenawi's Letter to the UN

He is the first person/leader in the world to support disintigration of the country that he was "leading"

መለስ ዜናዊ ኤርትራን ለማስገንጠል ለተባበሩት መንግሥታት ዋና ጸሃፊ የጻፈው የተማጽኖ ደብዳቤ

13 December 1991

As your Excellency is well aware, the transitional government period in Ethiopia highlights the task of redressing the causes of the 30-year civil war in Eritrea and of establishing the basis of permanent peace and stability.

It is to be recalled that the conference on peace and Democracy in Ethiopia, held in Addis Ababa from 1-5 July 1991, adopted a charter affirming that freedom, equal rights and self-determination of all peoples are the cardinal principles governing state affairs in new Ethiopia. In light of this, the conference formally recognized that the people of Eritrea have the right to determine their own future themselves and accepted that the future status of Eritrea should be decided by the Eritrean people in a referendum to be conducted in the presence of international observers. The provisional Government of Eritrea set by EPLF, on its part, decided to deter the referendum for two years which, we believe, contributes to the maintenance of peace and stability in our sub-region. At the same time, agreement was reached on the modalities of relationship between the Transitional Government of Ethiopia and the Provisional Government of Eritrea for the interim period.

Both the transitional Government of Ethiopia and the Provisional Government of Eritrea have registered their commitments to respect the results of the referendum in Eritrea as the genuine choice of the people concerned, expressed in an exercise of self-determination.

The Transitional Government of Ethiopia, as an interested party in the outcome of the referendum, has the firm conviction that the referendum will be free and fair, and believes that the United Nations should play an active role in verifying that the referendum is, indeed, fair and free.

In this regard, the Transitional Government of Ethiopia wishes to bring the attention of your Excellency the need to *………………… ………………… …………… ……………………… ……………………… * to play this role and make the necessary arrangements with the Provisional Government of Eritrea to facilitate the ways and means for the UN supervision of the referendum. The Transitional Government of Ethiopia also wishes to point out that the time available for preparation in this regard is very short.

With highest considerations,


Meles Zenawi
President of the Transitional
Governement of Ethiopia

H.E. Javier Peraz de Cuellar
Secretary-General of the United Nations
UN Headquarters


*……..* Missing part/Unreadable part from the photocopied document.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Selam/ » 15 Feb 2024, 15:32

You listed down TPLF’s mistake but failed to mention their crimes. Those thugs committed horrendous & unforgivable crimes. That’s what I am reminded of everyday whenever you cadres mention their names.

Axumezana wrote:
15 Feb 2024, 06:25
With out discounting the positive contributions of TPLF specially in the economic , infrastructure , health, air transport, diplomacy and education sectors etc , the following were the major strategic mistakes it committed

- Aborted it's plan to democratize Ethiopia and exposed Ethiopia to the current crises. PM Meles incrementally became a dictator by purging his political rivals within TPLF and by eliminating/weakening the competitive parties

- TPLF leaders ( mainly PM Meles, Aboy Sibhat and Seyoum Mesfin) committed treason against Ethiopia by compromising the interest of Ethiopia and protecting the interest of Eritrea.

- The TPLF recognized the Eritrean case as colonial issue denying thousands of years history of Ethiopia

- PM Meles executed the secession of Eritrea from Ethiopia without securing the Assab port and reduced Ethiopia to be the most populated country on earth without sea port

- TPLF Failed to understand the threat from Isaias and failed to timely prepare which resulted in heavy sacrifice on Ethiopians to defend the aggression of Isaias from 1998 to 2000, in which Ethiopia made a decisive win on Eritrea but PM Meles decided against removing Isaias from which ultimately costed Tigray and Ethiopia by becoming the proxy of Egypt to disintegrate Ethiopia and also committed genocide on Tigray.

- Disgracefully ended the costly border war in the year 2000 with huge cost to Ethiopia but no gain (I feel very angry about those Ethiopian soldiers who died during the in harry and unorderly withdrawal from Eritrea after the defeat of Eritrea)

- Signed the most stupid post war agreement which did not bring peace( no peace no war for 20 years) and caused major economic, security damage to Ethiopia particularly to the people of Tigray
- The Algiers agreement with Eritrea was misguided and was a mistake (may be Ethiopia was cheated through the hidden hand of Egypt working through Algeria’s’ President who brokered the deal. Egypt and Algerians worked together to create the Eritrean Liberation Front.

It should be the 1st stupid post war peace agreement in the world because “a defeated aggressor was appeased as if it was the victor”. TPLF and EPRDF have repetitively failed Ethiopians with regard to Eritrea as illustrated below and history will make them accountable for generations to come.

- The TPLF/EPRDF ultimately became corrupt starting during PM Meles time and sharply deteriorated during PM Hailemariam time and entered into quagmire of corruption during PM Abiy time, who has become the champion of corruption.

As a summary : TPLF has , aborted democratization of Ethiopia, and sow the seed of corruption which has now fully grown and swallowed the country. The new TPLF has to apologize for the people of Tigray and Ethiopia, rebrand itself and reborn to effectively execute it's unfinished historic roles in the years to come.


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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by DefendTheTruth » 15 Feb 2024, 15:38

Axumezana wrote:
15 Feb 2024, 06:25
With out discounting the positive contributions of TPLF specially in the economic , infrastructure , health, air transport, diplomacy and education sectors etc , the following were the major strategic mistakes it committed

- Aborted it's plan to democratize Ethiopia and exposed Ethiopia to the current crises. PM Meles incrementally became a dictator by purging his political rivals within TPLF and by eliminating/weakening the competitive parties

- TPLF leaders ( mainly PM Meles, Aboy Sibhat and Seyoum Mesfin) committed treason against Ethiopia by compromising the interest of Ethiopia and protecting the interest of Eritrea.

- The TPLF recognized the Eritrean case as colonial issue denying thousands of years history of Ethiopia

- PM Meles executed the secession of Eritrea from Ethiopia without securing the Assab port and reduced Ethiopia to be the most populated country on earth without sea port

- TPLF Failed to understand the threat from Isaias and failed to timely prepare which resulted in heavy sacrifice on Ethiopians to defend the aggression of Isaias from 1998 to 2000, in which Ethiopia made a decisive win on Eritrea but PM Meles decided against removing Isaias from which ultimately costed Tigray and Ethiopia by becoming the proxy of Egypt to disintegrate Ethiopia and also committed genocide on Tigray.

- Disgracefully ended the costly border war in the year 2000 with huge cost to Ethiopia but no gain (I feel very angry about those Ethiopian soldiers who died during the in harry and unorderly withdrawal from Eritrea after the defeat of Eritrea)

- Signed the most stupid post war agreement which did not bring peace( no peace no war for 20 years) and caused major economic, security damage to Ethiopia particularly to the people of Tigray
- The Algiers agreement with Eritrea was misguided and was a mistake (may be Ethiopia was cheated through the hidden hand of Egypt working through Algeria’s’ President who brokered the deal. Egypt and Algerians worked together to create the Eritrean Liberation Front.

It should be the 1st stupid post war peace agreement in the world because “a defeated aggressor was appeased as if it was the victor”. TPLF and EPRDF have repetitively failed Ethiopians with regard to Eritrea as illustrated below and history will make them accountable for generations to come.

- The TPLF/EPRDF ultimately became corrupt starting during PM Meles time and sharply deteriorated during PM Hailemariam time and entered into quagmire of corruption during PM Abiy time, who has become the champion of corruption.

As a summary : TPLF has , aborted democratization of Ethiopia, and sow the seed of corruption which has now fully grown and swallowed the country. The new TPLF has to apologize for the people of Tigray and Ethiopia, rebrand itself and reborn to effectively execute it's unfinished historic roles in the years to come.

I am not sure if that is intentional or by mere coincidence that you left out one major blunder of the TPLF, which was its opting out of the successor of EPRDF. I am not trying to promote PP (I am not even sure which political program is better for Ethiopia) but the risky and egoistic business TPLF willingly indulged itself in by first refusing to join the unified party of former EPRDF members and subsequently actively making intentional encroach on the party, politically, militarily, and any other means, would going to cost the people of Tigray hundreds of thousands of its bright future and the youth, at the end as we have witnessed. This is an historical blunder of historical magnitude. You can never factor out this failure of TPLF, if you are trying to judge what it has done in the whole of its history objectively. It has caused an immense damage to the people of Tigray and the rest of Ethiopia.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Axumezana » 15 Feb 2024, 16:51

From what you see in PP now, it was correct for TPLF not to join PP. Abiy rushed the integration of EPRDF and partner parties and ultimately became dictator/established autocratic and authoritarian deeply corrupted government / with no confidence on his party members. That is why he chaired the nomination and election of himself in the last PP meeting. I hope TPLF and PP to reengage in a political dialogue and establish a strategic alliance with a win win arrangement which could led to reintegration down the line. The war on Tigray was cooked prior to the coming of PP to power by Isaias and Abiy foolishly cooperated with Isaias( that is a treason) and committed genocide on Tigray.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Axumezana » 16 Feb 2024, 01:03


My focus is on the strategic issues. You could add more if you wish!

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Selam/ » 16 Feb 2024, 08:48

Yes, you are because that is who you are. But it is like talking about Bernard Madoff’s strategic management failure of his household or focusing on the game plans of Charles Manson‘s songwriting endeavors.

Axumezana wrote:
16 Feb 2024, 01:03

My focus is on the strategic issues. You could add more if you wish!

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Axumezana » 16 Feb 2024, 10:34


I understand your frustration , you want to see TPLF dead, but TPLF is not only a fact on the ground but it shall contuinue playing it's role to stabilize, unite and prosper Ethiopia. You may have to purge out your hate and revenge spirit to heal your pain and reconcile yourself with the realities on the ground.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by ZEMEN » 16 Feb 2024, 12:04

Axumezana wrote:
15 Feb 2024, 06:25
With out discounting the positive contributions of TPLF specially in the economic , infrastructure , health, air transport, diplomacy and education sectors etc , the following were the major strategic mistakes it committed

- Aborted it's plan to democratize Ethiopia and exposed Ethiopia to the current crises. PM Meles incrementally became a dictator by purging his political rivals within TPLF and by eliminating/weakening the competitive parties

- TPLF leaders ( mainly PM Meles, Aboy Sibhat and Seyoum Mesfin) committed treason against Ethiopia by compromising the interest of Ethiopia and protecting the interest of Eritrea.

- The TPLF recognized the Eritrean case as colonial issue denying thousands of years history of Ethiopia

- PM Meles executed the secession of Eritrea from Ethiopia without securing the Assab port and reduced Ethiopia to be the most populated country on earth without sea port

- TPLF Failed to understand the threat from Isaias and failed to timely prepare which resulted in heavy sacrifice on Ethiopians to defend the aggression of Isaias from 1998 to 2000, in which Ethiopia made a decisive win on Eritrea but PM Meles decided against removing Isaias from which ultimately costed Tigray and Ethiopia by becoming the proxy of Egypt to disintegrate Ethiopia and also committed genocide on Tigray.

- Disgracefully ended the costly border war in the year 2000 with huge cost to Ethiopia but no gain (I feel very angry about those Ethiopian soldiers who died during the in harry and unorderly withdrawal from Eritrea after the defeat of Eritrea)

- Signed the most stupid post war agreement which did not bring peace( no peace no war for 20 years) and caused major economic, security damage to Ethiopia particularly to the people of Tigray
- The Algiers agreement with Eritrea was misguided and was a mistake (may be Ethiopia was cheated through the hidden hand of Egypt working through Algeria’s’ President who brokered the deal. Egypt and Algerians worked together to create the Eritrean Liberation Front.

It should be the 1st stupid post war peace agreement in the world because “a defeated aggressor was appeased as if it was the victor”. TPLF and EPRDF have repetitively failed Ethiopians with regard to Eritrea as illustrated below and history will make them accountable for generations to come.

- The TPLF/EPRDF ultimately became corrupt starting during PM Meles time and sharply deteriorated during PM Hailemariam time and entered into quagmire of corruption during PM Abiy time, who has become the champion of corruption.

As a summary : TPLF has , aborted democratization of Ethiopia, and sow the seed of corruption which has now fully grown and swallowed the country. The new TPLF has to apologize for the people of Tigray and Ethiopia, rebrand itself and reborn to effectively execute it's unfinished historic roles in the years to come.

With out discounting the positive contributions of TPLF specially in the economic , infrastructure , health, air transport, diplomacy and education sectors etc , the following were the major strategic mistakes it committed

I never expected you to write such things but it is a good start. However, you are wrong about TPLF and education. TPLF committed the worst crime in the history of humanity by killing the education system. TPLF killed education in Ethiopia. One question your Deprestion is a doctor, a doctor of what? I rest my case.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by DefendTheTruth » 16 Feb 2024, 13:30

Axumezana wrote:
15 Feb 2024, 16:51
From what you see in PP now, it was correct for TPLF not to join PP. Abiy rushed the integration of EPRDF and partner parties and ultimately became dictator/established autocratic and authoritarian deeply corrupted government / with no confidence on his party members. That is why he chaired the nomination and election of himself in the last PP meeting. I hope TPLF and PP to reengage in a political dialogue and establish a strategic alliance with a win win arrangement which could led to reintegration down the line. The war on Tigray was cooked prior to the coming of PP to power by Isaias and Abiy foolishly cooperated with Isaias( that is a treason) and committed genocide on Tigray.
Refusing to join is one thing, while actively pursuing a sabotage against it is a totally different issue, which will cast a doubt on the intention of the refusal itself.

EPRDF was the making of TPLF, which lacked a fair and equal representation in itself all of its history. Can you deny that?

When that is the case, the next logical step is to reform it, to remedy the short-comings of the entity. TPLF refused and you now find it was correct.

Once it refused it didn't spend any spare time to start all possible propaganda of all sorts, it even officially declared PP is against federalism and as such wanted to nullify everything that has been gained in the whole of TPLF's existence, both in the bushes and afterwards as a government. It publicly thrived to create a new sort of coalition in the name of Federalist powers, while the the whole history of TPLF testifies that the entity has never been a federalist, it only wanted to divide and subdue the rest. Do you deny that?

Abiy could be a dictator but by no stretch of an imagination could be more dictator than TPLF, this is fact. Can you deny that?

Yes, corruption is very much pervasive but by no means started under Abiy, it is the making of TPLF and it needs time to tackle the problem. While TPLF worked hand in hand with corruption Abiy is trying to tackle is as much as possible without risking causing worse problems in the society.

Don't joke TPLF refused to negotiate with PP just because of the alleged chairing and nominating himself of Abiy Ahmed, refusing to negotiate by all means with PP and the central government. TPLF was offered many rounds of mediation efforts by many parties, including the elders committe, which is normally revered by the Ethiopian culture. TPLF refused to negotiate and opted instead to feed the youth of Tigray to the war machine. You can never hide that, if you are serious.

The whole setup that caused the war was TPLF's intention of (re-)dominating the Ethiopian people. They hoped they will find someone like Hailemariam Desalegn, who will passively accept everything as designed by TPLF from the background.

PM Abiy declined and said I will decide on the way how to handle my residences and working environments, dismissed the security protocols put in place by TPLF, unlike PM Hailemariam Desalegn.

The claim that war was cooked by Isays doesn't fit in the obvious picture we were told by TPLF itself, which boasted about Blitzkrieg (መብረቃዊ ጥቃት) which it owned already, why attempt to distance from it now? Was it the trigger the already publicly acclaimed preemptive strike against the national DF of the country?

The people of Ethiopia are very patient but that patient has also a limit, which is a hard-limit.

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Re: TPLF failed the people of Tigray and the Ethiopian people!

Post by Axumezana » 16 Feb 2024, 15:32

I see you are going to great length to wash the blood soaked hands of Abiy!

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